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There are three major factors that we need to validate during the “Usability”

testing process:

The site efficiency - Just remember that users want to accomplish their goals without
executing numerous complex steps, therefore the application should allow those users
to perform any complex task in a few basic and simplified steps.

The site effectiveness– To determine the effectiveness of the site, we just need to ask
the simple but crucial question of "Is the site meets the user expectations?"

The user experience – what will be the user experience when using the site? A good
experience and the user will return to use the site, otherwise, he will most likely refuse
to use it again.

Site Design
 Validate that when the user closes a child window, he returns to the parent
 Validate that the site content does not contain grammatical or spelling errors?
 Make sure that the site "Homepage" will create a positive First impression.
 Validate that the site contains the company logo and contact information.
 All buttons should be at the same standard (Size, shape, format, etc.).
 Validate that there is a predefined selection of a radio button object.
 Do the web pages on the site have the correct “Look and Feel”?
 Is all field syntax (headers, Information, etc.) spelled correctly?
 Validate that there is enough space among the site objects.
 Validate that each web page on the site has a valid title.
 Validate that the site text/fields are properly aligned.
 When clicking a “Text” field, the mouse arrow should be changed to a cursor that
appears in the text field.
 Are all the site objects (Buttons, text boxes, command buttons) grouped together
in a clear and logical way?
 Validate that the user cannot edit the parent window if there is a child window
 Validate that “Disabled” fields are grayed out when needed so the user cannot
use/add focus on them.
 Are all fonts in the correct size (not too small/large) as described in the
requirements docs?

SMTP Tests
 Validate that the application supports the main E-mail clients (Gmail, Outlook,
 Validate that your mail template is corresponding with the basic CSS standards.
 Validate that you have a specific template for each mail that is sent.
 Validate that the mail is sent from the correct SMTP server.
 Validate that you have can see the user default signature.
 Validate that E-mail contains the company Privacy policy.
 Validate that E-mail contains the company Logo.
 Validate that you support “Plain text” e-mails.
 Validate the support in E-mail attachments.
 Validate that you support “HTML” e-mails.
 Try to send the E-mail to multiple users.
 Validate that you record the emails that are sent from the application (Security
and confidentiality reasons).
 Validate that the user cannot send the email before validating the recipient E-mail
 Validate that the Email “subject” field contains the relevant syntax (cannot remain
 Validate that the Email “Sender” field contains the relevant syntax (cannot remain

 Validate that amount values are displayed with the relevant currency symbols.
 Numeric values should be aligned (Usually to the right), page text to the left
(depends on the localization environment).
 Validate that the user has the option to change the site language to support his
localization attributes.

File mechanism (import/Export)

Import Files
 Validate the upload of large files (Time to upload, how it transferred to the server,
 Validate that the user specifies a name before starting the uploading process.
 Validate that the file size is displayed with the original file dimensions.
 Validate that you cannot import files without extensions.
 Validate that the user can “Cancel” the upload process.
 Try to use file names that contain special characters.
 Validate that the user cannot upload files that he changed the File extension
(Example: text File that was changed manually to “JPEG”).
 Try to upload multiple files.
 In any case of error, validate that the user received a notification that explains the
cause of the failure.
 Validate that the user can upload only the file extensions that are supported by
the server.
 Validate that the image quality that displayed after the upload is matched to the
original file.

Export Files
 Validate that the exported data are the same as defined in the application.
 The file should be exported with the relevant extension.
 The file should be exported with the relevant name.
 In case that the file is exported to Excel file, validate that the appropriate values
(Column names, Timestamp, Currency values etc.).
 Export files with massive content (MAX File size).
 In case that the file name already exists in the system, the user should get
a notification that confirms the export process.
 If supported, validate that the user can export the file to multiple extensions
(PDF, CSV, Excel, etc.).

Site Multimedia/Graphics
 Do not add any unnecessary multimedia to the site that will affect the user
 Validate that the site multimedia will not affect the page loading time.
 Validate that the site multimedia will not reduce the download time.
 Validate that each graphical object has meaningful to the user.
 Validate that you use only the relevant media objects.
 Introduce the site animation to the user.

 Display a search results notification in any case that the search query returns ‘0’
 Validate that the user receives the most relevant results in the top search results.
 Provide a search advice in any case that the search query returns ‘0’ hits.
 Provide the ability to search on a single page or on the entire site.
 Allow the user to search based on “Case Sensitive” terms.
 The results count should be available in the results grid.
 Validate that the site contains a search option per page.
 Validate the Navigation between the results page.
 Provide the option to sort the search results.
 Provide predefined search queries.
 Allow search filters.

User Experience
 Do not ask the user to perform a complex operation to use a simple functionality.
 Can the simple user can use the system without older experience?
 Allow users to use profiles that will help them keep their work.
 Validate the keyboard shortcuts are working on the site.
 Validate that the site content is organized clearly.
 Validate that the site content is up to date.
 Avoid opening any unnecessary windows.
 The user should identify the site Mandatory fields, make sure that they marked
by an asterisk symbol (*).

Site Performance (UE aspects)

 Identify the site configuration that provides the best performance.
 Identify the site recovery mechanism in any case of system failure.
 Inform users when the requested operations will take a long time.
 The site loading time should be reasonable to the user requests.
 Identify the application behavior after a long period of time.
 Warn the user when the site has any “Timeouts” states.
 Test the site functionality with high load.
 When the application is entered into processing/Busy mode, validate that here is
a corresponding progress bar/Hourglass.
 Reduce the download times.
 Identify the site bottlenecks.

Site Functionality
 The User should have the option to select only a single value in a “Drop-Down”
 Validate that the user has the option to ‘Cancel’ operation prior to the update
 Validate that user receives a ‘confirmation’ notification after each functional
 Make sure that the user will have the option to ‘Reset’ the changes he made.
 Validate that each delete operation will raise a confirmation notification.
 Validate that the site “Minimize” and “Maximize” time has no delay.
 Validate that “drop down” values are defined in a valid sort order.
 Validate that all input fields are tested with the boundary values.
 Validate that you have a “Tooltip” for every field that needs it.
 Validate numeric input fields with negative inputs.
 Validate input fields with special characters.
 Validate input fields with spaces.
 Allow the user to use the Select/Deselect in a case of multiple selectable object

 Does the system provides a clear and informative “Help” menus?
 Validate that the “Help” menu is opened when user press ‘F1’.
 Validate that the site text/fields are properly aligned to be printed properly.
 Provide the option to print in different formats.
 Do pages are printed without cutting the text?
 Provide a printing option.

 The user should have the option to return to the “Home” page from every page.
 The user should have the option to navigate between the site levels.
 Validate that the “Tab” / “Shift + Tab” sequence is working correctly.
 Validate that the user receives a “Scrollbar” when the text is not fitting into the
text field, or when there are too many options in a “Drop-Down” object.
 The user should get an indicator regarding his current location.
 Validate that the user can navigate the site with Keyboard.
 Is the site terminology understandable for the site users?
 Major functionalities should be available on the homage.
 Make sure that you supply a navigation option per page.
 Validate that you use the relevant menu types.

Compatibility Test Scenarios

Compatibility testing is used to validate how well your site is compatible with other
systems which it should operate (Hardware/Software). In a web testing process, we
need to validate that the site functions, Display, and behavior are kept no matter the
environment that hosts it.
 Validate the site with different network environments and architectures.
 Validate that your site can work with different browser security profiles.
 Validate the site against different versions of the same browser.
 Validate the site behavior won different screen resolutions.
 Design your site to be compatible with common browsers (Internet Explorer,
Edge, Google Chrome, safari Firefox).
 Validate that all site images, JavaScript code fonts, and strings are displayed
correctly in different environments.
 Validate the application compatibility with different hardware devices (Mac,
Phones, and Tablets etc.).
 Design your site to be compatible with common operating systems (Windows,
Android, UNIX etc.).


Email links - A link that is used to open a default email application (Client
Side) should be open with the relevant sending address (TO Site Address).

An Internal Links - link that is used to point to an internal site pages/forms

(Help, Navigation Links, Home Page, Legend, About, Contact, etc.).

Broken Links – Links are not linked to any page (Internal/External), usually
caused by a spellcheck issues or a referenced location that is no longer

External links – Links which are pointing to external websites that are not
related to the site under test.
 Validate that the baseline site is available after the user use a hyperlink.
 Make sure that you validate both the “Internal” and “External” links.
 Validate that every hyperlink is marked so the user can find it (Links
should be differentiated from a regular text on the same form).
 Validate that you can open the link in a new tab/New window.
 Validate that the site is configured with appropriate links.
 Validate that a hyperlink to an “E-mail” address will open a
corresponding e-mail application (When supported).
 Check rather you have broken links.
 Validate that when a user uses a hyperlink, the referenced location is
open under reasonable timeframe.
 Validate that every part of the site that is “referenced” based, as a
corresponding hyperlink.
 Validate that the site links are highlighted when a user is placing the
mouse pointer on it.
 Validate that your tests cover the “navigation” links between the website
different pages.
 Validate that a site link takes you to the specified location that describes
in the link name.
 Validate that all the site download links point the user to the correct host
 Validate that the user receives a valid notification when the link is
Error handling
 Validate that the error notification is displayed at the correct position.
 In a case of an error, validate that the relevant fields are highlighted.
 Validate that all error messages are correct and informative.

User Interface Testing Checklist


1.1.1 Check that the link takes you to the page it said it would.
1.1.2 Ensure to have no orphan pages (a page that has no links to it)
1.1.3 Check all of your links to other websites
1.1.4 Are all referenced web sites or email addresses hyperlinked?

1.1.5 If we have removed some of the pages from our own site, set up a custom 404 page that redirects your visitors
to your home page (or a search page) when the user try to access a page that no longer exists.
1.1.6 Check all mailto links and whether it reaches properly

1.2.1 Acceptance of invalid input
1.2.2 Optional versus mandatory fields
1.2.3 Input longer than field allows
1.2.4 Radio buttons
1.2.5 Default values on page load/reload(Also terms and conditions should be disabled)
1.2.6 Is Command Button can be used for HyperLinks and Continue Links ?
1.2.6 Is all the datas inside combo/list box are arranged in chronolgical order?
1.2.7 Are all of the parts of a table or form present? Correctly laid out? Can you confirm that selected texts are in the
"right place?
1.2.8 Does a scrollbar appear if required?



1.1.1 Are hyperlink colors standard?

1.1.2 Are the field backgrounds the correct color?
1.1.3 Are the field prompts the correct color?
1.1.4 Are the screen and field colors adjusted correctly for non-editable mode?

1.1.5 Does the site use (approximately) standard link colors?

1.1.6 Are all the buttons are in standard format and size?
1.1.7 Is the general screen background the correct color?
1.1.8 Is the page background (color) distraction free?


1.2.1 All fonts to be the same

1.2.2 Are all the screen prompts specified in the correct screen font?
1.2.3 Does content remain if you need to go back to a previous page, or if you move forward to another new page?
1.2.4 Is all text properly aligned?
1.2.5 Is the text in all fields specified in the correct screen font?
1.2.6 Is all the heading are left aligned
1.2.7 Does the first letter of the second word appears in lowercase? Eg:


1.3.1 Are all graphics properly aligned?

1.3.2 Are graphics being used the most efficient use of file size?
1.3.3 Are graphics optimized for quick downloads?
1.3.4 Assure that command buttons are all of similar size and shape, and same font & font size.
1.3.5 Banner style & size & display exact same as existing windows
1.3.6 Does text wrap properly around pictures/graphics?
1.3.7 Is it visually consistent even without graphics?


1.4.1 Is all the error message text spelt correctly on this screen?
1.4.2 Is all the micro-help text(i.e tool tip) spelt correctly on this screen?
1.4.3 Microhelp text(i.e tool tip) for every enabled field & button
1.4.4 Progress messages on load of tabbed(active screens) screens


1.5.1 Are all disabled fields avoided in the TAB sequence?

1.5.2 Are all read-only fields avoided in the TAB sequence?
1.5.3 Can all screens accessible via buttons on this screen be accessed correctly?
1.5.4 Does a scrollbar appear if required?
1.5.5 Does the Tab Order specified on the screen go in sequence from Top Left to bottom right? This is the default
unless otherwise specified.
1.5.6 Is there a link to home on every single page?
1.5.7 On open of tab focus will be on first editable field
1.5.8 When an error message occurs does the focus return to the field in error when the user cancels it?


1.6.1 Are all the field prompts spelt correctly?

1.6.2 Are fonts too large or too small to read?
1.6.3 Are names in command button & option box names are not abbreviations.
1.6.4 Assure that option boxes, option buttons, and command buttons are logically grouped together in clearly
demarcated areas "Group Box"
1.6.5 Can the typical user run the system without frustration?
1.6.6 Do pages print legibly without cutting off text?
1.6.7 Does the site convey a clear sense of its intended audience?
1.6.8 Does the site have a consistent, clearly recognizable "look-&-feel"?
1.6.9 Does User cab Login Member Area with both UserName/Email ID ?
1.6.9 Does the site look good on 640 x 480, 600x800 etc.?
1.6.10 Does the system provide or facilitate customer service? i.e. responsive, helpful, accurate?
1.6.11 Is all terminology understandable for all of the site’s intended users?

ii. Compliance for each window in the application

a. Window caption for every application should have application name and window name. Specially,
error messages.
b. Title of the window and information should make sense to the user.
c. If screen has control menu, use the entire control menu like move, close, resize etc.
d. Text present should be checked for spelling and grammar.
e. If tab navigation is present, TAB should move focus in forward direction and SHIFT+TAB in
backward direction.
f. Tab order should be left to right and top to bottom within a group box.
g. If focus is present on any control, it should be presented by dotting lines around it.
h. User should not be able to select greyed or disabled control. Try this using tab as well as mouse.
i. Text should be left justified
j. In general, all the operations should have corresponding key board shortcut key for this.
k. All tab buttons should have distinct letter for it.

iii. Text boxes

a. Move mouse to textbox and it should be changed to insert bar for editable text field and should
remain unchanged for non-editable text field.
b. Test overflowing textbox by inserting as many characters as you can in the text field. Also test
width of the text field by entering all capital W.
c. Enter invalid characters, special characters and make sure that there is no abnormality.
d. User should be able to select text using Shift + arrow keys. Selection should be possible using
mouse and double click should select entire text in the text box.

iv. Radio Buttons

a. Only one should be selected from the given option.
b. User should be able to select any button using mouse or key board
c. Arrow key should set/unset the radio buttons.

v. Check boxes
a. User should be able to select any combination of checkboxes
b. Clicking mouse on the box should set/unset the checkbox.
c. Spacebar should also do the same
vi. Push Buttons
a. All buttons except OK/Cancel should have a letter access to them. This is indicated by a letter
underlined in the button text. The button should be activated by pressing ALT
b. Clicking each button with mouse should activate it and trigger required action.
c. Similarly, after giving focus SPACE or RETURN button should also do the same.
d. If there is any Cancel button on the screen, pressing Esc should activate it.

vii. Drop down list boxes

a. Pressing the arrow should give list of options available to the user. List can be scrollable but user
should not be able to type in.
b. Pressing Ctrl-F4 should open the list box.
c. Pressing a letter should bring the first item in the list starting with the same letter.
d. Items should be in alphabetical order in any list.
e. Selected item should be displayed on the list.
f. There should be only one blank space in the dropdown list.

viii. Combo Box

a. Similar to the list mentioned above, but user should be able to enter text in it.

ix. List Boxes

a. Should allow single select, either by mouse or arrow keys.
b. Pressing any letter should take you to the first element starting with that letter
c. If there are view/open button, double clicking on icon should be mapped to these behaviour.
d. Make sure that all the data can be seen using scroll bar.

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