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I became an alumni from one of the state universities in North Sumatra, namely from
the State University of Medan. I have studied my field of study for 3.5 years and with GPA
Cumlaude 3,65 in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan
with Biology Concentration, Microbiology and Parasitology field. During my lectures I was
active in compiling articles, such as scientific paper competitions and becoming laboratory
assistants in several courses.

I have the desire to continue my scholarship on the UI Master program. I have a

planned lecture course from long ago, based on the information I get from the official website
of the University of Indonesia that the number of credits that must be issued to hold the
Degree (M.Si) is 41 SKS, Primary Eyes Compulsory Faculty 8 credits, Courses Compulsory
Study Program 12 credits, Compulsory Subject Specialization 6 credits and Compulsory
Elective Courses 15 credits. Plan the number of credits per semester that I will make is I
adjust the total credits obtained where the semester quota for students is 4 semester semester
dlam coverage of two years, the amount is calculated evenly in each semester in order to fit
the activities of lectures and activities outside the lecture is the amount 11 credits in the first
semester, for the third semester to 10 credits each.

The topics I will examine in this Master's program on Herbal Medicines Resistance
and medicines for various types of pathogenic microorganisms, in which cases of resistance
in Indonesia are very much, making it difficult for the community and pharmacists to
determine the appropriate drugs to overcome pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, this
topic will be very difficult in conducting a more in-depth study of drugs that are often used
for medicines and obata herbs, because the consumption is necessary to increase resistance to
pathogenic microorganisms because it can cause mutation disorders. etc.

In carrying out my education in this postgraduate program to make me associate in

lectures, because as a social human being I also social with people outside the lecture, during
my undergraduate education I spend a lot of time outside the lectures with off-campus
organizations with the aim such as community service, education and research in various
sciences. I like to share my knowledge with the general public of the people who are laymen
of knowledge, because I have a very good experience can restore a bit of people's lives in a
better direction. Perhaps I will follow the organization or I create an association between
students and the community to tackle various issues that are in line with good knowledge and
knowledge in the field of religion and spiritual building. The great activity I will do is to add
experience in the world of work, just a few hours a day and which can not be used in this

I want all sorts of activities that I do both in lectures and out of lectures can provide
benefits and additions in this graduate program. The things that are needed in the research
and also the cost of education I really expect help from this LPDP scholarship program,
including the good parties and many others who can not afford.
The way I make it happen with issues that have authority in the application of science
and studies that I will do, there will be consideration and input-things from the things I plan
to improve my conformation of science. With the help of various leaders In various fields, I
will automatically realize the knowledge I will apply.

Documentation when i make a research about the gastrointestinale parasite


Pengambilan sampel feses di lapangan

Pemindahan sampel feses Pemindahan sampel Pengepakan botol sampel

ke dalam botol sampel kedalam botol sampel untuk disimpan dan
yang berisi formalin 4% dibawa ke laboratorium

Tipe feses yang terdapat Tipe feses yang terdapat Pemberian label nama
dilapangan dilapangan dan formalin 4%
Lampiran 3 Pengamatan sampel di Laboratorium Biologi Universitas Negeri Medan

Pembuatan sampel preparat Pembuatan sampel preparat

pengamatan pengamatan

Pembuatan sampel preparat Pembuatan sampel preparat

pengamatan pengamatan
Pengamatan peparat dibawah Pencatatan hasil pengamatan
mikroskop binokuler dan analisis identifikasi

Preparat pengamatan (biru:Kato Mcmaster (Bilik hitung)

katz) (Bening:sedimentasi)
Lampiran 4. Taman Hewan Pematang Siantar

Orangutan Sumatera Pongo abelii di Kandang Survei lokasi pada bulan

(Pongo abelii) A September

Pongo pygmaeus di
Kandang B

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