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Problem definition

In order to provide fixture for

shock 9nd vibr9tion test it h9s
to provide solutions to m9ny
ch9llenges posed in test
environment. One of the m9jor
ch9llenge is the reson9nce
issue. The n9tur9l frequency of
the fixture should be more th9n
highest oper9ting frequency of
these tests. The cl9mping then
should ensure proper mounting
of PCIe 9t the time of shock
testing withst9nding l9rge
9mount of 9cceler9tion v9lues
like 70gs. The shock
environment shouldnʼt de cl9mp
the EUT yet shouldnʼt destroy
the PCB due to more tightening
force used for cl9mping.

From most of the liter9ture

survey 9nd industri9l pr9ctices
it is noted th9t the n9tur9l
frequency should be more th9n
50% of the highest n9tur9l
frequency 9nd the weight of the
fixture should be 9s minimum
9s possible.

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