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Circle the appropriate answer. Fill in the blanks where applicable.

1. Behavior-based safety focuses intervention on observable behavior.

A. True B. False
2. BBS is a process that helps you and your coworkers choose a safe behavior over an unsafe one.
A. True B. false
3. Safety in the workplace is a combination of three measurable components:
A. Environment
B. Accidents
C. Worker
D. Behavior
4. Lack of motivation often centers around attitudinal problems.
A. True B. False
5. What is first implementation phase of Behavior-Based Safety?

A. Educate and train

B. Assess the safety culture
C. Educate and train employees
6. In the "Do It" process, Define behaviors includes work practices, training, and equipment.

A. True B. False
7. Behavior-based safety focuses on at-risk behaviors that can lead to ________________.

8. Your attitude has no effect on your behavior.

A. True B. False

9. Safety tools needed for identification of at-risk behaviour include the following except”
A. Safety manual
B. Material safety data sheet
C. Observations
D. HR policy
10. Which of the following is not an antecedent or activator?
A. Caution sign
B. Safety education/training
C. Recognition
D. Safety rules
11. Consequences as a result of behaviour include_______________________________,
_______________, _______________________________ and __________________________.


12. Four Examples of Tangible positive reinforcements include _____________________,

__________________, _______________________ and ____________________________.
13. Which of the following is not an example of negative consequence of unsafe behaviours?
A. suspension without pay
B. fine
C. injury
D. none of the above
14. SLAM is an acronym that means: __________, __________, __________ and __________.

15. The outcome of positive reinforcement is maintained or increased safe behaviours thus
establishing safety culture among workers.
A. True B. False
16. A consequence __________________

A. triggers behavior
B. is what you do
C. can either reinforce or deter a behavior
D. all of the above
17. Feedback should be delivered __________________ following an observation
A. immediately
B. in a safety meeting
C. privately
D. publicly

18. Workers are responsible for:

A. keeping an eye on fellow coworkers
B. developing a positive safety attitude
C. participating in BBS training
D. all of the above

19. Workers must not be penalized for reporting unsafe behaviours.

A. True B. False

20. For BBS to work _____________ must be involved.

A. a supervisor
B. a manager
C. an operator
D. everyone

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