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Actual perfomance Actual perfomance

Particulars 2012-2013 2013-2014

Qty/UoS Qty Avg.Rate Value Qty/UoS Qty Avg.Rate

Sale of Prdocuts 50400 140 7056000 50000 137

Input-NEOFARM 0.75 37800 85 3213000 0.71 35500 86
Input-DEOFARM 0.30 15120 65.48 990057.6 0.32 16000 62
Total Input Cost 4203058
Packing Material 1 50400 5.99 301896 1 50000 6.11
Direct Wages-Hours 0.1667 8400 40 336000 0.18 9000 44
Direct Expenses 50400 1 50400 50000 0.9
Other Variable OH 50400 1.4 70560 50000 1.4
Fixed OH
Salary 995000
Travel Expense 100000
Admin OH 65000
S &D OH 95000
Cost of Sales 6216914
Profit 839086.4
37800 144

Budgeted Actual p
2013-2014 201

Qty/UoS Qty Avg.Rate Value Qty/UoS

Sale of Prdocuts 51840 140 7257600

Input-NEOFARM 0.7125 36936 88.4 3265142 0.71
Input-DEOFARM 0.309 16018.56 61.5512 985961.6 0.32
Total Input Cost 4251104
Packing Material 1 51840 6.1098 316732 1
Direct Wages-Hours 0.158365 8209.642 43.2 354656.5 0.18
Direct Expenses 51840 1.1 57024
Other Variable OH 51840 1.484 76930.56
Fixed OH
Salary 1054700
Travel Expense 100000
Admin OH 65000
S &D OH 95000
Cost of Sales 6371147
Profit 886452.9


Qty/UoS Qty Avg.Rate Value
Sale of Prdocuts 50000 140 7000000

Input-NEOFARM 0.7125 35625 88.4 3149250 0.71
Input-DEOFARM 0.309 15450 61.5512 950966 0.32
Total Input Cost
Packing Material 1 50000 6.1098 305490 1
Direct Wages-Hours 0.158365 7918.25 43.2 342068.4 0.18
Direct Expenses 50000 1.1 55000
Other Variable OH 50000 1.484 74200
Fixed OH
Salary 1054700
Travel Expense 100000
Admin OH 65000
S &D OH 95000
Cost of Sales 6191674
Profit 808325.6
perfomance Budgeted
3-2014 2013-2014

Value Qty/UoS Qty Avg.Rate Value

6850000 Sale of Prdocuts 51840 140 7257600

3053000 Input-NEOFARM 0.7125 36936 88.4 3265142
992000 Input-DEOFARM 0.309 16018.56 61.5512 985961.6
4045000 Total Input Cost 4251104
305500 Packing Material 1 51840 6.1098 316732
396000 Direct Wages-Hours 0.158365 8209.642 43.2 354656.5
45000 Direct Expenses 51840 1.1 57024
70000 Other Variable OH 51840 1.484 76930.56
Fixed OH
1054700 Salary 1054700
90000 Travel Expense 100000
65000 Admin OH 65000
95000 S &D OH 95000
6166200 Cost of Sales 6371147
683800 Profit 886452.9
9.98% 12.21%

Actual perfomance Variance


Qty Avg.Rate Value

50000 137 6850000 -407600 overestiamted UF

35500 86 3053000 212142.4 overestimated F

16000 62 992000 -6038.41 underestimated UF
4045000 206104 overestimated F
50000 6.11 305500 11232 overestimated F
9000 44 396000 -41343.5 underestimated UF
50000 0.9 45000 12024 overestimated F
50000 1.4 70000 6930.56 overestimated F

1054700 0
90000 10000 overestimated F
65000 0
95000 0
6166200 204947.1 overestimated F
683800 202653 overestimated UF

Actual perfomance Variance


Qty Avg.Rate Value

50000 137 6850000 150000 UF
35500 86 3053000 96250 F
16000 62 992000 -41034 UF
50000 6.11 305500 -10 UF
9000 44 396000 -53931.6 UF
50000 0.9 45000 10000 F
50000 1.4 70000 4200 F
1054700 0
90000 10000 F
65000 0
95000 0
6166200 25474.44 F
683800 124525.6 UF
Budgeted profitiblity 13.07%

actual profitibility 9.98%

1 workers efficiency 5%
1 plant worked 360 24
2 material NEO improved 5%
2 material price rised 4%
3 material DEO improved by 3% 6%
4 packing average cost incereased 2%
5 increase in labor cost 8%
6 direct expense increased by 10%
6 other variable overhead increased 6%
7 salaries increased 6%
8 fixed assets same as 12-13

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