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Solar Powered Seeding and Ploughing Robot-A Review

A Robot with Ploughing and Seeding Mechanism

Ms. Gaganpreet Kaur1, Anushka Upadhyay2, Akash Srivastava3, Abhishek Yagnik4, Abhishek
Associate Professor, ABES Engineering College
Mechanical Engineering, ABES Engineering College

Abstract- The farm cultivation process in autonomous agriculture system which is controlled by
microcontroller assembly. The technique of seed preparation in ploughed land is based on row per
column depending on the types of cultivation. This machine reduces the efforts and total cost of
sowing the seeds and fertilizer placement. It can withstand strong abrasion from the sand,clay or other
stone or any media. In this paper we will be comparing different techniques which will be employed
while these types of robots.

Keywords- Seed sowing, Solar powered, Motor, Solar panel, Microcontroller, Caterpillar chassis
excavator, Robot, Seed Block Mechanism, Traction force

Farming system in India is strategically utilized according to the locations where they are most
suitable. The farming system that significantly contribute to the domestic GDP of India are
subsistence farming, organic farming and Industrial farming. Regions throughout India differ in types
of farming they use some are based on horticulture by farming agroforestry and many more. Due to
Indians geographical location. Certain part experience different climates thus effecting each regions.
Agriculture productivity differently ,India is very dependent on its monsoon cycle for large crop
yields. India’s agriculture has an extensive background which goes back to at least 10000 years ,
currently the country holds the second position is agricultural production in the world . In 2007
agriculture and other indu made up more than 16% of the India’s GDP, Despite the steady decline in
agricultures contribution to the country’s GDP. India is the second biggest produces of wheat, rice,
cotton, sugarcane, silk, groundnuts and dozen more.

Comparison between seed sowing methods-

Sr. No. Parameter Manual Tractor Seed Plantation

1. Man Power More Moderate Less
2. Time required More Less Less
3. Sowing Manually Manually Automatically
4. Distance Not Fixed Not Fixed Fixed
between Seed
5. Wastage of Seed Moderate More Less
6. Required High Very High Less

Aquaculture and catch fishery is amongst the fastest growing industries in India. Between 1990 and
2010, the Indian fish capture harvest doubled, while aquaculture harvest tripled. In 2008, India was the
world's sixth largest producer of marine and freshwater capture fisheries and the second largest

DOI: 10.24128/IJRAER.2017.MN34wx 26
International Journal of Recent Advancement in Engineering & Research
Volume 03, Issue 04; April – 2017 [ ISSN: 2456-401X]

aquaculture farmed fish producer. India exported 600,000 metric tonnes of fish products to nearly half
of the world's countries. India has shown a steady average nationwide annual increase in the kilograms
produced per hectare for some agricultural items, over the last 60 years. These gains have come
mainly from India's green revolution, improving road and power generation infrastructure, knowledge
of gains and reforms. Despite these recent accomplishments, agriculture has the potential for major
productivity and total output gains, because crop yields in India are still just 30% to 60% of the best
sustainable crop yields achievable in the farms of developed and other developing countries.
Additionally, losses after harvest due to poor infrastructure and unorganized retail cause India to
experience some of the highest food losses in the world


S.No. Authors Technique used Remarks
1. Prof. Pranil V. Solar Powered Seed Sowing Using remote control
Sawalakhe, Amit Machine. machine can be made
Wandhare, Ashish automatic additive of multi
Sontakke, Bhushan Patil, hopper can be attached side
Rakesh Bawanwade& by side for sawing of layer
Saurabh Kurjekar farm. Water dripping unit
could be included in seed
sowing machine.
2. Gholap Deepak Robotic agriculture Machine. The System can be
Dattacharya, Vaibhav advanced for sowing seeds
Mahaterdev,Lokhande in firm with particular
Mnojkumar Shrihari, distance between seed is
Prof. Joshi S.G. adjusted . It can
automatically sowing seed
in land.The system can
monitored through GSM
3. Qing wen Qu, Hong juan Steady state Load analysis of Based on analysis of ansys
Yu, Shao qing Wang, a caterpillar Chassis by for complex loading
Tian ke Sun, Jian zhuang Finite Element Method. condition good results could
Che be obtained and the basis
can be provided for analysis
and optimization of
different system.

4. Tadeusz Smolnicki & Multipillar Track Chassis of This paper shows that the
Pawel Maslak big Machines- Identification traction force changes very
of Loads. rapidly and has a very high
value of amplitude
measurement should be
taken in different condition
like winter & summer.

5. Tijmen Bakker, Kess van Robotic weeding of maize There is a law generated a
Asselt, Jan Bontsema & field based on navigation route plan based on this A-B
Eldert J. van Henten data of the tractor that line and eight coordinates
performed the seeding. defining the border of the
field and the two headlands.

@IJRAER-2017, All Rights Reserved 27

International Journal of Recent Advancement in Engineering & Research
Volume 03, Issue 04; April – 2017 [ ISSN: 2456-401X]

This results show that it is

possible to perform robot
weeding at field level.

6. Mahesh R. Pundkar A Seed sowing Machine It stated that the seed

sowing machine is key
component of agriculture
field. High precision
pneumatic planters have
been developed for many
varieties of crops, for a
wide range of seed sizes ,
resulting to uniform seeds
distribution along the travel
path, in seed spacing.

7. P.P. Shelke Frontline demonstration on It concludes that bullock

bullock-drawn planter drawn planters are
enhances yield of soya bean becoming necessity for
crop sowing as the skilled
workers for sowing are
almost diminishing.
Planting distance and plant
population are crucial
factors in maximizing the
yields of crops.

8. Umed Ali Soomro Effect of seed rate and Row In Pakistan has evaluated
spacing on yield and yield three sowing methods and
components of Wheat. seed rate in a four replicated
RCBD method and
concluded that drilling
method of sowing at seed
rate 125kg/ha is optimal for
yield and quality of Wheat

9. H.Liu, S.P. Fu & C.L. Caterpillar vehicle on uneven The design of Reverse
Xiang Road Random Excitation of
Dynamic Transmission
system about Caterpillar
Vehicle on Uneven Road.

@IJRAER-2017, All Rights Reserved 28

International Journal of Recent Advancement in Engineering & Research
Volume 03, Issue 04; April – 2017 [ ISSN: 2456-401X]


Innovative idea of the paper is to automate the process of sowing crops. All the processes are
advanced to modifying the mechanism in farming which works automatically without the man power
requirement. The small machine would be assemble. It focuses on the farm cultivation process in
independent agriculture system which is controlled by microcontroller assembly. The seed
preparation technique is based on row per column depending upon the type of cultivation.

Components of Robot-
Solar Panel

Chassis- It consist of an internal framework that supports a man-made object in its construction and
use. It is analogues to an animal’s skeleton. An example of a chassis is the under part of a motor
vehicle, consisting of the frame.

Ploughing- The first and foremost step in the farming is Ploughing. The assembly is attached to the
off road bot used for drilling and seeding This process is done in order to loosen the soil and create a
path or tracks on the farm land in order to sow the seeds uniformly. The structure and the design of
the plough tool depends on the various constraints such as the type of soil to be ploughed and the
depth required based on the type of crop that has to be grown and so on. There are many types of
Ploughing mechanisms that has been adopted which can be broadly classified into two categories;
one is the manually driven Ploughing tool and the other being machine driven. We have designed the
plough tool using Solid Works software. The design and dimensions of the plough tool are in
accordance with the size of the bots. The angle of inclination and length of the tool are calibrated by
considering the depth required for Ploughing the soil and it varies with the type of crops and soil.
The tool is operated by using a 12V dc motor having 10 rpm. The initial and final positions of the
plough tool are controlled by coding it in a required manner.

Seeding- The assembly is attached to the off road bot used for drilling and seeding. The next major
step in the process of farming is seeding. Seeding usually depends on the type of crops being grown
and the type of seeding varies over a variety of crops. In case of robots, utmost care has to be taken
to ensure uniform spacing and controlled flow of the seeds from the bot; where in the seeds required
@IJRAER-2017, All Rights Reserved 29
International Journal of Recent Advancement in Engineering & Research
Volume 03, Issue 04; April – 2017 [ ISSN: 2456-401X]

for sowing is stored in a container and is mounted on the bot at the suitable position. The robots take
wheat seeds from a station and sow them as even as possible on the area.

Solar Panel- Solar panel refers to a panel designed to absorb the sun's rays as a source of energy for
generating electricity or heating.A photovoltaic (PV) module is a packaged, connect assembly of
photovoltaic solar cells. Photovoltaic modules constitute the photovoltaic array of a photovoltaic
system that generates and supplies solar electricity. Photovoltaic modules use light energy (photons)
from the Sun to generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect. The modules use thin-film cells.
The structural (load carrying) member of a module is on the back layer. Modules electrical
connections are made in series to achieve the output voltage. In rigid thin-film modules, the cell and
the module are manufactured in the same production line. The cell is created on a glass substrate and
the electrical connections are created in situ, a so-called "monolithic integration". The substrate is
laminated with an encapsulant to a back sheet, usually another sheet of glass.

Innovative seed sowing equipment has grade influence on agriculture by this we can save more time
for sowing and also decreases the labour cost. The ability and function of these agriculture robot
have been extended on large scale and there are many indefinite problem associated with it. And
much research is on going to eliminate these problems.
After comparing different seed sowing mechanism it can be concluded that the solar powered seed
sowing machine can be advanced for sowing seeds in firm with particular distance between seed is
adjusted. It can be made automatic additive of multi hopper can be attached side by side for sawing
of layer farm, Planting distance and plant population are crucial factors in maximizing the yields of

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