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Rencana SAM RATULANGI Pelaksanaan Kesan Jml Mhs Paraf

gu Program (*Sesuai Dosen Tanggal Jam Materi/Kegiatan Dosen yang Dosen
Ke SAP/RPKPS) terhadap Hadir
(1) (2) (FO-PEMB/UPM-UNSRAT/01)
(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1  Penjelasan
Program Studi Umum Prof. Dr. Ir.  Penjelasan Umum Pelaksanaan
/ S3 Perkuliahan
Pelaksanaan Perkuliahan
Mata Kuliah/Kode MK/SKS
Penjelasan tentang
 Penjelasan tentang Kromosom, DNA,
Semester Kromosom, DNA, RNA, :M.Sc (IFMR) / GENAP 2017/2018
2(SATU) dan RNA
Dosen Pengampu
gen, dan genom :  Ceramah
(1) Prof. Dr. Ir. INNEKE F.M. RUMENGAN, + diskusi
2 Penjelasan tentang IFMR  Penjelasan
(2) Prof. Dr. Ir. CHRISTINA L. SALAKI, M.S. tentang genom dan gen
Kromosom, DNA, RNA, gen, 
(3) Prof. Dr. TRINA E. TALLEI, M.Si. Ceramah + dikusi
dan genom
JUMAT 13.30 – 15.00
3 Genomik, proteomik, dan IFMR  Penjelasan tentang genomik dan
metabolomik serangga proteomik serangga
 Entometabolomics: applications of
modern analytical techniques to insect
 Ceramah + diskusi
4 Transgenics insect IFMR  Insect transformation for both
experimentation and population
 Transformasi menggunakan
transposable element
 Ceramah + diskusi
5 DNA metabarcoding of IFMR  Environmental metabarcodes for
insects insects:
 Metabarcoding as a tool for
investigating insect diversity
 The utility of DNA metabarcoding for
studying the response of arthropod
diversity and composition to land-use
change in the tropics
 Ceramah + dikusi
6 Next generation sequencing TET  Application of next-generation
sequencing to the study of non-model
 using next-generation sequencing to
enhance and accelerate DNA barcode
capture from single specimens
 Ceramah + diskusi
7 Molecular systematics TET  Why study Molecular Systematics?
New kinds of molecular data
 Tree of Life, the future of systematics,
new controversies in Evo-Devo,
barcoding pros and cons.
 Ceramah + diskusi
8 Molecular phylogenetic TET  Phylogenetic reconstruction and tree-
thinking in recent research.
 Using biological data bases and
inferring phylogenies (programs for
students to download and use).
 Insect phylogenomic
 Ceramah + diskusi
9 Insect RNAi (RNA TET  Recent advances in RNA interference
interference) research in insects: Implications for
future insect pest management
 RNAi Efficiency, Systemic Properties,
and Novel Delivery Methods for Pest
Insect Control
 RNAi for studying gene/protein
 Ceramah + diskusi
10 CRISPR – cas9 in insect TET  Applications, best practices and
biosafety concerns
 CRISPR-Cas9 knockouts
 Advances & perspectives in application
of CRISPR/Cas9 in insects
 Progress and Prospects of
CRISPR/Cas Systems in Insects
 Ceramah + diskusi
11 Endophytic microorganism in TET  Role of endophytes in Insect control
insects (bacteria and fungi)  Drug discovery
 Ceramah + diskusi
12 Defense mechanisms of CSL  Defense mechanisms of insects and its
insects and its molecular molecular biology
biology  Ceramah + diskusi
13 Gene structure of baculovirus CSL  Post-translation modification in insects
and construction of using baculovirus vectors: secretion,
expression vectors amidation, glycosylation, internal
cleavages of polypeptides
 Insect toxins: gene structure and use
for insect control using the baculovirus
 Biological control using insect viruses
 Ceramah + diskusi
14 Insect molecular ecology CSL  Ecological processes based on the
analysis of biomacromolecules,
particularly DNA, RNA, and proteins,
but also of low-molecular weight signal
 Ceramah + diskusi
15 Molecular Biology of Insect CSL  Molecular Biology of Insect Disease
Disease Vectors Vectors
 Ceramah + diskusi
16 Molecular detection of insect- CSL  The Challenges and Advances in
borne patogens Diagnosis of Vector-Borne Diseases
 Ceramah + diskusi

* Rencana Program dan dosen pengajar diisi 3 minggu sebelum perkuliahan dimulai
** Pelaksanaan (Tanggal, Jam,Materi/Kegiatan) diisi pada waktu tatap muka di kelas
*** Jika sudah ada RPP (Rancangan Program Pembelajaran)

Mengetahui Rencana program Mengetahui pelaksanaan kegiatan

Koordinator Prodi Entomologi S3 Dosen Tanda tangan

(1) Prof. Dr. Ir. INNEKE F.M. RUMENGAN, M.Sc. (1)

Dr. Ir. Ventje V. Memah, MP (2) Prof. Dr. Ir. CHRISTINA L. SALAKI, M.S. (2)
NIP. 19590619 198703 1 001

(3) Prof. Dr. TRINA E. TALLEI, M.Si. (3)

Evaluasi Dosen terhadap Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah **

Kurang sesuai
** Beri tanda √
Tidak Sesuai

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