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Many of the design problems in Chemical Engineering require the planner to specify the
pump(s) which would be required to move fluids through a chemical process. These
specifications may include the type of pump, pressure heads, and horsepower.

This section has been included to help guide students through the calculations that are
required to size pumps for the design problems.

To move fluid from one point to another in a pipe, it is necessary to supply a driving force.
In some cases, gravity can be used to supply the driving force (i.e. when there is a difference
in elevations). In most cases, however, pumps or blowers must be used to supply the
driving force that is required to move the fluid.

Different types of pumps can be used to accomplish different tasks. For example, the
mechanical-energy that is transferred from a pump to the fluid may be used to increase the:

• Velocity
• Pressure, or
• Elevation of the fluid

As an engineer, you must become familiar with the various types of pumps that you will
encounter in the chemical industry. You must also become familiar with the types of
calculations that must be performed in order to decide on the size of the pumps that you will
need to accomplish a given task.


There exist a wide variety of pumps that are designed for various specific applications.
However, most of them can be broadly classified into two categories:

1. Positive displacement and

2. Centrifugal pump

1. Positive Displacement Pumps

The term positive displacement pump is quite descriptive, because such pumps are designed
to displace a more or less fixed volume of fluid during each cycle of operation. They include:

• Piston
• Diaphragm
• Screw
• Gear
• And other pumps.

In general positive displacement pumps have limited flow capacities but are capable of
relatively high pressures. Thus these pumps operate at essentially constant flow rate,
variable head. They are appropriate for high pressure requirements, very viscous fluids, and
applications that require a precisely controlled or metered flow rate

2. Centrifugal Pumps

Centrifugal pumps are the most widely-used type of pump in the

chemical industry. A centrifugal pump, in its simples form, consists
of an impeller rotating inside a casing. The impeller imparts kinetic
energy to the fluid. The velocity head, which is created by moving
fluid from the low-velocity center to the high-velocity edge of the
impeller, is converted into a pressure head when the fluid leaves
the pump.

Advantages of a centrifugal pumps:

1. Simple to construct.
2. Low cost,
3. Fluid is delivered at uniform pressure without shocks or pulsations,
4. The discharge may be throttled (partly shut on) or completely closed without damaging
the pumps.
5. Able to handle liquids with large amounts of solids,
6. Can be coupled directly to motor drives,
7. There are no valves involved in the pump operation, and
8. Lower maintenance costs than other types of pumps.

Disadvantages of centrifugal pumps

1. Can not be operated at high heads,

2. Subject to air binding and usually must be primed,
3. The maximum efficiency for a pump holds over a fairly narrow range of conditions, and
4. Do not handle highly - viscous fluids efficiently.

Centrifugal pumps are available in a wide range of sizes. Typical pump specifications would

• Capacities: 1 gal/ min - 100,000 gal/min

• Discharge Heads: a few m to 7000 psi.
• Standard Motor Sizes (Hp):
• 0,5, 0,75, 1,0, 1,5, 2, 3, 5, 7,5, 10, 15, 20, etc.
• Standard Motor Speeds ( rpm) for 60 Hz Motors: 3600,1800,1200, and 900.


There are many different factors which determine the actual performance characteristics of a
pump. For this reason, it is best to use the actual experimental performance of the pump for
determining the size that required. The performance characteristics of a pump can be
measured in- house or they can be obtained from the pump manufacturer(1).

The performance curves which are supplied by the pump manufacturer will typically show
plots of:

• Developed Head (pressure) vs. Discharge (flow),

• Efficiency vs. discharge and,
• Brake horsepower vs. Discharge.

For various pumps speed these plots are typically given for water, but for low viscosity fluids
the plot will not change much.

Pump performance curves can be used to determine the operation characteristics of a pump
under various process conditions.

A typically pump performance curve for a single-stage centrifugal pump can be seen in Fig.
3.3-2 of Geankoplis (1).

For the preliminary design, such as you are doing, you can often just assume a pump
efficiency of 60 or 70 % ( see Perry's(2) or Geankoplis(1) ) and an electric motor efficiency (see
Geankoplis, pg. 134) to determine the total electric power needed.

When specifying a pump for a piping system such as this, one must account for the
conditions in the suction (A) and discharge (B) lines (Fig. 5.4).

Fig. 5.4. Pump installation to calculate characteristic curve

To develop the pump characteristic curve normally we apply the mechanical energy balance
between the suction (point A) and discharge (point B). In general form the total pump head is
the sum of the differences in elevation, pressure and velocity heads between the suction and
discharge lines, as described by the following equation(3):

∆H = (Z B − Z A ) +
(PB − PA ) + (VB2 − VA2 ) (5.1)
ρg 2g

You get the expression for the curve by inserting the equation of continuity:

V = (5.2)
(π / 4)D 2

The expression has the general form H = K1 + K2 Q2. K1 is the sum of pressure and static
head. These two are independent of V and Q. K1 is the intersection of the curve with the
vertical axis. All the other terms depend on V2 and therefore on Q2.

The theoretical power (Nt ) requirements we calculate as:

Nt = ∆H g Q ρ , Watt (5.3)

The pumps are not 100 % efficient; some of the energy delivered from the motor to the pump
is dissipated or "lost" due to friction. It is very difficult to separately characterize this function
loss, so it is accounted for by the pump efficiency, ηe , which is the ratio of the useful work

(or hydraulic work) done by the pump on the fluid (-Wt ) to the work put into the pump by the
motor (-We)(4)

ηe =
(− Wt ) (5.4)
(− We )

The efficiency of a pump depends upon the pump and impeller design, the size and speed of
the impeller, and the conditions under which it is operating and is determined by tests carried
out by the pump manufacturer. The efficiency of a centrifugal pump is around 70 – 75 %.

When selecting a pump for a particular application, it is first necessary to specify the flow
capacity and head required of the pump. Although many pumps might be able to meet these
specifications, the "best" pump is normally the one that has the highest efficiency at the
specified operating conditions, along with a knowledge of the pump efficiency, then allow us
to determine the required size (Braque horsepower = potencia al freno, watt or HP) of the
driving motor for the pump. The brake power (Ne) can be calculated from (1,4):

∆H g ρ Q
Ne = , Watt (5.5)

Table 5.1. Typical Electric Motor Efficíencies ( η e )(1)

Power (kW) Efficiency (%)
1/2 75
2 80
5 84
15 87
150 93


This section provides an outline of the calculations that you will need to complete in order to
specify the pump sizes which are required in the various design problems(3).

1. Before you begin, you need to determine the following:

• Pump performance curves for one or more pumps. If you cannot obtain the
manufacturer specifications for a pump you can probably use Figure (3.3-2) of
Geankoplis for centrifugal pump specifications.

• A detail piping system. You need to decide whether or not your design will require
storage tanks, reactors, columns, etc, etc. In addition, you may need to specify pipe
dimensions, column dimensions, etc.

• Flow rates that will be required. Use the information that you have to determine the flow
rates through your process (e.g., annual production rates, specified feed rates, etc.).

2. Calculate the fluid velocity from the pipe dimensions (inlet and outlet) and the volumetric
flow rate.

3. Estimate the friction losses in the piping system that you have laid out in Step (1).

A. Required Head

To obtain the performance curve for a piping system (Fig. 5.4), the total head must be
calculated at different flow-rates. The system’s total head is the sum of the total heads for
the pump, suction and discharge lines. The total head for the system is obtained by setting
up a mechanical energy balance. The result equation is solved for H(3):

( P2 − P1 ) (V2 − V1 )
2 2

∆H = ( Z 2 − Z1 ) + + +h + h fd (5.6)
ρg 2g

To calculate the head losses in each line (hfs and hfd), use the following expression:

  V 
h f =  4 f F + ΣK i 
  (5.7)
 D  2 g 

Where, Ki is the sum of the loss factors due to pipe expansion, contraction, fittings and
bends. D represents the inside diameter of the pipe and L the length of the pipe. The friction
factor, fF, is obtained using the Reynolds number of the liquid and the pipe roughness from
the Moody friction factor or using the Cheng's equation.

In the next Fig. 5.5 we see that the intersection of the two curves is the operating point. A
given pump with a given pump curve will operate in this point with a given flow rate and a

given pump head when installed in the given system. Only here is there dynamic equilibrium
between the supply and the demand of energy.

Fig. 5.5. System and pump curves

B. Composite Curves(4, 5)

The performance of a centrifugal pump is characterized by plotting the head developed

against the flow-rate. The pump efficiency can be shown on the same curve. A typical plot is
shown in Fig. 5.6. The head developed by the pump falls as the flow-rate is increased. The
efficiency rises to a maximum and then falls.

For a given type and design of pump, the performance will depend on the impeller diameter,
the pump speed, and the number of stages. Pump manufacturer publish families of operating
curves for the range of pumps they sell. These can be used to select the best pump for a
given duty. Most pump manufactures provide composite curves, such as those shown in Fig.
5.7. That shows the operating range of various pumps. For each pump that provides the
required flow rate and head.

Fig. 5.6. Pump characteristic for a range of impeller sizes (a) 250 mm (b) 225 mm (c) 200 (d)
175 mm (e) 150 mm.

Fig. 5.7. Family of pump curves


C. Pumps in Series and Parallel

Pumps can be arranged in series or in parallel to provide for additional head or flow capacity.

It is possible to increase the capacity of a system by installing two pumps in parallel(6, 7).
The two pumps are usually of the same size. Installing a big and a small pump can cause
trouble, if the small cannot deliver the exit pressure of the big one. It is possible to buy a twin
set of two identical pumps built together. For two identical pumps in parallel, the combined
performance curve is obtained by adding flow-rates at the same head, as shown in Fig. 5.8
(b). As illustrated, the flow-rate for the system will not be doubled with the addition of two
pumps in parallel the same system curve However, for a relatively flat system curve, as
shown in Fig. 5.8 (b), a significant in flow-rate can be obtained as the operating point moves
from point (A) to point (B).

Fig. 5.8. Effect of operating pumps in (a) series and (b) in parallel

If we want to increase the head without increasing the capacity, we should install two
pumps one after the other (series)(6, 7). Again it is best to install two pumps of the same size.
The second pump is called a booster pump. A cheaper solution is to buy a two stage pump.
When two pumps are placed in series, the resulting pump performance curve is obtained by
adding heads at the same flow-rate. As illustrated in Fig. 5.8 (a), for two identical pumps in
series, both the actual head gained by the fluid and the flow-rate are increased, but neither
will be doubled if the system curve remains the same. The operating point is at one pump
and moves to two pumps in series.

5.6. NPSH PROBLEMS (Net positive Suction Head Problems)(6)

Figure 5.9 show two ways of placing a pump relative to a suction tank. The liquid from tank B
can run by gravity into the pump. The situation with tank A is more difficult. If the pump and
suction pipe is filled with air, then the liquid can not reach the pump. A centrifugal pump can
not create sufficient vacuum in the pipe to lift the liquid the pump is not self priming. If we by
external means can fill the pump and suction line with liquid, then the pump may be able to
run properly. This action is called priming the pump.

The pump connected to tank A may have another and more serious problem. The pressure
inside the pump may be below the vapour pressure. If this happens, it will start boiling, and
the pump could be partly filled with vapours. The phenomena is called cavitation, and it is
very serious. The vapour bubbles formed collapses again when the pressure is increasing
towards the pump outlet. The surface of the impeller can be seriously worn out if cavitation
continues for a longer period. The collapsing of vapour bubbles cause a high noise.

Calculations of the pressure inside the pump are very difficult. We select a reference point at
the pump inlet instead, NPSH stands for net pressure suction head. It is the pressure over
the vapour pressure at the inlet of the pump measured in liquid head. This extra pressure on
top of the vapour pressure will suppress boiling. Since the pressure decreases in the
direction of the flow, the NPSH must be a positive value. There are two different NPSH. The
first is the required NPSH. This value is supplied by the pump manufacturer. This is often
given as a function of the flow rate, and are part of the technical information given by the
manufacturer. If the actual NPSH is not lower than his required value, he will guarantee no

The second NPSH is the available NPSH, and this can be calculated. It depends on the
pump installation. Looking again on figure 5.9 (A) we will first calculate the total pressure at
the inlet of the pump. Using mechanical energy balance equation from the surface in the tank
to the pump inlet we get:

pin − p atm V 2 − 0 2 ∆p f
± Z h + in + =0
ρg 2g ρg

pin p V2
= atm ± Z h − in − h f (5.8)
ρg ρg 2g

pin p V2
= atm ± Z h − h f − in
ρg ρg 2g

Fig. 5.9. Two ways of placing a pump relative to a suction tank

The static head from liquid surface to pump inlet is positive in tank A (+Zh) and negative in
tank B ( - Zh ). Now we use the definition of NPSH:

NPSH available = − Hd
Then by substitution of , we obtain

pin  Vin2 
NPSHavailable = − H d = H a ± Z h − h f −  − H d (5.9)
ρg  2g 
Ha = Atmospheric pressure head
Zh = Static head
hf = friction head
Hd = vapor pressure head

Traditionally the velocity head is neglected. It is usually very small compared to the other
terms in the equation, so the final equation became as:

NPSH available =  H a ± Z h − h f  − H d (5.10)

The sign of Zh shows that the situation in tank A is more critical than in tank B. A pump
should always be placed as low as possible in the pipe system.

You must configure your system so(4, 6) :

NPSH available > NPSH required (5.11)

The head available from the system is greater than the head the pump requires. Failure to
meet this requirement will cause reduced flow rate, cavitation, and vibration of the pump.


If the installed pump is too small, and cannot deliver flow rate or head we have to modify our
system. If there is a big difference between the actual and the required performance, another
pump is required. On Fig. 5.8 the consequences of installing a second pump is shown.

If we only required a little more than the actual performance, then a cheaper solution to the
problem is available. If there is a space inside the pump, you can install an impeller with a
larger diameter (D). Another possibility is to increase the rotational speed (N) of the pump.
This can be done with an electronic device called a frequency converter. This device
changes the frequency to the pump motor. Frequency and revolutions per minute are
proportional. Based on theoretical considerations, the following three equations are valid.

Q N  D 
1 = 1  1
Q N D 
2 2  2

2 2 (5.12 : a , b , c)
∆H  N   
1 =  1   D1 
∆H  N   D 
2  2   2 

3 3
P  N   D 
1 = 1   1 
P  N   D 
2  2   2 

Fig. 5.6 shows another way of presenting the same information. The curves are based on
experiments, not on the affinity laws. The pump curves are for different impellers (mm) and
constant N = 2950 rpm. The efficiency is presented as surface plots for constant efficiency.


A compressor may be thought of as a high pressure pump for a compressible fluid. By "high
pressure" is meant conditions under which the compressible properties of the fluid (gas) must
be considered, which normally occur when the pressure changes by as much as 30 % or
more. For "low pressures" (smaller pressure changes), a fan or blower may be an
appropriate "pump" for a gas. Fan operation can be analyzed by using the incompressible
flow equations^ because the relative pressure and hence the relative density change are
normally small. The following equation can be apply to calculate the work done buy fluid
system per unit mass of fluid.

   2 
(− ηWs ) = g∆Z + ∆ p  + ∆ V
  2  + ∑ F f , ( J / kg ) (5.13)
 ρ average   

 ρ + ρ2 
The average density for the gas is: ρ average =  1 
 2 

Then, the brake horsepower, expressed as kW became as:

kW = braquehorsepower =
(− Ws )m (5.14)

Where m = gas mass flow, (kg/s)

On the order hand, like pumps, compressors may be either positive displacement or
centrifugal, the former being suitable for relative high pressures and low flow rates whereas
the latter are designed for higher flow rates but lower pressures. The major distinction in the
governing equations, however, depends upon the conditions of operation, whether the
system is isothermal or adiabatic. The following analyses assume that the gas is adequately
described by the ideal gas law. This assumption can be modified, however, by an

appropriate compressibility correction factor, as necessary. For an ideal (frictionless)

compression, the work of compression is given by the Bernoulli equation, which reduces to:

(− ηs ) = ∫p1  dp 

 ρ 

Assuming ideal gas properties, the gas density is:

Mw p (5.16)
ρ =

The compression work can be evaluated considering two cases: isothermal compression and
adiabatic compression.

A). isothermal Compression: If the temperature is constant, by the substitution of ρ into

the equation ( 5.15 ) and evaluating the integral gives:

 
(− Ws ) = RT1 ln p 2  (5.17)
Mw  p1 

Where R = 8314,3 J/(mol kg K.)

T = K,
Mw = molecular weight.

B). Isentropic Compression: For an ideal gas under adiabatic frictionless (isentropic)

p Cp R
= cons tan t , where k = ; Cp = Cv +
pk Cv Mw

1 =  1 
p  ρ 

The specific heat ratio k is approximately 1,4 for diatomic gases (O2, N2, etc. ) and 1,3 for
triatomic and higher gases (NH3, H2O, CO2, etc.).

Using Eq. (5.18) to eliminate the density from Eq. (5.15) and evaluating the integral leads to

 k −1 
   
 k  RT1   p 2   k  
(− Ws ) =      −1 (5.19)
 k − 1  Mw   p1  
 

The temperature ríse during an isentropic (adiabatic) compression is determined by the

following expression:

 k −1 
 
T2  p 2   k 
=  (5.20)
T1  p1 

To account for friction losses, the ideal computed work is divided by the compressor
efficiency, η , to get the total work that must be supplied to the compressor:

(− Ws )ideal
(− Ws )total = (5.21)


1. Geankoplis C. J. , “Transport Processes and Unit Operations”, 3rd Ed., Edit. Prentice-
Hall, Englewood Clíffs, NJ, (1993).
2. Perry R. H. and Green D. , “Perry’s Chemical Engineer's Handbook”, 6th. Ed., Edit. Mc
Graw-Hili, New York, NY, 1984.
3. Chase G. G. , “Match Centrifugal Pumps to Piping Systems”, Chemical Engineering, pags.
151,152, May 1983.
4. Darvy R., Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics", 2th. Ed. Edit. Marcel Dekker, New
York, 2001.
5. Sinnott R. K. , “ Chemical Engineering Design” , Volume 6, third edition, Butterworth-
Heinemann, London (2003).
6. Ketelsen I. , “Mechanic Fluid", Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemical
Engineer, 2002.
7. Munzón B. R, Young D. F and Okiishi T.H. , "Fundamentals of Mechanics Fluid", Edic.
4th Ed. , John Wiley, New York, (2002).
8. Peters M. S. and Timmerhaus K. D. , “Plant Design and Economics for Chemical
Engineers”, 4th Ed., , McGraw-HiH, New York, NY, 1991.
9. Levenspiel O., Flujo de Fluido e Intercambiador de Calor”, Ed. Reverte, S.A., Espana ,
10. White F. M. , "Fluid Mechanics", Four Edition McGraw-Hill Book, New York (2001)
11. Shaughnessy E. J. , Katz, I. M., Schaffter J. P. , “ Introduction to Fluid Mechanics”,
Oxford University Press, Oxford (2005).
12. Schaschke C., "Fluid Mechanics; Worked examples for engineers", Edit. IchemE,
London, (2000).


Problema 1 (White). En un ensayo de la bomba tal como se muestra en la figura (1), los
datos son: p1 100 mm Hg (vació), p2 = 500 mm Hg (manométrica), D1 = 12 cm, y D2 = 5 cm.
El caudal de flujo es 180 gal/min de aceite ligero (SG = 0,91). Estimar (a) la carga
desarrollada; y (b) la energía de entrada a 75 % de eficiencia.

Problema 2 (Ketelsen I. ) En las cuatro instalaciones de la bomba que muestran se

puede utilizar los siguientes:

Presión 1 atmósfera
Densidad de liquido ρ( ) = 1100 kg/m3
Capacidad de la bomba (Q) = 0,05 m3/s
Eficiencia de la bomba (η ) = 0,80

Caso 1:

Calcular ∆h cuando la bomba utiliza 5,5 kW y la carga de fricción son 5 metros de


Caso 2:

Calcular la altura libre de salida en el lado de presión y por encima del nivel reservorio,
cuando la bomba utiliza 5,5 kW y la carga de fricción 4,5 m de líquido.

El diámetro interno de la tubería es 150 mm.

Caso 3:
El reservorio cerrado tiene una presión absoluta de pf = 294264 Pa (a). La carga de
fricción es 5 metros de H2O. Calcular la potencia utilizada por la bomba.

Caso 4:
Ambos reservorios son cerrados con la presión Ps = 49044 Pa (a) en el lado de la
succión y Pt = 784 704 Pa (gauge) en el lado de la presión. La carga por fricción es 5 m
de H2O. Calcular la potencia utilizada por la bomba.

Problema 3. (Geankoplis) Potencia al freno de una bomba centrifuga. Procédase a lo

siguiente empleando la figura 3 y un gasto de 60 gal/min:

a) Calcúlese la potencia al freno de la bomba cuando se usa agua con una densidad de 62.4
lb,/pie3. Compárese con el valor de la curva.
b) Hágase lo mismo para un líquido no viscoso con una densidad de 0,85 g/cm3.

Respuesta: b) hp al freno = 0,69 (0,51 kW)

Problema 4 (Munzón B. R, et all). Se bombea agua desde un tanque grande abierta a un

segundo tanque grande abierta tal como se muestra en la siguiente figura (4-a). El diámetro
de la tubería es 6 pulgadas y la longitud total de la tubería entre la entrada y salida es 200 ft.
Perdida de coeficientes menores para la entrada, salida y codos se muestra en la figura (4-
a), y el factor de fricción (Darcy) para la tubería puede suponerse constante e igual a 0,02.
Cierta bomba centrífuga con la curva característica que se muestra en la Fig (4-b). Se
sugiere como una buena bomba para este sistema de flujo. Con esta bomba, ¿Cuál seria el
caudal de flujo entre los tanques? ¿Piensas que esta bomba seria una buena selección?

Fig. 4 (a)

Problema 5 (Munzón B. R. , et a l). Una bomba centrífuga se coloca por encima de un

tanque grande abierta, tal como se muestra en la Fig. (5), y bombea agua a la velocidad de
flujo de 0,5 ft3/s. A este caudal la altura de carga neta de succión positiva (NPSH), es 15 ft,
tal como esta especificado por el fabricante de la bomba. Si la temperatura del agua es y la
presión atmosférica es 14,7 psi, determine la máxima altura (Z1) que la bomba puede
ubicarse por encima de la superficie del agua sin sufrir la cavitación. Suponga que la
principal perdida de carga entre el tanque y la entrada a la bomba es debido al filtro y la
entrada de la tubería tiene un coeficiente de perdida menor K = 20. Otras perdidas pueden
ser despreciadas. La tubería del lado de la succión de la bomba tiene un diámetro de 4

Problema 6 (Edward J. Shaughenessy). Se ha seleccionado el diámetro de la tubería y la

bomba para el sistema mostrado en la Fig.(6-a). El caudal de flujo es 1 ft3/s y la tubería es
de SCH 40 de acero comercial. La longitud total incluyendo la longitud equivalente para
perdidas menores es de 1800 ft. Seleccione la bomba basado en la curva de la bomba
mostrada en la Fig. (6-b) y suponga que el agua esta a 50 oF.

Figure 6 (a).

Figure 6 (b).

Problema 7 (Edward J. Shaughenessy). Determinar el NPSHA (disponible) para la bomba

que opera para las condiciones de entrada con un caudal de flujo de 20 gal/min (temperatura
de agua 60 oF) a través de una tubería de fiero galvanizado de 1 pulgada SCH 40.

Este sistema se muestra en la Fig. 7. Si el fabricante de la bomba especifica un valor de

NPSHR (requerido) = 20 ft. La bomba operara satisfactoriamente? Y si no es así ¿Puedes
sugerir la modificación de diseño de tal manera que no cambie el caudal de diseño o
dimensiones de la tubería?

Fig. 7.

Problema 8. (White) Dos bombas, con su respectiva curva característica, de 35 pulgadas

de diámetro son instalados en paralelo para el sistema de la fig. (8). Despreciar perdidas
menores. Para el agua a 20 oC, estimar el caudal de flujo y la potencia requerida si (a) si
ambas bombas están funcionando; (b) una bomba es cerrada y aislada.

Problema 9 (White). Se ha propuesto utilizar una bomba de 32 y otro de 28 pulgadas en

paralelo (Fig. 9) para transportar agua a 60 oF. La curva de la carga del sistema es H = 50
+ 0,30 Q2, con Q en miles de galones/ minuto. ¿Cuál será la carga y el caudal a ser
transportado si ambas bombas operan a 1170 r/min? Si la bomba de 28 pulgadas es
reducido por debajo de 1170 r/min, ¿A que velocidad de rotación cesara el transporte? La
curva característica de las dos bombas es como sigue:

Problema 10. (WHITE) La carga neta de una pequeña bomba de acuario es dado por el
fabricante como una función de caudal tal como detalla a continuación:

Q, (m3/s) 0 1E-6 2E-6 3E-6 4E-6 5E-6

H, mm H2O 1,10 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,35 0,00

¿Cuál es el flujo máximo alcanzable si se utiliza esta bomba para bombear agua desde un
reservorio mas bajo hasta un reservorio más alto tal como se muestra en la figura (10)?.

Nota: La tubería es liso, con un diámetro interno de 5 mm y una longitud total de 29,8 m El
agua esta a una temperatura y presión de la habitación ambiente y presión, y pérdidas
menores son despreciables.

Problema 11 (Carl Schaschke). Una bomba centrífuga se utiliza parara transferir un liquido
entre dos tanques abiertas. Un lazo de reciclo mezcla el contenido del tanque de
alimentación y un orificio de restricción en la línea de reciclo es utilizado para limitar la
velocidad de liquido a 2 m/s. Determinar el numero de carga de velocidad a través de la
restricción del orificio cuando una válvula en la línea de transferencia al tanque de recepción
es cerrado. Si la válvula es completamente abierta, demostrar que el caudal es
aproximadamente 1,1x10-2 m3/s cuando el nivel del liquido en el tanque de recepción es 12
m por encima del centro de la línea de la bomba y el nivel en el tanque de alimentación es 5
m por encima del centro de línea. La característica de la bomba es:

H = 12 - 70 Q - 4300 Q2

Todas las tuberías tienen un diámetro interno de 100 mm y la succión, reciclo y la línea de
transferencia tiene una longitud equivalente de 2 m, 10 m y 20 m, respectivamente. Un factor
de fricción de Fanning de 0,005 puede ser utilizado.

Problema 12 (Carl Schaschke) Una bomba centrífuga se utiliza para transportar un liquido
de densidad 970 kg/m3 desde un recipiente de almacenamiento abierto a la velocidad de 5
m3/h. El recipiente de almacenamiento tiene un diámetro de 3 metros e inicialmente esta a
una profundidad de 2,5 m. La bomba esta localizada a una elevación de 3 metros por
encima de la base del recipiente y la perdida de carga friccional en la succión de la tubería
es 0,5 metros. La presión de vapor del líquido a la temperatura de operación es 18 kN/m2 y
el NPSH es 5 metros. Determinar la cantidad del liquido transportado y el tiempo que toma
antes de que la cavitacion ocurra. Se permite para la peor condición meteorológica.

Problema 13 (Fluid Mechanic: worked examples by Carl Schaschke). Una bomba

centrífuga con un impulsor de velocidad de 1200 rpm tiene las siguientes características:

Descarga Q, (m3/s) 0,000 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008 0,010

Carga H (m) 40,0 39,5 38,0 35,0 30,0 20,0

La bomba es utilizada para transportar un líquido de proceso a lo largo de una tubería de

longitud 100 m y diámetro interior de 50 mm y descarga del final de la tubería a presión
atmosférica a una elevación de 10 m por encima del tanque de abierto. Determinar el punto
de carga y la velocidad de la bomba que podría resultar en una reducción en flujo de 25 %.
Suponga un factor de fricción de 0,005 y despreciar perdidas por salida y entrada.

Problema 14 (Fluid Mechanic: worked examples by Carl Schaschke). Una bomba

centrífuga es utilizada para transferir agua desde un recipiente a una presión absoluta de 50
kN/m2 a otro recipiente a una presión absoluta de 150 kN/m2. La elevación del agua en cada
recipiente por encima de línea central de la bomba es 5 m y 15 m, respectivamente. La
tubería de conexión en el lado de succión y lado de transporte tiene una longitud equivalente

de 5 m y 20 m, respectivamente. Además, hay una válvula de control en la línea que tiene

una perdida de 25 % de la carga diferencial de la bomba; el controlador de flujo mantiene el
flujo a una velocidad de 0,05 m3/s. Datos de una geometría similar de la bomba con un
diámetro de impulsor de 0,15 m y una velocidad rotacional de 1500 rpm son:

Descarga Q, (l/s) 0 5,0 10 15 20 25

Carga diferencia H, (m) 9,25 8,81 7,85 6,48 4,81 2,96
Entrada de energía P, ------- 0,96 1,03 1,19 1,26 1,45

Para un líquido de velocidad de 2 m/s determinar la carga diferencial, el diámetro del

impulsor y la velocidad de rotación requerida para una operación a máxima eficiencia

Problema (15) Potencia de un ventilador (Geankoplis). Se desea usar un ventilador

centrífugo para succionar un gas de chimenea en reposo (velocidad cero) a temperatura de
352,6 K y presión de 749,3 mm de Hg, para descargarlo a una presión de 800,1 mm de Hg y
velocidad de 38,1 m/s. El gasto volumétrico de flujo del gas de 56,6 m3/min de gas en
condiciones normales (294,3 K y 760 mm de Hg). Calcúlese la potencia al freno del
ventilador si su eficiencia es de 65% y el gas tiene un peso molecular de 30,7. Supóngase
un flujo incompresible.

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