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ONLY ...

We se ll good condi tion 16mm

u sed films. Al l are i ntend Machine &un Kelly (con't)
ad for hOme use only •.. no
theatrical ri g hts are given FEATURE FILMS
This 1s a ve r y nice
clean print ••• a l l
and all a r e protected by
comple te, but the
copyright. One of a t itle
so please give a lternates if
If purchasing i n
California please Heciy Lamarr ~e.f\ end tit le is missing.
y ou can . Please s end check or add the 6% tax. NuC/e... •/ ECSTASY The
f amous fl1m
No big deal, but we
thou ~ ht we'd ment ion
mone y order with orders, or We 'll accept trades.
we'll shi p COD with a depos­ Please write f i rs t. s tarr i ng Hady with the it .. : . . . . .. .. .. $88
it of f lO. We accept layaway Remember these memora ble nude s cene !
Mdn D€ad <d Y~I /
orders. 30 day period with a Hedy reveals in he r

, --
are for home
de posit of 410 down. We pay use only •.• aut obiography that in
postage on a ll orders in the
Un l ted 3tates ove r $5. For
'. ( filmIng the love scene
in t his film she l a id Keturns -ta L i~ ..
foreign orde rs please inclu­ ~ on a c loth whi le pe ople THE MAN WHO RETURNED TO
U FE- (1942 Columbia)
a ctually pr i cked her
de po stage, and on orders un­
de r 15 please add 50¢ f or po­
stage, and handling. Thank
y ou . No holds on films with­
~ .. ". wi th pins f ro. benea th
to gi ve authentlcity
to her fa cial express ­
John Howard, Ruth Ford ,
Lucille Fairbanks. Man
dead f or 8 years come s
out a deposit please! ion •. s lighty grai~,but ba ck to save t he lif e of
a col lectors item . .• an ac cus ed murderer •. . all
Good by! • . ... .. ••• ' 90 at the stroke of the 11th
hour. exciti ng , and com­
Machine Gun Kell1-Chas.
pe lling mys t ery . . spooky
ol d good one .. clean print.
Nice shape ..••. . . . . $68
Bronson,Susan Cabot 4:
Alice Faye stars in a Ray. mu.ical rom(mce. W onderful Morey Amsterdam try a
hand at robbing banks ROGUES TAVERN-J oan Wood­
.ongs, wonderful .tllro, and a mirthful .'ory of a beautiful in thi s ROGER CORMAN Bury , a nd Wallace Ford i n
Rirl, who went to Hollywood be a .tar, and sofl.soaprd her production. After an a really old who dun it.
W(lY inlo a laundry job. Th en opportunity knocked • •• and attempted robbe ry the Murder in a country inn
in w(llked fam e, fortune ,md love. "Music is Magic," is c lan is found h iding with loads of suspects !
melodious merriment, ,md rral solid entertainment. out with parent s ti l l Nlce clean pri nt ... g r eat
t hey decide that pos­ today • . . d one se ri ous­
sibly kidnapping would ly at t he time . .. you ' ve
Very nlce print listed on behalf of a good customer. be a better racket! Lots got t a see it to believe
please allow about 4 to 6 weeks for delivery •.. of action, and excit it . . its swell •.. and all
hi s fl 1m has a big musical fl nale • •. made in 1~35 ment to hold your in­ for the low price of only
This Is a collectors item •. comple te •.........• ,110 terest •• •. •con't t45 ...

Rona/q Roo~Orl iQl ts Civil ization Below EaRth

-toR C;Chool-iexher 7 This 1s an excellent
thriller s tarrlng RADIO RANCH-Gene Autrey , Smi ley Burnette
THE GI RL FROM JONES BEACH BRIAN DONLEVY, ELLA and more in a teriff1c science fiction
Ye s, Ronald , an artlst, cre ­ RAINES, CHAS COBU RN, feat u re from the se ri a l . • Gene is producl~
ates his perfect g lrl, and and ANNA MAY WONG. a r adi o show on his ran ch , and far below
f1nds that VIRGIBIA MAYO i s Wife plans to have i n the bowels of the Earth exists an ali~
his dream g i rl ! While roam­ lover ki ll he r hus­ c ivilization • . . ~ ig effect s, mu s ic, and
ing around J ones beach he band, but plan back­ l oa ds o f a cti on .. . . All of t he a c tion and
spots Vlrgi nia . . . the sp i tting fire s , and the hus­ musi c f rom t he ae rial is lef t i n t act
image of hi s favorite dream band surv ives . .. nlce Great for ki d s .. niee prin t, and the l;~:
girl. .. nice comedy roma nce low key lightlng .. est p rlce a round for t hi s •..... . ...• i80
for the f ami ly .. nlce clean ac tion ca r cha ses .. .
pri nt .. . all complete . . _$68 and see Sausalito as FI GHTING BILL CAR30N~ SIX SHOOJTIN SHERIFF
1t was In 1949! Ex­
tra long l e ngth .. runs Buste r Crabbe, a nd Al Ken Maynard s tars in
about 110 minutes ... "Fuzzy" St John star ~ this western from t he
nice s harp clean prin' in t his old shoot em go14en thi rti e s •.• Ken
few spli ce s .. but no­ up we s t ern. Buster pla- is an outlaw t hat re­
thing bad . . intrigui ng t s Elll The K1d... ~ forms himse lr ••. lot s
story to hold y our in 'Fu zzy" provide s t he !i!:" of acti on, horseback-
terest. . . . . .•.•70 comedy. Pri nt is an
riding e tc •.. t ~is is
or i g inal. . f e w lines ,
an orig inal "rint •...
but all in a ll, a nd
Ught line here aDd
good p r int •.• rare item.
_ t here, but gene r a lly
The se west erns are get­ ve ry very good •. a e ol­
ti ng hard to come b~!
lectors It em •.. y~u 'll
THE DEER5LAYER Eargain price ..... . i 58
cher i sh thi s •.... • 75


Lex Barker, Rita Moreno, Forrest Tucker. Cathy

Ja mes Fenimore Cooper's adven ture books of pre-revolu­
t ionary America have thr illed genera t ions of read ers. Hi s Gwynne, and Robt Jhayne Jame Mason, and Gerald ­
t ales of the Mohican an d Huron Ind ians and t he settlers. in an e xcItIng murder
traders and soldiers in the nort heast during th is country's ina Fitzgerald turn in
early years have preserved the era and t he peopl e in their mys te ry with a touch of outsta nding performan­
glowing pages. Photographed in color, the adventures of This i s the origi ­ comed y. See the a~tion ce s in this euperb pt t ­
DeersJayer. a young whi te man who has been rai sed by the nal version made of a metropoli tan new s­ ture. A legal fued be­
Mohican Indians. and Chingachook. t he ir chief. bring that in the 40's . 3ta rs paper office.Although tween two f amilies over
t ime and place to the sc reen in a rousing. action·pac ked Frank i e Da rrow 4:
outdoor adventure·d rama! an old B f ilm its done "the mill " . Taken from
June Pre isser ... very wel l .. good photo­ George Elliot's class ic
and more ... musi c graphy, and d ia logue 4: Rated ***t! . • an excel­
Thi s pr int i s bla c k and white ... and comedy in a a ni ce clean print . . the
Ve ry n i ce a nd c lean . . g reat! .. ' 75 songwriting f ami ly lent d rama. The dialog­
B fi l ms some day a re go ­ ue is criSp , and pre­
Runs about a n hou r ing t o be d isc ov ered as ci s e, and the actl ng is
All of the above are rea dy for Cute 11 t tlo feat­ a fo rm of motion picture supe r ior •.. ve ry n i ce
immedi ate shipment ... ususlly 24 u r e . . clean print. art! . . walt &: s ee : .. 445 clesn p r int too .. .. i 75
hour service! .All i n good running Barga in bu;{ •..•38
order .. . we do not se 11 junk prints. Ca lif res idents please don~ forget the 6% t ax !! :!
All used , but
In Big t hings com­
ve r y good
shape . Ing up •. ord er
One of a
fro m thi s l1 st
t i t le .
to re ma ln on
our a ct ive
custome r 11 st­
I ng.
' d •I FLYIN G MI 33LE (CON'T)
fo r t heir vesse l, and
r aid an ordance de pot,
~rrcl a Knlght sta r
Gilbe rt Roland,Te r r y.
Moore ,Richard Boone,
J Ca rro l l Naish in a
in the sto ry of a pa ro l e big outdoor eplc •..
\' if ~ - , Then . .. one m1 s s le ex­
offi ce r that trys to gu­ What a strong cast:
plodes , and 4eatb!. Mu rd e r ous s to ry of
Gri pping d r a ma •• nice ide a pretty ex- c onvic t,
clean print • . . a bar­ and f alls i n love wlth divers fi ght i n g for
ga in pr i ce . .. .•. • 58 her! Very i nt erestin g t he sponges between
d rama of on e of America s Tarpon Sp r i ngs, and
olde r i do ls .. . Corne l Wil­ Key We s t . • f ilmed in
WE W ERE. STRAN GERS de . . . adult ente r tainment. Florida ... grea t act ­
Sam Sple gel p resents: Nice clean pr l nt • . . .•50 lng . . l ot s of adven ­
JElHFER J ONES ture on the hl gh seas .
JOliN GARFIELD Comp lete p rInt run­
GILBERT RO LAN D Ha rd to belle ve t he low
n ing s bout 102 mi nutee
prices , but i t s true!
Ni ce c lean ~ rint . . got
Girl Join s Cuban f or· good reveiws • • *t!
Some t hing the whole
HOLD THAT GHOST A de l1 ght ­
comedy wlth Abbott & Cos tello,
ces to avenge her br(
the r s death. Whi l e
there s he finds ro ­
Rnk Ladv geen ! family can watch ... •
On ly ••..... . ... ..• f75
Joan Davis , The Andrew S1sters mance! The f ilm was THAT OTHER WOMAN-Virginia
Gilmo re ,James El lison,Lou­ j=1 - - ­
Ted Lewl s , and many hi larious
gangs te ra •.. Ted a Ings "Me and
My Shadow", the And rew Sts t ers
ai ng "Aurora " , and more .. great
fun wi th sla p happy Joan Davi s
a ctua lly f1 1med i n
Cuba ... s uperb act­
i ng from an i mpre s­
sive cas t , and t he
great dire ct or i al
hand of Sam ( l.B.wre ncE
ise Albritton, and mo re : l n
this earl y 40' s comedy .
A g lrl t raps a man by pre­
tend ing t hat s he ls a my­
ste r i ous feeme f a tale kn own
Hot cha: .. got ta bog ­
gle •• Ken Mur ray,
J ohnny Down s , Edd l e
and t he boy s when the l and in of Arabi a .. Bridge on s. thEL"Pin k l.B.dy" Thi s Quill an •.. l ots of
an ol d Inn that is said t o be hot l i ck mu s ic , and

Rive r Kwai ) Spe i gel. proviars f or many h ilar­
haunted • • g reat e f fecta . . . all Pr i nt is t ota 11y com i ous compl i cation s ... done plenty of dancing t o
c omplete •..•...... . .. . . .. .. 110 plete .. runs a bout on a big scale f r om Fox . boot! aong s like
(t r ades acce pted on a bove) 106 mlnute s •.• a big Nice clean comple t e p r i nt "Gl ngham GOwn " , "Jus t
A Bore " , "Ba l timore
Bombs 1\. Y ~!teg~4t~on •. .•
exce pt tha t the techni ca l
c redi ts are mi s s i ng . . ma i n Bubble " •. • and more • • .
THE FLYING MI 53LE- Glen Fo rd &:
Richard Quine sta r i n the fright­

ening drama of a submarine co­

Collect or s i t;~ :i98 t 1t le i s there . .. really
en te rta i ning . .. should se ll
for 168 ... take it fo r •• i 55 t fa st comedy, m1rth &
merri ment •. great 2nd
fea ture ••. rea lly ni Cf;
clean print. .an oldl
from thirties •• • 148
____~~nd !T and crew that want ml ss1es

SKY COMMANDOS-Dan films on behalf of customers can't . • .

See the front DUrpea , Frances Gif­
page for detail ­ ford,Touch Conners •.. OUR MAN FLINT •... color scope .... . .. .... ... '165
ed informat i on REPTILE. ... color .... . . , . .. . .. .. .. . . . .... 140
on Mus lc I II Mag­ Story of a young pi­
ic .• .. a gre at old lot that wa s shot HI GH WIND IN J AMAICA .. c olo r s cope . . . . .... . . . • 150
t i me musl ca l from down in act ion •. a THE GLADI ATOR.. Joe E Brown . . r a re 125
hard core di re ct EVERYBODY SING .. J udy Garl and.· . rar; · t1tie: : :: 125
Ho llYw~od 's gold­ TORC H SINGER . . Cla ud ette Co l bert . ... (1933 ). .•. 120
en era . .. film •• he artwarmi n g
and t ragic • . . n ot f or I MARR IED ~'1 AilGEL. •McDonald . . Eddy •. x ln t dupe 135
tho se wit h weak heart KIND HEART::. AN C CORONE.TS .. Ale c Gulne ss . . . . ... 140
Nice c l ean p rint ••.• LADIES OF THE CHORUS . . Ma rilyn Mon roe . . rare . . . 210
BIA BOLIQllE . . horror f 11m .... . .....•... .. . . ... 200

Bargain ... . . . .... 148
HOTEL IMPERIAL . • Ray Milland .... . .. . . . .. . . .. 195
----- HOLLOW TRI UMPH • . . . . . ..... . Joan Bennett •...... 115
AUiAYS GOODBYE BULLI'IGHTER AND THE LADY ... . . .. ... ... . ... • .• 175
ROAD HOUSE • .• R. Wldma r k .. lda Luplno •.• .. ..... 150
ST RA IG ~T PLACE AN D S HO ~ -Thls PUDDlN HEAD . . Judy Canova .......... .. ... ... ... 110
i s a great muslca l comedy from Ba rba ra 3tanwyck,
He rbert ¥~ rahall, SHO'II THEM NO MERCY. 1935 .. Rochelle Hud s on • .•. 145
Damon Runy on'S class ic. Stars Ce sar Rome ro in J ANE EYRE .. Ors on We l le s .. Jo an Fontaine 1200 XlS
THE RI TZ BROTHERS , ET hYL MJ:.R- N a human , and heaIt. I SAW WHAT YOU DID .. Joan Cra wfo rd . .... ::: . . . • 150
MAN RICi!ARD ARlEN, and many • • wa r min g drama of ~SCAPE FR?M RED ROCK... . ..... . . • E Donlevy • •. • l lOO
de l ight fu l ~n ste rs . Mad e in a woman who hil S ::.TA'l'lONS /lEST • . Dick Powe ll. ... A Moorhead • . . .. 130
t he late t h l rt ie s, and f ull of t o choose bet ween HiLLS HAREOR • . Lupe Ve l e ~ •. 1930! .. . . . ... . . . ... 120
toe t appi n g tune s .. Et hyl s ings marri age to a man BERLIN EXPRES3 •. Merle Oberon •. . ....•... ... . . . i 110
Bome n i ce mus ic, and she ne v­ she lov e s or her I PROMI SE TO ?AY . . H Mack .• 1930· s ••..... . .... f l 15
e r looked so youn!} ! NI CK CASTLE illegiti ma te sons FAITHLESS •. T Bankhead • .. . .. ... . . .. 1932 .•.... . ' 135
s ta ged the da nces. The Rl t~ wldowed f a ther ROUGH3HOD . .. J ohn Ire land • . .... . . . .. . ....•...• 1110
Erot he rs were neve r wa ck i er •.• who s he re s pects COLU.EN .. Ke e l er &: Powe11 .. Blonde11 .. 0akle i125
It slapst ic¥. comedy, s nd mus ic and ad mi res •. this NIGHT OF LI VING DEAD•...... . .... .. . . .. .. . ::: : 1200
a ll t he way .. s grand s how for wa s a cont rovers il ~M LET •. L Olivier . .. . a cad emy award winner ••.. 200
e ve ry one .. haS ol d l ogo, ~n~ al fll:n at the "T RAN GE LOVES OF ¥.ARTHA IVERS .. . . . .. .. ... .. . . 175
c om ~ l e t e end credlts too. ~ ic e KIS S ME KATE .. COLOR... Gra yson .. Kee l ....... . .. 350
t ime it wa S made
c lean clean prlnt .. . .. . . . • 88
whi ch was the th­ OOl: MAN OUT ... James l~p. son .. . .. ... ... . ... ..... 175
TOMORROW 13 FOREVER . . We l l es ... good dupe •..... 4125
irti es . Abeccbing
.. f or adu lt s TALLl OF 1·~ANHAfTEN all s tar cast •. 0r ls;lne.1. .. , 200
THE BLACK DO LL • . crime club myst e ry f r om 30's. , 88
~ H~'Io\EDIATE SHIP;:'ENT UNLESS NOTED) on ly : . . Nlc e c lean
p r int . • supe rb RI DING HIGH .. D Powell. D l.B.mour •. . music • . . •.. 1150
OTrlERWI5E . .. --' acting • • ... . . $75 ICELAN D.. SonJ a Henle . . big e xtr8v8gan~a •.... . • 155
HELLO ;\i"GEL5 . .. Harlow ... very nlce dupe ... .. .. 180
The fo ll ow1ng are listed on be ha lf of custome rs. THE OLD CORRAL. . Gen e Autrsy •. . . . . ... . .. ..... 110
;; 0 t ra des on t he de .. elther COD or ca sh .. . no lay awa YIi IN LI KE FLINT . . color . ... . , . Coburn . . . . ... . . ' j 17 5
We refund your mone y i f your sele ct ion i3 sold. We do ~E 51 Hi RI DES AGAIN . . Di etrich . . XXJfjU( St ewart .. 135
not hold y cur money or is sue credit v ouchers . . J ne of "AEOThGE .. Hi tchcock thr i ller . . .... . . xlnt .... . 125
a title .. a ll checked bef J r e s hipp inb ~ o you. ~one of BEiiI.W THE. MASK. . Kane Richmond .... . ... . . . . . . . 150
the se a r e in ou r posses s10n. The y mus t be ordered. THE ~ H INE.SE CAT •. Charlie Chen .. . Tole r ..... . .. 135
ERIDl!. OF fRANKEN 5TEIN .. orig inal p rint ..... . .. t 185

RE'r.'ARD . . . color s cope.. . . . . . . . . '1

5TAGECCACH . . c olor scope • . . . blng Crosby . . . . ..... , 175
.. . . . . . . 140
MOD.. 31 '{ BLAI 5E . .. color . . . Jo seph Lose y f11m . ... . 165
RIDE!i.3 CF ·';HI 3TLIN G .3KULL .. 3 Mesqu i tee rs •.. . . 198
DA~ GER ON THE AI R. . grea t crl me clue thrille r ~ 100
MEE1' J Oif.'l DOE.. orig ina l c onden sed to 87min . , 110
~ OT A.3 A SlRANGE.R . . orl gina l condensed to 88~ in" 100
DO ~O 'I ClSTURE .. color s cope . . . . . ... . . . ..... . . . 150
S IH t()l\\f S T {) If)If) 1~Il?S
Dick Clark presents
Stooges are private
1V ShOYls the top dances and
music of an era now
gone .. Guest star is
detectives in th1s hil­
arious adventure. Its
one belly laugh after
have several
'lie Richie Vallin of the another .. great gags 4:
in stock .. all Four 3ea~ons .. run" lines .......... _$25

are on cores 4: sbout an hour ... i25 PARDON MY EACKFIRE

run about!
hour .. Il.ost of
Stooges hlre a taxi to Another ri otious
these conts in

3 complete car­
Silent Days! drive them to Egypt where
they become archeo11glsts
comedy wlth Curly
providing many of
toons .. plus FE.V.ALE OF THE SPECIES seeking Klng Rootin Tootins the laughs .•. your
cute s kits with S11ent complete short tomb! .• this has some really sides wl11 split wit}
the Mer-rie Me l­ wi th 14ary Pickford as 1 funny stuf f •.•..•..... ~25 laughter! ...•...
odies characters. of 3 women trapped in Teriffic ........•26
Nice condi ti on the desert with a baby! BOOBS IN ARMS- They're in
and lowest price a­ A raging storm, and no the Army with more laughs Only one of each
round ........ i18 ea.

or take two for ,32

A reel bar ain'!!
water! Unusual drama
from the 20's ... rare
item ... 10 min •..... i12
than an entire feature..

of the Stooges •.•
Curly is hilarious ... i 2 6 '
Color Cartoon the girl who becomes 00­ is the complete musical thlrties comes this
number with Dick Powell live action, and ani­
~ ~
tween two lumberjacks .•.
~I('~. RABEIT after a ra;:;lng batt le and Ruby Keeler as new-,1 mation with a bouncing
SEASONING ~ May solves the problem. ly weds . .. a BuSby Eerk­ ball so you can Sing
~.U Interesting drama wl th e ly spectacular •.. lots along .• Gertrude Nies­
Eugs, Daffy Duck 4: OA:"., all the origlnal ti t I es of lovely damsels, and sen sings "Stormy Wea­
El mer fudd .. all in a ~ in tact •. nlce prlnt ... t oe tappin music ... just ~ ther" • . two more num­
crazy Warners cs rtoon. runs 10 minute s •.... i 15 a couple of print~ in bers with big sets, and
Beautiful color •. great st ock . .. about 350 .••15 lots of pretty glrls ..
gags •. like new print .• THE WORLD PARADE-A com­ FUn if you have a large
grand short .......•30 plete Castle short in MAN HATTEN MERiitGOROUND audience to sing along.
like new shape .• see A­ Condensed from the feature. Good print ......... ilO
merica's ·lIonderlands . .. Lots of music .• TED LEWIS
CRUSACER RABEIT- We still This proves that America a nd hi s band .• PHIL REGAN GENE AUTREY, and SMIL­
have s few of the odd chap­ is still the most beau­ sings "Have You Ever Been ~ ey BURNETTE sing a
ters .. on 200' reels .... tiful country •..... i5 To Heaven" KAY THOMPSON
sings "Allor )lothing at
i. western ditty! . ••
A fur10us 20 minutes
good condition .. cheap $2 Thi s was ,24.95 when new
All .. see Joe DiMaggio re- or so or top enetr­
On films under i5 please add 50¢ for postage and
call his early days wibh tainment ... a very
handling. Thank you . For special delivery please
actual clips ... CAB CALW- It nice clean dupe from
add il .. spec1al handling add 5a,
WAY .• in a boogie woegie " Goleta . . .••. great
number ... and to top it ofr ... item ........ . .... '25


lin stars in this crazy old J ust got in a Bet~y won't l et time
time comedy with Char11e 1s The great W C Fields few more of the stand st111 •.. great
pursuit of the girl •.• great 1n a complete con­ Fleisher classi cs oldie from t he 30's.
gags as only Chap11n could densat ion from one One of a tit l e • • Ni ce clean print .. .
perform •. very nice clean of his early Para­ first come first rsre title .... t15
print, and this has a sound mount f11ms •. see his sold!
track of music •...... ... . i12 dexterity at juggle­ BETTY BOOP MD-N o
ing ••. wisecracks 4: MY FRIEND THE MONKEY one needs -a doctor
comedy .• excellent Betty Boop 1s in her anyhow when BettYE
BOYS WILL BE JOYS- Its the print. Runs about apartment when an or­ around .. Just mar­
original Our Gang in an old 10 minutss •••..• $12 gan grinder comes velous! ..•..... '15
Hal Roach silent comedy. The along, and Betty takes POOR
boys are operating a car­ to the monkey ••••15 CINDERELLA-A Betty
nival on a vacant lot till HAS AN tONE SEEN Boep extravaganza. This
they are driven off. They KELLY ( 2) A very HA HA HA- Bet ty Boop ~ns a ful l 10 mlnutes
find the landlord, and he well made documentar and Koko with live ~~MC~ and is a take off on
sets them up in a circus! of war, and 1ts action •. Laughing the or1ginal ra1ry
There's lots of shots of effects on the par­ ga s gets out and tale with Betty Sing
the old glamorous Hollywood ents with children everyone, and ev­ ing her heart out •••
of the twenties ... old cars abroad •• Good drama­ eryth1ng comes to Beauti1'ul animation .
etc •.• Its teriff1c. Run3 tization, and actual life a nd laughs ..•• One of Fle1aher s
about 20 minutes .. all titles foot~ge overseas •.• delightful .•. tee hee ...•15 most wond orous works
t here plus a nice sound Really 1nteresting. Rare item •...•. i18 •
track ... An oldie .......• $25 Seems complete, but BETTY BOOPS TRAIN RIDE KERCHOO­
no titles . . . clean Betty and Koko for a Th1s is great .• Betty is
Don't forget the 6% tax 1f condition .. .... i8 train r1de with lots of a raCing car driver who
you're a California reSident. comedy on the rail ... can't stop sneeZing •. .
Thank you. All in stock 4: Other characters of Max She Sings a delightful
ready to go. Fleishers too! .....••12 little ditty . . . ..... $12
Next month •..
Some old rare AFRI CA SQUEAKS- Porky Pig OllIE 4: HARRIET- This
tral1ers from s t ars in t his t eriffic Mer­ episOde of s1' everyone.
films of the rie Melody from the 30's! ravorite fam11y show
thirties and Full of the hilarious gags 1s particulia r ly worth
forties •. •old a nd puns that Warner was while aa Ricky Sings
collectors famous for .. with some char­ "Be Bop Baby" i n this.
items! acters that you'll recog­ One of his golden
One of a ti tle nize •.. funny as we are tak­ million sellers ! ....
p l ease glve en on a tour of dar~eB t Nostalgic • •.•..•.. '15
alternates 1f Africa ...•........... : '15
y u can. We
refund i f yovr 24 hour shipment in almost a l l cases . We accept
selectlon 1s trades . . write f irst •. we ' re look i ng for JOY OF LIV­
sold •. no cre­ ING .. Irene Dunne, snd ARJ(,ND THE '1I0RLD with Joan
dit vouchers. Davis .. top cash paid for elther!

IV\oIJ~ ""odd
ILfS' ~ClC: kwoocl bit-.
'Sov+" ~" F(~iSc.o
~ \i+- qL/oSo

/iif-;L; &~~
~ I.,L f./.3 0 I

A few last

minute spec _

i al s . . .

... ..

OUR RE LATI ONS _ Laurel and Hardy in one of the i r

mo st delightful fea tu re s . Its one t elly l augh

aft er anot he r in t his great Hal Roach classic.

Pri nt is new from Ela ckhawk . . only run once! •. .

Beau t iful shape •.• save money! . . .... .. . .. .. '95

OZlI L AND ~~1!TT-Have a couple of Shows that Just

came in . .. oldi es ... l i ke new shape •.. . . ...... i16

THE LONG FA LL-This half hour t v sh ow is f r'om the

~fHT1e8 . . stars Hugh Beaumon t as 8 pr ivete
dete c t ive • .. old cars, and a good myst erY .. Just
li ke a mini feature . . . nice clean print .. . . '" . j 18
Ples s e send your want lists . We hA ve ac cess to many
fj Ims no t Ii sted . ..

We 've lost one more beaut iful

actres s .. . Bei ty Grable . .. l oved
by the indU stry , and mi lli ons
of mOVie goers . We have on
good dupe p rint of PIGS KI N PAR­
ADE • •• On l y on e pri nt. Please
allow about 6 wee ks for deli v _
ery .. Grand mus i CD 1 comedy, and
a lasti n g souve nir of Bet ty
Gr a tle • ..... . . . .. .. . . .... . . i125
Ple ase • .. no trades on the above
except f or other musicals .
Thank you.

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