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ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Intern: Brynn Greenway Date: 4/18/18

Grade Level: 5th Subject/ Topic: Social Studies/Colonization
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 30min
Main Focus: Push/Pull Factors
Brief Context: This will be the first lesson of our colonization unit. Push and pull factors will be very
important in the entirety of the unit and will be referred to often.
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills: Students may have some prior knowledge about this from previous
Objectives: [Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards.]
-Students will be able to write/explain what a push and pull factor is.
Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples
related to the topic.
Review the key ideas expressed and draw conclusions in light of information and knowledge gained from
the discussions.
-Students will be able to provide examples of push and pull factors that apply to the Europeans.
Assessment: [Formative and Summative]
Pre-Assessment: students will take a pre-assessment of what push and pull factors that applied to
European colonization were
Formative: Group talk
Summative: Sorting push and pull factors
Worldview Integration: learning collaboratively, using empathy to view multiple perspectives
Instructional Resources: pre-assessments, push and pull factors sorting slips

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines )

Multiple Means of Multiple Means of Expression Multiple Means of
Representation Engagement
Options for Perception Options for action/interaction Options for recruiting
-writing -acting out interest
-listening -group talk -making connections to prior
-talking -partner work knowledge
-sorting slips
-acting out
Options for Options for Expression Options for Sustaining Effort
Language/Symbols -sorting slips & Persistence
-sorting push and pull factors -talking aloud -working collaboratively
into two categories and looking -communicating their thoughts
for patterns
Options for Comprehension Options for Executive Options for Self-Regulation
-use of examples Function -use of examples and class talk
-making connections to real -taking a pre-assessment in to improve on post-assessment
world preparation for post-


COVENANT MANAGEMENT: Relationship & community building (Note any specific ways in
which you plan to build or strengthen relationships and community – student-student & teacher -
student.] student-student: group/partner work, teacher-student: group discussion

CONDUCT MANAGEMENT: (Behavioral expectations, strategies to encourage self regulation,

Identify at least 2 ways you will gain whole group attention: chimes, counting down from three
Strategies you intend to use to redirect individual students: eye contact, calling on names,

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: Note any specific ways you will use the environment to contribute
to the learning.
-students will be allowed to move around and sit wherever they want to work on their partner

Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to engage your students into the content.]
Teacher will quiet students and then start pushing and pulling on their chairs and desks. Teacher will
prompt students to discuss what she is doing and how it might relate to social studies. Teacher will
allow students to share some of their thoughts with large group. Teacher will not provide answers to
what is right or wrong, she will only ask students to think about this while they are taking their pre-
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
1. Teacher will pass out pre-assessment and ask students to do their best, guesses are okay for this
and it is just a way to measure how much they know.
2. Teacher will give time for students to work on this (about ten minutes). Then teacher will collect
3. Teacher will ask students to raise their hand if they have ever moved before or they know someone
who has moved and what were the reasons why they moved. Teacher will prompt students to think
about what that might have to do with the words push and pull.
4. Teacher will then explain to students that a push factor is something that makes you want to leave
your home and a pull factor is something that makes you want to move somewhere else. Teacher will
provide a few real-world examples such as: hurricanes in Florida, moving into a better school district,
or moving away because there are no jobs. Teacher will provide opportunity for students to discuss or
share their own examples.
5. Then teacher will pass out strips of push and pull examples for the Europeans and ask them to sort
them into push and pull categories. Students will work in partners and can move throughout the room
to find a spot that works best for them.
6. After about ten minutes, teacher will go over answers with students and clarify any confusing ones.
Then teacher will ask students to look for any patterns in their strips. Students should notice that push
and pull factors are opposites (example: there are no jobs where I live now=push, but there are jobs
elsewhere=pull). Students should also know that there are different types of push and pull such as
environmental, employment, religious/moral, and economic.
Closure: Students should use this new knowledge of push and pull factors to brainstorm other
push/pull factors for the Europeans in their small groups. Teacher will allow for share time and ask for
any questions.
CANDIDATE NOTED EVIDENCE OF PROFESSIONALISM: Please note recent evidence of your
efforts as a professional.

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