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Star Players – Level 1

Verb to be: What’s this? It’s a …/Is it a…? Yes it is/No it isn’t / What colour is (your)…? (My)…is…

Possessive adjectives : This is (my)(mother). What’s (her) name? (Her) name’s…
Imperatives: Close the door, come here, listen, look, sit down, stand up, stop, turn around

Verb to be: Is it (brown)? Yes it is/No it isn’t. What colour is it? It’s (orange).
Possessive adjectives: What colour is your/his/her (dog)? My/his/her dog is (grey).
Conjunction and: It’s (big) and (black).
Prepositions of Place: Where’s the hamster? It’s in/on/under/behind the…
Imperatives: Run! Jump! Catch!

Articles: It’s an (umbrella). It’s a (butterfly).
Plural nouns: They are (ladybirds).
Verb to be: They are (snails). It is a (butterfly). It is an (ant).
There is/are: There is a (spider). There are (eleven)(bees). How many (flowers) are there? Are there any
(dolphins)? Yes there are/No there aren’t.
Demonstrative pronouns: This is a…/That is a… What’s this? What’s that?
Possessive adjectives: Our (spider) is (big). Their (snake) is (brown).

Present simple: I like…/I don’t like…/Do you like..? Yes I do/No I don’t. What have you got..? I have got...
I eat…
There is/are: There is (one)(tomato). There are (two)(pizzas). Are there any (biscuits)? How many
(sandwiches) are there?

Verb to be: How old is (he)? (He)’s (seven). (We’re) twins.
Present continuous: I’m (riding)(my bicycle). What are you doing? What’s he/she/it doing?
Present simple: like vs. likes, want vs. wants, have got vs. has got
Verb to have: I have got a …/John has got…
Present continuous: I’m wearing…/What’s he wearing? He’s wearing...
Verb can: I can (ride). I can’t (swim). Can you (dance)? Yes I can/No I can’t. What can it do?

Demonstrative pronouns: This is my… These are my… That’s my… Those are my…
Present simple: Where do you live? I live in a house/flat.
Prepositions: The (TV) is next to the (armchair).
Present continuous: What’s she doing? /They’re swimming in the sea./We’re wearing (boots).
There is/are: There aren’t any (cars).

Star Players – Level 2

Verb to be: What’s your name? I’m (Jack). How old are you? What colour are (the walls)?
There is/are: There is a (clock). There isn’t a (mirror). There are (two bedrooms). Are there any
Present Simple: I like (strawberries), but I don’t like (chicken sandwiches).
Present Continuous: What’s (he) doing? (He)’s dancing. (He)’s wearing (a red jumper).
Prepositions: behind, in, next to, on, under

Verb to be: What time is it? It’s (two) o’ clock.
Present Simple: What time do you (eat lunch)? What do you eat for (dinner)? He gets up at (nine) ‘o
clock. We have (maths) on (Mondays). They (do sums). Do you (watch TV)?
Can: Can I (have a pencil)?
There is/are: How many (meatballs) are there?

Present Simple: It lives (in the jungle). It eats (meat). What does it eat? Where does it live? It hasn’t got
(wings). Does it (live) (in the jungle)?
Verb to be: Is it (between the rock and the crab)?
Can: It can (jump). It can’t (sing). Can it (fly)?
Prepositions: at, behind, between, during, in, on, next to, under
Demonstratives: This is the (cinema). That is the (hospital).
Present Simple: Where do you work? (She) doesn’t (work). I work (in a café). She works (in a post office).
Possessive: (Kim)’s house is next to (Lizzy)’s house.
Imperatives: Don’t (throw paper on the floor).
Present Continuous: They are (having a party).
Prepositions: across the street from, between

Verb to be: What’s the weather like? It’s (windy). When’s your birthday? It’s in (February).
Present Simple: When do they (go to the park)? They (go to the park) in (March). The squirrel collects
Present Continuous: Is (he) flying a kite? Are they (swimming)? What’s (she) wearing?
Adverbs of Frequency: always, never, sometimes
Possessive Pronouns: It’s mine. It’s his. It’s hers. It’s yours.
Possessive: Whose (umbrella) is this? It’s (Rachel)’s (umbrella).

Verb to be: Where is my (helmet)? It’s in the (bathroom). My favourite day is (Monday). It’s half past ten.
How much…?: How much is the (helmet)? How much are the (roller skates)? They are (75) pounds.
Adverbs of Frequency
Present Simple: What time do you (get up)? I (get up) at (half past seven). Does he (play tennis)?
Let’s + Infinitive: Let’s (go to the park) on Saturday.
Present Continuous: What is (he) doing? (He) is (reading). (They) are (roller-skating).

Present Simple: Have you got (big teeth)? Yes I have/No I haven’t. Has it got (a big mouth)? Yes it
has/No it hasn’t. I have got (long hair). She has got (ten toes).
Questions with How: How tall are you? How long are your (arms)? They’re (one metre) long.
Comparatives: I’m (taller) than my (brother). The (brown shoes) are (bigger) than the (black shoes).

Verb to be: I’m from (India). He’s/She’s from (China).
Present Simple: What do you wear? When do they celebrate (Diwali)? Who do they visit? We don’t
celebrate (Harvest Festival) in (Brazil). They celebrate (Harvest Festival) in (India).
Adverbs of Frequency
Comparatives: A city is bigger than a town.
Demonstratives and Possessive Pronouns: This/That (kite) is mine. Those/These (boots) are
Imperatives: Close your eyes. Don’t make any noise.

Star Players – Level 3

Prepositions of Place: between, in the middle of, next to, on, on the left/right, opposite
Present Simple: What do you have on (Mondays)? We have (math).
Prepositions of Time: on (Monday), at (9 o’ clock)
Adverbs of Frequency: always, never, often, sometimes, usually
Imperatives: turn around/don’t (run)
Present Continuous: (She) is counting/Is she (selling popcorn)? What are they doing?

Present Simple: It sleeps (during the day). What does she do (in spring)? She (hunts).
Present Continuous: It’s (sleeping). What is he (eating)?
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives: It’s bigger than (a penguin). It’s the (longest reptile).
Can/Can’t: She can’t (swim). You can (see me).
Imperative: Open the door. Don’t (touch that spider).
Prepositions: behind (a tree)

Verb + Noun/Gerund: I love (playing soccer). Do you like (karate)?
Want + Noun/Infinitive: I want (a tracksuit). I want (to play baseball).
Present Simple: How often to you (do exercise)?
Expressions of Frequency: once (a week)
Order of Adjectives: She has (short hair).
Telling the Time: It starts at (eight fifteen).
Possessive s/Whose: It’s (Zana’s jacket). Whose (house) is this?

Some / Any: There is some (salad). There isn’t any (cheese). There are some (eggs). There aren’t any
Quantity Expressions: How much (pizza) is there? There’s a little/a lot/none. How many (eggs) are
Should: You should (eat fruit). You shouldn’t (watch TV).
Going to
Superlative Adjectives: The airplane is the fastest.
Questions: How + Adverb: How (fast) does it travel?
Past Simple of to be: The first flight was in German y. Where were they on day 3?
Past Simple: We arrived in the village. What did he (make)?
Prepositions: In/on + Dates: On September 19. In 1999.
Prepositions of Movement: over (the bridge).
Present Continuous: I’m wearing (a black skirt).

Past Simple: (Her dad used a tractor). I didn’t (have a straw bed). Did he (use a plow)? What did he do?
There weren’t any (cows). There wasn’t (a sheriff). There were (cowboys). There was (a river). Was there
(a café)? Yes there was/No there wasn’t.
Present/Past Simple: What did he (eat)? He (ate buffalo). What does he (eat)? He eats (vegetables).

Going to: I’m going to (camp). She isn’t going to (cook). Is he going to (get up late)?
Possessive Pronouns
Sequencers: First, then, next, after that, finally
Imperatives: Take the tent out of the bag).
Want + Infinitive: I want to travel with horses).
Love/like + Noun: I love (the ocean). Do you like (camping)?
Past Simple: We (visited Alaska). Joel (sat on his bed).
Everybody / Nobody

Present Simple: How long do (the games last)? They last for (three weeks).
Adverbs of Frequency
Past Simple: The Olympic Games (started in Greece). Women didn’t (take part). Did women watch
Superlative and Comparative Adjectives
Going to
Present Continuous
Sequencers: first, then, next, finally
Can / Could: You couldn’t (go to the movies). You can (buy designer clothes).
Star Players - Level 4

Present Simple
Past Simple
Wh Questions: What (sport) does Tony (play)? When does he (play tennis)? Where does he (go to
school)? Who did you (go) with?
Subject Questions: Who sits to the (left) of (Kim)?
Conjunctions: and/but

There was/There were
Prepositions of Time: at + hour: at (9 o’ clock). in + year/month: in (2006), in (May). on + date: on (2nd
Past Simple with ago: It happened (10 years) ago.
Past Continuous: I was (walking). I wasn’t (swimming).
Past Continuous with when + Past Simple: When (the hurricane hit), I was (reading).

Comparative Adjectives: (My city) is (hotter) than (London). (She) is (more organised) than (Tim).
Superlative Adjectives: (He) is the (tallest person) in (my family). (My mother) is the (most intelligent).
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
There is/are with Quantifiers: There is a lot/some/a little. There are a lot/some/a few. There are fewer
(cars) in (Darwin). There is less (rain). There are more (cars) in (Bombay). There is more (traffic).

Future with will: He’ll (travel to Venus). I won’t (live in a space city). Will he (write a book)? (What) will
she (see)?
Need to + verb: He needs to (take a space suit). He doesn’t need to (take a mobile phone).
How far/how long
Comparatives and Superlatives with far/near

Reflexive Pronouns: (I) hurt (myself). (He) cut (himself).
Zero Conditional: What happens when you (run)? When you (run), (your pulse goes faster).
First Conditional: What happens if you (eat too many sweets)? If you (eat too many sweets) you will (get
Present Simple vs. Present Continuous: What does Charlie usually do on (Saturday) at (4.30 a.m.)? He
usually (does 100 push-ups). What’s he doing now? He’s (watching TV).
Relative Pronouns: that, who, where) (The invention that (won). The girl who (invented the Tipper Toe).
The place where (I thought of the idea).
Indefinite Pronouns: Everybody (watches TV). Somebody (goes jogging). Nobody (paints pictures). Does
anybody (play chess)?

First Conditional: What will happen in the future if (we don’t take care of our forests)?
Modal Verb Must/Mustn’t: We must (recycle cans). We mustn’t (throw cans in the rubbish).
Modal Very Might: Humans might (travel back in time).

Adverbs: Play (quietly).
Reported Speech
Present of to be to past of to be: She said (the music was scary). Who said (their music was energetic)?
Present Continuous to Past Continuous: He said (they were working hard).
Present Simple to Past Simple: He said he practised every day).
Can to could: You said (I could watch TV).

Star Players – Level 5

Frequency adverbs: What do you (usually) do? We (often) take trips into the wilderness
Present Continuous: We’re (walking on snowshoes). He’s (cooking a fish).
Intensifier: There is too much (food). There are too many (mirrors).
Past Simple: What did she (do)? She (sailed around the world). How long did it (take)?

Possibility: The rings can (strangle them).
Present Continuous (Future Plans): We’re (having a poster competition).
Comparatives: They’re not as (good) as dogs. The marmoset monkey is the (best father).
First Conditional: If (a door is closed, Goldie opens it for me).
Time Markers: When (I get home from school, I eat). Before (I go on holiday, I pack).
Past Simple: He (worked for Thomas Edison). He didn’t (make money).
Past Continuous: What were you (doing at 6 o’ clock)? I was (doing my homework).
Interrupted Past: He was (looking under the professor’s bed) when he (felt a pain in his leg).
First Conditional
Passive Voice: It is (made of metal). They aren’t (made of plastic).

Present Perfect: He has (made some incredible journeys). I haven’t (won a competition). Have you ever
(flown in a plane)?
Reported Speech: She said that (he was making a documentary). He asked (where he was from). She
told us (to talk to the other kids).

Adjectives: He’s (very fit).
Used to: I used to (get up quite late). I didn’t use to (study).
Present Perfect: Have you (killed three dragons) yet? I’ve already (rescued a princess). I haven’t (fought
a giant) yet.
Reported Speech: She told me that (it was very important to keep fit).

Should: You should (take an aspirin).
Have to: Nurses have to (inject patients every day). Patients don’t have to (take a bath).
Passive Voice: Your body is (defended by a fabulous immune system). The liquid isn’t (absorbed into the
stomach). How much food is (eaten by an adult in a year)?

Present Perfect (since/for): I’ve (had a computer) since (2005). I’ve (wanted to be in the movies) for (3 or
4 years).
Indefinite Pronouns: Everybody (in the audience was scared).
Question Tags: This is (the shop), isn’t it?

Present Simple: Most animals (produce scent).
Past Simple: 2500 years ago, messengers (carried messages on horses).
Relative clauses: (He sent a radio signal) which (was received by his brother).
Tag Questions: They were (polytheists) weren’t they?
Star Players – Level 6

Present Perfect Simple
Present Perfect Simple with already, yet and just
A, an the or zero article
Personal and Reflexive Pronouns: The girl looked at herself in the mirror.
Conjunctions and, but, because, so

Gerund after Perception Verbs: She has heard horses running.
Present Perfect Continuous: I have been cleaning my room.
Modals in the Past, might have (been): You might have left it in the car.
Quantifiers: a few, a little, a lot of

Prepositions along, at, in, in the middle of, into, over.
Interrupted Past: She was walking home when she fell over.
Past Perfect
Past Perfect with already and yet
Past Passive: The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre.
Past Continuous: Joe wasn’t buying anything at the shopping centre.

Reported Speech: Present to Past, Present Continuous to Past Continuous, Past to Past Perfect, Can to
Connectors that mean but and and: also, although, furthermore, however, nevertheless, what’s more

Non-defining Relative clauses with Who, Which, Where: Where was the marathon
First Conditionals: If a cockroach stops eating, it will survive for a month.
Past Passive: Eggs of the insect were taken to India.
Indefinite Pronouns: anything, anyone, everyone, no one, nothing, nowhere, something, somewhere

Second Conditionals: If I got last, I would use my mobile phone. If I were a colour, I would be blue.
Quantifiers: a lot, a little, a few, all of, enough
Reported Speech: Present to Past
Modals must have, might have, can’t have
Phrasal Verbs: build up, come across, end up, look for, find out, give up, keep on, run out of, search for

Review First Conditionals
Review Second Conditionals
Second Conditionals Interrogative
Have to, let, allow
Determiners: both, neither, either
Review Present Passive
Review Past Passive

Question Tags: Tawaret was a woman, wasn’t she?
Review Quantifiers a lot, a little, a few
Review Reported Speech
Review Past Perfect
Review Past Continuous
Review Past Simple
Review Past Passive
Review Second Conditional Interrogative

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