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AASIMAR Aasimer are the other side of the tiefling coin, Like ticflings, aasimar are plane-touched. But while tie lings have the blood of some sort of lower-planar ‘creature in their veins, aasimar are the scions, or descendants of scions, of celestial beings from the Upper Planes. These folk generally appear as glori- ously beautiful humans with golden hai, fair skin, and piercing eyes. They might be ‘mistaken for half-elves, or even true aasi- mon, for their innate purity and inkumas, glory. Most aasimar are éruc to their sires and the blood that courses through their veins, booing true of heart, courageous, and honest to a fault, Their nobility and goodness are legendary. Nevertheless, a few turn stag and) become as untrustworthy a bunch of spivs as ever | plied the cross-trade, Unlike other plane-touched, aasimar are rarely oxphaned or abandoned by their nonnuman parent. Though usually raised by the human parent in huan communities, the celestial — if possible ~ tries to main= tain at Jeast some contact or provide some influence in the child's Tife, guiding him along on the “right path." Aasimar often attempt to pass as normal humans it ‘order to right verongs and defend goodness in a mortal com- munity. They strive to ft into society, although they usually rise to the top a cream rises abave milk, becoming cevered leaders and honorable teroes. Members of this race add a +1 bonus to Strength and ‘Wisdom and have a -2 penalty to their Constitution score. Aasimnar have infravision to a range of 60 feet. Because of ‘their catlike, keen senses, they add +1 to suxprise checks Though in many ways the aasimar are light of build and even somewhat frail, their celestial heritage protects them from half of the damage normally delivered from heat and cold attacks. Additionally, they gain a +2 bonus to saving throws versus any sort of magical charm, fear, emotion, oF domination effect. All nonsrizard aasimar have 10% niagic resistance on top of all that. BC aasimar may be of any nonevil alignment, though most will be lawful, neutral, or chaotic good. All character classes are available to aastmar, and in ad- dition they can be rmutticlasseé with the following numerous options: fighterfpriest, ighterimage, fighterfbard, range:/ nage, ranger/priest, magefpriest, mage/thief, maye/bard, and priest/bard. Assinar Orn0ns, One may assume that some aasimar do net fit the mold described above. Certainly there are those who have greater attributes of physical beauty and charm, adding +1 to their Charisma scares rather than thele Strength. ‘Av least a few aasimar have featuzes different from ‘those described above. An aasimar with planetar blood, for example, may have green skin. Some may even have nonhu- sam attributes such as regai-looking tails, biedlie or leonine ower bodies, or even vestigial wings. A few rare specimens inave spell-like abilities such as detect lie, detec: evil, or light {all usable once per day) rather than the resistances to heat or cold, RoLe-PLavts aN Ansivnd Nobility, courage, honor, sinceriay ~ these words describe you. You are the desceadaut of ceiestials, worthy of respect — but beleaguered by responsibilities. You must be ever- vigilant, for the purveyors of evil, the foes of lie itself, tur. about every earner. Its your duty to protect those whom ‘you resemble in form, if notin spirit. AU mortal creatures sre Yyour charges and all the forces of daskness are your enemy. You seek no reward greater than the knowledge that dark- ness has been thwarted or even vanquished, and you permit yourself no rest while evil remains unchecked. Iv best if no-one knows of your heritage. Despite the in- tterent nobility within the near-divine progenitors of your line, you must earn respect as any otier being. Sword fed aloft, olden hair sparkling in the brigat light of day, you Tead ‘your compatriots ~ heroes all toward vietory agalast evil. BARIAUR The bariaur — herbivorous denizens of the Upper Planes ~ often remind primes of centeurs, their goat-hodies topped by human torsos and arms, Their faces display somewhat more animal-like features taan centaurs, and male bariaur sport 2 fine pair of curling ram's horns. Bariaur can be exceedingly fussy about their appear- ances, dyeing and shaving their pelts in intricate patterns. They're well known for their wanderlust, building no towns bat roaming over several of the Upper Planes in a seemingly random path. Most claim Ysgard as their birthplace, though, some herds are native to Elysium, the Beastlands, or Arborea. In personality, bariaur are usually carefree, social, out- going, and friendly. Thousth considered frivolous by some, the sturdy bariaur nevertheless are fierce fighters when their families or friends are threatened. Ysgardian bariatr, in par- ticular, hold a special iatred for giants, no doubt due to the predations of the enormous humanoids upon bariaur herds, PC members of this race possess infravision to @ 60-foot range and 2 movement rate of 15. While most are cttaotic ood, PC bariaur may be of any nonevil alignment. They may rise to 13th level in any allowable class, Further benefits, depend on the sex of the bariaur, 2s their society maintains traditional zoles for males and females On initial character generation, male bariaur gain a +1 vous te Strength and Constitution and suffer a -1 penalty to Wisdom and Dexterity, With their horns, they can always attempt to butt an opponent for 1d8 points of damage (plus Strength bonus), tripling this result by charging at least 30 feet in a straight line. Ifthe hit is successful, the charging bariaur must save versus breath weapon or suffer the same damage as the target. Charged creatures size M or smaller are Knocked to the ground 50% of the time. Male bariaur can be- come fighters, rangers, paladins, or priests. Female bariaur, generally somewhat more intellectually inclined, gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdorn but suffer a -1 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. They lack horns with which fo attack opponents, but add +2 to all sur prise rolls and +3 to saving throws versus spell. Females can bbe fighters, priests, or wizards. ROLE-PLAYING A BaRlaun ‘The joy of freedom, the love of laughter, and the exultation of victory are your meat and dink, Ihese are things worth dying for ~ nothing else is more important. These concepts supersede all others, coming even before duty, honor, or gold, Others claim them (and you) frivolous at times, but you canto imagine life without these treasures; the very thought of losing them chills you to your very bores, ut it’s best not to dwell upon that. Enjoy life, laughing Sh the sun, of whatever passes for a sum in the places that you visit. Though things may turn grim, you know that You'll always have the strength of your convictions and what they represent to sustain you. GENASI The whisper of a breeze, the crackle of flame, the crest of a wave, the immovability of stone ~ these things are as rmuch a ppart of the genasi as flesh and blood. The genasi are plane- touched beings, the descendants of usin ef a human and an elemental ereature (often a djimni, hence the narae gens). ‘These extremely rare beings inspire more distrust and prejudice than other plane-touched, for public opinion re- gards them as more alien, in general, they siso maintain a contempt for other races and an air of superiority that doesn't endear them (0 anyone, All planar races have an an tomatic -2 reaction roll penalty toward genasi I's often assumed thar genasi of differing elements have 4 natural racial hatred for one another, simply by the fact of their warring elemental natures. This ism't true; a single gerasi usually resents and dislikes alf others of his kind, not Just those of different clements, Not surprisingly. two genasi {or more} are virtually never encountered together. ‘Their clemental nature is often extremely evident. Indi- viduals nearly always displey a physical characteristic or two that reveais they are more than simply human ~ skin or hair color, a special aura, or some other such tanifestation al- most always marks them, Further, each type of genasi usi- ally displays personality traits relative to his elemental na- ture, While each genasl Is a complex individual, some remain virtual caricatures of their heritage. Fire genes! are often hot termpered and quick, watle earth genasi are slow and me- thodical, More details about both physical and emotional thaits of the individual genasi ate presented below. Like all plane-touched, the exact heritage of an individ ual genast is often unknown, and usually very difficult to etermine. Most elements have a nuraber of different inteli- gent races from which genasi could ave sprung, anid nor- ally elemental creatures ate loath to accept the half-breed and kis descendants, or even admit to their parentage. Aw Ginast Spirits of the wind, djina, sylphs, and oter such ereatures very rarely take special, exceptional yhuman men and women te be thelr mates, The offspring of these unions are air genasi, or [as they call themselves) wind dukes. Air eras see themselves as the rightful inheritors of their kin- ceage — the sky, the wind, and the § ‘very air that other creatures eeathe. ‘These beings are usually raised on the plane of Air i floating human cities and castles, although oceasionay one will be raised among the din. Air sgenasi are accepted and even re~ specied among the humans and ‘otner nomnative beings who have chosen the plane of Air as their hhomes. Elsewhere on the planes, however, they are as disliked a ‘the denasi of other elements, ‘In appearance, air genasi vary considerably, but usually display one or more of the following traits: Light biue skin or hait + A constant light wisp of a breeze about them at all times, even while in- doors + A distinctive breathy voice, with strange inflections and accent + Flesh that is very cool to the touch. Although wind dukes can have any number of different outlooks and personality traits, most are arrogant and pre- tentious, looking upon other races as iferiors (at least to some degree}, and upon other genasi as rivals. Air genasi, surprisingly, have no need to breathe, and consider such base actions a homble waste of pute, pristine alr, Their contempt for breathing creatures begins there, and only gets worse. Of course, this doesn’t mean that an air genast cannot interact and even be friends with members of other races ~ It just rakes it even more difficult. Aside from their arrogance, In general air genast are wild, carefree individuals. They usually care litle about their appearance, since having their hair tousled and their clothes ill-mended just shows the natural way of things in thelr eyes Emotionally, they vaty from calm reservedness to great in- tensity with litte warning between the two. ‘Wind dukes gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity and Intell gence and suffer a -1 penalty to Wisdom and Charisma. ‘They have the ability to levitate once per day as a 5th-level ‘wizard, regardless of class o: level. They call this process mingling with the wind They also gain a +1 bons to all saving throws versus air based magic and spells for every five ‘experience levels, im addition to any sav- ing throw boauses from items, class, or other sources, ‘Air genasi may De priests, ighters, co wizards, Multl- classed air genast can We fighter/cleries oF fighter wizards Wizards belonging to a speciaity school must choose that of air ele- rmentalism. If specialty priests, air genasi must serve a deity of elemen- tal alr or some other sort of *sky god” and cannot be druids. Wind dukes may be of any nonlaveful aligument, Exuns Genast Strong, immovable, and ponderous — stone princes exhibit these qualities of the ceatth, These are descendants of human and earth-being pait- ings, the elemental parent most often a dao. Creatures of el- ‘emental earth care nothing for creatures of flesh, and so suc offspring are virtually always raised among their human Kin, Most earth genasi embrace their elemental natures, reveling {in their superiority, strength, and earth-bom power. “Though no less arrogant than the other genasi, the stone princes aré not as obvious about i. Their coneeitis the quiet certainty that they are greater than those around them, Their closeness to the earth gives them a connection to the fumda- mental aspects of the universe that lesser helugs cannot even begin to fathoxt, In appearance, many stone princes seem dirty, rough, and mugged, like a handful of earth and rock; others Look as impeccably clean as polished stones. They prefer no particu lar clothing, although many choose to adorn themselves and thelr possessions with precfous gems and metals Earth genasi also have one or tore of the following physical traits: Brovin, leathery (almost stonelike} skin ‘A metallic sheen to their skin or hair Blocky features, thick torsos and limbs Brown, black, oF even gray hair Rough, almost gritty flesh Deep, slow specch, like the rumbling of the earth Black eyes like deep pits +o eaeee Slow to act and ponderous in thought, stone princes are far from stupid. They simply prefer to consider their actions and the implications and effeets that those actions might hhave. Of all other races, divarves are most likely to take to the earth denasi [and vice versa). Earth genasi add @ +1 bouus to Strength and Constitu- tion and have a -} penalty to Wisdom and Charisma. Taey have a natural Armor Class of 8, and also possess an innate knowledge of stone, the equivalent of the appraising profi- ciency. Stone princes are said to be the best smiths in all the ‘worlds, surpassing even the dwarves. Once per day, an earth genast can use the spell-like power of pass without trace as a Sth-level nrlest regardless of class or level. Theyscall this process merging with the stone, Stone psinces gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws ‘Versus earticbased magic and spelis for every five experi- ence levels, in addition to any saving throw bonuses gained from jos... ae items, class, or other 5 . sources. Stone princes can become fight- crs, wizards, and priests. They canmot be rauticlassed. It wizards haelong toa specialty school, they ust of elemental earth, some sort of earth-based power, or @ god of the forge (even a dwarven power), but may not become drulds, Earth genasi can be of any nonchaatie alignment. A few earth genasi completely reject their elemental heritage and their progenitors who apparently abandoned hem with such quick dismissal (earth genasi despise hasty thinking in any form). These self-declared orphans ~ called stone champions — use their inherited powers for the good of sumanity and become selfless defenders of thelr mortal kin, Stone champions may become paladins, but such are ex- ‘wemely rare, (DMs may decide that genasi paladins are best Jilted to NPCS] Fine Gewast Fiery and bot-blooded, the heat of white flame burns in the ‘hearts of the flame lords. They claim to be forged rather than ‘bor (though this fs untrue, and merely a metaphor), ‘The offspring of humans and elemental creatures such as effect or fire spirits are usually slain outcigiat by thelr non- hhumnam parents, but some escape to husman settlements with ‘their mortal parent. These individuals and their descendants are flame lords, secure in the knowledge that they surpass in all ways the mundane, onmagical creatures who sureound them in mortal society. Fire bums, destroys, and consumes, Lesser creatures are atratd of fire, and so fire genasi believe thernselves naturally superior ~ they are avatars ofthis fearful, destructive energy. It's easy to see why those of other races dislike the arrogant ‘and hot-tempered flame lortls even more than other genasi ‘Mast {sometimes wrongly) assume that fire genast are mo nmately evil In personality, these elemental erea~ tures stay truc to their heritage — full of energy, high-struag {even tense), and ‘quick to action. When they speak, they ‘alk quickly, preferring to act rather than discuss, Fie genasi prefer blacks and reds in their clothing and jewelry. Appear- ance is important to them, although they prefer simple and elegant accou- o> tremens to gaudy or lavish ones. E ‘The physical appearance of these individuals usually includes ‘one or more of the Following traits: * pe YeU nor a FHAT IF YOU just SLOWED DOWN yeu WBULD BE Aale +@ +HINK mare CLEARLY? — BICAI MAUZ, aN FAR+H GENASI +HINK Deep red or coal black skin Deep red hair moving on its own like waving flames A voice crackling like the sound of a fire burning. Petpetually warn flesh, even hot to the touch Fiery red eyes glowing with the intensity of fames ttete Flame lords have a +1 Bonus to Intelligence and a -1 penalty to Charisma, These elemental sefons suffer no damage from normal flame, although they can still be bumed by magical Mire, dragon's breath, and even the hottest areas on the plane of Fire, They have infravision ‘wit 2 60-foot range, and also have the ability to affect nor mal fires once per tay as a Sth-level wizard, regardiess of lass or level. Fire senasi like to call this process reacking 10 the blaze. These individuals gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws versus fire-based magic and spells for every five ex- perience levels, in addition to any saving throw bonuses ‘gained from items, class, or other sources. Fine genasi may be fighters, wizards, or figaterfwizards If wizards belong to a specialty school, they must choose that of fire clementalism. Fire genasi may be of any align- ment, ‘The endless lap- ping of wave after wave, the salty sea / foam spraying into i ‘the air, the bottomless # ocean depths with pitiless 4 darkness and breath-steal- ing pressure — these are the pieces of a sea king's heart. ‘Water genast ate the descendants of the rare offspring of a mortal and water spite such as a nereid {thee most common parent), marid, or ather watery elemental, ‘These elemental children ate as unlike their brethren as they are their parents, An Indapendence of a singular sort is bred into sca kings, giving rise to their unique outlook. ‘Water genast often become the orphans of the sea, D\, raised by neither parent but cared for by some kindly sea creature, Often dolphins, whales, mermen, of ti- 1 fons guard these outcasts, although sometimes darker races, such as sharks, sahuagin, or even ixitx- achitl parent the elemental beings rather than killing ‘them for food. Such unfortunate souls are trained in evil practices, becoming powerful servants of those who raised them, ‘Those raised by more neutral or kindly folk usually stay with their adoptive paremts for a short time before they take ‘to the open sea alone, There, the water genasi explore and learn on their own. During their isolation, they develop strong personalities, each different from any other genasi but always matching each other in extremes. Some exhibit traits of heroism to the polit of martyrdom, while others are para~ noid and peery to such a degtee that a body can only assume they rave, This strong personality and extreme traits give them the arrogance common to all genasi. They believe ‘themselves to be singular beings, unique to all the mnultiverse and ta some extent, they are correct Water genasi always display one or more of the follow- ing physteal traits: Blue-green skin or hair Blue black eyes Aight, very thin layer of scales covering the body Haar waving and swaying as thoug underwater A muffled voice resembling underwater sounds, ke the echoing songs of whales Cold, clanimy Mest. +oeee + All water genasi are amphibious, though they have no visible gills. Rather, they simply breathe water a5 eastly as air They swim at a movement rate of 15. Sea kings gain a +1 to Constitution and suffer a -1 penalty %0 Charisma, Once per day, water genasi can use the spellelike power create water as Sth-level casters regardless of class or level. They call this process cating zo the wave, Sea kings gain a +! bonus to all saving throws versus water- hhased magic and spells for every five experience levels, in addition to any saving throw bomuses gained from items, class, or other sources. Water genasi can become fighters, wizards, priests, and rogues (including bards), Sea kings may also be multiclassed fighter{priests and fighterfthieves. If wizards belong to 2 spe- cialty school, they must choose that of water elementalism. If specialty priests, they must serve a deity of elemental water or some sort of sea gor, but cannot be druids, Water gens can be of any neutral alignment (that is, all alignments but LG, €G, LE, or CE) Rone-Puavinw «Genes No one understands you. They can't Their minds are limited ‘wy their morcal heritage. While they can't help their parent- age, that doesn’t change the fact that you are their superior. It's not a matter of prejudice, it’s a simple fact. You have the power of the very elements themselves flowing through your ‘veins, You've lite tune for musing over that polat Litde te for any sort of frivolity or indulgence, in fact. I's your des- tiny (o make a great name for yourself. The anaals of history will foxever remember you, your name frequenting the lips of future genterations. But this can oniy happen if you begin now. Obstacles the likes of which have never heen encoun- tered await you, posing challenges oniy you can overcame. GIFHZERAT ‘The history of the githzerai is one of ancient war and ancient slavery. Once of one race with the githyankt under the en- slavement of the mind flayers, the githzerai broke away from their illithid masters and chen from their gith brethren, sparking 2 racial war that has continued into the present. The two gith factions separated and found new homes: the gith— anki in the emptiness of the Astral Plane, and the githzerai in the swirling chaos of Limbo. Githzerai are humanoids, thinner and taller than hu- ‘mans with sharp Features, long faces, and cyes of ray or yellow. Severe and serious, the githzerai tend toward Somberness in their cloting and personalities. They're usu ally close-routhed, keeping thelr own council and trusting few outside theit own kind. Only a few things stir the githzerai to passion, Their an~ cient hatreds for the ilithids and githyanki erupt violently in any encounter wita those races. Similarly, they are sworn to protect their race on their adopted home of Lino, since that refuge was ouly won after millennia of hardship and war; any threat against their haven is met with whatever farce is necessary to eliminate that threat. To the githzerai, there are only three truths: that the githyaaki and illithids will never be anything but mortal en- emies; that they will allow nothing (0 hinder the survival of their race; and that no one will ever enslave them again. Githzerat PCs add +1 to Intelligence and Dexterity and subtract 1 from Strength and Wistiom. They have infravi- sion to 60 feet and may de of any nonlawful alignment. They can be fighters, fighterfwizacds, wizards, or thieves; githzerat Ihave no priests, but revere thei: ancient wizard-king asa god. Githzeral warriors and thieves possess an always-active magic resistance of 50% per level to. maximum of 958, This affects any magical items a githzerai tries to use; if the resis tance roll is made, the item is useless to that character for- ever after. Note that this type of magic resistance is specific to githzeral only, as most other creatures ean drop it at wil, ‘Mages lose their magic resistance ia order to learn spelicast- ing, Fighterfwleards decide whether or not to keep the magic resistance and its attendant penalties; most purge themselves of ly, since it interferes with their ability to use magical armor and items. Finally, PC githzerai utterly lose their native ability to plane shifi, perhaps due to thelr extended time away from their wizard-king. Rove-PLavtns & Giowzeat All around you there is stagnation. Rigid thought and re~ stricted personal freedom abound. Everyone you know is a slave — but you won't let the shackles of easy conformity and control wrap their seductive chains around you. You'll remain independent, and sirike down any who try to enslave ‘you in word or éeed. Your people have known oppression in ‘the past, and you'll not bear tt again PLANAR HALF-ELF Usually the offspring of a planar buman and a prime elf, bhalf-elves on the planes are both more and less unique than ‘hose om the Priine. More rare, because thece are far fewer planar half-elves than prime ones; less anasual, because when compared to such plane-touched cteatures as genasi and teftings, a half-elf barely raises an eyebrow. To most planats, halF-elves are simply pointy-eared humans, without any special distinetivencss to set them apart. Half-elven characters are created as explained in the Player's Handbook. RoLe-PLaving a Puasag Lawl Maybe you're not hali-fiend or half-elemental, but you're still someone special. Your elven biood gives you a longevity and sensitivity that pure humans lack, and your human, ‘oad gives you the tenacity and drive dat most elves Lack. Your combined heritage makes you perfectly fitted to dis- cover the wonders of the multiverse; you won't let opporta- nity pass you by. PLANAR HUMAN As ubiquitous as their kin on the Prime, hurmans can simply be found everywhere, in ay environment. Humans have carved cut civilizations everywhere from the howling caves of Pandemonium to the depts of the plane of Fire. Lacking special ractal gifts and abilities, they compensate with deter- mination and the will 1o achieve and succeed, regardless of circumstances ar obstacles. Human characters are created as explained in the Player's Handbook, As a DM option, they may be granted minor abilities dependent on their place of birth or other un usual circumstances, Roue-Plavva & Pranan Heviayy ‘Your parents or grandparents came from the Prime Material Plane, Dut that doesn’t mean anything, You're a blood nov, ‘you'e ise to the dark of the planes ~ not a clueless prime, Sure, you've got something to prove, but i’s more to yout- self than to otiers. The planes are full of fiends, gith, mod- ons, proxies, and all manner of beasts. Where is your place in all of this? 1 take some doing, and probably some trav- cing, but you'l find i. ROGUE MODRON Modrons are the clockwork caretakers of the gears of ‘Mechanus, virally unthinking in thelr strict hierarchical omer, No beings’ minds are as focused on aw, stability, rep- tition, and the security of harmonious regulation, But the ‘multiverse isn’t perfect — not even in Mechazras ~ and some- times things go wrong. Sometimes a modron receives con- Acting orders from two or more superiors, or is confronted with incontrovertible proof that all is not orderly. Sometimes 2 modron’s mind just snaps. These circumstances create rogite morons, When modtons go rogue, they lose most of their special abilities and even the normal modron form that designates their position within the clockwork hierarchy. They find themselves cast out of Mlechamus, the heart of law and the only world they have ever known, and plunged into the cold, Jonely, and (worst ofall) chaotic maliverse, Rogue modrons have the forbidden and reprehensible glinmerings of self- avrareness, tne only thing that allows them to survive in this, new sphere. ‘Most rogue modrons are not crazed lunaties craving chaos and desiruction, On the contrary, most folks can’t tell ‘a rogue modron from a “normal” one just by listening to it talk about the multiverse. It still is amt extremely ordered, being, with law at the center of all of its thoughts and in- grained in. the way it feels, acts, and reacts, To another mod- ton, the differences ate obvious, and the togue fs some sort of chaotic wild-child; but to other folks, te rogue moron, still seems the epitome of order. Rogue modrons stand exactly 6 feet tall, with eubelike bodies similar to those of quadrone modrons. The cubes are 3 feet on each face, adorned with two thin 3-foat-long legs, two 3-foot-long arms, and a pair of small, vestigial [nonop- erational) wings on their backs. A vaguely anthropomorphic face can be found on the front cube face. Modions are formed from the stuff of order and given clockwork limbs and other parts. Both mechanical and fleshily parts comprise a modron, but the parts metd together to form an orderly witole. In fact, modron bodies aren't much different from any other basher's, otaer than in their odd ap- pearance. (So curative spells, for example, work just fine on. them despite their mechanical components.) Otherwise, mod- rons are genderless, ageless, and very difficult to distinguish from one another. Thankfully the laiter problem is solved by the fect that very, very few rogue modrons wander the planes, Rogue modron player characters present a number of problems and speciat situations. These beings had no chilé- hhood, Family, social rank, or even any real history. In fact, rogue modrans begin to lose what memories they have of Mechanus as tine passes; as beginning player characters, they have even forgotten what rank they once held in the modron order. Role-playing rogae modrons requires special attention to their personalities and motivations. As beings of meat~ab- solute ordes, they need organization, rank, authority, regula- ‘on, and harmony to be content. Modrons would never join a group that didn’t raake its organization anc hierarchy clear, Including an adventuring group. Modrons need to now ex- actly where they stand in the group — who ranks above them, and wiio below. While not as interested in being on top as some berks, they don’t necessarily follow orders blindiy and ‘won't appreciate being taken advantage of by some peeler swho thinks he understands how modrons operate. Once modrons set a course of action, it's difficult to di- vert them, They don’e become sidetracked or distracted. Modrons have a focus that no human can match in intensity. Most mnodrons also have na concept of self, but this is only partially true of rogues, Though still less motivated by con- cepis such as greed, personal happiness, and even self preservation than a human would be, they do recognize and Ivagzuely) comprehend these ideas Rogue modrons don't believe in, or even understand, ‘the concept of chance. They never use words ot embrace ideas like “luck.” To modrons, everything is stractuted, noti- ing is random, all creatures abide by a set of rules and regu lations — whether they realize it or not, In fact, wiatle mod- rons might not be able to describe exactly what all the “rules of the cosmos” are, they may try to figure the rules out — a lifelong task at best, Essentially, rogue modrons are refugees from a com- pletely alien society and world, with completely different outlooks — at least at first. As PC modrons explore the mul- tiverse, they continue to learn aud adapt to the rest of the planes. Although they may never accept that there isn’t an ‘order to everything, they may adjust the way they view ‘order, Rogue madrons try to impose their own brand of order on everything around ther, ot simply rationalize ex- planatious that place a veneer of order aver the chaos of the multiverse. Curiosity may be the one downfall of modrons. Emo- tions, humor, friendship, and many other concepts familiar to humans and other humanolds are new and very strange to modrons fat least until they find or impose order within or ‘upon them}. Rogue modrons itave natural advantages due to their status as creatures of ultimate law. They can readjust their vision, giving them effectively 2 double normal range of sight, 2s well as an uncanny ability to detect secret doors and other minutige, They have a 2 in 6 chance of finding secret doors and 2 3 in 6 chance of detecting concealed doors. ‘Modrons have a 30% resistance to illusions, energy drains, charm, sleep, fear, dowtination, and other similar mind- fecting spells. They gain a +1 bonus to saving throws versus fire cold, and acid. Modrons have a natural Armor Class of 8 (ue to the fact that they're partially constructed of metal), and a moventent rate of 15, Modons also have a few disadvantages. For example, their structured rrinds don't allow them to react to surprise situations very veel. (This doesn't sake them casir cha WI+H FHE Face HAE norinal to surprise, . moi sr is RAINED YES+ERDAY? ‘modons are sar- prised, they remain ‘that way for twice the normal length of time. They don't interact ‘well with individuats of chaotic alignment (despite some Xaositects’ adoration of the term “rogue” modron), usually suffering a -1 reaction penalty toward such people, Motions also find their size and ‘weight to be a hindrance at times. It is impossible for them to carry out such standard actions as riding a horse, wearing, normal armor, or wriggling through a narrow opening, Rogue modrons can choose classes and gain levels like any PC. This idea of self-improvement and self-advancement {is alien to modron society, but is obviously the way of the outside order, so rogue modrons adapt. From their structured ‘minds and solid forms they gain a +1 bonus to Inteliigence and Constitution, but thelr boxlike bodies and unfamiliarity with other cultures impose a -1 penalty to Dexterity and Charisma, Modrons cart be fighters or wizards, but they can= not be multiclassed; even rogues are too focused for such personal diversity. Wizard mocrons on Mechanus are virtu= ally unheard of, but outside the clockwork universe, rogue modrons can see an onder to magic use, as well as the bene- fits its use can provide. Taey may become specialist wizards but fobviously) cannot become wild niases. ‘Naturally, rogue modrons can only be lawful in atign- D@ES veun @VER-EXUBERANCE vIN AFFACKING #Hese SLAVERS. HAVE anytuine +© DO — UNI+ 87, 4 ROGUE MODRON WH® s+. DOESN'+ quite UNDERSFAND HUMAN M@+IVAFION ment, although the range of good, evil, or neutral is open fo them as new concepts 10 explore (and ultimately, probably fear). Mobren Oruions DMs may choose to implement one of two options ¢o illus- trate the order inherent within 2 modron character's very being. The following modifications may change some of the rile dynamics of the game, but they will give a feeling of ab- solute structure and law to the character. + Preset Actions ‘This option requires a rogue modron to state one preset ac~ tion per level, based on external stimull — 2 condition upon which the modron will always respond the same. For ex- ample, every time a foe draws a weapon, a certain modron migot immediately attack. On the same condition another modron might cast the highest-level spell it currently nas memorized, whether tae spell is appropriate tor the situation or not, ‘The conditions must be common enough to occur at least once in an average playing session. While the disad- ‘vantages to this option are obvious falways having to react a certain way), the modron’s response is immediate. Initiative {is automatic. in fact, the modron Initiates the action even if the preset condition occurs in a round! in which the modron has already acted, + Praverenactvet Inotanive Always acting and responding In the same way, a modzon rolls initiative once, Just once. This is done when the charac- ter is created, and the same umber is used throughout the life of the character. Some DMs may wish to modify this so ‘that a modron rolls initiative ance a level, once a month, of only once duting a single battle, Rowk-Piavine A Raut: Moco Tick, Everything is structured. Tock. Everything is ordered. Tick, Tock, You hear the sounds of the machinery of the raul- tiverse, Despite your exile from Mechanus, the clockwork of creation cam never he taken from yout Those around you can provide insight into the structure of the new wosld you are now forced te live in. Whether or not they realize ht by observing them you see liow things work, and what your place is within the structure. You ask questions, observing not only the answers, but the way in which they sre answered. Every detail is important, for nothing happens without a reason. TIEFLING OF alt the plane-touched, none precipitate as much fascina- tion — or as rich fear — as tie‘lings, Whereas aasimar are obviously touched by a celestial spatk, and genasi have the potency of the ele ments run~ ning through their veins, tieflings are enshrouded with the mysteries of an ‘unnamed heritage Obviously ituman and “something-else™ crossbreeds, the “something else” in the teflings’ case is usu- ally assumed {6 be lover planar. That stigma follaves al tet lings through their lives. Loners hy nature, they make their ‘own paths out of necessity; no telling culture exists to ald the outcasts, since no two tieflings are alike. As distinctive from husnans as they are from each other, tieflings tend to be ‘wary and distrustful due to the reactions they come to expect — From foe RO home, no warn place to call kip, sve no fam’ ly, no birthright ror kin. Tam I, noting more. “A TIEFLING’S LAMEN+” from others. Tieflings take care of themselves, for they lean carly that no one will take care of them. But rather than withdraw into individual heritages, tieflings cialenge the multiverse with everytaing in their in- dependent spirits. Determined to create their own fates, they dare things others might not even dream of and defy any- ‘thing that stands in their way. ‘Tieflings gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence and Charisma and suffer a1 penslty to Strength and Wisdom, They may be of any alignment but lawful good. Their mysterious ber itage grants them several gifts, cluding infravision to a 60- foot range and the ability to cast darkness 15-foot radius conce per day. They suffer half damage frora cold-based at- tacks and gain a +2 bonus on saving throws versus fire, elec- tricity, and poison, Tieflings may become fighters, rangers, wizards fand specialists), priests, thieves, or bards; they may also be multiclassed fighterlwizards, fighterforiests, fighter) thieves, wizard)thieves, and priestfthieves. “Teena Ornons Because of their varied backgrounds, i¢s possible, and even likely, that not all deflings possess the same innate powers and appearances (although they all have infravision of at least a 60-foot rante). Because of this, the tables on page 80 were created to add variety to tiefiings, and should be used at the time of character creation. Roll on the “Tiefling Abilities” table five times anid use those results in place of the standard darkoess 15-foot radius ability and resis- tances to cotd, fire, electricity, and poison. Note, however, that all of these abilities occur oon the table. To randomly generate special physical characteristics, roll on the “Tiefling Appearance” table 14 times for eaci newly created tie Jing player character, Rocr-Praving 4 Tretuine You don't know who your ancestors were, and you don’t care, So what if somewhere in your family's distant past one of them was 2 fiend or other such being? So what if you don't look entirely human? You can do what you want — ‘you're not limited by those who came before you. A body shouldn't be defined Dy her faanily, but by heer deeds. That's your take, anyway. It's obvious that everyone respects great wealth, great powers, and great authoxity. Influence runs the planes, Those Jn control rule the cities, the societies — everything, The key ‘o the multiverse isto either he a power (and that's nat pos sible for you} or to gaia power, whether by wealth or hidden secrets or magic. Tae muifiverse is full ef opportunity, and. hho one’s better suited to grab the brass ring, a iit- eral child ofthe planes. NASHRE The nathri are 4-foot-tall humanoids with dark greenish skin and long, unruly black hair. Though they appear bar- baric, nathri wear clothes, use weapons, and speak their own language (although the most intelligent nathri have learned to speak planar common as well). They roam the Deep Ethereal, living in large clans numbering well over 100 members (led by 2 3-HD nathri called the targai). On other planes, nathri senses extend onto the Border Ethereal. Nathri are skilled in many Ethereal proficiencies, some unknown to even bloods of the Etherfarer Society; in fact, many Society proficiencies were developed from nathri skills. Even though nathri can get most of what they need from the Ethereal itself, they are given to raiding demi- planes for additional food, clothing, and other materials. Fact is, nathri know the dark of more demiplanes than most other cutters who travel the Deep. Nathri culture is divided into two castes: warriors and rogues, They attack in swarms, striking at opponents with weapons pilfered from the demiplanes or a small but sharp barb on the backs of their right hands. The poison barb attack is the preferred method of attack for nathri rogues. Warriors also have a poisoned barb but prefer to use weapons when they can get them. Netiei: AC {6}; MV {18}; HD 141; THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg. 144 (barb) or by weapon; SA Poison, attack bonus, thief skills; SD +1 to saves vs. charm; SZ S (4” tall); ML steady (11-12); Int low to high (7-13); AL CN; XP 120, SA—Poison: Nathri barbs inflict 1d4 points of damage and. targets that fail a save vs. poison fall prey to the mild venom coating the barb. The poison makes victims dizzy and disori- ented, imposing a -1 penalty to attack rolls, proficiency checks, and saving throws for 2410 rounds. Subsequent failed saves extend the poison’s duration but not its severity. Attack bonus: Nathri warriors gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when using weapons. Thief skills: Nathri rogues have the abili- ties of 4th-level thieves. NSTHRL AS PLAYER CARACIERS Players can choose this race for their characters, but PC nathri are misfits or loners who've turned from their race's chaotic, selfish nature, These enlightened nathri may not retain ties to their culture, or their tribe might consider them eccentric wanderers. Awulamt Ciassis: Fighter, Thief, Ranger (rare), Fighter/Thief. Maxiveal Livtas 10th (12th if the character possesses an 18 in his prime requisite). Keetai Abies: Nathri PCs add 1 to their Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom, and they subtract 1 from their Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma, Nathri live about 65 ‘years on average and speak their own language plus one other planar tongue. Nathri player characters gain 1 bonus ethereal proficiency of their choice (see page 30} in addition to the normal proficiency slots appropriate to their class and level. Nathri fighters gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when using all weapons, but they suffer a -2. penalty on all saving throws vs. paralyzation, poison, and death magic. In addi- tion, nathri thieves gain a +5% bonus to all thieving abilities, but they suffer a -1 penalty on all saving throws vs. para- lyzation, poison, and death magic. All nathri can attack with- out a weapon, using a barb on the backs of their right hands. ‘These barbs inflict 144 points of damage and force targets to make saving throws vs. poison. Failure indicates that the target becomes dizzy and disoriented from the nathri’s venom, suffering a -1 penalty to all attack rolls, proficiency checks, and saving throws for 1d6 rounds. Subsequent failed saves extend the poison’s duration, but not its severity. Nathri can peer onto the Border Ethereal when on another plane, However, nathri PCs who spend more than half their time off the Ethereal permanently lose this ability at 5th level. In the same way, a nathr'’s fiercely independent nature normally grants it a +1 to saving throws vs. charm and sitni- lar spells, but nathri player characters lose this ability, as they have sacrificed their independence to work in a group. Neth’s children are formed directly from the substance of the Demiplane That Lives. As such, each child is an “avatar” of Neth, going forth from its parent to search for meaning on the Ethereal Plane. Neth’s children take many forms, depending upon the particular purpose for which they were formed. Those that serve as Neth's ethernoughts have a base form and an active form. The base form is that of a pinkish circular membrane, 10 feet in diameter and a few inches thick, which abruptly thickens at the center to form a brownish fleshy bulb measuring some | foot in diameter. The uzdu- lations of the membrane serve to propel each child through the ethereal medium, When confronted with other entities of the Ethereal Plane, a nethling usually takes on active form by attempting to mimic the general form of those it has encountered. First, the nethling’s central bulb extrudes a rough Face, then head, neck, torso, and so on, as it pulls in and absorbs its undu- lating membrane for material, until finally the entire mass of the creature is utilized to create the desired form, This process takes 1 round, after which the nethling roughly resembles the mimicked creature's race but not the individ- ual. No weapons, items, or clothing are mimicked, and the child retains its pink and brown coloration. Once a nethling has mimicked a particular form, it can call upon that same form for future form shifts, if necessary. Once in active form, the child speaks in one of the lan- guages “programmed” into it by its parent—this language includes the planar trade tongue commonly spoken in Sigil and among etherfarers. In effect, Neth’s children are exten- 68 sions of Neth, and so do not recognize themselves as free- floating, free-willed entities. If they ever return to Neth, they are reabsorbed into the living demiplane for transferal of any gained knowledge. The nethling’s first words to those it encounters are invariably, "Neth has questions.” A nethling's questions include the following: Where am 1? Ethereal Plane? What is Ethereal? ~ There are more places than Neth and the Ethereal? > Are you of Neth? Who are you of? ~ What is free will? ‘Those who attempt to answer any of the questions posed by the child satisfy it to some extent, but because the child knows so little about cosmology in general, and even less of the possibility of whole worlds each filled with count- less unique individual organisms, answered questions pose yet more questions, At some point, those being interrogated likely tire of the questioning and seek to break away. At this point, the child makes an encounter check on Table 59 Encounter Reactions in the DUNGEON MASTER? Guide, Any result besides hostile means the child is happy with what it has learned, and either leaves or just stops asking questions and “tags along” with those it has just questioned. A hostite result means that the child is not yet satisfied, and thus instantly seeks to absorb one or more of those it just ques- tioned in order to extract more answers directly. Very rarely, a child goes rogue. It gains an independ- ent existence beyond serving merely as an extension of Neth, Rogue children usually take on a favored active form, hone the mimicry to perfection, and attempt to inake a life for themselves apart from their parent. ‘Course, even self- aware children are still of Neth and must always fight the inbred compulsion to return and be reabsorbed into the Demiplane That Lives. Independent children may become player characters, as described below. AC 5 {3}; MV 12 {24}; HD 13; THACO 7; #AT 1; Dmg 110 (acid absorption) or by weapon; SA Absorp- tion; SD Regenerates 1 hp/round if it has absorbed a living being within last 24 hours; MR 35%; SZ M (10" diameter membrane or 5-6" tall]; ML steady (11); Int very (11-12); AL N; XP 6,000. SA-Absorption: When attempting to absorb other organic beings, a nethling can strike with an open palm (or other appendage} while in humanoid form, Foes struck suffer 1410 points of damage from the acidlike surface of the palm. If the nethling succeeds at the attack by 4 or more, it automati- cally reverts to its base form and begins to absorb the victim at a rate of 1410+4 hit points each round. When the victim reaches ~10 hit points, he is completely absorbed and the nethling gains 1410 of the victim's memories [spells count as memories). While a victim is being absorbed in this way, those who attempt to tear the nethling away physically only place their own hands into the child and are in tum absorbed. The only way to stop the absorption is to Kill the creature outright. SA'S CADRES AS PLAGE CEARACHERS Because children of Neth, the living demiplane, very rarely attain 2 separate identity and intelligence apart from their creator, such player characters should be allowed only in very rare cases. These nethlings forsake their base form, taking on a humanoid or near-humanoid form that they pre- dominantly use. AVAIL AEE CLASSES Fighter, Thief, Mage (no specialty schools). Nethlings can dual class. A nethling can never become a priest, nor can it choose any class variant that employs clerical spells, as its subconscious knowledge of its true creator makes all such training pointless. Maaiwun’ Livi: 9th (11th if nethling PC possesses an 18 in his prime requisite). Rico! Abin: Nethling PCs add 1 to their Strength and Intelligence and subtract 1 from their Dexterity and Constitution. Free-willed nethlings live between 100-600 years; the variability in a child’s lifespan is tied to the number of times it shifts form (see below). Those nethlings who rarely shift form can live closer to 600 years, while nethlings who shift form once per month or more live closer to 100 years. The exact proportion of shape changes to years lived varies between individuals (and is up to the DM's discretion). Nethling player characters don't have a native tongue; however, they can communicate with any other nethlings through touch alone. Additionally, a nethling player charac~ ter knows the planar common tongue and 1d4 other lan- guages granted it by the Demiplane That Lives when it was first engendered. Nethlings advance normally, beginning at 1st level in their respective class. Nethling player characters don't have the hit points a “loyal” 13-HD Neth’s child possesses, nor do player characters possess a full 35% Magic Resistance. In fact, breaking with their progenitor drops a nethling PC's resistance to 3%. Apparently the force that ensures nethling servitude is inextricably interwoven with mental’ patterns granting Magic Resistance and Hit Dice. Player character nethlings must start at Ist level and gain personal experi- ence to advance their power—though their Magic Resistance never rises above 3% while they are separated from Neth. All of Neth’s children can shift their form, mimicking the general forms of other living creatures. Nethlings can’t mimic specific individuals, nor do they gain any spell-like abilities or magical powers of mimicked creatures—though growing wings may provide a limited ability to My (at the DMs discretion), with much practice. Nethling ptayer char- acters, by necessity, have taken on a favored active humanoid form in order to adventure and advauce in level. They have honed that form to such a degree that members of the mimicked race are 95% likely to believe the nethling is actually a member of their race. In effect, the nethling comes to think of this form as its real one. Sometimes, though, nethling player characters temporarily change form in order to gain an advantage (by slipping into a very small space or mimicking another race, for example). Such changes in form have a price: Each time a nethling player character shifis away from its favored humanoid form, it stands a base 5% chance to “lose touch” with the skills and class abilities gained in that form; such unfortunate neth- lings lose 1 level of experience. Level loss in this fashion can never lower a nethling player character below ist level. ‘A nethling can also absorb another organic being (as fully described under the Neth's Child entry) when in des- perate straits. If an independent nethling absorbs another organic being, it reverts to its base form and has a 65% chance to lose 1 Jevel. In addition, absorption attacks have 5% cumulative chance to jolt the PC out of his independ- ent mindset and back into his old programming, causing hhim to break off all other activities and return to the Demi- plane That Lives to report all he’s learned. Unless somehow stopped by concerned companions and restored to his former personality (via a restoration or wish spell), @ reverted Neth’s child permanently merges back into the Demiplane That Lives.

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