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Quinchia Risaralda is a beautiful place in Colombia that is

located at 229km away from the city of Cali, is a place of turism

in which you can enjoy the benefit of the river both children and
adults, besides there is a very pleasant warm weather which can
be enjoyed with the tranquility of the countryside since it is a
place where people can count on hotel and a rich restaurants

a. Where is the city?

R/ It is close to Risaralda Pereira.

b. What is the city like?

R/ It is pretty nice and fresh you can feel a great peace there.

c. What is the weather like?

R/ the weather is very nice and warm

d. How big is the city?

R/ The town measures over 149.8 km and looks bigger than it

really is.

e. What is the best thing about it?

R/ its landscapes and its smell of countryside, the peace that is

breathed in this place besides there is no pollution whatsoever.

f. How is the traffic in the city?

practically there's no traffic there.

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