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Section III: Short Answer Essays

Please answer two of the following in well-written, complete sentences.

o Compare and contrast two Presidents and their philosophies. With which philosophy do you agree? Explain.
o Compare and contrast the United Nations and NATO. Which organization is more effective? Explain.
o What was the Cold War? Give three examples of events that happened during the Cold War.
o For most of our recent history, the U.S. has been dealing with communism and the Cold War. What is the
difference between containment, massive retaliation and flexible response? Which is the most effective way to
deal with the rest of the world?
o Which era/time period was the most interesting for you to study and why? (Give at least three examples of
events/people/ideas that were part of the unit.)
o Does one person have the power to change the course of history? Explain.
o Choose an innovation or legislation- how did this change the course of history?


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