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2015/2016 – 02










Table of Contents
1.0 EXPERIMENT SUMMARY ........................................................................................ 2

2.0 THEORY....................................................................................................................... 3

3.0 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES ............................................................................. 4

4.0 RESULTS...................................................................................................................... 5

5.0 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................... 6

5.1 Error.......................................................................................................................... 8

5.2 Precautions ............................................................................................................... 8

6.0 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 9

7.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 9

8.0 APPENDICES............................................................................................................. 10

8.1 Appendix A: Sample of Calculations ..................................................................... 10

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The title of the experiment that we conducted is “Porosity Measurement”. The

foremost objective for this experiment is to determine the porosity of the given samples.
Porosity is the measurement of storage capacity of a reservoir. It is also defined as the ratio
of pore volume to bulk volume. With porosity, we can know the maximum storage capacity
of crude oil in a reservoir. Therefore, in this experiment we use helium porosimeter as the
apparatus to determine the porosity of 4 different samples. Helium porosimeters measures
core grain volume, density, pore volume, porosity, and void volume. The sample is
evacuated prior to the injection of Helium gas. A measurement of equilibrated pressure
determines the porosity. This instrument is used to measure the grain volume by using
helium gas as a transmitted fluid. Meanwhile, the bulk volume of the core was obtained by
measuring the diameter and length of the core itself manually using vernier calliper.
Based on the result obtained, core sample 4 recorded the highest percentage
porosity which is 25.94 % meanwhile, core sample 3 has the lowest porosity with only
10.31 % The major result for this experiment is that we obtain different value of porosity
from the samples given maybe due to different in size and source. The densities of the
samples are slightly different due to the different types of rock. The conclusion that can be
made from this experiment is that the porosity of every sample is different because the
samples are taken from different reservoir. However, some safety precautions should be
taken in count in order to obtain an accurate result.

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Porosity is the measurement of storage capacity of a reservoir. It can also be defined

as the ratio of pore volume to bulk volume. Porosity of a rock sample can be expressed
either in percentage or fraction. There are 2 types of porosity which is absolute porosity
and effective porosity. Both are different in which Effective porosity is the ratio of
interconnected void spaces to the bulk volume while Absolute porosity is the ratio of all
the pore spaces in the rock to the bulk volume of the rock itself. Determining the porosity
of a rock is essential because by knowing the porosity, we may estimate the maximum
storage capacity of crude oil in a reservoir.
Therefore, in this experiment, we use helium porosimeter and Vanier caliper as the
apparatus. Helium porosimeter measures core grain volume, density, pore volume, porosity,
and void volume of all the core samples. The helium porosimeter uses the application of
Boyle’s Law of gas expansion principle where the sample is evacuated prior to the injection
of Helium gas. Helium gas is used as a transmitted fluid in this experiment where some
quantity of helium gas with known volume will be let to expand isothermally to fill the cell
of the unknown volume. The measurement of equilibrated pressure determines the porosity
itself. Bulk volume was measured manually by using Vanier caliper and formula for
The major result for this experiment is that we obtain different value of porosity
from the samples given maybe due to different in size and source. The densities of the
samples are slightly different due to the different types of rock. The conclusion that can be
made from this experiment is that the porosity of every sample is different because the
samples are taken from different reservoir.

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1. The core sample was weighted, the length and diameter of the sample was measure by
using Vanier caliper.
2. The helium gas sources at the panel were connected with all the valve are closed except
for core holder valve and exhaust valve. The pointer was adjusted to 0 psi.
3. The core holder valve was closed, and the supply valve and the source valve are opened.
The pointer of cylinder measuring gauge was adjusted to 100 psi with the regulator.
Tap the porosimeter so that the dial reading is at 100 psi.
4. Steps 2 and 3 were repeated several times until stable reading are obtained.
5. The core sample core was inserted into the matrix cup, followed by disk until both are
at the same level or slightly lower than the height of the cup. The lid of the cup is
tightening up to maximum.
6. The volumes were determined by the following steps:
a. Cell 1 Valve, Cell 2 Valve and the Core Holder Valve were closed.
b. Supply Valve and Source Valve were opened.
c. The regulator was adjusted until the dial reading shows exactly at 100 psi.
d. Source Valve was closed, followed by the Supply Valve and the Exhaust Valve.
e. The Core Holder Valve was opened, and the movement of the dial in opposite
direction from the clockwise was observed.
f. The porosimeter was tap when the dial stops. The reading of the outside scale is then
recorded. This is a “volume with sample”. Next, the gauge reading was recorded.
g. The Core Holder Valve was closed so gas is released out.
h. Lastly, the Exhaust Valve was opened so the pressure in the matrix cup becomes 0
7. Removed the matrix cup from its core holder after loosen up the lid. The core holder
was removed but the disk was left inside and the lid was retighten again.
8. Steps 6 (a-h) was repeated. The reading of “volume without sample” (disk volume only)
was recorded.
9. For bigger “unknown volume” such as between 50 cc to 450 cc, cell 1 and cell 2 was
opened and steps 6 to 8 is repeated.

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10. For much bigger “unknown volume” such as between 150 cc to 880 cc, cell 1 and cell
2 was opened, and steps 6 to 8 is repeated.
11. The matrix cup lid was loosening up and removed.
12. Core Holder Valve was opened.
13. After finish up all the sample, the gas cylinder valve was closed.

Room Temperature: 27 ºC
Barometric Pressure: 78 mmHg

Table 1: Basic Data

Name of Bulk Volume Grain Volume Pore Volume Porosity (Φ)
Sample (Vb) (cc) (Vg) (cc) (Vp) (cc) (%)
1 25.60 21.00 4.60 17.97
2 22.49 20.00 2.49 11.07
3 51.29 46.00 3.71 10.31
4 40.51 30.00 10.51 25.94

Table 2: Bulk Volume, Grain Volume, Pore Volume and Porosity

Volume Volume
Name of Weight Length Diameter
with without
Sample (gm) (cm) (cm)
Sample (cc) Sample (cc)
1 57.914 5.520 2.430 20 43
2 49.738 4.510 2.520 24 44
3 142.459 4.475 3.820 20 66
4 89.348 3.535 3.820 30 60

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1. The values of porosity and density for all rock samples is determined and type
of porosity is discussed.
Sample calculation parts shown the result for the values of porosity and density of
all 4 samples that are calculated. The porosity values for sample 1, 2, 3 and 4 are
17.97%, 11.07%, 10.31% and 25.94%. While the density of grain for the rock
samples are 2.7578, 2.4869, 3.0969 and 2.9783 gm/cc respectively. From this
experiment, the type of porosity measured is the effective porosity which is the ratio
between the interconnected pore volume (Bulk Volume - Grain Volume) to the bulk

2. Difference between bulk volume of the rocks measured from mercury

displacement method and ordinary measurement method.
The bulk volume of the rocks measured from mercury displacement method is
based on its surface tension and wetting characteristics as it does not tend to enter
the small pore space of intergranular materials. It has high precision as mercury
does not contaminate easily. While the ordinary measure method is just by using
formula where we assumed that the core sample is in a perfect cylindrical shape,
𝑉 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ.

3. Below showing the reasons for using helium gas in this experiment instead of
other gases.
Helium gas is used and not other gases because helium is one of the inert and stable
gas in the periodic table which does not react with the core samples. Moreover,
helium has small molecules that enable it to go through the very small capillaries
sometimes associated with reservoir rock. In addition, the low mass helium atom
gives its high diffusivity which help the porous media to be more permeable.

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4. The ability of the helium porosimeter to be used for other than cylindrical core
The porosity measured using this apparatus can be measured from grain
Volume for both regular and irregular core samples. Bulk volume can be calculated
accurately from the dimension of a core sample if it is a true right cylinder and there
are no surface irregularities. Hence the average diameter (D) and the average length
(L) to calculate the bulk volume of the sample can be calculated accurately
compared to irregular shape core samples.

Bulk volume, Vb cc = Area ×Length

= π D2 L

5. The difference between the porosity measured in the laboratory and the
porosity of the sample at the reservoir conditions.
The porosity measured in the laboratory is not the same with the porosity of the
sample at the reservoir conditions as it has two totally different conditions, pressure
and also temperature. In the reservoir, rocks experience a higher pressure and
temperature compared to the room temperature and pressure in the laboratory. This
will differ the porosity of rocks.

6. Advantages of the porosity measurement in the laboratory as compared to

from the logging tools.
The advantages of the porosity measurement compared to the ones taken from
logging tools are the porosity measurement gives a lot more information such as
rock conditions, porosity, compressibility and also permeability while from the
logging tools, we get data from plotted graphs which sometimes troublesome and

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7. Calculation procedures for measurement of grain volume method and the pros
and cons using this method.
The method that requires the weight and the density of the grain by using dry
sample that is by submerging the sample in a mercury liquid. From this method we
can get the bulk volume and the core porosity volume. With this mercury
characteristic that have the high attractive force, it will not absorb through the
porous rock sample. With this bulk volume value, it is addition reading value at the
cylinder that had been used. To get the grain volume with the same saturated sample
with another liquid and then submerged into the cylinder scale which containing
the same liquid that is used for saturate that sample. Additional reading that is
observe at the cylinder scale giving the grain volume value of that sample. Beside
that the sample also could be submerge in the water and the weight sample in air,
sample weight cover also sample weight in the water are measured. Rock bulk
volume could be calculated with knowing the covering density and air density. The
advantage is experimenting easily using the simple instrument. The disadvantage
is the result that acquire is not really accurate due to the saturated sample with the
air which could not be run smoothly.

5.1 Error
1. There will be impurities in the matrix cup thus the reading will be affected.
2. There will be some zero errors when taking the reading from the Vanier Caliper.
3. Helium Porosimeter that showing the result of volume with sample and volume
without sample having zero errors with ± 1.

5.2 Precautions
1. The reading should be taken repeatedly for 2 to 3 time and get the average for the
2. Make sure that all the equipment used in the experiment must be out of impurities
and in clean conditions.
3. Make sure the equipment that is use in this experiment in a good condition and
without a leakage.

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From the result that has been taken during the experiment, we conclude that our
experiment is success in determining the porosity and density of the reservoir rock sample.
The porosity value for sample 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 17.97%, 11.07%, 10.31% and 25.94%
respectively. Besides that, the density of the grain sample 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 2.7578, 2.4869,
3.0969 and 2.9783 gm/cc respectively. The reason why the porosity of every sample is
different because the rock samples are from different reservoir. The densities of the samples
are slightly different due to the different types of rock. Another method such as Russell
method also can be used to determine the porosity of the reservoir rock sample. As we
discuss earlier, there are some errors to be minimize in order to obtain accurate results.


1. Amyx, J.W, Bass, D.M and Robert L. Whiting (1960). Petroleum Resevoir
Engineering-Physical Properties. McGraw hill Book Company: New York, USA.
2. Burcik, E.J (1956). Properties of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. International
Human Resources Development Corporation: Massachusetts, USA.
3. Craft, B.C and Hawkins, M.F (1959). Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering.
Prentice-Hall Publishing Inc. : New Jertsey, USA.
4. Dake, L.P (1978). Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering. Elseveir Scientific
Publishing Company: Amsterdam, Holland.

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8.1 Appendix A: Sample of Calculations

2.430 2
Bulk Volume = π( ) ×5.520
= 25.60 cc

Grain Volume = (43 - 22) cc

= 21 cc

Porosity = × 100
= 17.97 %

Density of grain =
= 2.7578 ⁄𝑐𝑐

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