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WORD MEANING Part of Speech

abate subside; decrease, lessen verb
aberrant abnormal or deviant noun
abeyance suspended action noun
abscond depart secretly and hide verb
admonish warn; reprove verb
adulterate make impure by mixing with baser substances verb
aesthetic artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful; adjective
alacrity cheerful promptness noun
alleviate relieve verb
aloof apart; reserved adjective
altruistic unselfishly generous, concerned for others adjective
amalgamate combine, unite in one body verb
ambidextrous capable of using either hand with equal ease adjective
ambiguous unclear or doubtful in meaning adjective
ambivalence the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes; noun
ameliorate improve verb
anachronism an error involving time in a story noun
analogous comparable adjective
anarchist person who rebels against the established order noun
anarchy absence of governing body, state of disorder noun
animosity active enmity; hatred noun
anomalous abnormal; irregular
antagonistic hostile; opposed; actively resisting adjective
antipathy aversion; dislike
antiquated old-fashioned; obsolete adjective
antithesis contrast; direct opposite of or to noun
apathy lack of caring; indifference noun
appease pacify; soothe verb
apprehension fear noun
apprise inform verb
approbation approval noun
appropriate acquire; take possession of for one's own use verb
arbitrary unreasonable or capricious; imperious; tyrannical; despotic adjective
arduous hard; strenuous adjective
artless without guile; open and honest adjective
ascetic practicing self denial; austere adjective
assiduous diligent. adjective
assuage ease or lessen(pain);soothe(anger);satisfy(hunger) verb
astute wise; shrewd adjective
atrophy wasting away noun
attenuate make thin; weaken verb
audacious daring; bold adjective
austere strict; stern adjective
austerity sternness; severity; lack of luxuries noun
authoritarian favoring or exercising total control; non-democratic adjective
autonomous self-governing adjective
WORD MEANING Part of Speech

banal hackneyed; commonplace; trite adjective
belie contradict; give a false impression verb
benevolent generous; charitable adj.
benign kindly; favorable; not malignant adj.
benignity state of being kind, benign, gracious noun
bequeath leave to someone by a will; hand down verb
blasphemy cursing; irreverence; sacrilege noun
blighted suffering for a disease; destroyed adj.
blithe gay; joyous adj.
bolster support; prop up verb
bombastic pompous; using inflated language adjective
boorish rude; clownish adjective
burgeon grow forth; send out buds verb
burnish make shiny by rubbing; polish verb
buttress support; prop up verb

cacophony discord noun
cajole coax; wheedle verb
candor frankness noun
capricious unpredictable; fickle; incalculable adjective
censorious critical adjective
censure blame; criticize verb
chicanery trickery noun
clemency disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather noun
coagulate thicken; congeal; clot verb
coda concluding section of a musical or literary composition noun
coercion use of force to get someone's compliance noun
cogent convincing adjective
commensurate equal in extent adj
compendium brief; comprehensive summary verb
complaisant tryng to please; obliging adj
compliant yielding; confirming to requirements adj
conciliatory reconciling; soothing. adj
condone overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse verb
confound confuse; puzzle verb
connoisseur person competent to act as a judge of art; lover of art. noun
contention claim; thesis noun
contend struggle; compete; assert earnestly verb
contentious quarrelsome adjective
contrite penitent adjective
conundrum riddle noun
convoluted coiled around adjective
cordial gracious; heartfelt adjective
corroborate confirm verb
craven cowardly adjective
credulity belief on slight evidence noun
criterion standard used in judging noun
WORD MEANING Part of Speech

daunt intimidate verb
debilitate weaken; enfeeble verb
deference courteous regard for another's wish noun
delineate portray noun
denigrate blacken verb
denounce condemn; criticize verb
deplore regret; disapprove of verb
depravity corruption; wickedness noun
depreciate express disapproval of; protest against; belittle verb
deride scoff at verb
derivative unoriginal; derived from another source adjective
derogatory expressing a low opinion adjective
desiccate dry up verb
despondent depressed; gloomy adjective
despot tyrant; harsh, authoritarian ruler noun
desultory aimless; jumping around adjective
detached emotionally removed; calm and objective; indifferent adjective
deterrent something that discourages; hindrance noun
devious going astray; erratic; cunning adjective
diatribe bitter scolding; invective noun
dichotomy branching into two parts noun
didactic teaching; instructional adjective
diffidence shyness noun
digression wandering away from the subject noun
dilemma problem; choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives noun
diligence steadiness of effort; persistent hard work noun
diminution lessening; reduction in size noun
dirge lament with music noun
disabuse correct a false impression; undeceive verb
discernible distinguishable; perceivable adjective
discerning mentally quick and observant; having insight adjective
discordant inharmonious; conflicting adjective
discretion prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances noun
discursive digressing; rambling adjective
disdain treat with scorn or contempt verb
disinclination unwillingness noun
disingenuous not naive; sophisticated adjective
disparage belittle verb
disparity difference; condition of inequality noun
dispassionate calm; impartial adjective
disputatious argumentative; fond of argument adjective
disseminate scatter (like seeds) verb
dissent disagree verb
dissolute loose in morals adjective
dissonance discord noun
distend expand; swell out verb
diverge vary; go in different directions from the same point verb
divergent differing; deviating adjective
WORD MEANING Part of Speech

divest strip; deprive verb

docket program as for trial; book where such entries are made noun
document provide written evidence verb
dogmatic positive; arbitrary adjective
domicile home noun
dormant sleeping; lethargic; torpid adjective
dubious doubtful adjective
duplicity double dealing; hypocrisy noun
dupe someone who is easily fooled noun

ebullient showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm adjective
eccentric odd; whimsical; irregular adjective
ecclesiastic pertaining to the church adjective
eclectic selective in choosing from a variety of sources adjective
effervescent exuberant; bubbly and excited adjective
efficacy power to produce desired effect noun
effigy dummy noun
effrontery shameless boldness noun
elated overjoyed; in high spirits adjective
elegiacal like in elegy; mournful adjective
elicit draw out by discussion verb
eloquence expressiveness; persuasive speech noun
elusive evasive; baffling; hard to gasp adjective
emaciated thin and wasted adjective
embellish adorn verb
embryonic undeveloped; rudimentary adjective
empirical based on experience adjective
emulate rival; imitate verb
endemic prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country; adjective
endorse approve; support verb
enervate weaken verb
enfranchise to admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to vote) verb
engender cause; produce verb
enhance advance; improve verb
enigma puzzle noun
enmity ill will; hatred noun
enumerate list; mention one by one verb
enunciate speak distinctly verb
ephemeral short-lived; fleeting adjective
epic long heroic poem or similar work of art noun
equanimity calmness of temperament noun
equilibrium balance noun
equivocal doubtful; ambiguous adjective
equivocate lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth verb
erratic odd; unpredictable adjective
erroneous mistaken; wrong adjective
erudite learned; scholarly adjective
esoteric known only to a chosen few adjective
WORD MEANING Part of Speech

estranged separated; alienated adjective

eulogy praise noun
euphemism mild expression in place of an unpleasant one noun
exacerbate worsen; embitter verb
exculpate clear from blame verb
execute put into effect; carry out verb
exemplary serving as a model; outstanding adjective
exemplify serve as an example of; embody verb
exhaustive thorough; comprehensive adjective
exigency urgent situation noun
exonerate acquit; exculpate verb
expedite hasten verb
explicit definite; open adjective
extol praise; glorify verb
extraneous not essential; external adjective
extricate free; disentangle verb
extrinsic not inherent; foreign adjective
exuberance abundance; effusiveness; lavishness noun

facetious humorous; jocular adjective
facile easy; expert adjective
facilitate make less difficult verb
fallacious misleading adjective
fanaticism excessive zeal noun
fastidious difficult to please; squeamish adjective
fatuous foolish; inane adjective
fawning courting behavior by cringing and flattering adjective
felicitous apt; suitably expressed; well chosen adjective
fervor glowing ardor noun
flagrant conspicuously wicked adjective
fledgling inexperienced adjective
flinch hesitate; shrink verb
flout reject; mock verb
foment stir up; instigate verb
foresight ability to foresee future happenings; prudence noun
forestall prevent by taking action in advance verb
frugality thrift; economy noun
furtive stealthy; sneaky adjective
futile ineffective; fruitless adjective

gainsay deny verb
garrulity talkativeness noun
garrulous loquacious; wordy adjective
glutton someone who eats too much noun
goad urge on verb
gouge tear out verb
grandiloquent pompous; bombastic; using high-sounded language adjective
WORD MEANING Part of Speech

gravity seriousness noun

gregarious sociable adjective
grievance cause of complaint noun
guile deceit; duplicity noun
guileless without deceit adjective
gullible easily deceived adjective
gusto enjoyment; enthusiasm noun
gusty windy adjective

hackneyed commonplace; trite adjective
hamper obstruct verb
haphazard random; by chance adjective
harangue noisy speech noun
haughtiness pride; arrogance noun
hedonism belief that pleasure is the sole aim of life noun
heresy opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion noun
homogeneous of the same kind adjective
hyperbole exaggeration; overstatement noun
hypercritical excessively exacting adjective
hypocritical pertaining to be virtuous; deceiving adjective
hypothetical based on assumptions or hypothesis adjective

iconoclastic attacking cherished traditions adjective
idolatry worship of idols; excessive admiration noun
immaculate pure; spotless adjective
immutable unchangeable adjective
impair worsen; diminish in value verb
impassive without feeling; not affected by pain adjective
impede hinder; block; delay verb
impermeable impervious; not permitting passage through its substance adjective
impertinent insolent adjective
imperturbable calm; placid adjective
impetuous violent; hasty; rash adjective
impetus moving force noun
implacable incapable of being pacified adjective
implement put into effect; supply with tools verb
implication that is hinted at or suggested noun
implicit understood but not stated adjective
inadvertently carelessly; unintentionally adjective
inane silly; senseless adjective
inaugurate start; initiate; install at office verb
incessant uninterrupted adjective
inchoate recently begun; rudimentary; elementary adjective
incidental not essential; minor adjective
incisive cutting; sharp adjective
incite arouse to action verb
incognito with identity concealed; using an assumed name adjective
WORD MEANING Part of Speech

incoherent unintelligible; muddled; illogical adjective

incongruous not fitting; absurd adjective
inconsequential of trifling significance adjective
incontrovertible indisputable adjective
incorrigible uncorrectable adjective
incredulity tendency to disbelief noun
incredulous withholding belief; skeptical adjective
indict charge verb
indifferent unmoved; lacking concern adjective
indigenous native adjective
indigent poor adjective
indiscriminate choosing at random; confused adjective
indolent lazy adjective
induce persuade; bring about verb
indulgent humoring; yielding; lenient adjective
inert inactive; lacking power to move adjective
infamous notoriously bad adjective
infer deduce; conclude verb
infiltrate pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily verb
ingenious clever adjective
ingenious naïve; young; unsophisticated adjective
inherent firmly established by nature or habit adjective
innate inborn adjective
innocuous harmless adjective
innovation change; introduction of something new noun
insinuate hint; imply verb
insipid tasteless; dull adjective
insolvent bankrupt; lacking money to pay adjective
instigate urge; start; provoke verb
insularity narrow-mindedness; isolation noun
intangible not material; not able to be perceived by touch adjective
integrity wholeness; purify; uprightness noun
interminable endless adjective
intermittent periodic; on and off adjective
intractable unruly; refractory adjective
intransigent refusing any compromise; stubborn adjective
intricate complex; knotty; tangled adjective
introspective locking within oneself adjective
introvert one who is introspective; inclined to think more about oneself noun
inundate overflow; flood verb
inured accustomed; hardened adjective
invective abuse noun
irascible irritable; easily angered adjective
ironic resulting in unexpected and contrary manner adjective
irrational illogical; lacking reason; insane adjective
irresolute uncertain how to act; weak adjective
irreverence lack of proper aspect noun
itinerant wandering; traveling adjective
itinerary plan of a trip noun
WORD MEANING Part of Speech
judicious sound in judgment; wise adjective
kindle start a fire; inspire verb

laconic brief and to the point adjective
lament grieve; express sorrow verb
languish lose animation; lose strength verb
lassitude languor; weariness noun
laud praise verb
lavish liberal; wasteful adjective
legacy gift made by a will noun
lethargic drowsy; dull adjective
levity lightness noun
lexicographer compiler of a dictionary noun
lexicon dictionary noun
listless lacking in spirit or energy adjective
lofty very high adjective
loquacious talkative adjective
lucid easily understood adjective
lucrative profitable adjective

magnanimous generous adjective
magniloquent boastful; pompous adjective
malign speak evil of; defame verb
malingerer one who feigns illness to escape duty noun
malleable capable of being shaped by pounding adjective
marred damaged; disfigured adjective
maverick rebel; nonconformist noun
mendacious lying; false adjective
metamorphosis change of form noun
metaphor implied comparison noun
methodological systematic adjective
meticulous excessively careful adjective
misconstrue interpret incorrectly; misjudge verb
miserly stingy; mean adjective
mitigate appease verb
mollify soothe verb
moribund at the point of death adjective
morose ill-humored; sullen adjective
mundane worldly as opposed to spiritual adjective

niggle spend too much time on minor points; carp verb
nihilism denial of traditional values; absolute skepticism noun
notoriety disrepute; ill fame noun
novelty something new; newness noun
nullify to make invalid noun
nurture bring up; feed; educate verb
WORD MEANING Part of Speech
obdurate stubborn adjective
obliterate destroy completely verb
oblivion forgetfulness noun
obnoxious offensive adjective
obscure dark; vague; unclear adjective
obsequious slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic adjective
obstinate stubborn adjective
obviate make unnecessary; get rid of verb
occident the West noun
occlude shut; close verb
officious meddlesome; excessively trying to please adjective
ominous threatening adjective
onerous burdensome adjective
opportunist individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of the
circumstances noun
opprobrium infamy; vilification noun
optometrist one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects noun
ordinance decree noun
ostentatious showy; pretentious adjective

pacifist one opposed to force; antimilitarist noun
paragon model of reflection noun
parody humorous imitation; travesty noun
partisan one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party noun
pathological pertaining to disease adjective
paucity scarcity noun
pedantic showing off learning; bookish adjective
penchant strong inclination; liking noun
penury extreme poverty noun
perennial something that is continuing or recent noun
perfidious basely false adjective
perfunctory superficial; not thorough adjective
perturbation agitation noun
pervasive spread throughout; permeating adjective
petrify turn to stone verb
philander make love lightly; flirt verb
phlegmatic calm; not easily disturbed adjective
piety religious devotion; godliness noun
placate pacify; conciliate verb
plagiarize steal another's ideas and pass them off as one's own verb
platitude trite remark; commonplace statement noun
plethora excess; overabundance noun
plummet fall sharply verb
poignancy quality of being deeply moving; keenness of emotion noun
potent powerful; persuasive; greatly influential adjective
pragmatic practical; concerned with practical values adjective
preamble introductory statement noun
precarious uncertain; risky adjective
WORD MEANING Part of Speech

precipitate headlong; rash adjective

preclude make impossible; eliminate verb
precocious advanced in development adjective
precursor forerunner noun
presumptuous arrogant; taking liberties adj
prevaricate lie verb
pristine characteristic of earlier times, primitive, unspoiled adj
probity uprightness; incorruptibility noun
prodigal wasteful; reckless with money adj
profound deep; not superficial; complete adj
prohibitive inclined to prevent or forbid (use, purchase) adj
proliferate grow rapidly; spread; multiply verb
propensity natural inclination noun
propitiate appease verb
propriety fitness; correct conduct noun
proscribe ostracize; banish; outlaw verb
protract prolong verb
provoke stir to anger; cause retaliation verb
prudent cautious; careful adjective
pungent stinging; caustic adjective

qualified limited; restricted adjective
quandary dilemma noun
quibble equivocate; play on words; minor objection or complaint verb
quiescent at rest; dormant; temporarily inactive adjective

rarefied made less dense (of gas) adj
ratify approve formally; verify verb
rebuff snub; beat back verb
rebuttal refutation; response with contrary evidence noun
recalcitrant obstinately stubborn adjective
recant repudiate; withdraw previous statement verb
recluse hermit; loner noun
recondite abstruse; profound; secret adjective
redundant superfluous; excessively wordy; repetitious adjective
refractory stubborn; unmanageable adjective
refute disprove verb
relegate banish; consign to inferior position verb
relevancy pertinence; reference to the case in hand noun
remorse guilt; self-reproach noun
renounce abandon; discontinue; disown; repudiate verb
reprimand reprove severely verb
reproach blame; censure noun
reprobate person hardened in sin; devoid of a sense of decency noun
reprove censure; rebuke verb
repudiate disown; disavow verb
rescind cancel verb
WORD MEANING Part of Speech

reserve self-control; formal but distant manner noun

resigned unresisting; patiently submissive adjective
resolve determination noun
reticence reserve; uncommunicativeness; inclination to be silent noun
retract withdraw; take back verb
retrograde go backwards; degenerate, instead of advancing verb
retrospective looking back on the past adjective
reverent respectful; worshipful adjective

sagacious keen; shrewd; having insight adjective
salubrious healthful adjective
sanction approve; ratify verb
satiate surfeit; satisfy fully verb
satirical mocking adjective
saturate soak verb
savor enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, equality verb
savory tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable adjective
scrupulous conscientious; extremely thorough adjective
scrutinize examine closely and critically verb
seclusion isolation; solitude noun
secrete hide away; produce and release a substance into an organism verb
sectarian relating to a religious fraction or subgroup; narrow-minded; limited adjective
servile slavish; cringing adjective
shard fragment, generally of pottery noun
skeptic doubter; person who suspends judgment until he has examined the evidence. noun
supporting a point of view noun
solemnity seriousness; gravity noun
solicit request earnestly; seek verb
solicitous worried; concerned adjective
somber gloomy; depressing adjective
soporific sleep producer; sleep causing adjective
specious seemingly reasonable but incorrect adjective
spendthrift someone who wastes money noun
sporadic occurring irregularly adjective
squander waste verb
stagnant motionless; stale; dull adjective
stanza division of a poem noun
static unchanging; lacking development adjective
steadfast loyal adjective
stigma token of disgrace; brand noun
stint supply; allotted demand; assigned portion of work noun
stipulate make express conditions; specify verb
stoic person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain noun
stolid dull; impassive adjective
striated marked with parallel bands; grooved adjective
strut pompous walk noun
strut supporting bar noun
stupefy make numb; stun; amaze verb
WORD MEANING Part of Speech

submissive yielding; timid adjective

subtlety nicety; cunning; guile; delicacy noun
succinct brief; terse; compact adjective
superfluous excessive; overabundant; unnecessary adjective
supersede cause to be set aside; replace verb
supposition hypothesis; the act of supposing noun
surpass exceed verb
surreptitious secret adjective
surrogate substitute noun
sustain experience; support; nourish verb
sycophant servile flatterer noun

tacit understood; not put into words adjective
taciturn habitually silent; talking little adjective
tangential peripheral; only slightly connected; digressing adjective
tangible able to be touched; real; palpable adjective
tedious boring; tiring adjective
tentative provisional; experimental adjective
tenuous thin; rare; slim adjective
terse concise; abrupt; pithy adjective
tirade extended scolding; denunciation noun
torpid dormant; dull; lethargic adjective
torpor lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy noun
tortuous winding; full of curves adjective
tractable docile adjective
transgression violation of law; sin noun
trepidation fear; trembling agitation noun
trite hackneyed; commonplace adjective
trivia trifles; unimportant matters noun

Vacillate waver; fluctuate verb
venerate revere verb
veracious truthful adjective
verbose wordy adjective
viable practical or workable; capable of maintaining life adjective
vilify slander verb
virtuoso highly skilled artist noun
virulent extremely poisonous adjective
vituperative abusive; scolding adjective
vogue popular fashion noun
volatile evaporating rapidly; lighthearted; mercurial adjective

warrant justify; authorize verb
warranty guarantee; assurance by seller noun
wary very cautious adjective
welt mark from a beating or whipping noun
WORD MEANING Part of Speech

whimsical capricious; fanciful; quaint adjective

zealot fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal noun

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