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Rechazo cinta 2

Sensors 1 and 2 should always be

adjusted to see upper and lower stone
nearly at the same time. Just change
position of sensor 2 than no timing for
the sensors must be readjusted.

If you change conveyor speeds timing of

pusher must be readjusted.
Cortes prensa = 26 /min -> Also sensor should look between the
If the wrong (upper or lower
stone) is pushed just toggle the stones when stone is at turner and
Process cycle time = 60s/min /
setting gripped
26/min = 2.307 seconds

This on timer is just used

to detect stone. Just set
it to some 100

No need to change that

setting ever!

delay timer is just used This timer must be set This timer sets how long
If speed of conveyors or
to avoid timing problems approximately to pusher valve is actuated.
position of sensors are
if sensor signal is changed delay timer process cycle time but Delay timing and on timing
unstable. Just set it to must eventually be not more! should never exceed process
some This 100 readjusted! cycle time!
For example 2.3 seconds

No need to change that

CODE pusher 2 FC78:

4 conditions which are activating pusher 2

// 1st condition : ************** push upper stone *************

AN "DB_Abraeumer_2".Station_1_bis_8 // pusher 1 + 2 reset
A #stone_at_sensor_1
A #upper_stone
AN #stone_on_conveyor_2 // because there is no lower stone on conveyor 2 also push upper stone
A M 78.6 // control timer (time of measurement)

// 2nd condition : **************** push lower stone *************

AN "DB_Abraeumer_2".Station_1_bis_8 // pusher 1 + 2 reset
A #stone_at_sensor_1
A #lower_stone
AN #stone_at_sensor_2 // because there is no upper stone at sensor 2 push lower stone
A M 78.6 // control timer (time of measurement)

// 3rd condition : ***** push lower stone, if emptychecker “lower stone” of welding machine is activated, to avoid collision*************
A #stone_at_sensor_1
A M 78.6 // control timer (time of measurement)
A M 78.7 // emptychecker “lower stone” of welding machine is activated

// 4th condition : *************** new: if station is deselected push two stones *****************
A #stone_at_sensor_1
A M 78.6 // control timer (time of measurement)
O M 79.1 // push first stone
O M 79.2 // push second stone
O M 44.0 // activate pusher

A M 3.1 // automatic mode

A #on_off_switch // on/off-switch
FP M 78.0
= #activate_pusher
= M 26.4 // activate pusher 2 (first delay timer, than on timer)

If always wrong stone (upper or lower) is pushed, than toggle setting of input field “giro pieza superior,
que pieza esta en el sensor «

that will happen if there had been a speed change and one stone more or one stone less is on conveyor 2.

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