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Kingdomino - Solo Variants

Variant 1: Crown of Thorns

The rules for placing tiles and scoring are the same as in the normal game.

Choose a color and take one king and the castle for that color, as well as a starting tile. Set up the
tiles as you would for two or four players, with all 48 tiles in use.

Playing the Game:

Reveal the first four tiles and order them from the lowest number (1st tile) to the highest number
(4th tile), as in the regular game. Choose the tile you want by placing your king on it, and then
reveal and order four more tiles, as in the regular game.

The rules for drafting tiles in the second round and all subsequent rounds are:

If you take the 1st tile in any round, you are free to take any tile in the next round.
If you take the 2nd tile in any round, you can only take one of tiles 1-3 in the next round.
If you take the 3rd tile in any round, you can only take one of tiles 1-2 in the next round.
If you take the 4th tile in any round, you must take the 1st tile in the next round.

Continue in this way through 12 rounds, then add up your score.

Variant 2: Dwindling Choices

The rules for placing tiles and scoring are the same as in the normal game.

This variant divides the 12 rounds of tile-drafting into three phases, with each phase containing
four rounds of tile drafting.

Choose a color and take one king and the castle for that color, as well as a starting tile. Set up the
tiles as you would for two or four players, with all 48 tiles in use.

Playing the Game:

Reveal the first four tiles and order them from the lowest number (1st tile) to the highest number
(4th tile), as in the regular game. Choose the tile you want by placing your king on it, and then
reveal and order four more tiles as in the regular game.

The rules for drafting tiles are:

In each phase of four rounds of tile drafting, you must draft each tile position exactly one time. If, in
the first round, you take the 4th tile (the highest number), you cannot take the 4th tile in any of the
subsequent three rounds. Instead, you must take the 1st, 2nd and 3rd tile (in whichever order you
like) in those three rounds. Once the first phase is over (after the fourth round), the second phase
begins and in the first round of that phase (the fifth round overall), you are free to draft whichever
tile you like. The second and third phase unfold in the same way as the first.

Tip: To keep track of which tiles you have already drafted in the current phase, and therefore which
tiles are available to you in the remaining rounds of that phase, keep the undrafted tiles for that
phase on the table in separate columns for each round. The ‘holes’ in those columns (where the
tiles you drafted were) will show you which tile position (1-4) you drafted in each round and
therefore which positions are available to you.

Continue in this way through three phases (12 rounds), then add up your score.

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