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Year, 2010


CS-06 CS-64

CS-65 CS-66





Course Assignment No. Last Date of Submission Page No.


CS-06 BCA(4)-06/Assignment/2010 03
30th April, 2010
(For January Session)

30th October, 2010

(For July Session)

CS-64 BCA(4)-64/Assignment /2010 30th April, 2010 04

(For January Session)

30th October, 2010

(For July Session)

CS-65 BCA(4)-65/Assignment/2010 30th April, 2010 07

(For January Session)

30th October, 2010

(For July Session)

CS-66 BCA(4)-66/Assignment/2010 30th April, 2010 08

(For January Session)

30th October, 2010

(For July Session)

CS-67 BCA(4)-67/Assignment/2010 30th April, 2010 09

(For January Session)

30th October, 2010

(For July Session)

Course Code : CS-06
Course Title : Introduction to DBMS
Assignment Number : BCA(4)-06/Assignment/2010
Maximum Marks : 25
Last Date of Submission : 30th April, 2010 (For January Session)
30th October, 2010 (For July Session)

This is a Tutor Marked Assignment. There are five questions in this Assignment.
Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance
Question 1: ABC Bank operates a number of branches and a customer of the bank can have any
number of accounts which may be a joint account allowing more than one customer to
operate a given account. The bank offers form types of accounts : current account, saving
account, loan account and market account. Identify the entities of interest, show their
attributes and relationship among these entities. Also give the corresponding database
design of each relation and underline a primary key of each relation.
(10 Marks)
Question 2: Explain the differences between a file oriented system and database
oriented system (5 Marks)

Question 3: Consider the following relations concerning a driving school. The primary
key of each relation in bold. (4 Marks)

Student (st_id, class#, th_mark, dr_mark)

Student_Driving_Teacher (st_id, dr_t_name)
Teacher_Theory_Class (class#, th_t_name)
Teacher__vehicle (dr_t_name, license#)
Vehicle (license#, make, model, year)

A student takes one theory class as well as driving lessons and at the end of the sessions receives
marks for theory and driving. A teacher may teach theory, driving or both. Write the
following queries using SQL.

(i) Find the list of teachers who teach theory and give driving lessons on all the
(ii) Find the list of students who are taught neither theory lessons nor driving
lessons by T1 (Teacher)
(iii) Find the list of students who have better marks than S1 (Student) in both theory
and driving
(iv) Find the list of teachers who can drive all the vehicles

Question 4: What are the advantage and disadvantages of the Index-sequential file?
(4 Marks)

Question 5: What are the advantages of horizontal fragmentation?


Course Code : CS-64
Course Title : Introduction to Computer Organisation
Assignment Number : BCA (4)-64/Assignment/2010
Maximum Marks : 25
Last Date of Submission : 30th April, 2010 (For January Session)
30th October, 2010 (For July Session)

There are three questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. You may
use illustrations and diagrams to enhance your explanations. You may use
illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the
guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of
presentation. Answer to each part of the question should be confined to about 300

Questions 1

(a) Convert the following decimal numbers to binary, octal and hexadecimal.
(1 Mark)
(i) 1259
(ii) 3500
(iii) 256
(iv) 1039

(b) Perform the following arithmetic operations using binary Signed 2’s complement notation.
(Please note that all the numbers given in this question are in decimal notation). Use only 8 bit
representation. Indicate the overflow, if any.

(1 Mark)
(i) +35 – 75
(ii) –35 – 93
(iii) +35 – (–93)
(iv) +35 – 24

(c) Consider an 8-bit data 11100010 along with its Single Error Correcting (SEC) code bits was
sent across a communication channel and was received at the destination as 01100010. (You
may assume that all the Single Error Correcting code bits that were sent were received
correctly at the destination). Find out the SEC bits that were generated at the Source and at the
destination of data. Show how these error correcting bits can be used to flag and correct the
error in the received data. (2 Mark)

(d) Design and draw a combinational circuit using AND-OR-NOT gates that accepts an input
number of three bits. The output of the circuit is a 6 bit number that is the square of the input
number. Make the truth table for the circuit and use K-maps to design the circuits.

(1 Mark)

(e) Draw the circuit for a decoder and explain the working of this decoder. List the possible uses
of the decoder circuit. (1 Mark)

(f) Explain the concept of Direct mapping Cache memory with the help of an diagram/example.
How is this Direct mapping cache different to that of 2 way set associative cache memory?

(1 Mark)

(g) Differentiate between the access mechanism of a magnetic disk to that of CD ROM? Why do
you need a number of disks (RAID)? Define different levels of RAID? (1 Mark)

(h) What is the need of Direct Memory Access (DMA) in a Single User Computer? What is
DMA module? Explain the functions of a DMA module.

(1 Mark)

(i) What is the concept of Interrupt driven Input/ Output? Assume that while a computer is going
through a Read operation from the keyboard, an interrupt occurs that requests for writing a
file to the disk. Write the steps that will be involved for the situation as above, if interrupt
driven Input/Output is used. Explain each step.

(1 Mark)

Questions 2

(a) Write a program to evaluate the following statement:

Z = A × B – C ÷ D + A × E using
(i) zero address machine instructions
(ii) three address machine instructions
Explain the difference in the size of the programs. (1 Mark)

(b) Assume a machine that has no registers except for PC, AC and
MAR. Also assume that the machine has fixed length instructions
and have commands for subroutine call and return. For most of the
arithmetic instructions in this machine one of the operand is the
AC register. Select five addressing modes for the machine. Give
reasons for your selection. (1 Mark)

(c) Explain the micro-operation sequence that will result in

fetching an instruction and executing it. You may assume that it is
an ADD instruction which have one direct operand. On execution
of this ADD instruction, the direct operand is added to the register
AC and the result is left in the AC register. You may assume
suitable set of registers for the machine.
(1 Marks)
(d) Assume that an 8-bit Register R has the binary value 100111001.
Perform the following operations on the register R (possibly using
another register R2, if needed): (1 Mark)
(i) Selective Clear the lower 4 bits of R
(ii) Masking out the upper 4 bits of R
(iii) Complementing the value of the register R
(iv) Inserting a value 0111 in the upper 4 bits of the register R.

(e) Represent 2.0625 and 254.125 into IEEE 754 floating point double
precision format. (1 Mark)

(f) How a control unit controls the operations of a computer? Explain
with the help of an example/diagram. (1 Mark)

(g) What are the micro-instructions? Explain the different types of

micros-instructions that can be used in a computer system. Explain
the process of micro-instruction execution. (1 Mark)

Questions 3

(a) How is a 16 bit segment address and 16 bit offset of an instruction

and data converted to a 20 bit address in 8086 microprocessor?
Explain with the help of examples. Give at least two advantages of
using such segmentation in 8086 microprocessor. (1 Mark)

(b) Explain SAL, DAA, CMP, JMP instructions of 8086 processor

with the help of one example each. (1 Mark)

(c) Explain the addressing mode in 8086 microprocessor that can be

used for efficient handling of arrays. Explain this with the help of
suitable examples. (1 Mark)

(d) Explain any two input and any two output functions of INT 21h for
the purpose of input/ output in 8086 microprocessor, with the help
of example(s). (1 Mark)

(e) Write a program in 8086 assembly language that compares the first
4 characters of two strings. If the program finds that the compared
portion of strings are the same then it also finds the length of the
first string. You may assume that both the strings are at least 5
characters long and are available in the data / extra data segment
and the last character of the string is #.
(2 Marks)

(f) Write a program in 8086 assembly language that multiplies two

single digit ASCII numbers. You must first convert these ASCII
numbers to equivalent binary. The result of the multiplication must
be converted to unpacked decimal number. This resultant
unpacked binary coded decimal (BCD) number should have its
units digit in AL register and tens digit in AX register.
(2 Marks)

Course Code : CS-65
Course Title : Windows Programming
Assignment Number : BCA(4)-65/Assignment/2010
Maximum Marks : 25
Last Date of Submission : 30th April, 2010 (For January Session)
30th October, 2010 (For July Session)

There are five questions in this Assignment. Answer all the questions. You may use
illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations.

Question 1: Design a database application to generate Cinema Hall Transactions using Visual Basic.
Provide necessary documentation, reports, screen layouts etc. for the project.
(7 Marks)

Question 2: What is a significance of Crystal Reports? How are these used? Explain.
(3 Marks)

Question 3: What are different the built-in functions and their use in Visual Basic. Also, discuss the
need of Module level variables with example.
(5 Marks)

Question 4: List the controls and items those can/cannot be implemented over Multiple Document
interface (MDI). Also, discuss the use of MDI in the development of Visual Basic
(5 Marks)

Question 5: What is data control? Explain the use of different data controls available in
Visual Basic with example.
(5 Marks)

Note: Assumptions can be made wherever necessary.

Course Code : CS-66

Course Title : Multimedia
Assignment Number : BCA(4)-66/Assignment/2010
Maximum Marks : 25
Last Date of Submission : 30th April, 2010 (For January Session)
30th October, 2010 (For July Session)

There are five questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. You may use
illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations.

Question 1: What is Multimedia? Explain different applications of Multimedia. (5 Marks)

Question 2: List different input/output devices used in Multimedia Applications. Also explain different
components of multimedia. (5 Marks)

Question 3: Explain the use of communication technologies in multimedia services. (5 Marks)

Question 4: List the features required in the Multimedia Authoring Software. Compare and contrast the
features of Flash and Authorware. (5 Marks)

Question 5: Explain the various techniques for animation in Multimedia. Also explain how a multimedia
package to be designed for awareness about “Uses of Internet”. (5 Marks)

Course Code : CS-67
Course Title : RDBMS Lab
Assignment Number : BCA (4)-67/Assignment/2010
Maximum Marks : 25
Last Date of Submission : 30th April, 2010 (For January Session)
30th October, 2010 (For July Session)

There is two question in this assignment. Answer all the parts of each question. You
may use illustrations or diagrams to support your answer. You have to implement
the database system using any RDBMS.

Question 1: (20 Marks)

A Share trading Company maintains its client’s data using a database system. The company keeps a list of
its clients, their accounts and share held by them. A client can maintain an account with the company,
however, this account should have a minimum balance. A client can sell his/her shares or buy new shares,
based on their account balance, by giving instructions to the company from time to time. The clients of the
company may be individuals or other companies. Perform the following activities for this share trading

(a) Make an ER-diagram for the company, stating assumptions if any. You may use the concept of
keys, aggregation, generalisation, cardinality etc. in a proper way.

(2 Marks)

(b) Design the suitable RDBMS tables for the ER-diagram so created in part (a). The database design
should include keys, foreign keys, constraints and referential integrity constraints.

(c) Implement the database design that you have created in (b) using a RDBMS – our advice is that
you choose either MySQL or MS ACCESS to do so. (2 Marks)
(d) Create the following data entry forms with suitable checks.
(i) Data entry for a new client including a new account creation.
(ii) Purchase of new shares
(iii) Selling of shares

(iv) Amount deposition/ withdrawal by the client from his account.


(e) Enter at least 5-10 sets of records in each table preferably using data entry form created in part (d)
(f) Create the following reports for the database you have created. The reports should have proper
headings and page numbers and should include totals, if needed.
(i) Report on present balance of all the accounts
(ii) List of shares of a specified client
(iii) The client wise list of shares sold or purchased by the company in a month.

(iv) The statement of the account of a client for the current month.
(2 Marks)

(g) Write and run the following SQL queries for your database: (4 Marks)
(i) Find the details of the share that has been purchased the most in the current month.
(ii) Find the costliest share that has been sold.
(iii) Find the client who is most active (Note – please count the number of transactions made
by the clients).
(iv) List the details of all the shares bought by client whose name is “xyz”.
(v) Find the list of clients whose account balance is below the minimum permitted account
(vi) Find the clients who has not done any transaction in the current month.

(h) Design two views for the database that you have designed and implemented in this question. One
view should be for the CEO of the company and other for clients who may be interested in various
details of transactions made by the company for him/her. In addition, a client would like to find
his/her account statement. Identify on what tables and what fields these two (CEO and Clients)
will be allowed to have access. Implement these views or write equivalent queries for the view
defining expression using SQL. (4 Marks)

Question 2:

Construct an E-R diagram for Assignment Marks Management System for BCA. Create 1st Normal Form
tables from the ER diagram. Identify all the functional dependencies and normalize your table design to 3rd
Normal Form. Make and state suitable assumptions, if any.
(5 Marks)


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