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Why I Believe What I Believe

Jonah Seeley
I became a Christian at a young age. For a long time, I believed in Christ just because I

was born into a family of believers. However, as I matured I realized that I couldn’t solely base

what I believed on faith. Yes, faith has a large part to do with it, but there are historically,

archeological and even scientific evidence as to why I believe in the Christian faith. First, I want

to give credibility that God is the creator of the universe as a source of truth. This is a

foundational piece to the Christian puzzle and I want to prove its legitimacy.

There is scientific evidence that suggest there is in fact a grand architect for the

world that we live in. Historically, almost every single culture and nation has a worldwide flood

event in their history or religion. All agree that in the early years of our earth there was a

worldwide flood that changed everything. I believe in this intelligent design, or creation, because

what it would take to make something as complex as our universe.

For example, first we would need the right atmosphere to sustain life. Next would be

the principles state for life. This would include the correct amount of proteins and a genetic

code for reproduction. This organic soup that scientist agree formed life would need the water

in it to protect acids needed for growth. However, water does not have the energy to activate

chemical reactions for growth. The chances if this did happen, are 1 in 10 to the 67th power.

This would only lead to 4 amino acids being created, when 20 is needed for the basis for

life, and there are over 100 amino acids in existence. Not to mention there are left and right

handed amino acids, and only the left are needed. The odds of this happening are 1 in 10 the

113th power. You still have membranes which are made of protein, sugars, and fats. Next is the

genetic code which requires histones. 5 are needed for the creation of DNA and the odds of this
occurring are 1 in 20 to the 100th power. DNA also requires nucleotides as well. Proteins depend

on DNA for their formation, also DNA cannot even form without pre-existing proteins. Making

the formation of DNA very difficult without an intentional creator. The odds only increase as

you continue to add upon the elements needed to create life.

Thomas Nagel, a University Professor of Philosophy and Law Emeritus at New York

University is quoted saying this, “I want atheism to be true and am made uneasy by the fact that

some of the most intelligent and well-informed people I know are religious believers. It isn’t just

that I don’t believe in God and naturally, hope that I’m right in my belief. It’s that I hope there is

no God! I don’t want there to be a God; I don’t want a universe like that.” Even the most

accredited and well-educated minds of our time agree that the Big Bang is a far-fetched idea, and

the existence of intelligent design is the most logical one. Next, I want to move on to proving

that the bible is a credible source of truth.

According to the institute for creation research, the New Testament alone has

some 25,000 manuscripts that are Greek Translations. In contrast Aristotle’s poetics only have

about 5 manuscripts that we know of. Writings given to us by early church leaders and Fathers

who quoted the scripture could be used to reconstruct the entire New Testament. There remains

only 1 percent of all New Testament words about which questions still exist and no questionable

passage contradicts any scripture. If by this information alone we have proven that the New

Testament is a credible source than we can also prove that the Old Testament is as well. The

New Testament accepts the Old Testament as authentic and credible, confirming the traditional

authors, quoting from at least 300 different passages, and confirming the supernatural events

cited in the Old Testament.

Not only do we have manuscripts that give evidence to the Bibles credibility but we
have other historical evidence as well. For example, the Pilate Stone which was discovered in

1961, was proven to be authentic, and is contemporary to his lifetime. This piece of archelogy

gave credibility that the man Pontius Pilot, the man who sentence Jesus, actually existed.

Another archeological discovery that gives the bible credibility, were the Egyptian chariots that

were found at the bottom of the red sea. These chariots were ones used in the 18th dynasty,

around the time Moses would have existed. The Herod Archelaus Coin, which proves King

Herod’s existence who is found in Matthew 2:22. Other coins found relating to King Herod are

the Herod Antipas Coin and the Agrippa Coin. There are even more archeological evidences for

the Bible’s credibility.

If the Bible can now be credited as a truthful source, I can make the argument that it is

likely the universe was created by intelligent design, and now I can tackle the existence of God.

Now I will start off by saying yes, it does take some faith on my part to believe in the existence

of God, but in my experience and study, I would claim it is not a blind faith. If like I said before

the bible is credible and therefore true, and there is a creator God, then there has to be an

uncaused cause. The reasons for there to be an uncaused cause are as follows: The creation

reflects personality, the creation reflects intelligence, the creation reflects morality, the creation

reflects meaning, and the creation reflects order, all of which reflects God. These all point to the

God we read about in the Bible. Everything good we see on earth is a reflection of Him, even

though it is a distorted one we see because we are unholy.

Second, I know the statement “God is only for the week minded” gets thrown around a

lot among skeptics. I would propose the opposite, that believing in God affects the way we view
the world and how we approach life. Morally, it takes a great deal more strength to maintain a

biblical perspective. If God did not exist and purpose a standard for living there would be

nothing to live to and I could do anything I want, because morality does not exist without God. If

so where did morality come from? From an existential standpoint, to give my life in service to

God as opposed to myself takes more commitment. God calls us to serve others rather than

ourselves, in this I am leading a more purposeful life in loving God and people than myself.

Not only do I have these ample reasons and just causes to believe that God exists, but

also personal experiences as well. Not only do I have them, but I’m sure you’ve heard others

share as well. I’m sure even yourself can recount moments in your life where you felt God’s

presence or something you equate to the presence of God. If you would like I would love to

share these experiences in person rather than through letter. However, I do believe that personal

experience is just as important as substantial evidence, because if you don’t have one without the

other than what is the point?

Now I want to address the most important aspect of why I believe what I believe, Jesus

Christ. If Jesus Christ is not who He says he is then there is really no point in believing what I

do. He is the central theme to every part of the Christian faith, without Him it all falls apart. Most

credited historians agree that Jesus did in fact exist. “The man who was crucified in Palestine

because he introduced this new cult into the world…their first lawgiver persuaded them that they

were all brothers one of another after they have transgressed once for all by denying the Greek

gods and by worshipping that crucified sophist himself and living under his laws…” Suetonius

(Greek Historian, A.D. 120).

There are many historical accounts just like Suetonius and many agree to the existence of

Christ. There is really no denying in the actual existence of Jesus, however there is much debate

when it comes to His divinity. So how could someone actually prove this? Jesus was able to

fulfill over 300 prophecies. The odds of Him even fulfilling 8, are 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000.

As you could imagine this number gets even greater as the number of prophecies increase, yet

Jesus fulfilled over 300.

There are other arguments that can be made against Christ’s divinity, such as the claim he

did not die on the cross then rise from the dead like He claimed. It is very unlikely that Christ did

not die on the cross. Before actually be nailed to the cross, Christ was subjected to over 30 lashes

from the cat of nine tails. This device was used to rip flesh from bone, and anymore than 40

lashes would most likely cause death. After this event, Jesus would have been unrecognizable, as

his very insides would be exposed. Next Jesus went to be hanged on a cross. This process caused

its victims to suffocate slowly. After Jesus actually died on the cross it says in John 19:34,

“Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and

water.” This confirmed Jesus was in fact deceased.

After his death, he was laid in a tomb and then three days later rose to life. There are in

fact eyewitness accounts to his resurrection, such as in Matthew 27:62-66 and Matthew 28:11-

15. Including reports of His resurrection in Matthew 28:1-10; 16-20, Mark 16:1-18, Luke 24:1-

49, John 20:1-21:25, and 1 Corinthians 15:5-8.

All of this explains why the tomb was found empty, why the disciples saw Jesus after his

crucifixion and why the Christianity is now a reality. It explains why Jesus was not in the tomb

and why people repeatedly saw Jesus alive despite his public crucifixion. There-fore the
resurrection serves as divine confirmation of those radical claims, that Jesus is in fact the Son of

God. Ravi Zacharias said this “When we examine the resurrection, we have to remember that the

event didn’t happen in isolation. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus were revealed in the

Bible long before He came to earth.”

Lastly there is the trinity. Without this the entire Christian faith would also fall apart.

There is actually no mention of the word “trinity” in the bible, however it’s existence is very

much real, since there are biblical accounts of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit operating together

as one unit. Since we as Christians believe in the trinity, there are certain elements that come

together to support this belief, such as: early church history supports, statements concerning the

Deity of Christ (which I have already gone over), claims that God exists as Father, Son and Holy

Spirit, divine attributes and works that apply to all three and statements about God being ‘One’

as well as statements of the plurality of God.

Polycarp is an example of an early church leader that mentions the trinity. In his writings

he states “O Lord God almighty...I bless you and glorify you through the eternal and heavenly

high priest Jesus Christ, your beloved Son, through whom be glory to you, with Him and the

Holy Spirit, both now and forever" (n. 14, ed. Funk; PG 5.1040). Other early church writers who

wrote about the trinity were Ignatius of Antioch and Tertullian. All of this evidence has

contributed to my belief in the trinity’s authenticity and existence.

Not only have these truths affirmed my beliefs but my testimony has as well. I was born

to a single mother who had strong beliefs in the Christian faith. For the majority of my life I was

raised by her and my grandmother, who also had a strong faith. My father was in and out of my

life, because of the verbal abuse he inflicted on me and my sister. Despite this though my mother
and grandmother instilled those same Christian beliefs in me at an early age, and since the age of

5 I have been a Christian. When I reached elementary school age I was then placed in a Christian

school and attended until high school. During this time my faith was very much so built upon my

mothers. I believed in God, only because I knew nothing else. I lived this way until I reached the

age of 14. At this time a select few people from my class attended a leadership camp for a

weekend getaway.

One of the nights we were there we had a night of musical worship, and for the first time

in my life I felt God’s presence and caught a glimpse of his grace and mercy. In that moment I

felt the call to be a worship leader so that I could lead people to experience God the same way

that I do. God then opened doors for me to lead and grow as a worship leader since that day.

However, when I got into high school, like all kids do, I experienced heartache.

When I went into high school I began a relationship with a girl, and I began to place all

my hope and security in her. After a few years of dating in secret and off and on, she broke up

with me and began to pursue someone else. Because I had made her my god, when she failed me

I was crushed. This caused me to go into a depression and have suicidal thoughts for the rest of

my high school career. I let it affect me so deeply that it affected almost everything around me.

Despite my foolish choice to elevate this relationship above all else, God was still faithful

to pursue me, even when I did not pursue Him. He brought people in my life who encouraged me

during this time. God also continued to open doors that lead to my calling of becoming a worship

leader, even though I didn’t place God first in my life.

I look back at my life and my walk and see grace. I see a small boy who looked to God as

his earthly father, then looked to relationships to fill a void that only God can fill. Even though I

have been a follower of Christ, and never really left the faith, my eyes constantly looked to other

things for fulfillment. However, God has been faithful to purse me despite my constant rejection

of his love and mercy.

Reference Page

• Thomas Nagel, a University Professor of Philosophy and Law Emeritus at New York



• Institute for Creation Research

• Pilate Stone

• The Herod Archelaus Coin

• Suetonius (Greek Historian, A.D. 120).

• Bible

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