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Deklination im Nominativ

a) Maskulin

- He is a small boy.

- A black dog is nice.

- The man is a good father.

- The new bus ges quickly.

- The red apple is expensive.

- The old teacher speaks only German.

b) Feminin

- A beautiful woman works here.

- A clever (female) colleague has a lot of money.

- This is a good school.

- The black ca tis very nice.

- The red flower is for my sister.

- The small city is good for families.

c) Neutrum

- A new car is expensive for me.

- This is an interesting book.

- A blue notebook (exercise book) costs 1 euro.

- The small girl doesn’t work.

- The brown house is very big.

- This is a modern hospital.

d) Plural

- Small children like to play.

- Clever people study.

- Blue pens write very well.

- The big shops sell everything.

- The dark stress are dangerous.

- The fat people love burgers and fries.

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