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Kitcharao National High School

1st Periodic Exam

English for Academic Purposes
Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _________ Score: _____________
I. Write the letter before the number. NO ERASURES ALLOWED.
1. These are words or sentences surrounding the unfamiliar word that gives hints on the meaning of the
unfamiliar word
a. Denotation b. Connotation c. Context Clues
2. The meaning of an unfamiliar word is given in the sentence if an opposite word is used to suggest the
a. synonym b. antonym c. connotation
3. it refers to implied meaning
a. Denotation b. Connotation c. Context Clues
4. Making sense of a word’s meaning by largely depending on your common sense requires you to use your
knowledge and experience.
a. General Clues b. Connotation c. Denotation
5. The meaning of an unfamiliar word is given in the sentence if a similar word is also used to make the meaning
a. synonym b. antonym c. connotation
6. The prefix "re-" means…
a. again b. not c. before
7. The word "redoing" has how many affixes?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 1
8. Which of the following best describes a fact?
a. The feelings of the main character
b. Something that can be proven.
c. Something that can't be proven
9. Which of the following best describes an opinion?
a. Making a good choice
b. A person's thoughts or feelings about something
c. Something that can be proven
10. Which of the following is an opinion?
a. Todd is wearing a blue tie.
b. Gary was unhappy that his team lost.
c. Sheila woke up at 7:30 in the morning
11. Which of the following is a fact?
a. I'm the smartest student in the fifth grade
b. I received a 98% on the reading test
c. Reading is very easy
12. Eiffel Tower is located in Rome.
a. fact b. opinion c. incorrect information
13. "The Steak Escape. Americas Favorite Cheesesteak"
a. Hasty Generalization b. Bandwagon c. Attack the Person
14. Daughter: "I'm so hurt that Todd broke up with me, Mom." Mother: "Just think of all the starving children in
Africa, honey. Your problems will seem pretty insignificant then."
a. Red Herring b. Bandwagon c. Attack the Person
15. An environmental group illegally blocked loggers and workers at a nuclear plant. Therefore,
environmentalists are radicals who take the law into their own hands
a. Hasty Generalization b. Bandwagon c. Attack the Person
16. You are either with God or against him.
a. attack the person b. bandwagon c. either or reasoning
17. My opponent has no honorary degree received form his college days. Therefore, his arguments are not
a. attack the person b. bapndwagon c. either or reasoning
18. A thesis statement should not directly announce your topic by using phrases such as, “This essay will talk
about …” or “I am going to tell you …”
Which of the following makes the best thesis statement?
a. Even though marriage is a strong and respected institution in Russia, more and more people are choosing to
live together before marriage, despite the cultural pressures.
b. I am going to explain why many couples in Russia are choosing to live together rather than get married.
c. Marriage in Russia.
19. A thesis statement is a complete sentence or sentences. A thesis statement is not a question.
Which of these is a thesis statement?
a. Knowing a foreign language.
b. Why should people know a foreign language?
c. Knowing a foreign language is a very useful skill that can help one advance in a career, relate better to others,
and open one’s mind to the ideas of another culture.
20. A thesis statement states an attitude or opinion on a topic. It doesn't just state the topic, itself. A thesis should
not be a fact.
Which of these is a thesis statement?
a. Michaelangelo’s artwork is powerful because of its strong spiritual undertones.
b. Michaelangelo’s artwork is famous and is admired by many.
c. Michaelangelo was a great artist in Rome during the 1500’s.
21. A thesis statement can be made more specific by listing subtopics. These help give your reader a clear idea of
what will follow in your essay.
Which of these makes the best thesis statement?
a. The reasons why I came to the United States to study.
b. The reasons why I came to the United States to study were to educate myself and then to return to Tunisia to
apply my education.
c. There were many reasons why I came to the United States to study.
22. Which of these makes the best thesis statement?
a. I’ve lived in a small town my entire life and have enjoyed it.
b. Living in a small town has many advantages in comparison to living in a big city.
c. In contrast to living in a big city, I enjoy living in a smaller town because I have closer relationships with my
neighbors and the pace of life is much healthier.
23. This is highlighting or underlining the key words or ideas in the text or writing short explanations or comments
along the margins on the page.
a. Analyzing b. annotating c. summarizing
24. This is presenting the important main details in a particular text.
a. Analyzing b. outlining c. annotating
25. This is giving the gist of a text.
a. summarizing b. analyzing c. annotating
A. Identify the purpose of the author in the following text then write the intended audience of each text.
a. Express b. Persuade c. inform

____26. A newspaper.
____27. The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe.
____29. My first 1, 2, 3’s
____30. Hugot Line Books
B. Identify the approach. Write the letter of your choice
a. Formalism b. Feminism c. Marxist d. Reader-Response
____ 31. They focus on how femininity is represented as being passive and emotional – the “caregiver,” and the
male is associated with reason and action – the “doer.”
____32. Focus on matters such as culture, class, race and power
____33. is concerned with the reviewer’s reaction as an audience of a work.
____34. This approach claims that the reader’s role cannot be separated from the understanding of the work; a
text does not have meaning until the reader reads it and interprets it.
____35. The current struggle in modern history, is the struggle between the rich (owner) called the “bourgeoisies”
and the poor (worker) called the “proletariat”
III. Underline the THESIS STATEMENT ONCE and TWICE the Supporting details. (36-40)
Erosion of America's farmland by wind and water has been a problem since settlers first put the prairies and
grasslands under the plow in the nineteenth century. By the 1930s, more than 282 million acres of farmland were
damaged by erosion. After 40 years of conservation efforts, soil erosion has accelerated due to new demands
placed on the land by heavy crop production. In the years ahead, soil erosion and the pollution problems it causes
are likely to replace petroleum scarcity as the nation's most critical natural resource problem.
IV. Explain it briefly and concisely. 3-5 sentences only.
41-43. what is a review paper?
44-47. If I were invisible for a day…
48-50. Using only maximum of 3 sentences, convince me to give you 3 points.

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