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Subject/Period/Grade: ESOL/Science, 3rd grade
Title/Topic: Plants: Life Cycle and Part Functions
Lesson Duration: 2 days
Date / Day Minutes
Day 1 90 minutes
Day 2 90 minutes

PA Standards:
(ELPS Standards, if applicable)
Science: 3.1.3.A.3 Illustrate how plants and animals go through predictable life cycles that include birth,
growth, development, and death.
S.3.B.1.1.1 Identify and describe the functions of basic structures of animals and plants (e.g. animals:
skeleton, heart, lungs; plants: roots, stem, leaves).

English Language Proficiency Standards:

Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for social and instructional purposes
within the school setting.
Standard 4: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for
academic success in the content of science.

Technological Standards:
Goal 1: Language learners demonstrate foundational knowledge and skills in technology for a
multilingual world.
Goal 1, Standard 1: Language learners demonstrate basic operational skills in using various technological
tools and Internet browsers.
Goal 1, Standard 2: Language learners are able to use available input and output devices (e.g., keyboard,
mouse, printer, headset, microphone, media player, electronic whiteboard).

Instructional Objectives:
•Students will be able to describe how plants grow from seed to plant.
•Students will be able to identify parts of a plant and their functions.
•Students will be able to use technology to search for information.
•Students will be able to use technology to present information.

Pre-requisite Skills: Tap into students' prior knowledge and preview important vocabulary words about
Instructional Strategies: Respond to visual clues, cooperative groups, hands-on investigation, use of
Vocabulary / Concepts:
Life cycle, grow, seed, stem, trunk, flower, leaves, roots, germination, sunlight, minerals, plant, ground,
cover, soil, tree, seedling.
Investigate, search, VoiceThread, upload information, website,

Materials, Resources, Equipment: Computer with Internet access, journals

Pacing / Minutes LESSON PHASES
5 minutes Warm-Up / Do Now
Bring some seeds and share personal experiences about plants (e.g., planting a garden, getting a plant
for the classroom).
20 minutes Listen to the story "The Tiny Seed" online. Talk to children about the story and discuss the
big ideas. Set the purpose for the lesson. Introduce the objectives of the lesson. Create a Word Bank
with key vocabulary words (refer to the Vocabulary/Concept section).

20 minutes: Instructional Phase

Watch the video "The life cycle of a Plant." Discuss information with the students. Have children draw a
picture of the life cycle of a plant in their journals.

15 Minutes: Have children work with a partner and select a part of a plant and do a quick writing about
it (Children in level 1 can write in their native language or draw an illustration).

25 minutes: Next, have children search online for information about the part of the plant they chose and
record the information in their journals. They will be provided with some websites where they can find
useful information about their topic (refer to the list of websites at the bottom of this lesson).

5 minutes Closure
Get together as a whole group and wrap-up the lesson for the day. Ticket out: Write on a sticky note 1
fact you learned about plants.

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