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Journal of Critical Care 35 (2016) 161–167

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Fluid management in sepsis: The potential beneficial effects of albumin☆

Jean Louis Vincent, MD, PhD a,⁎, Daniel De Backer, MD, PhD b, Christian J. Wiedermann, MD c
Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Hospital, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1070 Brussels, Belgium
Department of Intensive Care, CHIREC Hospitals, Université Libre de Bruxelles, B-1420 Braine L'Alleud, Brussels, Belgium
Department of Internal Medicine, Central Hospital of Bolzano, 39100 Bolzano, Bozen, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Fluid administration is a key intervention in hemodynamic resuscitation. Timely expansion (or restoration) of
Albumin plasma volume may prevent tissue hypoxia and help to preserve organ function. In septic shock in particular,
Colloids delaying fluid resuscitation may be associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and may promote inflammation.
Crystalloids Ideally, infused fluids should remain in the plasma for a prolonged period. Colloids remain in the intravascular
Microcirculation space for longer periods than do crystalloids, although their hemodynamic effect is affected by the usual metab-
olism of colloid substances; leakage through the endothelium in conditions with increased permeability, such as
sepsis; and/or external losses, such as with hemorrhage and burns. Albumin has pleiotropic physiological activ-
ities including antioxidant effects and positive effects on vessel wall integrity. Its administration facilitates
achievement of a negative fluid balance in hypoalbuminemia and in conditions associated with edema. Fluid re-
suscitation with human albumin is less likely to cause nephrotoxicity than with artificial colloids, and albumin
infusion has the potential to preserve renal function in critically ill patients. These properties may be of clinical
relevance in circulatory shock, capillary leak, liver cirrhosis, and de-escalation after volume resuscitation. Sepsis
is a candidate condition in which human albumin infusion to preserve renal function should be substantiated.
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Impact of plasma volume expansion on microvascular perfusion therefore, be given generously in the early phases but restricted at later
stages, with, if possible, achievement of a negative fluid balance [10,11].
Circulatory failure or shock is associated with a high risk of death and There is still intense debate as to which is the best solution for fluid
characterized by hemodynamic alterations that result in impaired tissue resuscitation, even after inclusion of thousands of patients in large-scale
perfusion [1,2]. Fluid resuscitation is one of the most frequent interven- randomized trials [12–14]. Differences in fluid composition can impact
tions used at the bedside to improve tissue perfusion, especially in the magnitude and the duration of hemodynamic effects, including at
septic shock. In experimental models of sepsis, generous fluid adminis- the microcirculatory level. Indeed, recently, we have begun to focus
tration is associated with improved survival [3,4]. Fluids should also be more on microcirculatory alterations [15], which are key determinants
given in a timely fashion. Compared to early administration, delay in of tissue perfusion and also of capillary leak [16,17]. Several studies
fluid administration resulted in more severe microcirculatory alter- have shown that the severity of these alterations is associated with
ations [5], an increase in expression of proinflammatory molecules outcome [18], and we have begun to evaluate the impact of fluid resus-
and excessive mitochondrial dysfunction [6]. Importantly, excessive citation on microvascular perfusion and capillary leakage in patients
fluid administration should be avoided because a positive fluid balance with sepsis.
is associated with poor outcome [7,8]. In an observational study in more
than 9000 septic patients, the amount of fluid given in the first few 1.1. The effects of fluids: basic principles
hours of resuscitation followed a U-shaped curve, with an optimal
amount comprised between 15 and 45 mL/kg; mortality rates more Fluids distribute not only in the intravascular compartment, the
than doubled with higher and lower amounts of fluid [9]. Fluids should, desired effect being to increase cardiac output, but also in the extravas-
cular and intracellular compartments. The distribution between com-
☆ Conflicts of interest: JLV declares no conflict of interest regarding this manuscript. DDB partments is principally determined not only by the electrolyte
declares receiving honoraria as a speaker for Grifols. CW declares receiving honoraria as a content and oncotic properties of infused fluids but also by the degree
speaker for Kedrion, CSL Behring, Baxter, and Grifols and as a consultant for CSL Behring of microvascular permeability.
and Grifols. The equilibrium between intravascular and interstitial compart-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Hospital, Université
Libre de Bruxelles, Route de Lennik 808, 1070 Brussels, Belgium. Tel./fax: +32 25553380.
ments is regulated by the endothelium, which is impermeable to
E-mail addresses: (J.L. Vincent), large molecules, such as albumin and other proteins, but can be crossed
(D. De Backer), (C.J. Wiedermann). freely by water and electrolytes (Fig. 1). Active transfer of albumin
0883-9441/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
162 J.L. Vincent et al. / Journal of Critical Care 35 (2016) 161–167

compartments into the intravascular space [24,25] (Fig. 1). This effect
was nicely demonstrated by Margarson and Soni [26], who showed
that administration of 200 mL of 20% albumin was immediately follow-
ed by a decrease in the hematocrit corresponding to the dilutional effect
induced by adding 200 mL to the plasma, and then a further decrease,
twice as large, over the next few minutes, peaking at 60 minutes and re-
maining stable for 240 minutes. The extent and duration of the hemody-
namic effect depend on the ability of the colloid molecules to remain
inside the intravascular space, a condition that is affected by the metab-
olism of these substances as well as the degree of leakage through the
endothelium [25]. External losses of plasma proteins can also occur in
other conditions, such as bleeding, burns, or nephrotic syndrome, but
this is beyond the scope of this review.

Fig. 1. Schematic distribution of fluids in the intravascular, extravascular, and intracellular 1.3. Is the plasma-expanding capacity of albumin affected in conditions of
compartments. Water and electrolytes cross compartments freely. Isotonic solutions, such increased endothelial permeability?
as Ringer's lactate, have little movement across cellular membranes and distribute in the
vascular and interstitial spaces. The endothelium is impermeable to large molecules,
such as colloids, which thus increase intravascular oncotic pressure and promote diffusion
Administration of albumin does not decrease capillary leak [27], and
of water from the other compartments to the intravascular space. In conditions where per- part of the albumin will escape into the interstitial fluid. One may thus
meability is increased, colloids may also distribute in the interstitial space (dotted arrow). be concerned that albumin may be relatively ineffective in conditions
associated with significant capillary leak. In a model of experimental
sepsis associated with increased permeability, the expanding capacity
of albumin remained 3 times higher than that of crystalloid, as in normal
conditions [28]. Interestingly, Dubois et al [29] demonstrated that the
and other proteins occurs at the endothelial level but the oncotic administration of albumin was associated with significantly increased
gradient between the intravascular and extracellular spaces always re- albumin levels in patients with septic shock, indicating that the albumin
mains positive because the concentration of oncotic substances is al- remained, at least in part, in the plasma. Similar results were observed
ways higher in the plasma than in the interstitium. This effect helps in the ALBIOS trial [14].
maintain an effective intravascular volume and limits development of In several large randomized trials in sepsis, the plasma-expanding
interstitial edema. capacity of colloids was less than in normal conditions [12,30]. In the
Of note, the permeability barrier is not solely guaranteed by endo- SAFE trial, the amount of fluid was only 30% higher in the crystalloid
thelial cells but also by the glycocalyx. The glycocalyx is a layer of a than in the albumin group [12], and the amounts of fluid administered
few microns at the surface of endothelial cells and is composed of gly- were similar in the 2 groups in the ALBIOS trial [14]. The total amount
cosaminoglycans that also contain antioxidant and anticoagulant mole- of fluid administered was also approximately 30% higher in the crystal-
cules. However, the glycocalyx does not contain albumin, in part due to loid than in the hydroxyethyl starch (HES) groups in several large trials
the negative charges of glycosaminoglycans and albumin, which thus [13,30,31]. These trials indicate that the expanding capacity of colloids is
tend to repel each other [19]. As a result, albumin tends to accumulate indeed decreased in sepsis.
at the outer layer of the glycocalyx, generating a second oncotic gradient
that helps to limit fluid leakage [20,21]. When the glycocalyx and/or en- 1.4. Duration of the plasma-expanding capacity of the various solutions
dothelium are damaged or dysfunctional as in sepsis, vascular perme-
ability is increased, allowing leakage of fluids but also of large In addition to the immediate change in plasma volume, the duration
molecules (including albumin) into the interstitium. Importantly, the of the plasma expansion effect should also be considered. In patients un-
negative charges of albumin and the glycocalyx also decrease, limiting dergoing cholecystectomy, the duration of plasma expansion was only 2
somewhat the formation of the albumin layer at the outer glycocalyx hours for gelatin and 4 hours for HES [32]. In experimental conditions,
[19]. The oncotic gradient may thus be minimized but is never reversed, plasma expansion persisted at 6 hours but was reduced by 30% [33].
as active recapture of interstitial proteins occurs, even in sepsis. Never- Similarly, in patients with septic shock, Margarson and Soni [26] report-
theless, this increase in permeability may alter the plasma expansion ed that, although albumin disappeared from plasma more rapidly than
properties of fluids. in normal conditions, at 6 hours its level was still only 20% lower in sep-
The equilibrium between interstitial and intracellular compartments tic patients than in healthy control subjects [26].
is driven by osmotic forces at the level of the cellular membrane. These
osmotic forces are generated by electrolyte channels and transporters 1.5. Impact of fluids on microvascular perfusion
and remain tightly regulated, even in sepsis.
Sepsis-associated microcirculatory alterations are characterized by
heterogeneity of perfusion, with nonperfused capillaries in close vicinity
1.2. Plasma-expanding effects of fluids to adequately perfused capillaries [15,18,34,35]. Several studies have
demonstrated that fluids can improve microvascular perfusion, increas-
Oncotic and osmotic gradients explain the different plasma- ing the proportion of perfused capillaries and decreasing perfusion het-
expanding properties of intravenous solutions in normal conditions. erogeneity [36,37]. Of note, these microcirculatory effects are quite
Isotonic solutions, such as normal saline or plasmalyte, and near isotonic independent from any systemic effects. Interestingly, the earlier
solutions, such as Ringer's lactate and Ringer's acetate, distribute in the the fluid administration, the greater the effect on microcirculatory
vascular and interstitial space with little movement of water across cel- alterations [36], although large amounts of fluid may not be needed.
lular membranes [22] (Fig. 1). These solutions have a plasma-expanding In 1 study evaluating the effects of repeated fluid boluses, only
capacity that is lower than the infused volume. Colloid solutions have the first bolus was associated with an improvement in microvascular
plasma-expanding capabilities greater than just the effect of the infused perfusion [37].
volume [23]. Indeed, their administration increases intravascular The impact of the type of fluid on the microcirculation is debated. In
oncotic pressure, promoting diffusion of water from the other experimental conditions, colloids and especially albumin had a more
J.L. Vincent et al. / Journal of Critical Care 35 (2016) 161–167 163

beneficial impact on the microcirculation than crystalloids [38–41]. shown in patients in whom hypoalbuminemia was corrected by in-
These effects were associated with decreased leukocyte and platelet ad- creasing serum albumin levels to greater than or equal to 3 g/dL (for re-
hesion to the endothelium [39,40] and even decreased cellular damage view, see Vincent et al [57]).
[40]. In patients, the evidence is more limited. In 1 trial, colloids were as- The effects of keeping the albumin level at 3.0 g/dL for up to 28 days
sociated with greater microvascular responses than crystalloids [42], during the intensive care unit (ICU) stay in patients with sepsis were
but this was not shown in another trial [36]. There may be a sensitivity studied in the ALBIOS trial [14]. In this open-label RCT, the efficacy of sa-
issue, as the effects of small amounts of fluids may be too limited to be line with and without administration of 20% albumin solution was stud-
documented. A final question is whether this effect is sustained over ied in 100 ICUs in Italy with a total of 1818 patients. There were no
time, and this has not yet been investigated. significant differences in overall survival after 28 or 90 days. In the
Recently, it has been proposed that the microcirculation could be large subgroup of patients with septic shock, including more than
used to guide fluid resuscitation. In septic patients identified as fluid re- 1300 subjects, there was a significant survival advantage after 90 days
sponders in terms of systemic hemodynamic changes, organ function in the albumin group (42.6% vs 48.4%; P = .03); however, this observa-
improved only in those patients in whom the microcirculation also im- tion needs further study before definitive conclusions can be drawn.
proved in response to fluids [43]. Interestingly, these patients also had The survival curves from the 3 largest studies of volume therapy
an impaired microcirculation at baseline, suggesting that evaluation of with human albumin in sepsis, namely, SAFE [55], ALBIOS [14], and
the microcirculation may be used to better identify those patients who EARSS (results not yet fully published [58]), are shown in Fig. 2. A
may benefit from fluid administration. pooled analysis of primary outcome mortality data confirmed that ad-
ministration of albumin can significantly reduce mortality in patients
1.6. Impact of fluid administration on the glycocalyx with severe sepsis or septic shock [59]. These 3 studies [12,14,58] com-
prise 91% of all patients enrolled in RCTs on albumin in sepsis. Similar ef-
As discussed earlier, the glycocalyx is a complex network of macro- fect sizes of albumin were seen in meta-analyses including small RCTs
molecules, including cell-bound proteoglycans and sialoproteins, lining [60,61]. The meta-analysis by Patel et al [60] failed to confirm significant
the apical side of vascular endothelial cells. Maintenance of the glycoca- efficacy of human albumin solutions in patients with sepsis, but this
lyx is important for microvascular perfusion and permeability [21,44]. may have been due to the fact that the mortality data in this meta-
Destruction of the glycocalyx is associated with occurrence of microvas- analysis included a number of “high-risk-of-bias” studies [62,63]. Use
cular disorders similar to those observed in sepsis [45]. In sepsis, several of albumin in sepsis is supported by a network meta-analysis by
investigators have reported an alteration of the endothelial glycocalyx Rochwerg et al [61], who concluded that when volume therapy with
[46,47]. Sepsis-associated alterations of the glycocalyx induced by in- human albumin solutions was performed, sepsis mortality was reduced.
flammatory mediators and leukocytes compromise endothelial perme- Thus, current best evidence confirms the 2012 Surviving Sepsis
ability, resulting in associated interstitial fluid shift and generalized Campaign Guideline recommendation for the administration of
edema, conditions that result in acute kidney injury (AKI) and other human albumin solutions in patients with sepsis when crystalloids
organ dysfunctions. To what extent the administration of fluids can pro- alone are insufficient.
tect or restore the glycocalyx is still a matter of research [44], but a few
studies have shown that colloid administration may help to preserve 2.2. Effects of albumin on renal function
the glycocalyx [48,49]. Experimentally, albumin protected against the
loss of glycocalyx at the capillary surface in ischemia-reperfusion In contrast to artificial colloids, such as HES [13,31,53,64], adminis-
models [20,50,51] and reduced the damage to the glycocalyx and facil- tration of human albumin as a colloid has no nephrotoxic effects
itated its restoration in hemorrhagic shock [52]. [12,14,55,57,64]. None of the large studies of albumin infusion, using
hyperoncotic or hypooncotic solutions, in patients with severe sepsis
2. Potential beneficial effects of albumin in patients or septic shock has given any signal of an adverse effect of albumin on
renal function [14,55,58]. The data from the ALBIOS study showed that
Since 2000, several large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have the need for renal replacement therapy was not significantly influenced
been performed to clarify the efficacy and safety of volume resuscitation by use of albumin, but in a post hoc analysis of patients with septic
in critically ill patients. The results of these studies have encouraged shock, treatment with albumin resulted not only in reduced mortality
new thinking about the role of artificial colloids and paved the way for but also in a favorable negative fluid balance at an earlier stage, more
the development of lower risk crystalloids. In contrast to results of frequent hemodynamic stabilization in the first 24 hours and reduced
small trials using nonvalidated surrogate markers, several large RCTs need for vasopressor therapy [14]. These effects may beneficially influ-
have confirmed an increased need for renal replacement therapy and ence renal function in patients with septic shock.
a trend toward or even a significantly higher mortality in HES groups Development of AKI and occurrence of death in patients with AKI
[13,30,31,53]. For initial volume substitution in severe sepsis and septic were studied in a meta-analysis in critically ill patients, including
shock in particular, the international Surviving Sepsis Campaign guide- those with cirrhosis [64]. Hyperoncotic human albumin (20% or 25%)
lines therefore now recommend that crystalloid preparations should be significantly reduced the incidence of AKI, whereas after hyperoncotic
used and not HES [54]. Administration of natural albumin infusions may HES solutions, the onset of AKI was significantly increased, with similar
be considered in critically ill patients with sepsis, if crystalloids alone results for mortality. The conclusion of this meta-analysis that
appear insufficient [54]. hyperoncotic colloid solutions do not per se cause AKI but that the
renal effects are colloid specific—human albumin is nephroprotective
2.1. Lessons learned from studies of albumin administration in sepsis and HES is nephrotoxic—was confirmed by the EARSS and ALBIOS stud-
ies [14,58].
Fluid replacement with a 4% albumin solution was shown to be safe
compared to a 0.9% NaCl solution in the randomized, double-blind SAFE 2.3. Hypoalbuminemia as a renal risk factor
study [12,55,56]. Although mortality rates were similar overall in the 2
groups, in the predefined subgroup of patients with severe sepsis, the The relationship between hypoalbuminemia and renal failure was
mortality rate was lower in the albumin group than in the group receiv- analyzed in a systematic review of studies describing the association
ing saline solution, particularly in those whose serum albumin levels of serum albumin with the incidence of AKI as well as the impact of
were increased to more than 2.5 g/dL [55]. The therapeutic efficacy of al- lower serum albumin levels on mortality in patients with AKI [65]. Sev-
bumin administration in terms of morbidity endpoints has also been enteen trials involving over 3000 patients were included, and
164 J.L. Vincent et al. / Journal of Critical Care 35 (2016) 161–167

Fig. 2. Survival curves of 3 large studies of volume resuscitation with human albumin solutions in severe sepsis with no adverse effects on renal function: SAFE [55] (A), EARSS [58] (B), and
ALBIOS [14] (C). Copyright permission obtained from original sources.

hypoalbuminemia was confirmed as an independent predictor for de- 2.6. Reduced drug nephrotoxicity with albumin
veloping AKI and for death after development of AKI. In patients who
developed AKI, with each 1.0 g/dL decrease in serum albumin, mortality The concentration of serum albumin is the most powerful predictor
increased by 147%. Prospective RCTs on renal protection with exoge- of amikacin-induced nephrotoxicity [71], suggesting that the potential
nous human albumin in patients with hypoalbuminemia therefore nephrotoxicity of other drugs may also be associated with plasma
seem justified. serum albumin concentrations. In the amikacin study, in which patients
with other risk factors for AKI were excluded, serum creatinine was se-
quentially determined and plasma concentrations of amikacin mea-
2.4. Renal protection of albumin in patients with cirrhosis
sured in 104 participants treated for at least 36 hours with
intravenous amikacin [71]. Nephrotoxicity developed in 9.6% (10/104)
Convincing evidence for renal protection by administration of
of patients, and the lower the serum albumin concentration, the higher
human albumin comes from studies in patients with cirrhosis compli-
was the risk of toxicity; the serum albumin level was the most powerful
cated by tense ascites, hepatorenal syndrome, or spontaneous bacterial
predictor of nephrotoxicity of aminoglycoside therapy in logistic regres-
peritonitis. Cardiovascular disorders after large-volume paracentesis in
sion analysis. Low serum albumin concentrations were also associated
patients with liver cirrhosis can be prevented better by human albumin
with increased amikacin plasma trough levels, independent of initial
infusions than by infusions of other solutions, likely as a result of the he-
renal function, dose of amikacin administered, and other less important
modynamic and renal characteristics of human albumin administration.
risk factors [71].
After paracentesis, morbidity and mortality differed when patients re-
ceived human albumin rather than alternative infusions [66], including
2.7. Restoration of optimal net fluid balance by albumin
artificial colloids that could have independently exerted adverse renal
effects, in particular hyperoncotic solutions.
Volume replacement therapy by infusion of large volumes of fluid
Worsening of renal function in patients with cirrhosis and spontane-
gives rise to fluid retention. Edema formation is usually worsened by
ous bacterial peritonitis augments mortality independently of the
hypoalbuminemia and can be responsible for delayed weaning from
correct administration of antibiotics. Whether human albumin adminis-
ventilation and associated with various organ complications and in-
tration to patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis could improve
creased mortality. Even a fluid overload of 5% to 10% body weight in crit-
kidney function and reduce mortality was also tested [67]. In 4 studies
ically ill patients is associated with prolonged mechanical ventilation,
with a total of 288 patients receiving antibiotics, the incidence of renal
impaired gas exchange, and poorer postoperative wound healing and
dysfunction was significantly reduced from 31% in the control group
blood clotting (for review, see Glassford and Bellomo [72]). Administra-
to 8% in groups treated with human albumin; there was also a signifi-
tion of diuretics to restore an optimal net fluid balance is considered to
cant reduction in mortality.
be the standard treatment [73].
Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by macroalbuminuria and also
2.5. Mechanisms involved in renal protection by albumin edema formation. As a typical observation in such patients, the loop di-
uretic, furosemide, partly loses its natriuretic effect. The administration
The physiological functions of albumin include the transport of of human albumin may potentiate the effect of furosemide in patients
water-insoluble substances in plasma, buffering acid-base properties, with nephrotic syndrome due to albumin infusion-induced changes in
and anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects [68,69], all of which renal hemodynamics that have been demonstrated in patients with
likely contribute to its favorable effects on cell and organ function in se- acute decompensation of cirrhosis and AKI [74]. In a double-blind,
verely ill patients in addition to its hemodynamic actions related to pre- placebo-controlled study, 9 nephrotic patients receiving a standardized
serving the colloid osmotic pressure. In addition, endogenous albumin is intake of sodium chloride were randomized to receive 60 mg furose-
involved, through various signal transduction pathways, in maintaining mide in 200 mL of a 20% solution of human albumin, 60 mg furosemide
the integrity and function of the proximal tubule cells through a in 200 mL placebo solution, or placebo in 200 mL of a 20% solution of
proliferation-regulating effect [70]. human albumin. Administration of furosemide alone was associated
J.L. Vincent et al. / Journal of Critical Care 35 (2016) 161–167 165

with a significantly greater urinary volume and urine sodium excretion duration of plasma expansion remain higher with colloids than with
than when only human albumin was administered. The simultaneous crystalloids. Both types of fluid can increase microvascular perfusion,
administration of furosemide and human albumin caused a significant but there is marked individual variability in this effect. The impact of
increase in the furosemide effect and plasma levels of atrial natriuretic the type of fluid on microvascular perfusion and function needs to be
factor, and serum and albumin concentrations increased [75]. better defined.
Fluid accumulation in the lungs of patients with acute lung injury Albumin has pleiotropic physiological activities, including antioxi-
tends to increase when serum protein levels are low. Such patients dant effects and positive effects on vessel wall integrity. Although not
may respond better to a combination of a diuretic with albumin, than indicated in all critically ill patients, there are data to support albumin
to furosemide alone. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter administration in patients with sepsis. Its primary role on plasma colloid
RCT, 40 mechanically ventilated patients with acute respiratory distress osmotic pressure has direct importance for the maintenance of normal
syndrome (ARDS) and serum protein concentrations less than 6 g/dL renal function. Infusion of albumin solution facilitates achievement of
were studied [76]. Patients who received albumin plus furosemide a negative fluid balance in hypoalbuminemia and in conditions associat-
had better oxygenation and better serum protein concentrations than ed with edema. Administration of human albumin helps maintain glo-
the control group who received furosemide alone and showed signifi- merular filtration via hemodynamic and oncotic mechanisms. By
cantly less fluid retention (more negative net fluid balance); control pa- contrast with artificial colloids, fluid resuscitation with human albumin
tients more frequently developed hypotension and had fewer is not nephrotoxic. Reduction of renal morbidity in liver cirrhosis and
vasopressor-free ICU days. These effects were reflected in correspond- freedom from nephrotoxicity support a renoprotective effect of
ing differences in the extent of organ failure at the end of the study human albumin, in addition to its unique pharmacodynamic properties.
[76]. Thus, in this clinical situation also, a protective negative fluid bal- Further studies must show in which clinical indications, beyond
ance can be more easily achieved with human albumin infusions than hepatology, this property may be particularly useful. Sepsis is a candi-
without. This finding was confirmed in a recent systematic review and date condition in which the therapeutic potential of human albumin in-
meta-analysis [77]. fusion on renal function should be substantiated.
High central venous pressure was associated with AKI in a retrospec-
tive study in surgical ICU patients with severe sepsis even after adjust-
ment for fluid balance and positive end-expiratory pressure level [78].
The observation that an increase in renal venous pressure may directly
This review is based on the lectures presented at the satellite sympo-
cause sodium retention in the kidney has been described before [79],
sium organized by Grifols, manufacturer of albumin, held on February 6,
and this may further increase venous pressure because of expansion of
2015, in Barcelona (Spain), in the context of the 20th International Sym-
the plasma volume. A cumulative net positive fluid balance after initial
posium on Infections in the Critically Ill Patient.
generous fluid resuscitation in septic shock may be an ICU scenario in
Jordi Bozzo, PhD, CMPP, and Eva Medina (Grifols) are acknowledged
which this pathophysiological mechanism could play a role. The poten-
for their editorial assistance in the preparation of the manuscript.
tially negative impact of excessive fluid therapy has received increasing
attention recently [80]. In these patients, excretory function is already
impaired. As a consequence, additional interstitial edema delays the References
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