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Plan and conduct a passage and (enroute) contain information :

determine position coastal anchorages

At the pole : local hour angle Following factors may not be : choice
Angle of depression : index error of ocean route
Atmospheric layers : troposphere H
A vessel is expected to follow : track High or low tide during which : stand
line of the tide
A great circle : the vessel sails on the Increases, what : increases
same course through out Inclination between : 5 1/4 deg
And scattered by : twilight Imaginary body : apparent sun
Are intended for coastwise : general Internal in time : an hour
charts Is augmentation : sun
B Is an inferior : mercury
By bubble gyro : artificial horizon Is a morning : venus
Be used when navigating : the largest Is the reference plane used for :
scale chart onboard for the area which heights above water of land features
is properly corrected such as lights
Between two points, is the : the two It recommended that a position : at
points are in high latitudes in the same least every 30 minutes
hemisphere Interval between position : such that
By a ship on four successive : 315 the vessel cannot be set appreciable
naut. Miles off course, or into danger by the
Bridge equipment should : one to two effects of wind, tide or current
hours prior sailing Information about the port facilities :
C world port index
Chronometer used : gmt L
Circle sailing : the course is e-w Line roughly : the date line
,nearer to the poles Loading in boston harbor to : 1728
Characteristic of the light on : M
indicates a danger area Motion do planets : direct
Can suffer from : an uncorrected Measured : eastward from aries
course and speed error. Main components causing:
Could you find the number : catalog permanent and induced magnetism in
of charts the ships structure
Concerning new editions of : new Meaning of “h.s. : hele-shaw pumps
editions are corrected through the date O
shown on the title page.
One minute of : geographical mile
Consult for information about : pilot
chart On the celestial : meridians
D Of planets can : inferior planets
Day be used : yes Of the compass : yes, for the reasons
stated in all of the suggested answers
Diameter about which : axis
On the ship has: all of the answers
Divided into navareas for : xl provided
E Of notices to mariners are : once
Extent of zone : from 7.5 deg e to 7.5 Of defects or changes in : all of the
deg w from greenwich above
Error of the gyro : by taking a transit Of a chart can be found from : the
bearing with the gyro compass of two chart catalogue
prominent fixed shore objects and
comparing it with the bearing of the P
same objects on the chart Plane pass : great circle
Position at which : aphelion The ship is found by taking : subtract
Passage plan include : the plan should 5 degrees to the bearings
include the entire voyage from berth Track line is measured on : latitude
to berth scale near the middle of the track line
Plan is made from : berth to berth That there is an isolated : rock is dry
Passage plan be prepared: before the at high water
voyage commences To take a tow from san diego : sailing
R directions (enroute)
Required data inputs : latitude and Tides that : have lows lower than
speed normal and highs higher than normal
Radio navigational warnings : the To find if a particular port : guide to
topics for warnings included in port entry
hydrolants, hydropacs, and navarea Tide is the: difference between the
warnings are the same. heights of high and low tide
Recommendations of international : The current in large coastal :
7.4 and 7.8 to 1 predicted in tidal current tables
S The (charted depth is) : vertical
Size of the magnetic : by taking a distance from the chart sounding
transit bearing of two fixed datum to the ocean bottom
geographical positions and U
comparing it with the bearing of the Used for plotting : gnomonic
same points on the chart Used in determining the heights :
Sight land at 2100 where an : call mean high water
master V
Star rises : 4 min. Earlier Vessel cross a traffic lane : on a
Set of tidal, river, and ocean : speed heading as nearly as practical at right
and direction toward which the angles to the direction of traffic flow
current flows W
Separation schemes does rule : those Which the ecliptic : solstical point
adopted by the international maritime Which are : inferior planets
Which the predicted heights of : the
Steaming in east longitude on : 2100, same as that used for the charts of the
24 january
T Would you expect the channels : peru
True shape : an oblate spheroid Warned of serious defects or : marine
Through the observer's : vertical broadcast notice to mariners
The earth’s surface : zone time
Term applied : quadrature
The lower limb : added
The day between : civil twilight
Two parts of the magnetic: variation
and deviation
The reason for: the heeling error
magnets are upside down and/or not
in the correct position.
The magnetic compass: deviation
To find channels marked : australia
To enter an unfamiliar port. Which :
coast pilot
To assist vessel a. Vessel a : 256°
The following land marks : all

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