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DownloadAuto-hide: on Name ____________ ______ How To Read A Map Directions: Fir
st, use clues from the song â How to Read a Mapâ to identify and solve 5 important map f
atures. Then in the map below, circle and label each of those parts. Flower shap
e - easy to see,
Letters N, W, S and E.
Why does this help and tell me now what does it mean?
It's a__________________ ____ __
It shows North, South, East and West.
0 50 100 150 MILES Airport Hospital School How To Read A Ma
p Contâ How far is it from here to there?
Can we measure distance to anywhere?
The map size is smaller than the real world.
Look for the _____________________
It is like a little ruler that helps you measure distances between
Dots, triangles, colors and many lines;
What do all these things define?
I see a tiny airplane and what is this star?
These are______________________
How did you know what the symbols are
When you're driving around, like in a car?
Can you find it on the map and where will it be?
Use the ________________ ____ ___
It tells you what the symbols mean.
This map doesn't show the entire place.
I know that it's part of a bigger space.
Could it be from England, Iraq or Mexico?
Look for the _____________________
It is a small map that's a more detailed view of part of the main
map. â How To Read A Mapâ Answer Key Flower shape - easy to see,
Letters N, W, S and E.
Why does this help and tell me now what does it mean?
It shows North, South, East and West.
0 50 100 150 MILES Airport Hospital School â How To Read A Mapâ Answer Key Contâ How
it from here to there?
Can we measure distance to anywhere?
The map size is smaller than the real world.
Look for the S CA LE
It is like a little ruler that helps you measure distances between
Dots, triangles, colors and many lines;
What do all these things define?
I see a tiny airplane and what is this star?
These areSYMB OLS
How did you know what the symbols are
When you're driving around like in a car?
Can you find it on the map and where will it be?
Use the MAP KEY
It tells you what the symbols mean.
This map doesn't show the entire place.
I know that it's part of a bigger space.
Could it be from England, Iraq or Mexico?
Look for the I N SE T
It is a small map that's a more detailed view of part of the main
3rd Grade | How to Read a Map Worksheet
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Info and Rating
Uploaded:01/10/2009Category:School Work>Study Guides, Notes, & QuizzesRated:(11
Ratings)This worksheet is one of many resources available at www.Totally3rdGrade
.com and that are built upon the music of Teacher ... (
More) This worksheet is one of many resources available at www.Totally3rdGrade.c
om and that are built upon the music of Teacher and the
Rockbots, an educational rock band specially created for 3rd grade.
3rd grade worksheetseducationearlyeducationExams & Quizzessymbol worksheetmappin
g worksheet(more tags)3rd grade worksheetseducationearlyeducationExams & Quizzes
symbol worksheetmapping worksheetamp worksheetsgrade worldactivity sheetsthridgr
ade readingscale practicescale activitymap thirdgraderkey gradegrade lessons(few
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