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1. To determine the permeability of porous media using liquid parameter.

2. To compare the average permeability of the tested core sample for differential


In this experiment of determination of permeability of porous media using liquid

parameter and to compare the average permeability of the tested core sample for differential
pressures can be refer to the table of results and calculations. The thickness of sample that
we used was 0.5 cm and the pressure different was setting to 50 psi, 60 psi and 70 psi while
the fluid used in this experiment is water which have viscosity of 1 cp. The permeability is a
measure of the ability of a material (such as rocks) to transmit fluids. Low permeability
allows fluid to flow through porous medium with low flow rate while high permeability will
have a high flow rate of the fluid through the medium. One of the factors that
affect permeability in the rock is pressure. In this experiment, the result obtained of average
permeability was 0.0012724mD, 0.0014261mD and 0.0023514mD with different pressure of
50 psi, 60 psi and 70 psi respectively. The trend of the permeability is increasing as the
pressure increased. This is because the pressure of 50 psi is sufficient enough for the water to
flow through the rock. The permeability of 60 psi and 70 psi is increasing due to the fluid
which flow smoothly thus increase the permeability readings. It has been discuss in the by us
using the Darcy’s law equation The reading increasing because the pressure is exceeding the
sufficient value to the path flow of water in the rock. The permeability of rock is depending
on connected pore grain in the core sample and the size of the pore. If the core sample
contain larger amount of connected pore, the permeability of the core will be higher. Same
goes to the pore size, the permeability will be higher if the properties of core contain large
amount pore size. Based on this experiment, we can identify the rock as fresh granite which is
refers to the figure shown below types of rocks according to its general permeability to the
average permeability that we got in this experiment is 0.0012724 mD or 1.2724 D for
differential pressure of 50 psi and for 60 psi and 70 psi also shown the same types of rocks
which is fresh granite.

The permeability value show that the medium or rock can allow the migration of hydrocarbon
from one place to another place. For low permeability reservoir that range between 0.1 to 5, it
can be consider as tight or tight gas because there are more pressure needed to squeeze fluid
through a rock. So, it can conclude that the core sample has potential to be poor reservoir for
hydrocarbon in petroleum system. This is shows that the sample used has potential to be a
poor reservoir for hydrocarbon because of the low permeability. While conducting this
experiment, there might be some error has occurred. The error occurred might be a mistakes
that we did while running the procedure. First, the sample is not too tighten placed in between
the chamber so that the liquid or water that pass through maybe not fully through the sample.
The flow rate might be disturbed by this error. Next, the apparatus is not clean which that
might be have something that can disturb the readings.

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