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Mobile Networks and Applications 0 (2000) ?{?

Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast

Elizabeth M. Royera and Charles E. Perkinsb
a Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
b Communications System Laboratory, Nokia Research Center, Mountain View, CA 94043

As laptop computers begin to dominate the marketplace, wireless adapters with varying bandwidth and range ca-
pabilities are being developed by hardware vendors. To provide multihop communication between these computers, ad
hoc mobile networking is receiving increasing research interest. While increasing a node's transmission range allows
fewer hops between a source and destination and enhances overall network connectivity, it also increases the probability
of collisions and reduces the e ective bandwidth seen at individual nodes. To enable formation of multihop ad hoc
networks, a routing protocol is needed to provide the communication and route nding capability in these networks. The
Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing protocol (AODV) has been designed to provide both unicast and multicast
communication in ad hoc mobile networks. Because AODV uses broadcast to transmit multicast data packets between
nodes, the transmission range plays a key role in determining the performance of AODV. This paper studies the e ects of
transmission range on AODV's multicast performance by examining the results achieved at varying transmission ranges
and network con gurations.
Keywords: ad hoc networks, wireless networks, mobile networking, multicast

1. Introduction ited power, limited bandwidth, and high error rates.

An ad hoc multicast protocol must be able to connect
Within the last few years, mobile computing has all group members and then maintain this connectivity
gained popularity as laptop computers have become after topological changes in the network.
smaller, lighter, and more powerful. It has become The Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV)
commonplace for professionals to carry their computers routing protocol provides both unicast and multicast
with them as they travel. With this increase in popu- communication connectivity in an ad hoc mobile envi-
larity has also come a greater demand for connectivity. ronment [11,16]. AODV is a reactive protocol in that it
The idea of anywhere/anytime network access naturally creates routes on-demand, or as needed. Both unicast
appeals to mobile users. These users want to access the and multicast routes are built using a route discovery
Internet and communicate with their associates, what- cycle, which is initiated when a source node wishes to
ever their location. This provides the motivation for ad either nd a route to some destination or join a multi-
hoc networking, or the on-the- y formation of networks. cast group. Nodes which are able to provide a route to
Protocols for managing such ad hoc networks must be the desired destination respond to the source node by
able to formulate routes between any given source and sending it a reply packet. Once a route is established, it
destination, and then be able to maintain these routes is maintained as long as it is needed; i.e., until either the
as the location of the users changes. source node stops sending packets, or until there are no
As the number of mobile users has risen, a wide va- longer any members of the multicast group. AODV is
riety of applications have become available. Some of able to quickly repair link breaks in active routes when-
these new applications rely on multicast communica- ever they occur.
tion for their operation. While identical semantically Other ad hoc multicast protocols have recently been
to the corresponding concept in wired networks, multi- developed as this topic has attracted the attention of the
cast in ad hoc mobile networks has a distinguishing set research community. The On-Demand Multicast Rout-
of characteristics and constraints. These include lim-
2 E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication

ing Protocol (ODMRP) [9] is a mesh-based algorithm mitigated by channel access schemes such as the IEEE
which calculates a forwarding group for each multicast 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) [4].
group. The forwarding group is a set of nodes which for- For unicast communication, DCF utilizes short control
ward multicast packets that they receive. The group is packets for acquiring the channel, and provides an ac-
periodically refreshed by a network-wide Join Request knowledgment to ensure data reception. Thus, while
message broadcast by each multicast source node. An the number of collisions of the control packets may in-
alternative protocol is the Core-Assisted Mesh Proto- crease with larger transmission radii, thereby increasing
col (CAMP) [6]. Like ODMRP, CAMP also creates channel access time, data throughput may not be no-
a shared mesh per multicast group. CAMP uses core tably a ected. Since the number of hops to reach a
nodes to limit the amount of control traÆc when nodes destination is smaller for a larger transmission radius,
join a group, and it ensures that the shortest path from the total delay for a data packet between source and
receivers to sources is a part of the mesh. Finally, the destination might even decrease.
Lightweight Adaptive Multicast protocol (LAM) [7] is However, for multicast data, the situation is quite
similar to AODV in that it is tightly coupled with a di erent. Multicast data packets are in some ways sim-
unicast protocol (TORA [10]), and also creates a shared ilar to broadcast traÆc. In the case of AODV, when a
tree for each multicast group. However, LAM bases this node receives a data packet with a multicast destina-
shared tree at a pre-selected core node. tion address, it must send the packet up the protocol
Current wireless modems o er a wide range of trans- stack at least as far as the IP layer to determine whether
mission power and connectivity. For instance, the to accept or forward the packet. For short transmission
Wavelan IEEE Turbo card, which o ers 2 Mb/s at a radii, the number of nodes a ected by a single transmis-
400m transmission radius in open oÆce conditions and sion is small, so a network node that does not belong
a 90m radius in semi-open conditions. The 1 Mb/s data to any multicast groups is less likely to waste signi -
rate for this card o ers a 550m and 115m range in the cant processing power discarding useless packets. How-
same conditions. Proxim's 1.6 Mb/s RangeLAN2 o ers ever, as the transmission range increases, the number
a 300m outdoor range and 150m indoor range. Breeze- of nodes which receive multicast data transmissions also
com's SA-PC Pro card provides data rates between 1 increases, and, assuming that the membership of a mul-
and 3 Mb/s, while transmitting at a range of 600m out- ticast group is a relatively small percentage of the total
doors. network population, the number of nodes adversely af-
These products o er a variety of power levels, and fected by these multicast transmissions similarly rises.
thus transmission ranges, for fairly similar bandwidth. Hence there is a tradeo between being able to reach
It might seem desirable to have the largest possible multicast group members in a smaller number of hops,
transmission radius, since this would provide the great- and keeping the set of nodes a ected by multicast data
est amount of connectivity. However, high density net- transmissions to a minimum.
works su er from channel access delays and an increased This paper investigates the nature of that trade-
number of collisions. Moreover, applications sometimes o , examining the e ects of varying transmission range
have to run in constrained environments. For instance, within di erent con ned network areas. A variety of
in a conference scenario, attendees are likely to be con- results are examined, including the packet delivery ra-
ned within some xed area, possibly in just a single tio for multicast data packet delivery, and the number
large room. With that area, it is not necessarily the of multicast data packets non-group members must dis-
case that the largest transmission radius is the best card. The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
solution for connectivity. A large transmission radius lows. Section 2 takes an in-depth look at how AODV
necessarily implies that more users are a ected by each provides multicast connectivity for the lifetime of a mul-
transmission, thereby limiting the e ective bandwidth ticast group, including the creation and maintenance of
of neighboring users. The larger the transmission ra- the multicast tree. Section 3 describes the forwarding
dius, the more users a ected by transmissions. mechanism used for the multicast data packets. Then,
In the case of unicast data, the e ects of a large section 4 describes the simulations performed and ex-
transmission radius in a con ned area may be somewhat amines the results of these simulations to determine
E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication 3

how the change in transmission range e ects varying

Group Leader
aspects of the protocol and the network connectivity.
Section 5 describes directions for future work, and -
nally section 6 presents the conclusions from this study. A

Next Hops
2. The Protocol

AODV's multicast operation is based on a route dis-

Figure 1. Sample Multicast Tree.
covery cycle. When a node wishes to either join a mul-
ticast group or nd a route to a group, it initiates route stream if it is away from the group leader. Because of
discovery by sending a Route Request (RREQ) packet. the tree structure, a node should have at most one up-
As nodes join the multicast group, a bidirectional tree stream link at any time. The Activated ag associated
is formed from the group members and the nodes con- with each next hop is an indication of whether the link
necting those group members (tree routers). There is has been oÆcially added to the multicast tree (see sec-
only one tree per multicast group, and each multicast tion 2.3.3). When a link is added to the tree, the ag
group has associated with it a multicast group leader. is set, and only after that time can the link be used
The multicast group leader's sole responsibility is to for receiving multicast data packets. In gure 1, node
maintain and disseminate the multicast group sequence A's next hops on the multicast tree are enclosed by the
number. AODV utilizes sequence numbers to ensure dashed line.
relative freshness of routes, and thereby to prevent rout- AODV also maintains a Group Leader Table (GLT)
ing loops. with two elds per entry:
2.1. Routing Tables  Multicast Group IP Address
 Multicast Group Leader IP Address
Each node running AODV must potentially main-
tain two tables related to multicast. If a node is either When a node receives a Group Hello (section 2.2),
a member of a multicast group or is a router for such a it updates its GLT to re ect the multicast group/group
group, it must maintain a Multicast Route Table (MRT). leader association indicated in the Group Hello message.
The MRT is used by nodes to maintain next hop infor- If the node later wants to join a multicast group, it rst
mation for the multicast trees. The elds of the MRT checks its GLT for an entry for that group. If there is
are as follows: such an entry, and if the node has a route to the multi-
cast group leader, it may unicast its Route Request to
 Multicast Group IP Address
the group leader instead of broadcasting it across the
 Multicast Group Leader IP Address
network. This table is used only as an optimization; its
 Multicast Group Sequence Number
elimination does not a ect the correct operation of the
 HopCount to Multicast Group Leader
 Next hops, with the following data per hop:
 Next Hop IP Address
 Link Direction 2.2. The Group Leader
 Activated Flag Each multicast group has associated with it a group
There is one entry in the MRT for each multicast leader. When a node wishes to join a multicast group,
group of which the node is either a member or a tree it broadcasts a RREQ and then waits for a reply. If af-
router. Each entry has associated with it a list of one ter some maximum number of attempts (rreq retries
or more next hops, or neighbors on the multicast tree. + 1) it does not receive a reply, it may assume that
The next hops eld is a linked list of structures, each of there are no other members of the group in the con-
which contains the indicated information. nected partition of the network. It then becomes the
The link direction of a next hop is de ned to be up- group leader for that multicast group and initializes the
stream if the link is towards the group leader, and down- sequence number to one. Once it becomes the group
4 E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication

leader, it broadcasts a Group Hello (GRPH) message. 2.3. Subscribing to the Multicast Group
This message contains the following elds:
A route discovery cycle is initiated each time a node
< f lags; hop cnt; source addr; mgroup addr;
would like to nd a route to a multicast group. It may
mgroup seqno >
initiate route discovery in order to subscribe to a new
Currently, there are two ags de ned. The rst of group, or because it would like to begin sending to a
these is the Update ag. This is set when there is group of which it is not already a member. The node
a change in group leader information, as described in initiates route discovery by broadcasting a RREQ. It
section 2.5.1. The second ag is O mtree. When the then waits for the reception of a Route Reply (RREP)
group leader initiates the GRPH, it leaves this ag un- packet. After the discovery period, the node selects
set. Whenever a node not on the multicast tree receives its next hop towards the multicast tree. It activates
the message, it sets this ag. This indicates that the this link by unicasting this node a Multicast Activation
GRPH message has traveled o the tree along this path. (MACT) message.
When a node on the multicast tree receives a GRPH
with the O mtree ag unset, it knows that the GRPH 2.3.1. Route Requests
has traveled solely on tree links, and so the hop cnt eld When a node wishes to subscribe to a multicast
can be used to update the node's current distance from group or to nd a route to a group of which it is not
the group leader. Otherwise, if a multicast tree node re- already a member, it initiates route discovery by broad-
ceives the packet with that ag set, it knows it cannot casting a RREQ. The RREQ has the following struc-
use the hop cnt value as an indicator of its distance from ture:
the group leader, because the packet has not traveled < f lags; hop cnt; broadcast I D; dest addr;
only along the tree. The signi cance of this message dest seqno; source addr; source seqno >
being broadcast instead of multicast across the tree is
shown in section 2.5.3. The currently de ned ags are Join and Repair. Join
The hop cnt eld is incremented each time the GRPH is set when the node wishes to join the group, as op-
packet is forwarded. The source addr eld is set to posed to just nd a route to the group. The Repair ag
the group leader's IP address, and the mgroup addr is set when the RREQ is sent to repair the multicast tree
and mgroup seqno elds are set to the multicast group (section 2.5.3). The dest addr eld is the IP address of
IP address and current sequence number, respectively. the desired multicast group, and the dest seqno is the
The group leader increments the group sequence num- source's record of the last known sequence number of
ber each time it initiates a new GRPH message. the multicast group. Processing for the other RREQ
When a node receives the GRPH packet, it records elds follows the unicast algorithms as speci ed in [12]
the multicast group IP address and sequence num- and reported in [11].
ber before rebroadcasting the packet. If it later re- When a node receives the RREQ, it notes the node
ceives a GRPH with this same multicast group IP ad- from which the RREQ arrived, and creates a next hop
dress/sequence number combination, it knows it has al- entry in its MRT for that previous hop. The Activated
ready seen this GRPH message and it can discard the ag for that next hop is false. The node then determines
packet. If, on the other hand, a node receives a GRPH whether it can send a RREP by the method described in
packet it has not seen before, it updates its GLT to re- section 2.3.2. If it cannot send a RREP, it rebroadcasts
ect the current group/group leader combination. If it the request to its neighbors.
is a member of the multicast tree, it also updates the To reduce the impact of route discovery, the RREQ
multicast group sequence number. may be sent in an expanding ring search [12] for the
A group leader change occurs when the current group destination. Figure 2(a) illustrates the propagation of
leader either decides to unsubscribe from the group, or a join RREQ throughout the network. In this gure, as
when the multicast tree becomes partitioned. These well as in the multicast gures in the following sections,
scenarios are described in sections 2.4 and 2.5.2, respec- multicast group members are represented by shaded cir-
tively. cles, and tree routers are represented by circles with the
letter 'R'.
E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication 5

Group Leader Group Leader Group Leader


? ?

(a) RREQ Propagation (b) RREPs Returned to Source (c) Multicast Tree Branch
Figure 2. Multicast Group Join.

2.3.2. Route Replies nodes on the multicast tree, the multicast group entry
If the RREQ is not a join request, any node with itself does not time out, and hence does not have a life-
a current route to the multicast group can respond by time associated with it. Only the individual next hop
sending a RREP. A current route is a route to the mul- links may time out.
ticast group whose associated sequence number is no If the RREQ was a join request, the RREP also con-
less than the dest seqno of the RREQ. On the other tains an extension called the Multicast Group Infor-
hand, if the RREQ is a join RREQ, only a node that mation Extension. This extension contains the multi-
is a member of the multicast tree may respond to the cast group leader IP address and another hopcount eld
RREQ. Since a RREP in response to a join request sets called mgroup hcnt. This hopcount is set equal to the
up a potential branch addition to the multicast tree, responding node's distance from the group leader. It is
only members of the multicast tree are allowed to ini- incremented each time the packet is forwarded, so that
tiate this RREP. In either case, if the node determines when the subscribing node (i.e., the node that sent the
it can respond to the RREQ, it creates a RREP and RREQ) receives the RREP, it indicates that node's dis-
unicasts the RREP to the source node. RREP contains tance from the group leader.
the following parameters: When a node receives a RREP, it stores the IP ad-
dress of the node from which it received this packet.
< f lags; pref ix size; hop cnt; dest addr;
It also adds a next hop entry for the previous node
dest seqno; source addr; lif etime >
to its multicast route table entry, and leaves the Ac-
The only ag currently de ned for the RREP is Re- tivated ag associated with this next hop unset. The
pair. This ag is set when the RREP is in response to node then forwards the RREP towards the source. If an
a repair request (section 2.5.1). The pre x size eld is intermediate node later receives another RREP for the
utilized for subnet routing, as discussed in [12]. If the same subscribing node and multicast destination pair,
node generating the RREP is a member of the multicast it only forwards the new RREP if that RREP o ers
tree, the hop cnt eld is initialized to zero. Otherwise, it a better route than was previously known. A better
is set to the responding node's distance from the multi- route is one with either a greater destination sequence
cast tree. This eld is incremented each time the RREP number or the same destination sequence number but
is forwarded, so that when the source node receives the a smaller hopcount to the multicast tree. Figure 2(b)
RREP it indicates the source's distance from the multi- shows the path of the RREPs sent back to the subscrib-
cast tree. The dest addr is set to the multicast group's ing node.
IP address, and the dest seqno is set to the respond- After transmitting the RREQ, the subscribing node
ing node's record of the group's sequence number. The waits the discovery period (route discovery timeout)
source addr is the address of the node that originated before selecting a route. During this period, it keeps
the request. The lifetime eld is used when the request track of the best route (greatest sequence number and
is not a join request. It is set to the responding node's smallest hopcount) to the multicast tree. At the end
current lifetime for the multicast group route entry. For of the discovery period, the subscribing node selects its
6 E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication

next hop and activates that next hop, as described in any time. A node prunes itself from the multicast tree
the next section. using a variation of the MACT message.
A multicast group member may unsubscribe from a
2.3.3. Multicast Activation multicast group of which it is a member at any time.
Once the discovery period has ended and the sub- However, it may only exit the multicast tree if it is a
scribing node has chosen its next hop, it activates this leaf node. If a non-leaf node attempted to exit the tree,
entry in its MRT by setting the Activated ag asso- the tree would then become partitioned. Hence, a non-
ciated with that next hop. It then creates a Multicast leaf node that wishes to unsubscribe from the multicast
Activation (MACT) message, and unicasts this message group may change its member status internally, but it
to its selected next hop. The MACT message contains takes no overt action to notify any of the other tree
the following elds: members.
A leaf node unsubscribes from the multicast group
< f lags; hop cnt; mgroup addr; source addr;
by pruning itself from the multicast tree. It does this
source seqno >
by rst deleting the entry for that multicast group from
The currently de ned ags for the MACT message its MRT, and then creating a MACT message with a
are Join, Prune, Grpldr, and Update. The Join ag is set Prune ag. It then unicasts this message to its next
set when the node is joining the multicast tree, while hop.
the Prune ag is used by a node when it wishes to prune When the next hop receives the prune message, it
itself from the tree (section 2.4). The Grpldr ag is used deletes the sending node's information from its MRT
after a network partition when a new group leader must entry for that multicast group. If, due to the pruning
be selected (section 2.5.2), and the Update eld is used of the sending node, the receiving node is now a leaf
after a tree branch repair (section 2.5.1). node, and if this node is not a multicast group member
The hop cnt eld is primarily used after a tree re- (only a tree router), it can in turn prune itself from the
pair (section 2.5.1). For link activation, this eld is tree in the previously described manner. Otherwise, if
set to one. The mgroup addr eld is set to the IP ad- it is not a leaf node, or if it is a member of the multicast
dress of the multicast group, and the source addr and group, then pruning ends at this node.
source seqno elds are set to the IP address and current Figure 3 illustrates a pruning operation. In g-
sequence number of the node initiating the MACT, re- ure 3(a), node A is a multicast group member that
spectively. wishes to unsubscribe from the group. Since it is a leaf
When the next hop receives the MACT message, it node, it should also prune itself from the tree. It creates
activates the next hop entry for the sending node in its the MACT prune message and unicasts this message to
MRT. If this next hop was already a member of the its next hop, node B. When node B receives the mes-
multicast tree, the addition of the new branch to the sage, it deletes node A from its next hop entries, and
tree is completed. Otherwise, if this next hop was not then notes that it is now a leaf node. Since it is a tree
already a member of the multicast tree, then, like the router and not a group member, it then prunes itself
subscribing node, it will also have been keeping track from the tree as well. Figure 3(b) illustrates the multi-
of the best next hop to the multicast tree. It activates cast tree after pruning.
this next hop in its MRT, and then unicasts a MACT When the group leader decides to unsubscribe the
message to this next hop. Processing continues in this group, it operates in a similar manner. If it is a leaf
manner until an existing member of the multicast tree node, it may prune itself from the tree. Otherwise, it
is reached. Figure 2(c) shows the multicast tree after must remain a router for the tree.
the join is completed. If it is a leaf node, it sends the prune message to its
next hop and deletes the multicast group information
from its MRT. When the next hop receives the prune
2.4. Unsubscribing From the Multicast Group message, it is handled as described in section 2.5.2. Oth-
erwise, if the group leader is not a leaf node, it selects
Multicast group membership is dynamic; nodes can one of its next hops and sends this node a MACT mes-
subscribe to or unsubscribe from a multicast group at
E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication 7


(a) Pruning of Multicast Group (b) Multicast Tree After

Member Prune
Figure 3. Unsubscribing from the Multicast Group.

sage with set Grpldr ag, as is also described in sec- ing the link. A node knows it is downstream of the break
tion 2.5.2. because it knows the direction of each of its next hops in
relation to the multicast group leader. Only the down-
stream node should initiate the repair; if nodes on both
2.5. Multicast Tree Maintenance
sides of the break tried to repair the link, they might re-
Because the network nodes are mobile, links between pair the link through di erent intermediate nodes, thus
nodes are likely to break. A multicast tree is maintained forming a loop. The downstream node initiates the re-
for the lifetime of the multicast group. Hence, there pair by broadcasting a RREQ with the Join ag set
must be a way of maintaining the tree after topological and with a special extension included. This extension,
changes in the network. called the Multicast Group Leader Extension, contains
Multicast tree maintenance generally falls into one a mgroup hcnt eld, which is set equal to the node's
of three broad categories: (i) link break and repair; (ii) current distance from the multicast group leader. In
link break and subsequent network partition; and (iii) gure 4(a), the downstream node sets this eld equal
tree merge after a network partition. to two, since it is two hops away from the group leader.
When this extension is included, only nodes that are
2.5.1. Repairing Link Breaks no farther from the group leader can respond. This
Nodes determine that a link has broken in the same prevents nodes on the same side of the break as the
way as described in [11], whether or not the link is part downstream node from responding to the RREQ, which
of the multicast tree. would form a loop. Because the two nodes are likely to
If the multicast tree has recently been used to send still be close by, the downstream node can set the initial
data packets, then a node on the tree must hear each TTL value of the RREQ to be small, thereby allowing
of its next hops (except the node from which the for a local repair and preventing the RREQ from being
packet was received) retransmit a data packet within broadcast across the entire network.
retransmit time, generally three times the propaga- Because the RREQ has the Join ag set, only a node
tion delay through a node. Because IP is a \best ef- on the multicast tree can respond. When such a node
fort" network-layer protocol, a multicasting node does receives the RREQ with this extension eld, it checks
not need to hear each of its next hops retransmit whether it is at least as close to the group leader as in-
each packet; it just must hear each next hop trans- dicated by the mgroup hcnt eld. If so, and if its record
mit something within that time frame. This spe- of the group sequence number is at least as great as that
cial retransmit time is used because waiting the full contained in the RREQ, it can reply to the RREQ by
hello life time period to detect a broken multicast
unicasting a RREP back to the initiating node. RREP
tree link would often result in a large number of lost forwarding and subsequent route activation with the
packets. MACT message are handled as previously described.
When a link break on the multicast tree occurs, the Figure 4(b) illustrates the multicast tree after the re-
node downstream of the break is responsible for repair- pair is completed.
8 E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication

Group Leader Group Leader

Downstream Node R


(a) Link Break (b) Repaired Multicast Tree

Figure 4. Repair of Multicast Tree Branch.

Once the repair is nished, it is possible that the node become partitioned and that the multicast tree cannot
which initiated the repair is now a new distance from the yet be repaired. If this is the case, the multicast tree
group leader. If this is the case, it must inform it down- partition that was downstream of the break is now left
stream next hops of their new distance from the group without a group leader.
leader. The node creates a MACT message, sets the Up- If the node that was trying to repair the break is a
date ag, and sets the hop cnt eld equal to its distance multicast group member, then it becomes the new group
from the group leader. It then multicasts this message leader. It broadcasts a GRPH message to announce the
to the multicast group. When the downstream nodes group leader change, and sets the Update ag in this
receive this message, they increment the hop cnt value message to indicate that the change has occurred.
and then update their current distance from the group If the node that was trying to repair the break is not
leader. If they are not leaf nodes, they in turn send this a multicast group member, there are two possibilities.
update message to their downstream next hops, and so The rst is that this node has only one downstream link.
on. Because the MACT is multicast, the node that is If this is the case, then the link loss has made this node
upstream of the multicasting node also receives the mes- a leaf on the tree, and so it can prune itself from the
sage. In this case, it notes that the packet came from tree. It unicasts its next hop a prune message, and then
its downstream link, and discards the message. deletes all the group information from its MRT. When
When a link break occurs, the node upstream of the the next hop receives the prune message, it deletes the
break also notices the disconnection. It is possible that sending node's next hop information from its MRT, and
the tree branch will not be reconnected through that notes that the message came from its upstream link. It
node. If this upstream node is not a group member, is then in the same position as the previous node. If it is
and if the loss of that link has made that node a leaf a group member, it becomes the new group leader. Oth-
node, it sets a prune timer to wait for the repair. This erwise, if it has only one downstream next hop link, it
prune timer should be longer than the route discovery prunes itself from the tree along this link. This process
period in order to allow time for the repair to be com- continues until a multicast group member is reached.
pleted. The new leaf node may prune itself after the This node becomes the new group leader.
timer expires, if the next hop does not reactivate it (by The second possibility is that the node that was try-
sending it a MACT message). ing to repair the link has multiple downstream branches.
In this case, it cannot prune itself from the tree, because
2.5.2. Network Partitions doing so would disconnect the tree. It instead selects
If a node attempting to repair a broken tree link does any one of its downstream links, and unicasts that next
not receive a RREP within the discovery period, it re- hop a MACT message with set Grpldr ag. This ag
broadcasts its RREQ up to rreq retries more times, indicates that the next group member to receive this
using the same expanding ring search as indicated in message should become the new group leader. After
section 2.3.1. If no response is received after this many unicasting this message, it changes the direction associ-
attempts, the node must assume that the network has ated with this next hop in its MRT so that the direction
E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication 9

Group Leader 1

Network Partition

Group Leader 2 Group Leader R


(a) Partitioned Network before the Repair (b) Reconnected Network

Figure 5. Merge of Two Components of Multicast Tree.

is now upstream. If the next hop to receive the MACT is cast tree link. This prevents the formation of routing
a group member, it becomes the new group leader. Oth- loops once the RREP is sent.
erwise, it in turn chooses one of its downstream links, When GL2 receives the RREQ, it notes the set Re-
and sends that next hop the MACT message with set pair ag, and creates a RREP to send back to GL1 . It
Grpldr ag. It also updates the direction associated sets the Repair ag of this RREP, and then unicasts
with that next hop to be upstream. This process ends the RREP back to GL1 . It also updates the multicast
once a multicast group member is reached. group sequence number by taking the larger of its record
Once the new group leader is determined, it broad- of the group sequence number and that contained in the
casts a GRPH message with set Update ag and incre- RREQ, and incrementing this value by one. The next
mented group sequence number to announce its new time GL2 broadcasts a GRPH message, it includes this
status as group leader. new sequence number value, and sets the Update ag to
indicate a group leader change has occurred.
2.5.3. Merging Two Disjoint Trees As the RREP travels back to GL1 , nodes that receive
Once a network partition has occurred, there are the RREP create the next hop entries and activate these
two group leaders for the same multicast group, each entries immediately. Because the RREQ was unicast,
of which periodically broadcasts a GRPH message. If there is only one potential tree branch being added to
the two network partitions come back into contact with the tree, and so a MACT message does not need to be
each other, group members learn of this occurrence sent. Hence the next hop entry can be activated without
through the reception of a GRPH message that has delay. If a node that is on the multicast tree of GL1
information about a new group leader. The two par- receives the RREP message, it updates its group leader
titions of the multicast tree must then be reconnected. information for that multicast group to re ect GL2 as
The only node which can initiate the repair of the tree the new group leader. This node forwards the RREP
is the multicast group leader with the lower IP address. along its upstream tree link towards GL1 to prevent
This distinction is made because if more than one node routing loops. It then changes the direction of that
tried to repair the tree, it is likely that it would be re- link to downstream, and marks the link from which the
paired through di erent intermediate nodes, and thus packet arrived as upstream. This link direction change
form a loop. occurs because the new group leader is in a di erent
When the group leader with the lower IP address direction than the previous one. Once GL1 receives the
(GL1 ) receives the GRPH, it creates a RREQ with set RREP, it notes that it is no longer the group leader,
Join and Repair ags and unicasts this message to the makes the link addition or direction change, and the
other group leader (GL2 ), using the node from which tree merge is complete. Figure 5 shows an example of
it received the GRPH as the next hop. As the RREQ a tree repaired in this manner.
travels to GL2 , nodes process the packet as they would
a regular RREQ with the following exception. If a node
that is a member of GL2 's tree receives the RREQ, it
forwards the RREQ to GL2 along its upstream multi-
10 E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication

3. Data Packet Forwarding how well the protocol performs under the given condi-
tions. Since each data packet must be received by every
Data packets destined for the multicast group are member of the multicast group, the packet delivery ra-
transmitted as broadcast traÆc, unless there is support tio is then divided by the number of group members to
for multicast at layer 2. When a node receives a mul- yield the normalized overall packet delivery ratio.
ticast data packet, it checks whether it is a part of the To understand the packet delivery ratio results, var-
multicast tree for that multicast group. If not, it dis- ious other results are examined. The average distance
cards the packet. If it is a member of the multicast tree, from a multicast group member to the group leader
it then determines whether it has already received that is directly a ected by the transmission range. When
packet. Nodes on the multicast tree keep a record of the transmissions have relatively small range, the path
source IP address, fragment id, and fragment o set of length to the multicast group leader is much longer.
the multicast data packets they receive. If this source Longer path lengths lead to a higher probability of a
IP address/fragment id/o set combination is already packet collision before the packet reaches its destina-
represented in their records, they discard the packet. tion, and also a higher probability of tree link breaks.
Otherwise, they create a new entry to represent the Both of these events result in a lower packet delivery
packet. In this way, if the node later receives the same ratio. Since the amount of control message overhead is
data packet transmitted by another next hop, it knows directly related to the number of breaks in the multicast
not to reprocess the packet. If the node has not already tree, a shorter transmission radius is likely to result in
received the data packet, the node processes the packet a greater amount of control traÆc.
if it is a member of the multicast group to which the A large transmission radius increases the average
packet is addressed. Then, if the node is on the mul- number of neighbors per node. This leads to shorter
ticast tree for that group, it forwards (by broadcast or path lengths to reach multicast group members, but a
multicast) the packet to its next hops. greater number of nodes receive each data packet broad-
cast. Consequently, there is an increase in battery uti-
4. Simulations lization at individual nodes, as well as an increase in
the likelihood of data packet collisions.
The transmission range Rxmit is a key parameter in
the interconnection pattern of a network. Its value af- 4.1. Simulation Environment
fects a wide range of results, including:
The simulations were performed using the GloMoSim
 the neighbor degree of network nodes, Network Simulator developed at UCLA [1]. This simu-
 the throughput, lator models the OSI network architecture and includes
 the probability of collision, models for IP and UDP. The simulator also allows for
 the contention for channel access, network node mobility, thereby enabling simulation of
 battery lifetime of the transmitting node, mobile ad hoc networks.
 average number of hops, and thus the delay, for mes- The MAC layer protocol used in the simulations is
sage transmission, the IEEE standard 802.11 Distributed Coordination
 and the impact of transmissions on neighboring Function (DCF) [4]. This standard uses Request-To-
nodes. Send (RTS) and Clear-To-Send (CTS) control pack-
In the following simulations, the e ect of the transmis- ets for unicast data transmissions between neighbor-
sion range is studied on di erent network topologies. ing nodes. A node wishing to unicast a data packet
To investigate the e ect of the transmission range on to its neighbor broadcasts a short RTS control packet.
the AODV multicast protocol, a variety of results are When its neighbor receives the packet, it responds with
examined. First, the packet delivery ratio is calculated a CTS packet. Once the node receives the CTS, it
by taking the number of data packets received, divided transmits the data packet. After receiving this data
by the number of data packets transmitted. Control packet, the neighbor then sends an acknowledgment
packets are not counted for the purposes of this calcu- (ACK) to the sender of the data packet, signifying
lation. The packet delivery ratio is a key indicator of reception of the packet. The use of the RTS-CTS
E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication 11

Parameter Name Meaning Value

allowed hello loss # of Allowed Hello Losses 2
group hello interval Frequency of Group Hello Broadcasts 5 sec
hello interval Frequency of Hello or Other Broadcasts 1 sec
hello life Maximum Time Allowed Between Hello Pkt Receptions 3 sec
pkt id save Time to Bu er Data Packet Identi er 3 sec
prune timeout Time to Wait to Receive a MACT before Prune 3 sec
retransmit time Time to Wait for Data Packet Retransmissions 750 msec
rev route life Time to Keep Reverse Route Entries 3 sec
rreq retries Max # of RREQ Retransmissions 2
route discovery timeout Max Time to Wait for a RREP 1 sec
Table 1
Simulated Parameter Values.

control packets reduces the potential for the hidden- movement model causes continual changes in the net-
terminal problem [17]. Broadcast data packets and work topology.
RTS control packets are sent using the unslotted Carrier Each simulation simulates 300 seconds and models a
Sense Multiple Access protocol with Collision Avoid- network of 50 nodes. During each simulation, there
ance (CSMA/CA) [4]. When a node wishes to broad- is one multicast group which contains ten members.
cast a packet, it rst senses the channel. If it does not Nodes join the multicast group at the beginning of the
detect an on-going transmission, it sets a short timer simulation. Once all the nodes have joined the group
and then re-senses the channel once the timer expires. and the tree is formed, data transmission begins. Data
If the channel is still idle, it broadcasts its packet. On packets are sent by one of the group members at a
the other hand, if it does detect a transmission, it cal- constant rate of eight packets per second throughout
culates a backo time and then waits this amount of the duration of the simulation. Each data packet is 64
time before reattempting the transmission. bytes.
The bandwidth for the simulations is 2 Mb/sec. The When a node receives a multicast data packet and is
propagation model used is the free space model [14] with a member of that multicast group, it sends the packet
threshold cuto included in the GloMoSim simulation to the application layer for processing and increments
package. The free space model has a power signal atten- its count of the number of data packets it has received.
uation of 1=d2 , where d is the distance between nodes. It then rebroadcasts the packet. If the node is not a
The radio model used also has capture capability, where member of the multicast group but is on the multicast
it can lock on to a strong signal during interference, and tree, it simply rebroadcasts the packet to allow recep-
still receive the packet. Other interfering packets with tion of the packet by its next hops. In order to achieve
weaker signal strength are dropped. 100% packet delivery, every member of the multicast
Node movement is modeled by the random direction group must receive the data packet. No layer 2 support
mobility model [15]. In this model, nodes are initially for multicast is assumed.
placed randomly within the network simulation area. AODV does not guarantee packet delivery; however,
Each node chooses a random direction between 0 and it does nd good routes for IP's best-e ort delivery.
360 degrees, and then selects a destination on the bor- Because data packets are not bu ered for retransmis-
der of the network area in that direction of travel. The sion, losses can occur. If a collision involving a data
node then moves to that destination at its pre-assigned packet occurs at a node and the packet cannot be cap-
speed (between 0 and 5 m/s). When the node reaches tured, the packet is lost. Typically, if a link break occurs
its destination, it rests for 30 seconds. It then chooses on the multicast tree, data packets are lost before that
a new direction, this time between 0 and 180 degrees. break is noticed and while the link is being repaired.
The degree selected is adjusted relative to the boundary Hence, it is essential to take steps to monitor multi-
on which the node is located. The node then resumes cast tree links and provide for immediate repair so that
movement. Except for the 0 m/s mobility scenario, this link breaks result in minimum packet loss. Unfortu-
12 E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication

100 100

95 95

90 90

85 85

Packet Delivery Ratio

Packet Delivery Ratio

80 80

75 75

70 70
200m 200m
65 250m 65 250m
300m 300m
350m 350m
60 400m 60 400m
450m 450m
55 500m 55 500m

50 50
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s)

(a) 1000m1000m Network (b) 1500m300m Network

Figure 6. Packet Delivery Ratio.

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2
200m 250m
250m 300m
300m 350m
350m 400m
1 1
400m 450m
450m 500m

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s)

(a) 1000m1000m Network (b) 1500m300m Network

Figure 7. Average Number of Hops to Multicast Group Leader.

nately, because multicast data packets are broadcast, further increasing the transmission range. Each trans-
MAC layer feedback provides no noti cation of bro- mission radius/speed combination was run for ten dif-
ken links. For this reason, AODV provides a method ferent initial network con gurations.
of monitoring these active links, as described in sec-
tion 2.5.1. 4.2. Results
Table 1 shows the essential parameter values for these
simulations. Note that the expanding ring search was First, consider the achieved packet delivery ratio.
not used in the simulations. Figure 6(a) shows the results in the 1000m1000m
There are two di erent network roaming areas simu- area for the seven di erent transmission ranges mod-
lated. The rst is a 1000m1000m area, and the second eled, and illustrates how the packet delivery ratio is af-
is a 1500m300m area. These two size areas have been fected by the changing speed of the network nodes. Fig-
used in several other ad hoc network simulations [2,3,8]. ure 6(b) shows the same results for the 1500m300m
They are modeled here to determine the e ect of trans- simulations. For both network con gurations, an in-
mission range in them. crease in range yields an increase in the packet deliv-
In order to explore the e ects of transmission range, ery ratio, or the number of data packets received by
seven di erent ranges, from 200m to 500m, are studied. multicast group members. For the 1000m1000m net-
Shorter than 200m, network connectivity is too sparse work, the increase in speed results in a decrease in the
for an accurate comparison, as network partitions oc- packet delivery ratio for the more sparsely connected
cur. The results of the 450m and 500m simulations are networks. In the 1500m300m network, the increase in
similar enough to be able to extrapolate the e ects of speed has a smaller e ect on the overall packet deliv-
E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication 13
100 100
200m 200m
90 250m 90 250m
300m 300m
350m 350m
80 400m 80
450m 450m
70 500m 70 500m

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s)

(a) 1000m1000m Network (b) 1500m300m Network

Figure 8. Multicast Tree Repairs.

3500 3500
200m 200m
250m 250m
3000 300m 3000 300m
350m 350m
400m 400m
450m 450m
2500 2500
500m 500m

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000


0 1 2 3 4 5 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s)

(a) 1000m1000m Network (b) 1500m300m Network

Figure 9. Control Packet Overhead.

To understand why the packet delivery ratio is af- be inversely proportional. This is veri ed in gures 8(a)
fected by the transmission range, it is necessary to in- and 8(b). These gures show the average number of
vestigate how the transmission range a ects other as- repairs needed to x broken multicast tree links dur-
pects of the network. Figures 7(a) and 7(b) illustrate ing the simulation. As expected, the number of repairs
the e ect of the transmission range on the average dis- increases for increasing speed. Also as expected, the
tance of a multicast group member to its group leader. greatest transmission range requires the fewest number
The distance to the group leader gives an indication of of repairs, again resulting in a better packet delivery
the size of the tree and how many hops data packets ratio for these networks.
must traverse between destinations. The gures indi- The amount of control overhead generated during the
cate that for smaller transmission ranges, the average simulation directly corresponds to the number of re-
number of hops to the group leader is greater. A larger pairs to the multicast tree. Figures 9(a) and 9(b) show
distance to the group leader results in greater potential the number of control packets produced during each of
for packet collisions, as well as a higher chance of link the simulations. The number of control packets repre-
breaks. Thus, a greater transmission range results in sented here is found by summing the number of RREQ,
fewer hops on the multicast tree, which produces a bet- RREP, MACT, and GRPH packets initiated. The g-
ter packet delivery ratio. It is interesting to note that ures show a reduction in the number of control mes-
there is not a notable di erence in results between the sages as the transmission range is increased. For zero
two network sizes. mobility, there are no repairs needed to the multicast
Because the average path length to the group leader tree. Figures 9(a) and 9(b) indicate that the number
is inversely proportional to the transmission radius, the of control messages needed to initialize the multicast
number of repairs to the multicast tree is also likely to tree is approximately constant at the di erent trans-
14 E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication
30 30

200m 200m
250m 250m
25 300m 300m
350m 350m
400m 400m
450m 450m
500m 500m
20 20

15 15



0 1 2 3 4 5 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s)

(a) 1000m1000m Network (b) 1500m300m Network

Figure 10. Average Number of Neighbors.

25 25

20 20
Collisions (x 104)

Collisions (x 104)
15 15

10 10

200m 200m
250m 250m
300m 300m
350m 350m
5 5 400m
450m 450m
500m 500m

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s)

(a) 1000m1000m Network (b) 1500m300m Network

Figure 11. Collisions.

mission ranges. The variation in control overhead be- Figures 10(a) and 10(b) indicate the number of neigh-
comes more signi cant once the nodes begin moving. bors per node at the varying transmission ranges. For
As nodes travel more quickly, there are more breaks and the purpose of the gure, two nodes are considered to
repairs to the multicast tree, and hence there are more be neighbors if the distance between them is less than
control packets generated. Because there are fewer link or equal to the given transmission radius. As would be
breaks for the longer transmission ranges, there are sub- expected, the number of neighbors per node increases
sequently fewer control packets generated in these sim- with increasing transmission range.
ulations as well. The 200m transmission range in the One of the primary e ects of increasing the size of the
1000m1000m network particularly su ers from the in- neighborhood is the increase in the number of packet
crease in mobility. The network topology and low con- collisions. Figures 11(a) and 11(b) illustrate the to-
nectivity in this network con guration often result in tal number of packet collisions in the networks. The
multiple attempts per repair to re-establish tree link gures show that the number of collisions rapidly in-
connections. creases as the transmission range grows. The number
Having examined only these results, it appears that of collisions with 450m and 500m transmission ranges
increasing the transmission radius has a uniformly posi- is nearly ve times that of the 200m transmission range
tive e ect on the network. A larger transmission radius network.
results in better packet delivery ratio, fewer link breaks To further explore the e ect of the di erent neigh-
in the multicast tree, and less control overhead. How- borhood sizes, the number of multicast data packets re-
ever, it is also necessary to examine the impact that in- ceived at nodes which are not group members is exam-
creasing the neighborhood size has on the network. In- ined in gures 12(a) and 12(b). At a packet transmis-
creasing the transmission range also increases the num- sion frequency of eight packets per second and simula-
ber of neighboring nodes a ected by each transmission. tion length of 300 seconds, just under 2200 data packets
E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication 15

14 14

12 12

10 10
Packets (x 103)

Packets (x 103)
8 8

6 6

200m 200m
250m 250m
4 4 300m
350m 350m
400m 400m
2 450m 2 450m
500m 500m

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s)

(a) 1000m1000m Network (b) 1500m300m Network

Figure 12. Multicast Data Packets Received By Non-Group Members.

100 100

95 95

90 90

85 85
Packet Delivery Ratio (%)
Packet Delivery Ratio (%)

80 80

75 75

70 70

65 65 200m
200m 250m
250m 60 300m
60 300m 350m
350m 400m
55 400m 450m
450m 500m
500m 50
45 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s)

(a) 1000m1000m Network (b) 1500m300m Network

Figure 13. Packet Delivery Ratio for Increased Data Rate.

are initiated during the simulation. The gures indicate per second. The data packet size in these simulations
that for a transmission radius of only 200m, non-group is 512 bytes, as opposed to the 64 byte packets in the
member nodes receive, on average, each multicast data previous experiments.
packet approximately twice. However, for the highest The packet delivery ratio for this set of experiments
mobility and transmission radius combination, nodes is shown in gure 13. The results here di er from the
receive each data packet approximately six times. Such packet delivery ratio for the lower sending rate, shown
a redundancy in packet reception is likely to have quite in gure 6. Here, it is no longer the case that the longest
a negative e ect on a node's battery lifetime, as the transmission range produces the greatest packet deliv-
node will spend a large percentage of its battery power ery ratio. The nodes in these networks are not able
processing unnecessary packets. The higher nodal den- to deliver as many data packets due to the increased
sity engenders additional contention for slotted MAC contention for channel access and the increased like-
schemes. This causes more collisions during the con- lihood of collisions. The transmission range of 400m
tention period, resulting in increased queuing delays as in the 1000m1000m networks and 400-450m in the
nodes are forced to wait longer periods of time between 1500m300m network results in more delivered data
packet transmissions. packets than does the 500m transmission range. The
The results presented so far are based on one source ranges of 200m and 250m still produce the lowest packet
with a moderate sending rate (eight packets per sec- delivery ratio due to the lower connectivity in these net-
ond). To determine the interaction between transmis- works.
sion range and network traÆc, a second set of exper- The control packet overhead for the increased data
iments was performed with the number of sources in- rate is given in gure 14. These graphs do not vary
creased to two and with each source sending 20 packets signi cantly from the results shown in gure 9. The
16 E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication
2000 2000
200m 200m
1800 250m 1800 250m
300m 300m
1600 350m 1600 350m
400m 400m
450m 450m
1400 500m 1400 500m

1200 1200

1000 1000

800 800

600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s)

(a) 1000m1000m Network (b) 1500m300m Network

Figure 14. Control Packet Overhead for Increased Data Rate.

110 110
100 250m 100
90 350m 90
80 450m 80
Collisions (x 10 )

Collisions (x 10 )
70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40
30 30 300m
20 20 400m
10 10 500m

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s)

(a) 1000m1000m Network (b) 1500m300m Network

Figure 15. Number of Collisions for Increased Data Rate.

control traÆc in the 200 and 250m networks still dom- be incorporated into the AODV protocol operation for
inates in both network sizes. multicast routing.
Finally, the number of collisions is shown in gure 15. Other multicast algorithms for ad hoc networks have
Here, the results vary slightly from those in gure 11 for been proposed [6,7,9]. We would like to compare the
the large transmission range. Except for the static net- power consumption vs. packet delivery ratio observed
works, the number of collisions is greatest in the 450m for AODV against the performance of the other algo-
transmission range scenarios. rithms. Feeney [5] has already made similar measure-
ments for unicast algorithms, and her techniques should
be easily adaptable to provide the necessary comparison
5. Future Work data for multicast algorithms.
Power control represents an interesting area of re-
Our work on multicast can be extended in many di- search because the power level used at a mobile node has
rections. We would like to investigate larger node pop- the e ect of dynamically creating or destroying links.
ulations, higher rates of mobility, and the e ects of dif- This dynamic link control can happen even without any
ferent parameter settings. We would also like to in- node movement. Thus, there are two interacting mech-
vestigate algorithms for tunable power control. It is anisms for changing the topology of the network. It
possible that certain broadcast multicast transmissions seems likely that, at certain times, a mobile node should
should be replaced by unicast (tunneled multicast) to be able to bene cially reduce its power consumption if it
the appropriate neighbors in the multicast tree. We has numerous links to nodes in its neighborhood. In this
would like to make the relevant comparisons and use way, it would be able to conserve power. Alternatively,
the results for possible revisions to the way that mul- when the node has few other nodes in its neighborhood
ticast datagrams are handled. This information could
E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication 17

and has a large percentage of its battery power remain- node called the group leader. Aside from this, the main
ing, it might be useful for it to increase its transmission di erence introduced by multicast routing is the need
range so that better network connectivity may be es- for maintaining multiple next hops per multicast route
tablished. Ramanathan and Rosales-Hain have made entry instead of just one next hop, as is the case for
steps towards this goal by developing a mechanism for unicast routing. Having multiple next hops also creates
dynamically adjusting the transmitter power at indi- new opportunities for route loops; however, this possi-
vidual nodes in order to optimize the overall network bility is eliminated through the use of a new message
topology [13]. Their scheme is able to adapt depending type called the Multicast Activation (MACT) message.
on the connectivity or bi-connectivity constraints. This message enables just one of several possible mul-
The cases where battery power is diminished but ticast tree paths; since only one path is enabled, route
more network connectivity is needed are not handled loops remain impossible even for multicast routing.
so easily. It is possible that AODV would bene t The transmission range and network size are key de-
from acquiring information about neighborhoods once terminants of AODV's multicast performance. Increas-
removed. Such information may be useful for power ing the transmission range has many bene ts. The num-
control algorithms. A more ambitious approach would ber of links on the multicast tree is reduced, resulting in
be an attempt to nd global information about links fewer tree links which need to be maintained. Each mul-
that may become useful to unreachable nodes. Perhaps ticast tree link repair requires control message overhead.
exploratory, high-power probes should be transmitted Reducing the number of repairs has the advantage of
occasionally, to get rst-hand information about how also decreasing the amount of control overhead. For
the local neighborhood connectivity could be improved unloaded networks, the packet delivery ratio increases
by the use of higher power for data transmissions. for longer transmission ranges due to the reduction in
the number of hops between group members and the
longer-lived tree links.
6. Summary and Conclusions
Despite these advantages, a large transmission range
also causes more network nodes to be a ected by mul-
In this paper, we have presented the AODV multicast ticast data transmissions, even when the nodes do not
routing algorithm, and have shown the e ects of vari- need to receive these packets. A large transmission ra-
ous transmission ranges and mobility rates on packet dius therefore drains the battery not only of the trans-
delivery and the number of repairs needed for mainte- mitting node, but also of neighboring nodes within the
nance of the multicast delivery tree. AODV handles the source's transmission range. Worse, a large transmis-
transmission of multicast and broadcast data in a nat- sion radius reduces the e ective bandwidth available
ural way, maintaining compatibility with traditional IP to the individual nodes and increases the number of
route table mechanisms and the needs of unicast packet collisions seen throughout the network, as more nodes
routing. The AODV routing protocol is able to provide are competing for and utilizing the same network band-
multicast communication between group members in a width. This increase in the number of collisions causes a
variety of network con gurations and mobility scenar- reduction in the packet delivery ratio for traÆc patterns
ios. By building bi-directional multicast trees between that signi cantly load the wireless medium. Perhaps
group members, AODV quickly connects group mem- most signi cantly, increasing the transmission range
bers, and is able to maintain these connections through- places disproportionately greater demands on the power
out the lifetime of the multicast group. requirements of the (typically battery-powered) mobile
AODV's multicast routing algorithm is a straightfor- nodes. Thus, it is crucial for the consumer market to
ward extension to the algorithm used to discover unicast nd ways to minimize power consumption.
routes. The basic broadcast RREQ discovery mecha- We hope that this exploratory work on the relation-
nism, with unicast RREP messages, is adapted for use ship between transmission ranges and multicast routing
with multicast routing. Since the multicast IP address performance will lead the way towards improving the
is not allocated to any speci c network node, the re- reliability of best-e ort multicast packet delivery. We
sponsibility for maintaining the sequence number for conclude that the transmission range should be adjusted
multicast routes has to be assigned to a distinguished
18 E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication

to meet the targeted throughput while minimizing bat- Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, pages 90{100,
tery power consumption. Our work shows that there New Orleans, LA, February 1999.
are opportunities for power savings when nodes can get [12] C. E. Perkins, E. M. Royer, and S. R. Das. Ad hoc On-
Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing. IETF Inter-
the same (or even better) performance by reducing the net Draft, draft-ietf-manet-aodv-06.txt, July 2000. (Work in
power drain caused by unnecessarily high transmission Progress).
ranges. [13] R. Ramanathan and R. Rosales-Hain. Topology Control of
Multihop Wireless Networks using Transmit Power Adjust-
ment. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer
Communications (INFOCOM), pages 404{413, Tel Aviv, Is-
rael, March 2000.
[14] T. S. Rappaport. Wireless Communications, Principles &
[1] L. Bajaj, M. Takai, R. Ahuja, K. Tang, R. Bagrodia, and Practices, chapter 3, pages 70{74. Prentice Hall, 1996.
M. Gerla. GlomoSim: A Scalable Network Simulation Envi- [15] E. M. Royer, P. M. Melliar-Smith, and L. E. Moser. An
ronment. Technical Report CSD Technical Report, #990027, Analysis of the Optimum Node Density for Ad hoc Mobile
UCLA, 1997. Networks. Submitted for publication.
[2] J. Broch, D. A. Maltz, D. Johnson, Y.-C. Hu, and [16] E. M. Royer and C. E. Perkins. Multicast Operation of
J. Jetcheva. A Performance Comparison of Multi-Hop Wire- the Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol.
less Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols. Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference
4th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mo- on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), pages
bile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), pages 85{97, 207{218, Seattle, WA, August 1999.
Dallas, Texas, October 1998. [17] F. A. Tobagi and L. Kleinrock. Packet Switching in Radio
[3] S. R. Das, C. E. Perkins, and E. M. Royer. Performance Channels: Part-II - The Hidden Terminal Problem in Carrier
Comparison of Two On-demand Routing Protocols for Ad Sense MultipleAccess Models and the BusyTone Solution.
Hoc Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Com- IEEE Transactions on Communications, 23(12):1417{1433{
puter Communications (INFOCOM), pages 3{12, Tel Aviv, 20, December 1975.
Israel, March 2000.
[4] I. S. Department. Wireless LAN Medium Access Control Elizabeth M. Royer received her B.S. degrees in
(MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Speci cations. IEEE both Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from
Standard 802.11{1997, 1994.
[5] L. Feeney. An Energy Consumption Model of Performance Florida State University in April 1996. She obtained
Analysis of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. her M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in December of 1997 from the University of California,
feeney-99jul.pdf, July 1999. Santa Barbara. She is currently completing her Ph.D. in
[6] J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves and E. L. Madruga. A Multicast Computer Engineering at the University of California,
Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks. Proceedings of the
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFO- Santa Barbara. At UCSB, Elizabeth works in the Com-
COM), pages 784{792, New York, NY, March 1999. puter Networking and Distributed Systems Laboratory,
[7] L. Ji and M. S. Corson. A Lightweight Adaptive Multicast where her research interests focus on mobile wireless
Algorithm. Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, pages 1036{ networks. These interests include unicast routing, mul-
1042, Sydney, Australia, December 1998. ticast routing, hierarchical routing, QoS management,
[8] P. Johansson, T. Larsson, N. Hedman, B. Mielczarek, and
M. Degermark. Scenario-based Performance Analysis of service location, and auto con guration. Elizabeth is
Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Proceed- the recipient of a National Science Foundation Gradu-
ings of the 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on ate Fellowship and a University of California Doctoral
Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), pages 195{ Scholars Fellowship. She an active participant in the
206, Seattle, WA, August 1999. IETF, and is a student member of the IEEE and ACM.
[9] S.-J. Lee, M. Gerla, and C.-C. Chiang. On-Demand Mul-
ticast Routing Protocol. Proceedings of the IEEE Wire-
less Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Charles E. Perkins is a Research Fellow at Nokia Re-
pages 1298{1304, New Orleans, LA, September 1999. search Center, investigating mobile wireless networking
[10] V. D. Park and M. S. Corson. A Highly Adaptive Distributed and dynamic con guration protocols. He is the editor
Routing Algorithm for Mobile Wireless Networks. Proceed- for several ACM and IEEE journals for areas related to
ings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications
(INFOCOM), pages 1405{1413, Kobe, Japan, April 1997. wireless networking. He is serving as document editor
[11] C. E. Perkins and E. M. Royer. Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance for the mobile-IP working group of the Internet Engi-
Vector Routing. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on neering Task Force (IETF), and is author or co-author
E. Royer, C. Perkins / Transmission Range E ects on AODV Multicast Communication 19

of standards-track documents in the mobileip, svrloc,

dhc (Dynamic Host Con guration) and IPng working
groups. Charles has served on the Internet Architec-
ture Board (IAB) of the IETF and on various commit-
tees for the National Research Council. He is also asso-
ciate editor for Mobile Communications and Computing
Review, the oÆcial publication of ACM SIGMOBILE,
and is on the editorial sta for IEEE Internet Comput-
ing magazine. Charles has authored a book on Mobile
IP, and has published a number of papers and award
winning articles in the areas of mobile networking, ad
hoc networking, route optimization for mobile network-
ing, resource discovery, and automatic con guration for
mobile computers.

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