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Carson Schorr

Airplanes were helpful during the war. world-war-one/the-western-front-in-
Airplanes would carry bombs, these world-war-one/poison-gas-and-world-
bombs would be dropped on the ene-
my. Airplanes were used by both sides.
It revolutionized warfare by being able airwar/bombers_zeppelins.htm
to attack the enemy from another an-
gle. submarines/
Poison Gas Zeppelin Convoys

The Zeppelin was developed by the Ger-

Convoys were used on both sides. They
mans. They wanted to attack from the air.
are a groups of ships traveling in a pack. It
The Zeppelin did not work well, it moved
helped them stay together and stay orga-
to slow and was to easy to shoot down.
nized. It revolutionized warfare by
strength in numbers, the more there is the
more effective they are going to be.
Poison gas played a big part in WWI Ware- U-Boats
fare. Poison gas was one of the most effec-
tive weapons used. Soldiers would through Automatic Machine Gun
canisters filled with poison gas at their oppo-
nents. Poison gas is very poisonous if
breathed in. Poison gas revolutionized war-
fare by giving advantage to one side of the
war. Germans developed and used the poi-
son gas.

U-boats were also manly used by

the Germans. A U-boat is a boat Machine guns were very deadly in the
that can submerge under water. It war. They are fully automatic weapons
helped revolutionize warfare by they could do a lot of damage. They
giving the Germans many Naval were used by both sides. It revolution-
victories. ized warfare by being able to take out
large amount of enemy forces.

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