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Apellidos y nombres:

OJO: Rellena los espacios en blanco utilizando WILL o GOING TO para el futuro simple.

1. I promise I ____ study for the exam after the game.

2. I ____clean my room after school.

3. _____ you _____ to the party on Saturday?

4. _____ You help me with my homework?

5. Mary ________ (Will/going to) be an excellente doctor.

6. I_________(will/going to) help you with your homework.

7. This book _______(will not/going to not) be useful for us.

8. Carla __________(will/going to) arrive late to the party.

9. We are________(will/going to) buy a car next year.

10. Angelina ________ (will/going to) play videogames.

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