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"ROUND and ICOUND they Bo and wlzere the'!/. d'op_.

---_170, one 'J:nOW$
Since the early 1930's, movie fans have ~ gets by us. Thls has delayed processing
been colleot1ng 16mm films ••• until tele- ~"" and caused us to be late in getting out

vis lon oame 1nto be ing, there were never ~:
very many feature films available • • •
orders--but we figure wetd better take
these sensible precautlons to ensure our
Those that dld turn up 'l'lere usually well ;.... customers belng pleased with their pur­
used rental prints. Then TV ••• aDd, at ~~ .. ohases. We shall always strive to bring
f1rst, beaut1ful "reduct10n" pr1nts be- "~ the best fllms to collectors and we try
n n
ga o1rculati g, for in those days ••• ~ to be reasonable in price and generous

where only a Imited number of 16mm co-' ~ 1n our handling of the few problems we
pies were needed, these p:-ints were made ~(';S encounter. In conclusion, let us point
by reduclng 35= to 16=. The picture N~~ out that ALL 16mm films are "dupes" ••
quality was pin-point sharp, though fre- .~ THERE ARE£m ORIGINAL REDUC;:'IoN urints
quently the fi1!ns themsel,es were "B"
prc:iuctlons. As T'l spread to the far
~ in circulatron whatsoever, but the "1st
,,~. &: 2nd." generation prints used en T'l and
cor~ers of the world and the de~and for ~~ by rental libraries and in small
the product grew, 16~ prints were wade
fro~ 16~ negatives, which, in turn , had
~ ~CORE" theatres, you'll find are ex­
cellent in every way and ideal for all
been made from J5mm. These prints are ~ pr1vate home showings. No films are
referred to as "first generation" dupes ava1lable for any other use and we have I
(duplicates) and the picture quality 1s ~.~ no rights to pass on.
usually superb. The:1,as 35= J::aterial ~ ~
was not available (for usually the f1rst «)~Although we, at MOVIE WONDERLAND have, at
J5mm files were o~ nltrate stook which ~~ times aotually been aooused of making
decomposed), prints were oade froe good ~
16~ pr1nts. These are known as "2nd ~ "dupe" prints, 1t should be obvious to
generation" "dupes" ••• the p1cture qual­ everyone that our prioes preclude any
1ty still excellent and adequate for TV ~~ such possibilltyl To make copies of fi1!ns
a..~-d rental 11brary use. ~ entails oons1derable expense for negatives
, film stock, reels and containers, plus
;Sfi~ collectors built up 11brar1es,
these or1g1nal TV prints grarlually­ ~ f"'\. costs of advertls ing. paokagif'g etc •• not
ap;eared from circula~lon. Here i:1 ~ol- ~ ~ to cent ion the time involved in process­
ly-"ood a!'.o. Eeverly Hl11s , a vast number ..;::j Ill~. ing, the added costs of royalties and so
of moVie persoll8.1tles have fllm colleo­
tioLs that run into thousands & thou­
sands of dollars. Many have 5000 or
more feature films ••• aad thousands of
forth. The actual net oost, per reel is
considerably more than our selling price,
~ a~.• generous though we may be. even
sho~ subjeots. You oan well realize ~~. MOVIE woNDERLAND could not afford to oper­
how all the really -great- mov1es have
almost dried up as far as aval1ab1l1 t l
to colleotors 1s ooncerned. All the
.or1g1Da1 reduot1on" prints have vanish­
., ~- ate at a lossl
We have no connection
with &11y lab whatsoever. and what "dupe"
~ prints we do get come in to us from our
ed entirely. We have seen only a dozen ~ customers. or in various fllm lots we may
or so this past twelve years I First & ~.~ purchase from camera stores. rental
Second generation cupes are still around ~ libraries, distrlbutors. etc. Those that
but we find that a new dlsturbl n g ele­
ment has come into being. We refer to ~ ~ are in excellent condition we offer in
3rd and 4th generation cupe prlnt. made ~ our catalogs ••• the doubtful ones we have
by amateurs ••• sometimes barely passable, ~~ to dispose of or return to seDders.
but all too frequently very poor pictor-~~~
ially and w1th distorted Bound-tracks. ~::so We s ell only used 16~ f " ~ s by ~il or­
der and because we depe'~ ' ,n ~ our
We haTe had a hard. time s teering a ••
co~e through a veri~able sea of vary­ ~; customers for our contlnue~ ~c cess. we
naturally r~ve yf,ur lnterests at heart.


lng quallty "dupes" , for, in almost Hore "hobby info next t1m.e.

every transaction we make. ~r.ere are 1

or 2 wfoo foo" pr1nts ••••hlCh we often
have to scrap altogether because they
are worthless.
it ,+1INI/A(JM O/U)E/? 15 PlEASe_
We have had to set up a speciBl "oheck­
I CO./J. o~ tl1!1I}t/Jf;¥
ing and quality control" department to
to be sure none of these weird prints
SEND #]0 {)CPOS/T. ?,frllt,(yxL

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