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MR. BUGLIOSI SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT NO. 104 HON. CHARLES H. OLDER, JUDGE THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Plaintiff, vse No. A255156 CHARLES MANSON, SUSAN ATKINS, LESLIE VAN HOUTEN, PATRICIA KRENWINKEL, Defendants. copy 1 -@ REPORTERS’ DAILY TRANSCRIPT Thursday, August 6, 1970 P.M. SESSION APPEARANCES: For the People: AARON H, STOVITZ and VINCENT T. BUGLIOSI, DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEYS - For Deft. Manson: I, A. KANAREK, Esq. - For Deft. Atkins: DAYE SHINN, Esq. For Deft. Van Houten: ae. For Deft. Krenwinkel: PAUL FITZGERALD, Esq. For Linda Kasabian: GARY FLEISCHMAN, Esq. RONALD L. GOLDMAN, Esq. ® VOLUME 44 JOSEPH B. HOLLOMBE, CSR., MURRAY MEBLMAN, CSR. , PAGES 6468 to 6562 Official Reporters ARCHIVES % % go LEREX RROPLE '6 WITNESSES: CROSS. KASABIAN, Linda 6473 (K) ERBIBITE ELAINTIEE 8: YOR IDENTIFICATION 87 ~ Photograph cs DEFENDANTS 's B = Map of Tow Angeles 6483 ARCHIVES * 8 6468 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1970 2:00 Pam. noone (the following Proceedings were bad in the chambers of the court out of the bearing of the jury, all counsel being presents) i THE COURT: I askad all of counmel to com ins I just wanted to mention to you that I receive fixom time to tima lettexs from various people all-over the country, as you might imagine, in connection with this ‘trials Some of them are intelligent eriticims, and they range all the way from there to gibberish at the other end of the spectrum. i bave one letter here which I don't know how te categorize it, but it's froma Marian, M-a-r-i-e-n, &. Buckley, 76 Hoyt strest, Brooklyn, New York. the only reason I mention it is bacause some of the things that she says in bere seow like they may pertain to this casa, although it would appear highly questionable, In any event the point I am making is, whenever X receive anything that would appear to me to relate in any way to any of the facts of this case T will let counsel know regardless of how unintelligible it may seem, so if You Wigh tq follow it up in any way you are free to do ac. This 1m ona of those lettexa. I have no idea What 1t means or whether this woman is sane ox insana, but ARCHIVES 10 ™ 6469 abe says some things that at least are eyebrow raising, if nothing alss, and so I make the latter available to counsel fox whatever purpose it might serve, T would remind you, however, that the publicity order will extend to this as being conceivably something that might somehow relate to the trial, and it certainly should not be made available to tha press. ARCHIVES 10-1 a % 2% 6470 So, it will be available. You can read it now, if you like. (The letter is handed to Mr. Fitzgerald.) MR, BUGLIOSI; Maybe to save time, if you want to read it now, you can read it out loud, Paul. THE COURT: Fine. ‘MR. BUGLIOSI: In that way we can accomplish at one fell swoop -~ MR. FITZGERALD: The return address is as was indicated by the Court. It is addressed to the Supreme Courthouse, Los Angeles, Califomia. "Dear Judge, I am writing to you in the hopes that I can be of some help in the Sharon Tate murder case. "You see, I believe the same as. President Nixon that this man might lose his life just for the sake of newspaperreporters want for a story, "I played Sharon Tate with a blonde wig on and also Patti Duke and Barbara Parkins in 'Valley of the Dolls.’ "T was supposed to have had a wedding in England with Romar Polenski because he was director of the picture. After the picture I was told I was going to be murdered ARCHIVES 8 Ry R RRB 6471 "in 1969 and they had an ambulance come to the Garden City Hotel where the picture was made and lay on a stretcher and covered up to be shown being wheeled out of the houge as one of the murder victims. "I was never pregnant and am still alive. So I thought I should stick" -- it looks Like stick, but it could be "stiff" -- "in and tell you what I know about the case. “L was given this name Tate after Mr. Fred Tate, the acting director of the U. S. Mint. Those newspaper reporters would do anything for a story. "Sincerely yours, Merian F. Buckley." ‘THE COURT: There it fs, gentlemen. If you can make anything out of it, you are welcome to use it. That is all I have. ‘MR. FITZGERALD: I might put an addendum to your Honor's remarks, Your Honor, I take it, has also received telegrams, as we have? ‘THE COURT: Yes. ‘MR, FITZGERALD: And the reason I mentioned it, in two of the telegrams I have received there had been indicated in the bodies of the telegrams’ that copies have been sent to you. ARCHIVES

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