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History Works Cited COUNTERCULTURE


The hippie movement in the United

States began as a youth movement. It
consisted of mostly of white teenagers
• Rorabaugh, W. J. “Hippies Won the Cul-
and young adults between 15 and 25
ture War.” History News Network, histo-
years old. Hippies inherited a tradi-
tion from bohemians and beatniks of
the Beat Generation in the late 1950s. • Harris, Mark. “The Flowering of the Hip-
pies.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Compa-
ny, 12 Apr. 2018,
• “The Hippie Movement 1960-1970's.”
Indigenous and Non Indigenous Plants and
Animals, 30 Apr. 2015,
• “Flower Power.”, Independ-
ence Hall Association,

By: Richie Bazzy

Key People Legacy/Impact Major Events

Bob Dylan, Timothy Leary and Allen The main purpose of the hippie movement starting • Mar 17, 1965 - Protests against the vietnam war
Ginsberg had a big impact on drug users was to create world peace, that was the hippie’s main begin
during the hippie movement. They in- goal. Hippies did not really care about much, and
were typically heavy drug users. They did this so they • Jan 14, 1967 - 20,000 people attend the human
troduced LSD to many other hippies,
could find their inner selves. Mostly everyone in be-in. 5000 doses of DOM were distributed in
and made it really popular to use during
America looked down upon hippies, and thought that 10-15mg doses
this era. Leroy always used his famous
phrase, “Tune in, turn on, and drop they were destroying our country. • Aug 15, 1969 - 500,000 gather at Woodstock
out.” Tune in was supposed to stand for for three days, changed the world
being observant of your perspectives.
Turn on was supposed to stand for a • May 4, 1970 - Students killed by national guard
reference to drugs. Lastly, Drop out at Kent State
stood for independence and strength. • Sept 16, 1974 - President Ford announces con-
ditional pardon for draft evaders and deserters

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