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This was the pre-assessment tool I used for this unit. It tested the main concepts of push and pull
which were very important to this unit. It also tested what basic knowledge students had about
European colonization.
Most students knew very little about push and pull factors. Some students wrote down some
basic information that they knew about colonization such as the Mayflower, pilgrims, and
sailing. A few students seemed to understand what a push and pull factor was, but could not
make the connection to the Europeans. This made it clear that we needed to heavily review what
a push and pull factor is.
 Lesson 1
o Pre-assessment
o Sorting push and pull factor slips
o Class discussion
 Lesson 2
o Push/pull factor post-assessment: with rubric
o Group discussion
o Partner talks/presentation to class
o Kahoot
 Lesson 3
o Response to questions in group
o Generation of own questions
o Graphic organizers
 Lesson 4
o Maps
o Group talk
o Journal entry
 Lesson 5
o Group discussions
o Three box worksheet-drawing and writing
 Lesson 6
o Class discussion
o T-chart
o Quiz
 Lesson 7
o Answers to discussion in group
o Review game
o Written list
 Final Assessment: See Below
Colonization Test

1. What is a push factor? Don’t forget to restate the question in a complete

sentence in your answer!


2. What is a pull factor? Don’t forget to restate the question in a complete

sentence in your answer!

3. Circle the push factors. Underline the pull factors.

a. Where you are currently living there is lots of disease.
b. You hear that the New World has freedom of religion.
c. Your country does not allow you to worship the way you desire.
d. The New World has lots of open land to plant crops.

4. Describe a negative effect the Europeans had when they began to settle in
America (this needs to be three to five sentences).
5. Draw a line matching the correct colony group with the correct description.

Southern Colonies It was very rocky and not

ideal for growing crops, but
they had lots of lumber to
build ships.

Middle Colonies The weather here was ideal

for growing crops like
tobacco, corn, and cotton on

New England Colonies In this colony a lot trading

took place. Parts of it were
originally owned by the
Dutch (Netherlands).

7. More matching!

Southern Colonies located in the middle of the east coast

Middle Colonies located in the southernmost part of the

east coast

New England Colonies located in the northernmost part of the

east coast
8. Use complete sentences (at least 2) to connect these three words:
Native Americans, freedom, colonization

8. Circle true or false.

The first colonies failed because they did not come properly prepared.

9. Circle true or false.

A charter was a large farm where they grew cash crops like tobacco and

10. Circle true or false.

There was fighting over land in the New World.

11. What is one thing that you learned or that you found interesting during
this unit?

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