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RAC 204 (Lecture 5)

Energy Losses
Our intension here is generalized the one-dimensional Bernoulli equation for
viscous flow. When the viscosity of the fluid is taken into account total energy
𝐏 𝐕𝟐
head is no longer (H) = + +Z constant along the pipe. In direction of
𝛄 𝟐𝐠
flow, due to friction cause by viscosity of the fluid we have
𝐏𝟏 𝐕𝟏𝟐 𝐏𝟐 𝐕𝟐𝟐
+ +Z1 > + +Z2.
𝛄 𝟐𝐠 𝛄 𝟐𝐠
So to restore the equality we must add some scalar quantity to the right side of
this inequality

P1 V21 P2 V22
+ +Z1 = + +Z2 + hL
γ 2g γ 2g

Ideal T.E.L
Real T.E.L 2g
. P1

2 Z1

T.E.L for Real Fluid

Example 1:
Water flows at a rate of 20 L/s through a horizontal pipe whose diameter is
constant at 3 cm. the pressure drop across a valve in pipe is measured to be 2 KPa,
as shown in figure. Determine the head loss due to valve?

Example 2:
A 3-m high large tank is initially filled with water. The tank water surface is
open to the atmospheric, and the 5-cm radius orifice at the bottom drains to the
atmosphere through a horizontal 80-m long pipe. If the total head loss of the
system is determined to be 1.5-m, determine the initial velocity of the water
from the tank.
Example 3:
For the 50 mm diameter siphon drawing oil (S.g = 0.82) from the oil reservoir
as shown in Fig., the head loss from point 1 to point 2 is 1.50 m and from point
2 to point 3 is 2.40 m. Find the discharge of oil from the siphon and the oil
pressure at point 2.
(Ans.: P2= - 37KPa)
Flow in Pipes
Types of Fluids:
1- Ideal fluids : hL = 0 , μ = 0, No friction losses
2- Real fluids : hL ≠ 0 , μ ≠ 0, Has friction losses
There are two flow regime for Real fluids :
a- Laminar flow: This is also known as streamline or viscous flow, the fluid
appears to move by sliding of laminations of infinitesimal thickness relative to
adjacent layers

b- Turbulent flow: It is characterized by a fluid flowing in random way. The

movement of particles fluctuates up and down in a direction perpendicular as well
as parallel to the mean flow direction.
This mixing action generates turbulence due to the colliding fluid particles. This
causes a considerable more resistance to flow and thus greater energy losses than
those produced by laminar flow. The Reynolds number at which the flow
becomes turbulent is called the critical Reynolds number

Laminar and Turbulent Stream line.

Type of boundary layer of pipe :

a- Smooth surface
b- Rough surface
Reynolds Number (Re):
Reynold number Is a dimensionless quantity that is used to help predict similar
flow patterns in different fluid flow situations.
Re =
v: velocity of flow
D: diameter of pipe
υ : Kinematic viscosity and equal to

If the Reynold Number less than 2000, the flow is laminar, If (Re) is greater
than 4000, the flow is turbulent and if the (Re) is between 2000 and 4000 the
flow called Transition flow.

Laminar Flow 0 < Re ≤ 2000

Transition Flow 2000 < Re ≤ 4000
Turbulent Flow Re > 4000

Example 3
The kinematic viscosity of a hydraulic fluid is 0.0001 m2/s. If it is flowing in a
30-mm diameter pipe at a velocity of 6 m/s, what is the Reynolds number? Is the
flow laminar or turbulent?
Determining Head loss in pipes
The head loss in pipe consist of two component:
1- Friction Head (hf)
2- Minor losses (hm)
hL = hf + hm
Friction Head in Pipes (hf)
A- Darcy–Weisbach Equation for laminar & turbulent flow

hf =
hf: Head loss due to friction (m)
f : is the Darcy friction factor
L: is the length of pipe (m)
D: is the inside diameter of the pipe (m)
v: is the average velocity (m/s) =
g: is the acceleration of gravity (m/s2) = 9.81

Friction factor (f) Calculation :

1- For laminar flow in all pipe (Smooth and rough), for all Fluids
2- for turbulent flow smooth pipe
a- f = for 3000 < Re ≤ 100000
b- = 2 log (Re.√f) – 0.8 for 100000 < Re < 30000000

3- for turbulent flow rough pipes

1 D
= 2 log. ∈ + 1.14
∈: (epsilon) height of surface roughness
D: diameter of pipe

: relative roughness of pipes
4- for all types of pipes and and flows
1 ∈ 2.51
= -2 log [ + ]
√f D Re√f

5- Moody diagram for all pipes

B- William Hazen Equation: (empirical equation)
hf = 1.14 ∗ 109 ∗ ( C )1.85 ∗
where :
hf : friction losses (m)
Q : discharge (m3/hr)
D : diameter of pipe (mm)
L : length of pipe (m).
C : coefficient depends on the pipe material
Pipe material Value of C
Plastic 150
Steel 130
Concrete 100

Minor Losses in pipes (hm)

hm = K 2g
K : coefficient of minor losses
1- Pipe Fitting
45o elbow K = 0.42

90o elbow K = 0.9

Gate valve : Fully open, K = 0.2
Half open, K = 0.6

2- Tank Loss
hm = 0.5

Entrance exit
losses losses
3- exit losses
hm = 0.1
4- Sudden expansion
(v1 − v2 )2
hm =

5- Sudden Contraction
v2 2
hm = 0.5
Example 4:
Water flow in a 4 cm diameter Iron pipe determine the friction factor using
a) Moody Diagram
b) equation if the average velocity is 25 m/s , υ 10-6 m2/s and € = 0.26 mm
Example 5
What size of steel pipe (f = 0.0175) is required to carry water of (3 ft3/s) and
with head loss of (4 ft.) per (1000 ft.) of pipe ?

Example 6
Which value you will choose (5cm or 7.5cm) for the minimum diameter of pipe
required a laminar flow of water 0.35 m3/hr if υ = 1 ∗ 10-6 m2/s ? check your
answer .
Example 7:
Determine the quantity of flow of oil S.g = 0.918 through the pipe shown in
figure (D= 6”) which υ = 4.12∗10-4 ft2/s ?

PB = 48.6 psi

PB = 50.5”

PA = 123 psi
Example 8:
When sudden contraction is introduced in horizontal pipeline from 50 cm to 25
cm the pressure change from 103 KPa to 67.7 KPa, Calculate the rate of flow?
(Neglect friction losses)

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