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07. 李白和刘美美

Lǐ Bái hé Liú Měiměi

Lǐ Bái dào le Sūzhōu, ránhòu qù fàndiàn kàn Měiměi. Liú Měiměi xiǎng tīngting Lǐ Bái zhèngzài xiě de shū,
kěshì tā xiǎng bǎomì.


LǏ BÁI Zǎoshang hǎo, xiǎo liú!

李白 早上好,小刘!

LIÚ MĚIMĚI Zǎo a, Lǐ Bái. Hǎojiǔ méi jiàndào nǐ. Nǐ duǒ nǎli qù le?

刘美美 早啊,李白。好久没见到你。你躲哪里去了?

LǏ BÁI Duǒ wǒ cái méiyǒu duǒ. Wǒ yīzhí zài mángzhe xiě wǒ de xīnshū?

李白 躲?我才没有躲。我一直在忙着写我的新书。

LIÚ MĚIMĚI Dà zuòjiā, nǐ yòu kāishǐ xiě shū le? Guānyú shénme de?

刘美美 大作家,你又开始写书了?关于什么的?

LǏ BÁI Wǒ hái bù néng gàosu nǐ. Méi xiě wán zhīqián wǒ bù xǐhuan gàosu biérén.

李白 我还不能告诉你。没写完之前我不喜欢告诉别人。

LIÚ MĚIMĚI Bié zhèyàng, Lǐ Bái. Wǒ kěshì nǐ de tóuhào fěnsī. Nǐ de měi yī běn shū wǒ dōu mǎi

刘美美 别这样,李白,我可是你的头号粉丝。你的每一本书我都买了。

Copyright © 2017 Olly Richards Publishing Ltd. 53 Conversations

LǏ BÁI Nà wǒ yě bù néng xiànzài gàosu nǐ, huì jù tòu de. Nǐ yàoshi zhīdao le jiéjú, zhè běn
shū jiù huì biàn de fēicháng méiyǒu yìsi.

李白 那我也不能现在告诉你,会剧透的。你要是知道了结局,这本书就会变得

LIÚ MĚIMĚI Lǎo Lǐ, jiù tòu lòu yīdiǎn—nǐ zuì hǎo le! Měi cì wǒ yī kāishǐ dú nǐ de shū jiù méiyǒu
bànfǎ tíng xiàlái—hǎoxiàng zhòngdú le yīyàng!

刘美美 老李,就透露一点——你最好了!每次我一开始读你的书就没有办法停

LǏ BÁI Qīn’ài de, pāimǎpì méi yòng. Wǒ yī gè zì dōu bù huì shuō de. Érqiě, rúguǒ nǐ
xǐhuan wǒ qítā de shū, nàme nǐ kěnéng bù huì xǐhuan zhè yī běn. Zhè běn tǐng bù
yīyàng de.

李白 亲爱的,拍马屁没用。我一个字都不会说的。而且,如果你喜欢我其他的

LIÚ MĚIMĚI Zhēn de zěnme bù yīyàng?

刘美美 真的?怎么不一样?

LǏ BÁI Nà gè … Gùshi kāishǐ … Āi? Děng děng … Wǒ zhīdao nǐ yào gàn shénme le. Tài
jiǎohuá le!

李白 那个……故事开始……哎?等等……我知道你要干什么了。太狡猾了!

LIÚ MĚIMĚI Hāhā, jūrán bèi kànchūlái le! Zhìshǎo gàosu wǒ zhè shì shénme lèixíng de shū.
Wǒ juéde nǐ de xīnshū yīnggāi shì běn gǎoxiào de. Nǐ hái méiyǒu xiěguò yī běn
gǎoxiào de shū. Xiàohuà zhīlèi de, kěyǐ ràng rénmen hāhā dà xiào.

刘美美 哈哈,居然被看出来了!至少告诉我这是什么类型的书。我觉得你的新书

LǏ BÁI Wā, hǎo ě xīn! Wǒ juéduì bù huì xiě yī běn gǎoxiào de shū. Wǒ de xiězuò fēicháng
yánsù, dōu shì guānyú shēng yǔ sǐ, zhèngyì yǔ xié’è, xǐyuè yǔ tòngkǔ!

李白 哇,好恶心!我绝对不会写一本搞笑的书。我的写作非常严肃,都是关于

Conversations 54 Copyright © 2017 Olly Richards Publishing Ltd.

LIÚ MĚIMĚI Wā, nǐmen wénhuà rén jiùshì bù yīyàng! Tīngqǐlái hǎo xiàng nǐ xiǎng xiě de shì nà
zhǒng dàomù gùshi, chōngmǎn le guǐ a, guài a hé è líng. Cóngtóu dào wěi dōu
zài xiàrén!

刘美美 哇,你们文化人就是不一样。听起来好像你想写的是那种盗墓故事,充满

LǏ BÁI Huòxǔ ba … dànshì wǒ juéde kǒngbù xiǎoshuō yǒudiǎn shǎ. Dú de shíhou nǐ

gǎnjué yīyàng de dōngxi zài bù tíng chóngfù. Yī kāishǐ hěn xiàrén dànshì hěn kuài
jiù méiyìsi le.

李白 或许吧……但是我觉得恐怖小说有点傻。读的时候你感觉一样的东西在不

LIÚ MĚIMĚI Nà nǐ de xīnshū shì běn yánqíng xiǎoshuō? Wǒ juéde zhè běn shū li kěndìng yǒu
yīxiē liàn’ài de jùqíng. Liǎng gè zhǔjué xiāng’ài, jiéhūn, ránhòu yǒngyuǎn xìngfú
de shēnghuó zài yīqǐ.

刘美美 那你的新书是本言情小说?我觉得这本书里肯定有一些恋爱的剧情。两个

LǏ BÁI Xiǎo Liú, nǐ zài gǎoxiào ma? Nǐ zhēn de dúguo wǒ de shū ma? Tāmen cónglái méi-
yǒu zhèyàng de jiéjú. Wǒ de shū zǒngshì hěn huī’àn, jīngsǒng, érqiě chōngmǎn le
bēishāng. Wǒ zuì xǐhuan xiě de shì bēijù!

李白 小刘,你在搞笑吗?你真的读过我的书吗?它们从来没有这样的结局。我

LIÚ MĚIMĚI Suǒyǐ nǐ xiě le běn bēijù!

刘美美 所以你写了本悲剧!

LǏ BÁI Shénme?

李白 什么?

LIÚ MĚIMĚI Lǎo Lǐ, wǒ ràng nǐ zìjǐ shuō chū le nǐ xīnshū de nèiróng.

刘美美 老李,我让你自己说出了你的新书的内容。

LǏ BÁI Wǒ yǒngyuǎn mán bù liǎo nǐ!

李白 我永远瞒不了你。

Copyright © 2017 Olly Richards Publishing Ltd. 55 Conversations

LIÚ MĚIMĚI Hāhā, bù shì wǒ Liú Měiměi chuīniú, zhēn méi rén kěyǐ!

刘美美 哈哈,不是我刘美美吹牛,真没人可以!

Conversations 56 Copyright © 2017 Olly Richards Publishing Ltd.

Cíhuì 词汇
Chinese Pinyin Translation
躲 duǒ to hide

头号粉丝 tóuhào fěnsī number 1 fan

剧透 jù tòu spoiler

结局 jiéjú ending

透露 tòulù to spoil

中毒 zhòngdú to be poisoned

狡猾 jiǎohuá sneaky

搞笑 gǎoxiào hilarious, funny

哈哈大笑 hāhā dà xiào to laugh heartily

严肃 yánsù serious

正义 zhèngyì justice, righteous

邪恶 xié’è evil

喜悦 xǐyuè happiness

痛苦 tòngkǔ pain

盗墓 dàomù to rob a grave

充满 chōngmǎn full of, brimming with

恶灵 è líng evil spirit

重复 chóngfù to repeat

言情 yánqíng romance

惊悚 jīngsǒng horrific, horror

帝王 dìwáng emperor

瞒 mán to conceal from

吹牛 chuīniú to brag

Copyright © 2017 Olly Richards Publishing Ltd. 57 Conversations

English Translation
Li Bai has arrived in Suzhou and gone to Meimei’s restaurant to see her. She wants to hear about the
book he’s writing, but he wants to keep it a secret.

LI BAI Good morning, Xiaoliu!

LIU MEIMEI Good morning, Li Bai. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you
been hiding away?

LI BAI Hiding away? Not me. I’ve been busy writing my new book.

LIU MEIMEI So, you great writer, you’ve begun writing another book? What’s it about?

LI BAI I can’t tell you yet. I don’t like to tell people before I’ve finished.

LIU MEIMEI Don’t be like that, Li Bai. I’m your biggest fan. I’ve bought all your books.

LI BAI Well then, I can’t tell you now, because that would spoil it for you. If you
knew the ending, the book would be really uninteresting.

LIU MEIMEI Li Bai, just tell me a little bit. You’re the best! Whenever I start reading
one of your books, I just can’t stop. It’s like a drug.

LI BAI My dear, flattery will get you nowhere. I won’t tell you one word of it.
And anyway, if you like my other books, you might not like this one. It’s
quite different.

LIU MEIMEI Really? How is it different?

LI BAI The…at the beginning of the story . . . eh? Hang on . . . I know what you’re
doing. Pretty sneaky!

LIU MEIMEI Haha, I can’t believe you could tell what I was doing! At least tell me
what genre it is. I’m guessing it’s probably a comedy. You haven’t writ-
ten a comedy yet. Jokes and stuff like that make people laugh.

LI BAI Oh, you’re making me nauseous! I would definitely never write a come-
dy. My writing is very serious. It’s always about life and death, justice and
evil, joy and pain.

Conversations 58 Copyright © 2017 Olly Richards Publishing Ltd.

LIU MEIMEI Whoa, you cultured people are different. It sounds like you’re thinking
of writing a story about grave robbery, full of ghosts, monsters, and de-
mons. Terrifying from beginning to end!

LI BAI Maybe, but I think horror novels are kind of stupid. While reading, you
always feel like the same thing is happening over and over. They start
out scary, but pretty soon they become boring.

LIU MEIMEI Well, is your new book a romance? I think there must be something
about romance in the plot. The two protagonists fall in love, get married,
and live happily ever after.

LI BAI Xiaoliu, are you joking? Have you really read my books? They never have
that kind of ending. My books are always gloomy, scary, and full of sor-
row. My favourite things to write are tragedies!

LIU MEIMEI So, you’ve written a tragedy!

LI BAI What?

LIU MEIMEI Laoli, I’ve made you tell me what your new book is about.

LI BAI I’m never able to keep secrets from you!

LIU MEIMEI Haha! Not that I’m bragging, but really, nobody is able to!

Copyright © 2017 Olly Richards Publishing Ltd. 59 Conversations

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