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182 HlNDU AND ARA lllA N M A'l H EMA ncs

The elder A ryabhata flou rished i n the sixth cen t u ry and was born near
presen l-d ay Patna on the Ga nges . lle wrote a work on a'ltronomy of which
the thrrd clw pter i s dcvotcJ tu math ematics. There is umc wnf u.,i()n be-
tween the two Aryabha lus, a n d it may be th at thei r work i s not corrLl t ly
d i t k renti atcd. Br 1h111agu pta was the most prom i n en t 1 Ii nd u ma l h l 111a t ic.:i;i n
of t he seven t h cent u ry. He l ived and worked i n t h e ast ru nom ica l L.e n ter of
Ujja i n , i n cen t ra l I nd ia . In 628, he w.1 oh.: h i s 1Jr u/11 na-.1Jh11W - 1[(/J '/w11ta
( "the rev ised systi;m of 13rah m a" ) , :-i n ;_1 lro n o1111 Gtl work of 2 1 Ll1;1 ptus of
w h ich Chapte r s 12 am.I 18 dea l w i t h m a llH.:ma t i c. M a h avlra , w ho ll ou ri >licd
1bout 8'."i O, w;1s from sou th ern l n c.l i a , a n d wro t e on cll:111c11 ta ry 111<1 t li c1J 1at ic
Bh iisk <1ra's work, Sid J hi111 ta S iro11w 11i ( "Ji 1 t.lc111 of a n a!i l ro11on11cal ..,yc.; te rn") ,
was w ri t te n i n 1 l 50 and sh ows l i t t l e a Jva n ccrncn t over th e worv uf JJ ra h-
m a t,u pta of m ore th a n 500 yea rs ea rl i er. The i m por ta n t rn a t h crna t pc.i ris
of Bh;Jsk:::n;1's work J re t h e Li lii 1 ati ( "th e bea u t i f u l ") a n d Vi1aga 111ta ( " ccJ

::i r i t h m et i c") ,:! which respective l y d eal wi t h ari t h m etic. and a l gebra. T he
111,llhc m::i ti ca l p::i r ts of B r::i h m agu pt a's in d 13h aska ra 's wu1 k s wc.: rc t ra n sl:1 tcd
i n t o En gl ish i n 1 8 17 by H . T. Col cbrook c. The S /ir ya S iddhiinta w<.1<; t r ;ins-
l a tcd by E. B u rgess i n 1860, a n J Ma h avira's work was pu bl1-. hcd 111 1912
by M. Ra ng[Lcarya .
H i nd u m :-i t hema tics a f t er U h asbr:i act u u ll y re t rograded u n til modern
ti mes. I n 1 907, th e I nd i a n Ma t h ema t ica l Society was fou n ded , a nd two
yea rs l a t er the J ournal of the Indian M athe111atical Society sta rtcJ i n Mad ras.
The l ml i a n stat i st ics jo u rn a l , Sa 11k l1yi"i , bega n p u bl ica tion i n 1933 .
Pe rh aps the most spect <lc u l <1 r In d i an m a t hem at i ci an of modern times
was th e impoveri shed clerk an d u n tr ai n ed gen i us Srin i vasa Ra man u j an
1887- 1920 ) , wh o possessed a ma zi ng abil ity to see qu ick ly and deeply in to
i n t rica te n u m ber relation s. He was "discovered" i n 1913 by t he emi nen t
Bri t ish n u mber th eorist , G. H. Ha rdy (1877-1947 ) , whose elTorts brou ght
Ra m a nu ja n in th e followi n g yea r to Engla nd to st udy at Cam bridge U ni-
versi ty. Then; resu l t ed a most remarkable math em a tica l association bct\\<een
the two men .
Texts on the history of ma them atics show some con trndictions and
confusion wh en deal ing wi th the H11u.l us. Th is is proba bl y due. m no small
m easure, to the ob:icu rc and at times n c;.i rly u nin tcll1g1blc wri tmg of the
H i n du au th ors. The h i tory of l l imlu m..i t hcmu t1cs still await'i a more re-
lia bl e and schol<t rl y 1rca t1m:n t.


l n Section 1-9 we con::-. idcrcd briefly t he l i t tle tha t is known conce rning
th e part pl ayed by the H i nd us i n th e <lcvclnpmcn t of our pre cnt posi tional
nu meral system . We h a ll now gi ve sonll .1Lc0tm t of H rnd u methods of

l 2 It is not certain that the Liliivati and Vijagamta are parts of the S1ddlza11ta
Siruman i; they may be separate worl-s.

computing with th is system . The key to an understanding of the algorithms

th at were el abora ted lies i n a realization of th e writ ing materials which
were at the disposal of the cal cula tors. Accord ing to the German historian
H . Hankel, they generally wrote either upon a small blackboard with a cane
pen d i pped in a t h i n wh ite pa i n t which could easily be rubbed off, or, w1th
a stick, upon a whi te tablet less than a foot square and coated wi th a
sprinklin g of red flour . In either case th e writing space was sm all and
legibil i ty dem and ed fa i rly large figures, but erasures and corrections were
very easily eff ec ted. Th e calculation processes accordin gly were schem ed to
conserve the writin g space by erasing a digi t as soon as it had served its
pu rpose.
Early Hind u addition was perhaps done from lef t to right, instea d of
from right to lef t as we prefer to do it today. As an example consider the
addition of 345 and 488 . These would probably be written , one under the
other , a little below th e top of the compu ti ng tablet, as sh own in
8 3 the accompanying illu stra tion . The computer would say 3 4 +
µ 'j!, 3 = 7, and write the 7 at the head of the lef t colum n. Next, 4 8 +
= 12 , which ch anges the 7 to an 8 followe d by a 2 . The 7 i s ac-
3 4 5 cordingly rubbed off and 82 writ ten down . In our ill u stration
4 8 8 we h ave, i nstead , crossed out the 7 and written the 8 above i t .
Th en 5 + 8 = 13, which changes the 2 to a 3 followed by another
3 . Aga i n thin gs are correc t ed w ith a quick ru b of the finger, and the final
a n sw er 833 appears a t t he top of the tablet. Now t he 345 an d 488 can be
ru bbed off , and we h ave th e res t of th e tablet clear for furth er work.
I n an u nd ated com men t ary of Bh askara's Lil avari we find an oth er
m ethod, by wh i ch th e addi ti on of 345 and 488 would be eff ected by the fol-
lowi n g p rocess :

sum of uni ts 5 + =
8 13
sum of tens 4 + 8 = 12·
sum of hu ndreds 3 + 4 =7·.
sum of sums = 833
Severa l met h od s were u sed for m ulti p l i cat i on . The wrjtt en work for
the si m pl e m u l t i pl i ca ti on of , say , 569 by 5, m ight appear as follows, again
worki ng from lef t to r i ght. On t he t a bl et , a littl e below
the top, wri t e down 569 followed , on t h e sa me l in e, by 8 4
the m ultipli er 5. Then , since 5 X 5 = 25, 25 i s wr i t ten
2 5
above the 569 as sh own in the accom pan y i ng i llu st ra- i 0
tion . Next, 5 X 6 = 30, w h ich ch an ges the 5 in 25 to 5 6 9 5
an 8 followed by a 0. A quick erasu re fixes th i s. Agai n,
in the illustration we h ave, in stead, crossed out th e 5 and written the 8 above
it. Then 5 X 9 = 45 , which changes the 0 to a 4 followed by a 5. The fin al
product, 2845, now appears at the top of the compu ting t ablet.
A more complicated multiplication , like 135 X 12 say, might be ac-
"i ; :,.· _. ... ,iti'iWJ.. an, .e


complished by first finding, as above, 135 X 4 = 540, then 540 X 3 == 1620,

or by adding 135 X 10 == 1350 and 135 X 2 = 270 to get
1620. Or again, according to Hankel, it might be accomplished 6 2
as follows. A little below the top of the tablet write the mul- i
tiplican d 135 and the multi pl ier 12 so that the un its digit in
the multi plicand falls ben eath the extreme lef t digit i n th e 0
multiplier. Now 135 X 1 = 135, which is written at the top of 1 2
the ta blet. Next, by erasing, sh if t the mul ti plicand J 35 one
place to the ri ght and mul tiply by the 2 of the 12. In doing t $ i
this we find 2 X 1 = 2, which changes the 3 i n our partial 1 3 5
prod uct to a 5. Then 2 X 3 =6, which ch anges the two S's i n
our new partial prod uct to 61. Fin ally, 2 X 5 =
10, which ch an ges the final
1 in our pa r tial product to 2 followed by a 0. The finished prod uct, 1620,
now appears at the top of th e tablet.
Another method of multi plicatio n , k nown to the Ara bi ans and prob-
ably obtained from the Hind u s, which closely resembles our present proces s,
is ind icated in the accom pa n yi n g illustration , where we again fi n d the
prod uct of 135 by 12. The lattice diagra m is actu ally drawn and the add i ti ons
perfor med diagon ally. Note, because of the way each cel l is divid ed i n two
by a d i agonal , no carrying over is required i n the mu l tiplication.

multi plicand
3 5

/1 /11 .....

2 6

6 2 0
prod u ct

The Arabians, who l a ter bor rowed some of t he Hind u processes , were
u n able to improve on them and accord in gl y adapted them to "paper'' work ,
where erasu res were not easi l y effected , by crossing off u ndesired digi ts and
writing the new ones above or below the old ones, as we have done in the
illustrations above .
The development of algorith ms for our elementary arithm etic opera tions
started in India , perhaps about the tenth or eleventh cent ury, were adopted
by the Arabi ans, and l ater carried to wes tern Eu rope, where they were
modified i n to their present forms. This work received considerable attention
from the fif teenth-century European writers on arithmetic.
I NDIA 185


The Hindus were gi fted arith meticians and made significan t contri bu tions to
algebra .
Many of the arith meticn l problem s were solved by fa lse position . An-
other favorite method of solu tion was that of inversion, where one works
backward from a given piece of information. Consider, for example, the
following problem given d uri ng the six th cen t ury by the elder A ryabhata :
"Beau tiful maiden with beaming eyes, tell me, as thou u n derstan d st the
right method of inver sion, which is the nu mber which multiplied by 3, th en
increased by 3/ 4 of the product , then divided by 7, d i m in i shed by 1/ 3 of
the quotient , multiplied by itself , diminished by 52, by the ex traction of
the square root , addition of 8, and division by 10 gives the n u mber 2?"
By the method of inversion we start with the number 2 and work back ward .
Thus [( 2 ) (10 ) - 8F +
52 =
196, 0% =
14, (14 ) ( 3/2 ) ( 7 ) (4/ 7 ) /3
= 2 8, the answer. Note th at where the problem instructed us to divide by 10
we m ul tiply by 10, where we were told to add 8 we su btract 8, wh ere we
were told to extract a squ are root we take the square, an d so forth. It i s tl1e
repl acemen t of each operation by i ts inverse that accounts for tl1e n ame
inversion. It is, of course, ju st wh at we would do if we were to sol ve the
problem by modern methods. Thus, if we let x represent the sough t n u m ber,
we have

J l( )\ ) (3x ) r-52 + 8 = 2.
To solve t hi s we multiply both sides by 10, then subtract 8 from each side,
then square both sides, and so forth. This problem a1so ill u st ra tes the Hi n d u
practi ce of cloth in g a ri th metical problems in poetic gmb. This was beca use
school tex t s were wri tten i n verse, and because the problems 'vvere freq u en tl y
used for social am u sem ent.
The H i nd us su m med a ri t h m e t i c a nd geo m et ri c progr essions a nd solved
com merci al probl e ms i n si m pl e and compou nd i n terest, disco u n t, an d part-
ner sh ip. They also sol ved mixture a nd cistern probl em s, s i mi l a r to t hose found
in mod ern tex ts. Severn) speci me ns of H i nd u a r i th met ical problems m ay be
fou nd in Problem Stud ies 7-1, 7-2, and 7-3 .
M uch of ou r k nowl edge of H i nd u a ri th metic stern s f rom Bh aska ra 's
Lilarnti. A roma n tic story i s told a bou t t h is work. According to the tale,
the stars foretold d i re misfort un e i f Bh askara's on ly daugh ter Lilavati should
m arry other than at a certain hour on a certai n propitious day. On that
day, as the anxious bride was watching the sinking water level of the hour

cup, a pearl fell unk nowingly from her headdress and, stopping the hole in
the cup, arrested the outflow of water, and so the lucky moment passed un-
noticed . To console the unh appy girl , Bhaskara gave her name to his book.
The Hindus syncopated their algebra . Like Diophantus, addi tion was
usually indicated by ju x taposition . Subtract ion was indicated by placmg
a dot over the subtrahend , m ultiplication by wri ting bha ( the first syllable
of the word bha vita, "the product") af ter the factors, division by writing
the divisor beneath the d ividen d , squ are root by writin g ka ( from the word
karana, "i r r a tion al") before th e q uan ti ty. Bra h m agu pta indicated the u n-
known by y a ( from y av at tiivat, "so much as") . K n own integers were pre-
fi xed by n ( f rom r fipa, "the absolu te n u m ber ") . Ad d i tion al u n k nowns
were ind i cated by the ini t i al syllables of words for d ifferent colors. Thus,
a second unk now n m ight be denoted by ka (from k alaka, "bl ack") , and
8xy + Vf6 - 7 might appear as
ya ka 8 bha ka 10 ru 7.
The H i n d us ad m itted negative and i rr ation a l n u m bers, an d recogn ized
that a q u ad ra t ic ( havi n g rea l answers ) h as two formal roots. Th ey u n i fi ed
the a l gebra ic sol u tion of q u < i d ra t i c eq ua ti ons by the fa m i l i a r m ethod of com-
pleti n g the sq u are. This method is tod ay of ten refer red to as the H indu
method . Bhaska ra gave the two rem arkabl e iden ti ties

\) a -+- Vb == \f (a + v 2 _:_- b)/ 2 -+- \./ ( a - V a'2 - b)/ 2 ,

wh ich are someti mes employed i n our algebra texts for fin d ing the squ are root
of a bi nom ial surd . These iden ti ties are also found in Book X of Euclid's
Elements, bu t are there given in an i nvolved langu age which is di fficu l t to
The Hind us showed rema rkable ability in indetermin ate analysis and
were perhap s the first to devise general methods i n this br anch of math e-
matics . Unl ike Diopha n tu s, who sough t any one rational solu tion to an
indeterm inate equation, the Hind us endeavored to find all p ossible integral
solution s. Arya bha ta an d Bra hmagu pta fou n d the in tegral solu tion s of the
l inear in determ i n ate equa ti on ax +
by == c, where a , b, c are integers. The
indetermina te qu adrat ic equa tion xy == ax by + +
c was solved by a method
later reinvented by Euler. The work of Bra h m::igu pta an d Bh askara on the so-
called Pell equation , y 2 = ax2 +
1, where a is a non squarc integer , is
highly regarded by some. They showed how , from one solu tion x, y , xy =-/= 0,
infinitely m any others could be found . The com plete theory of the Pell
equation was finally worked out by Lagr ange in 1766-1769. The Hindu work
on indeterminate equations reached western Europe too late to exert any
benefici al influence.


The Hindus were not profici ent in geomet ry. Rigid demonstrations were
unusual and po t ul ational developments were nonexi stent. Their geometry
was largely empirical and generally connected with mensuration.
The ancient S ulvasutras show that the early Hindus applied geometry
to the construction of alt; and in doing so ma de use of the Pyth agorean
relation. The r ules furnish instru ctions for find ing a square equal to the sum
or difference of two given squares and of a square equal to a given rectan gle.
There also appear solu tions of the circle-squaring problem which are equiva-
ler.t to taking d·= (2 + y12) s/ 3 and s = 13d/ 15, where d is the di ameter
of the circle and s the side of the equal square. Th ere also appears the ex-

_ f,=) _ 1 + 1 + 1
- 1
V L 3 (3)(4) (3)(4)(34)'
wh ich is interesti ng in that all the fractions are uni t fractions and that the
expression is correct to five decim al pl aces.
Both Brah magupta and Mah avira n ot only gave Heron 's formul a for
the area of a trian gle i n ter ms of the three sides but also the remarka ble
K = [(s - a)( s - b)( s - c)(s - d)]1 12,
for the area of a cycl ic quad ri l a teral havi ng sides a, h, c, d and semi peri meter
s. 1t seems th at later com m en ta tors failed to realize the lim itation on the
qu adri l a teral. The form u la for the general case is

K'2 = (s - a)(s - b)(s - c)(s - d) - abed cos

A + c)
( 7

whe re A a n d C are a pai r of opposi te vertex an gles of the qu adril a teral.

Most rem arkc1blc in H i n du geometry, an d solit ary in i t excell enc , ri re
Bra h magupta 's theorem s t h a t th e d i agon a l s m and n of :.i cycl i c quadril ateral
h aving consecu tive sides a, b, c, d are given by
( ab + cd)(a c + bd)
n1 - = --------
ad + be
(ac -1- bd)( nd + be)
n2 =
ab + cd

3 For a derivation of this formul a see, for example, E. W. Hobson, A Treatise on

P lane Trigonometry, 4th ed., p . 204, or R . A . Joh n son , !v!od em Geometry, P· 81.

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