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The Arizona Law & Propaganda

For eons, controversies exist. This issue of immigration is no exception. In life, we go

through ups and downs. A range of persistent, determined emotions are included in life’s
journey’s too. Yet, in life, we should be reminded of a few things. These concepts include that
being nice or being sensitive at times is never apart of human weakness. It’s a key part of human
understanding and human compassion. So far often, society condemns the everyday man
or woman working a 9 to 5 (while unnecessarily praising celebrities that on
many occasions are more insecure about themselves than you are
personally. Sometimes, the elite world is worse morally than people from
the streets). Although, these blue collar people and other dedicated workers
should be given respect and labor always have dignity plus it has worth.
Perception is not always reality and we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. We
shouldn’t look on people in the streets struggling, the average man or woman
working the 9 to 5 honestly getting an income, the poor, the intellectual person
trying to get back, the person laid off work by no fault of their own, or the single
mother doing what they need to do to survive in a harsh world. This dignity is
never limited to one person. It exists among all peoples worldwide. People know
what I feel about America. It’s not a secret. I respect the real people in
America, but not some of its wicked, hypocritical, and morally contradictory
culture in the USA though. Many jung ho, jingoistic Americans don’t
practice what they preach. Some of these Although, my feelings about
America will never allow me to scapegoat anybody for any reason
whatsoever. Being legitimately aggressive is never akin to being a brute, but it’s about of the
human spirit that deals with an ingrained mechanism to overcome explicit challenges. Evil people
want us to quit. They wanted me to give up and quit as well. Quitting is so easy, especially in this
day and age. Yet, I’ve decided and made a conscious decision to never quit.
That isn’t in me to quit and it isn’t in my own people’s dynamic heritage. The
heritage of Americans to take initiative and have cooperation with other human beings to develop
comprehensive successes in the realm of our culture. Hence, quitting is never an option and we
have the right to help others going through personal issues or debilitating circumstances. Helping
others is great value among the human race. When you get older, that concept is much more keenly
known within your own consciousness. We encounter hatred. What is the solution to it? It’s so easy
to express hatred and bitterness toward others. Yet, we as humans must learn to love people and
appreciate the diversity of the human family. This doesn’t mean we ignore the past [like
the Maafa, Emmett Till’s death, Jim Crow, slavery, etc.] and catch amnesia to wish
it away. Some people say that God wants us to love everybody and everything. We
should love all humans as equals. Love doesn’t mean agreeing with the agenda of
an oppressor though. Love isn’t about accepting the actions of an evil person. Love
is about fighting evil. Yet, there is something else that has to be mentioned. Well,
does God want us to love sex slave rings? Does God want us to love oppression
and bigotry? The answer is of course no. So, we should love anything that’s holy
and have hatred for any form of evil in the Universe. In order to move forward,
you have demand more than some token apology. You have to demand adequate
justice to benefit the people. You have to have power in to have real positive
changes not just words (though words we need). Ultimately, we are judged by our
deeds and what we believe in. So, you can work in non-profit groups, work in
legitimate charities, help people in your own location, speak out about issues that
interest you, communicate with people without fear (we shouldn’t be afraid to talk
with somebody regardless of what we look like. We should appreciate our God-
given physical appearance & our spiritual power. I am a strong man, so it is what it
is), etc. Yes, this family includes immigrants, who unfairly have been made scapegoats in this
politically charged environment. We shouldn’t be silent on these issues. A true human rights
revolution is certainly special to embrace. Being real is about uniformly following the mainstream
crowd, it’s about following the tenets of righteousness plus truth. It’s about being moved by real
God-given power that can transform our hearts. It’s about not accepting bigotry, stereotypes, or evil.
You kind of have get of silly fears and just view a person as an equal instead of an outsider.

A Judge in Arizona halts parts of the controversial immigration law. This law is controversial in
Arizona. Many people are fleeing the state for fears of being arrested. People know what I feel about
the law. I don't agree with it at all. It doesn't deal with border security. The law definitely nullifies the
concepts of compassion and human civil liberties. Just because the majority of Americans agree
with this immoral law, doesn't make it right. The law forces people to carry papers almost constantly
in public. It can even be exploited for profiling when the supporters of the law claim that it
has a provision that forbids racial profiling. Legal challenges continue as well. The Law is
called SB 1070. U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton put on hold many parts of law. They include
the reasonable suspicion section that allow the police to arrest and detain suspected illegal
immigrants without a warrant (and a provision making it illegal for undocumented day laborer
to solicit or perform work). Bolton also stayed part of the Arizona law requiring immigrants to
carry federal immigration documents. "There is a substantial likelihood that officers will wrongfully
arrest legal resident aliens under the new [law]," Bolton ruled. "By enforcing this statute, Arizona
would impose a 'distinct, unusual and extraordinary' burden on legal resident aliens that only the
federal government has the authority to impose." Other parts of the law will still stand. One is that is
a crime for state officials to interfere with or refrain from enforcement of federal immigration laws.
It's illegal to pick up and transport day laborers across the state (or give a ride or to harbor an illegal
immigration). A vehicle can be impounded if it's used to transport an illegal immigrant. Bolton wrote
that she still wants illegal immigration to be fought against and let the feds handle such issues of
crime (like human trafficking, gun running, etc.). U.S. Justice Department lawyers believe that the
law interferes with the ability of the federal government to enforce or set national immigration policy.
Yet, the immigration system is broken. The injunction still doesn't end calls for protests or civil
disobedience in Arizona. Pearce introduced the Arizona bill. He allied with neo-Nazis before. He's a
Mormon and his family participated in the slaughter of Protestants in Utah. Russell Pierce believes
in the lie that if you have a class teaching about an ethnic group, then that is a representation of
racism. That's a lie of course since sincere
ethnic solidarity is never apart of bigotry
at all. Learning about your ethnicity gives people a sense of adequate
knowledge about their total, fundamental identity. That isn‘t a sin nor evil at
all. Remember the past. If you are rich, middle class, or poor, don‘t sellout
your own people or ethnic group, especially if you‘re a person of color. Tons
of people can’t stand a sellout or someone trying to act like what they aren’t.
Never forget where you come from. Respecting women and respecting the
elders (regardless of what the Internet or TV says) are important mottoes to
live by too. I‘m not crossing over acting like some sell out. I have too much
love for the sisters and the brothers (whether they are from the ghetto or not)
to act like that. I have respect for myself. Offensive raids are already occurring in
Arizona plus nationwide too. The Arizona immigration law doesn't deal with border security and laws
already exist to handle much of illegal immigration before Brewer signed the bill into law. Brewer
was once speechless in her Debate in Arizona.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, Arizona has been exposed as an anti-civil liberty extremist
indeed. He supports the immoral Arizona law. Even the court temporarily stopped certain parts of
the law as being illegal. He's America's problem not just a problem for Arizona. That is why people
want the government to investigate Maricopa County's Sheriff Arpaio for civil rights violations. There
are 30,000 petitioners that desire this to occur. They want judiciary committees of Congress to hold
hearings on Arpaio's violations. One advocate of an investigation told a story about a college age
Latina. This Latina was harassed and interrogated for just a broken tail light that she accused was
racial profiling. She ultimately proved that both she and her mother were U.S. citizens. There are
similar stories like this. The U.S. should be govern by law, but sheriffs can arbitrarily create their
own laws. Latino Americans have the right to belong in America just like in every other nation on
Earth. Arpaio's agenda contracts the essence of civil rights, human decency, etc. He falsely
accused his opponent Dan Saban of something back in the 2008 election. He experienced dozens
of lawsuits accusing him of serious abuses and gross negligence (that resulted in death and
severe injuries to inmates like many who are pregnant, mentally ill, physically handicapped,
mentally disabled elderly, and other vulnerable people). Please note that even the convicted
inmates in county jails are mostly petty non-violent offenders, since more serious criminals are
transferred to the state prison system. Although the federal and state judges and juries seem to be
of the opinion that even convicted prisoners probably do not deserve to be chained to chairs and
denied needed medications, locked into unventilated outdoor cells in the middle of summer, or
subjected to rampant MRSA infections. His wasted millions of dollars as a product of his own
abuses costing taxpayers money (which negates his claim of some adherence to fiscal
responsibility). These costs as of 2007 has been $41.4 million. He lost his own lawsuits in court.
Arpaio treat dogs and cats in his jails better than inmates. He use tent cages on inmates with no air
conditioning that can cause the area to exceed over 100 degrees. Animals should be treated with
compassion and humans too. The sheriff use costly sweeps against people under the guise of trying
to decrease illegal immigration. He loves the attention instead of show concern for the community.
The TV station KPHO is investigating Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. They want to look at
her ties between her administration and Corrections Corporation of America (or the CCA).
and how the Governor's rhetoric on border security (may be damaging to Arizona's tourism
industry for the benefit of the CCA). The federal government allows the private prison
industry to house illegal immigrant detainees. These companies can get contracts with state
and local agencies to house illegal immigrants arrested for state violations. The CCA holds
the federal contract to house detainees in Arizona. The company bills $11 million per
month. 2 of Brewer's top advisers have connections to CCA. Paul Senseman is the
governor’s deputy chief of staff. He is also a former lobbyist for CCA. His wife is
listed as a current lobbyist for the company. Chuck Coughlin is one of the governor’s
policy advisers and her campaign chairman. Coughlin’s company, HighGround Public
Affairs Consultants, currently lobbies for CCA.

Some people justify the immoral Arizona law by mentioning that this law
represents the expression of the state government in handling immigration
problems. What is the answer to this point of view. It’s simple. States do have
authority in handling its own affairs legally. Yet, even the state isn’t
omnipotent. They have limitations and even those among the state governing
authority can’t create laws that violate fundamental human rights. I believe
the many portions of the Arizona violate the Constitution like its anti-warrant
parts and its bad requirement of forcing people to carry federal documents at
all times (especially if the police requested immigrants to give them their
documents to the police). Human rights trumps states rights.
People know that the Texas State school system are promoting textbooks with historical revisionism
in them. It sanitizes slavery, sympathizes with the Confederacy, and promotes American
imperialism (under the title of American Exceptionalism). Now, more secrets are coming out about
the reactionaries who supported these propaganda textbooks. One textbook architect addressed a
neo-Nazi rally twice. Republican Daniel Webster is supported by David Barton. Barton is the man
who supports the read writing of history in the Texas textbooks. Barton wants a voter guide to
promote Republican candidates. Barton claimed that he has accidentally addressed the neo-Nazi
meetings. Barton believes that America is a Christian nation when even Chris Pinto has a new film
exposing some Founding Fathers were occultists and Deists. The documentary film is entitled,
"Beyond Blasphemy: The Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers." Many people
back then did believe in one God and tried to do the right thing, so I want to make that clear.
Barton addressed the Rocky Mountain Bible Retreat of Pastor Pete Peters’ Scriptures for America
and Kingdom Covenant College in Grants Pass, Oregon, both associated with neo-Nazi ideology.
Barton believes that there is no separation of church and state. Yet, if you unite church and state, it
will create an oppressive atmosphere that can violate the rights of people of many faiths (especially
those who embrace no faith. People have the right to embrace the freedom of conscience). Rev.
Randolph Bracy, president of the Orange County NAACP criticized Barton as well. Barton have made
more errors. Earlier this year, he pushed for César Chávez and Thurgood Marshall to be removed
from Texas textbooks. Barton argued that civil rights leaders can’t be given credit for civil rights
victories because only “majorities” – white people – have the ultimate power to change the law,
according to the Washington Monthly. “Only majorities can expand political rights in America’s
constitutional society,” he testified. That's blatantly racist, because many minorities have
contributed to improvement of society including in the realm of civil rights. Civil rights is
fundamentally apart of American history since civil rights is human rights. You can't have an
authentic society when any group of people of denied basic human rights. Barton supports Webster
against the Democrat Alan Grayson. Grayson made the point about Republican wanting to kill
people and other controversial comments. Recently, I am starting to see that some Republicans
(not all of them) would want people to die (for the sake of them or Republicans being opposed to
anyone receiving any form of governmental assistance). The reactionaries wanted death for eons.
That's historical. Grayson is right to point out that Gingrich is a disgrace to assume that let them
eat cake Austrian economic philosophy is the way to go.

It's not a secret anymore to see the evil agenda of Planned Parenthood. Abortion on demand has
been a evil reality in many communities of America not just one. Back in 2002, I've started to know
the real history of Margaret Sanger and the like. Sanger attended socialist meetings, but eugenics
isn't apart of egalitarianism at all. Planned Parenthood exploits poverty for profit. They earn billions
of dollars globally. Skeptics say we only talk about Sanger. Sanger was an elitist and was married to
oil tycoon Noah Slee. She was an adulteress. Margaret Sanger just used birth control as an excuse
to promote eugenics (via the Negro Project in promoting the lie that lowering the numbers of
African American people would increase the quality of life of the black community. The truth is that
a high number of black people in conjunction with strict community intervention plus real programs
can increase the standard of living among the black community). According to eugenics, the overall
fitness of humankind will be enhanced when people with good genes reproduce and people with
bad genes don't. Eugenics is the twisted philosophy that drove Hitler and the Nazis to exterminate
about six (6) million Jews. Margaret Sanger's writings are laced with her racist views. In her 1922
book, Pivot of Civilization, Sanger promoted birth control as the best means for improving the
genetic stock of mankind. In this book, she specifically called for the segregation of "morons, misfits
and the maladjusted" and for the sterilization of "genetically inferior races." Sanger described her
utopian view of a master race. There is no master race. All human beings are created
equal with that equal value. All humans are made in the image of Almighty
God with great worth & dignity too. Nazi supporter and racist Lothrop Stoddard (who
wrote the book entitled, "The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy") was a
writer in Sanger's magazine. It's a lie to assume that people like me (i.e. Pro-Life individuals)
only talk about Sanger in talking about abortion. We talk about Hitler supporting abortion
against non-Aryan woman, which was wrong. The Nazis were exposed by authorities of using
abortion as apart of war crimes. We expose the NSM 200 document that wanted to use food as a
weapon (against Third World nations) to promote population control. People like us expose
sterilization forcibly against Native Americans, African Americans, and others worldwide. We expose
tons of information on this issue. This information is greatly vital to expose abortion as a cancerous
evil. Also, just because we expose abortion on demand, doesn't mean we want to blame women
(since tons of women oppose abortion on demand). Now, new research prove that multiple
abortions can increase disease and even breast cancer against women. The world isn't
overpopulated as population growth as a percentage has decreased since 1960. Researchers see
that world population growth will level and fall by 2040 or 2050. So, I can't support wanton killing
of unborn babies in the womb for any reason whatsoever. It isn't in me. I don't agree with unborn
babies' body parts being sold in the international market illegally either. Abortion devalues life.
Abortion is murder. Some people who have experienced an abortion suffer consequences, including
low self-esteem, promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse, rage, and difficulty bonding with mates and
other children. Each of these negative reactions that form as a result from abortion contribute to
the threats we faces as a community. Also, just because I don't agree with unborn babies getting
their body parts destroyed, doesn't mean I'm some Republican. I'm Independent. That is why we
should have social services and a safety net. So, I'm not in tuned with the philosophy of von Mises.
Yet, especially an able bodied person should have that sense of entrepreneurship,
political and social development, and the responsibility to help out their own

It's very common for cowards to criticize Alveda King in a harsh manner. Yet, this is a reality. Alveda
is Dr. Martin Luther King's niece of course. I don't agree with her allying with Glen Beck (and other
issues), but even she should be treated with respect. Unfortunately, we live in a world that doesn't
respect people. Alveda is being targeted by numerous people by being outspokenly pro-life. A pro-
abortion religious group criticized Alveda King and the U.S. News and World Report columnist
Bonnie Erbe is doing the same. Erbe in a Tuesday column, slammed Alveda King for comparing
abortion to racism. Erbe made the despicable comment that since she regretted her abortions, she
is “co-opted her uncle’s legacy to ‘flog’ issues not central to the civil rights era.” Bonnie is such a liar
since there is no evidence that Dr. King was explicitly pro-abortion. In fact, there are many sources
proving that many of the King family (including Dr. King) were Pro-Life. Also, human rights in
protecting the unborn is a quintessential part of civil rights. Many people during the civil rights era
(this era didn't end in the 1960's since the Civil Rights Movement still occurs today) opposed
abortion like many Black Panthers and numerous civil rights leaders. Fannie Lou Hammer
was a strong sister that was a civil rights activist and she was Pro-Life. Iowa State Rep. June
Franklin was a pro-Life female too. There was the time when Rev. Jesse Jackson was Pro-
Life and compared it to slavery & genocide. He changed in about 1980. Erbe doesn't even
know history. Erbe criticized King's appearance in the August 28 "Restoring Honor" rally in D.C. King
said that the womb war threaten the fabric of our society. That is correct since without the womb,
there is no rights for any human being. The Nixon White House stopped the free speech of
journalist/anti abortionist Samuel F. Yette. I don't agree with all in the Glen Beck rally though. You
can't exist without the womb. Erbe never brought up legitimate criticisms about parts of the rally
(which others have done). She just obsess with the abortion and racism link. Alveda King is correct
to point out that: "...Abortion and racism stem from the same poisonous root, selfishness.” Nathan
Burchfiel of the Culture and Media Institute noticed the column and said Erbe "didn't address King’s
characterization of abortion as selfish." Instead, Erbe said, “Racism is unacceptable and violates a
Abortion is not something else.
basic human right. Abortion is quite something else again.”
Abortion is denial of the right to life among innocent unborn human beings
(they or the unborn are guilty of no crime whatsoever). Abortion on demand
and racism aren't equivalent. Yet, both comes from the same tree of
wickedness. King, herself, says in a response: "It is absolutely ludicrous that abortion supporters
would accuse a blood relative of Dr. King of hijacking the King legacy." "My dad and my uncle gave
their lives to ensure that the day would come when blacks would be judged not by the color of their
skin, but the content of their character. If they were here, I know they would stand with me in this
fight for the lives of those most vulnerable among us," she added. If Dr. Martin Luther King was alive
today, he would never support partial birth abortion or the extreme portions of Roe v. Wade at all.
Although, Dr. Martin Luther King supported birth control. I don't believe in comparing black children
to endangered species. Dr. King's father and his friend Ralph Abernathy were Pro-Life throughout
their lives. Dr. Ralph David Abernathy was one of Dr. Martin Luther King's closest friends. Pro-
abortion radicals are trying to hijack Dr. King's legacy instead. The establishment Left (not
real liberals since numerous liberals are Pro-Life) hates the fact that more
and more black people understand the eugenic heritage of the evil,
murderous organization of Planned Parenthood. Its founder was an
occultist, worked with globalists, condemned charity, believed in eugenics,
went into a Klan rally to speak to racists, and was an adulteress. That‘s
documented. The Margaret Sanger autobiography informs that "I accepted an
invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door
dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the
platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple
illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak
to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366). Tom
Metzger, the former Klan leader promotes the pushing of abortion clinics in Black
Neighborhoods. From Metzger: “…abortion and birth control should be promoted as a
powerful weapon, in the limitation of non-White birth."

Early Planned Parenthood leaders were vehemently against even legal immigration. This is
historical. Some of them writing in the Birth Control Review (that was promoted by Margaret
Sanger) wrote racist, xenophobic, and sexist comments. Planned Parenthood has never
denounced these words at all. She published such articles as "Some Moral Aspects of
Eugenics" (June 1920), "The Eugenic Conscience" (February 1921), "The purpose of
Eugenics" (December 1924), "Birth Control and Positive Eugenics" (July 1925), "Birth
Control: The True Eugenics" (August 1928), and many others. These facts even today in
2010 is taboo. Not to many folks know about these quotes or the real agenda of Margaret
Sanger (which was about eugenics, population control, forced segregation, and even
licenses for parents to give birth to children). That’s extreme. I’ve known this for years and
here are some of the bigots’ words:

“I consider that the world and almost our civilization for the next twenty-five years, is
going to depend upon a simple, cheap, safe contraceptive to be used in poverty
stricken slums, jungles, and among the most ignorant people. Even this will not be
sufficient, because I believe that now, immediately, there should be national
sterilization for certain dysgenic types of our population who are being encouraged to
breed and would die out were the government not feeding them.”
Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger, 1950

"Polish men are often immoral because they have been born of too young mothers or preceded by
many born before."
-Rev. T.V. Jakimowitz. "A Priest on Birth Control." Birth Control Review, Volume IV, Number
3 (March 1920), page 12.

"2c. We must get rid of the inferior colored races ) the Blacks, the Yellow and the Red races must
be exterminated ) of course you must convert them first to religion because their
souls are very valuable.

"2d. The white race then may proceed as follows: Let the Christians exterminate all Jews and
Moslems, then the Protestants kill all Catholics, then let the Ku-Klux-Klan kill everybody except the
one-hundred-per-cent; then let the Nordic race with blond hair and blue eyes kill off all the dark
complexioned ..."
-Bernard Sacks, M.D. "Overpopulation." Birth Control Review, Volume VIII, Number 9
(September 1924), pages 252 and 270.

"The deteriorating intellectual average of the American people, a down hill trend speeded by the
continual entrance of immigrants of low intelligence into this country, could be checked by a
limitation of family size on the part of the dull, who furnish so largely school retardates, delinquents
and criminals. Thus could be salvaged normal intelligence which, after all, is a low standard to
-Clairette P. Armstrong, Ph.D. "A Psychological Basis for Population Control." Birth Control
Review, Volume III, Number 7 (New Series, March 1936), page 4.

Why would I support PP when they are funded by the Rockefeller

foundation? I won't via critical deductive reasoning. I’m not supporting some
Beast system.

People realize that numerous anti-immigrant groups are funded by wealthy racists
and eugenicists. Some of these groups are the Pioneer Fund and the Colcom
Foundation. The John Tanton is one of the leaders of this movement. They have
supporters nationwide. The Pioneer Fund believes in the lie of the genetic superiority of
white, European Americans over all other ethnic groups. Now, the Colcom Foundation was
founded by Cordelia Scaife May in 1996. Cardelia is form the Scaife family. May is a
friend of its funder John Tanton. Colcom’s vice president is John Rohe, who worked for
years at Tanton’s U.S. Inc. foundation and once wrote a fawning biography of Tanton and
his wife. In 2008, Colcom gave four groups started by Tanton — FAIR, U.S. Inc., the
Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and NumbersUSA — a total of nearly $8.5 million,
part of it earmarked for work on the “impact of immigration” on the environment. Now, the
Colcom website is trying to exploit environmental causes to promote an anti-immigrant
agenda. Not even Alex Jones will expose John Tanton since it contradicts his agenda.
You won’t see the anti-immigrant/eugenics connection in any of Jones’ films since
that destroys his omission of anti-immigrant forces being for eugenics plus population
control. NumbersUSA have taken money from the Sarah Scaife foundation and the
population control Colcom foundation. Colcolm funds the Immigration Reform Law
Institute, Negative Population Growth, Progressives for Immigration Reform, and Collation
for a Secure Drivers License. Pro-population control activist Richard Lamm was
instrumental to get Colorado to be the first state in the U.S. to legalize abortion. Lamm was
apart of FAIR, CAPS (or the Californians for Population Stabilization), and PRIF.
Lamm is so extreme that he wants limits, rationing, and denial to Americans of some health
care. So, the many anti-immigration organizations have deep ties to the abortion and
population control movements. FAIR board members have been former Planned
Parenthood members. These groups and that philosophy are enemies to me.
Vulture capitalism has been exposed for eons now. This is especially true after the November 2007
recession. All human beings should be bettered not just the privileged few. The
financially elite cabal took over the economic sphere of America even in the early part of the 20th
century. Not all nations are run totally by a free market system since many nations like America
are in mixed economy (or in a Dirigist framework). Dirgisme is where the government has a role
in influencing economies, but there is room for private enterprise to exist as well. One example
is how there is the state run military, yet there are private delivery services like UPS
(including the public US Postal Service) that all function in one country like the United
States of America. America has a public transit system in many cities and private option to control
prices. Most road networks in America are government built and maintained, yet private citizens and
companies can sponsor a highway or road to ease some of the financial strain. Public and private
schools are available for children in dealing with education too in USA. Capitalism is a socio-
economic system that its means of production is ruled mostly by private sources for profit via the
employment of labor. The forces of supply and demand in a market determine the price of goods in
capitalism. Private ownership of production is good when it is in the hands of legitimate people. Yet,
in our days, oligarchs control most of our economy not regular people. There is no such thing as an
invisible hand since the Black Nobility elite (and their bloodlines) are the markets. Some cartel
capitalists believe in the lies that poverty and unemployment are inevitable things, any form of
regulation is evil or immoral, any resource should be privately owned in every circumstance, and the
super rich should pay little to no tax since they are the engine of the economy. It is not right to allow
kingdoms or nations to concentrate power and wealth into a few hands (as the robber barons
desires. These baron contributed to the Stock Market crash of 1929). In response to these evil
efforts of Oligarchs in human history, people promoted the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, civil rights
legislation, Social Security, and rights for women to advance human progression. In the 21st
century, wars, bailout looting, unemployment, and other forms of miseries are enacted by cartel-
capitalists (This is fascism. Fascism is when an Oligarchy seizes the powers of the state to
dominate corporations to rule the people). We have police state measures at home and an unequal
distribution of wealth. Fascists don't just attack other nations, but their own people. There were
the Waco raid and the atrocities all over the USA committed by the
government. This is why economic populists believe in the right of a person to have
an education, the right of the people to have health care, the right of the people to
have the opportunity to get resources to get their lives in order. Americans must
create a government that will serve as the protector of the citizenry, and champion
their cause when confronted with the predatory greed of profit-motivated
corporations and individuals (that seize federal and state power). The evil of class
warfare is one way the oligarchy tries to do to divide us.

The Ground zero mosque deals with property rights. Yet, the corporate media is using the
controversy to brainwash people to accept anti-religious liberty propaganda. Time Magazine
on August 19 shown a poll saying that 61% of the respondents oppose the construction of the
mosque. While, 26% of the people support it. Time wrote that: "...More than 70% concur
with the premise that proceeding with the plan would be an insult to the victims of the
attacks on the World Trade Center..." Bill O'Reilly and the Clinton era throwback person
Dick Morris demand that Muslims be stripped of the right to own property in America. This is
an insult to the victims of 9/11 among many were Muslims. Muslims collectively have no
responsibility for the catastrophic event of 9/11 at all. Time Magazine is apart of the CIA
Mockingbird corporate media network. Any poll from them should be labeled as suspect.
There is no evidence of the true barometer of American support for the mosque. Yet, most
Americans probably believe that the mosque is an insult to the victims of 911, because of the
corporate media's anti-Muslim propaganda. Neo-con Newt Gingrich compared the site to Nazis
trying to put up a sign near Washington's Holocaust museum. Sarah Palin said that it is an
unnecessary provocation that "stabs hearts." She is supportive of the establishment's Tea party
movement (when the independent Tea Party people are pushed to the side). Palin and her ilk
claim to support the Constitution. Yet, the Constitution is clear that private property rights &
religious freedom are a keen part of constitutional rights. There is nothing wrong with having
the freedom to own private property in a legitimate fashion. The all but 4 of the 55 men at the
Constitutional Convention placed the protection of property as behind only liberty itself. As
Lynch notes, of the four who disagreed on this point, three differed not because they valued
property rights less than their fellows but because they actually “put [their] protection ahead of
liberty as the main object of society,” as Forrest McDonald explains. The Supreme Court even
recently have a vague understanding of property rights and the Constitution. The neo-con
Supreme Court back in 2005 ruled in the Kelo decision that local governments may force
property owners to sell out (and make way for private economic development). The founders
would have been appalled by the very concept of "eminent domain." Eminent domain is the
idea that government can deny the right of the individual to hold property. Sharif El-gamal is
the real estate developer. He owns the buildings that will be transformed into a 15 story
mosque on Manhattan. In order that the feelings of the 9/11 victims families will not be hurt ―
and also buttress the cornerstone premise of the manufactured global war on terror ― El-
Gamal’s property rights may be violated. Even New York governor David Paterson and Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid oppose the building of the mosque. Dean said that it's a real
affront to people who lost their lives. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights promote the
view that Muslims have the right to own property. Almost 2/3 of Americans disagree with
property rights being preserved in this mosque controversy (if we are to believe the
corporate media). The Patriot Act, the naked body scanners in airports around the
nations, etc. are representations of our precious freedoms being lost. I don't agree with
Islam, but if people can strip Muslims of their private property rights, then they
can strip yours too under slick pretexts.
Glen Beck had his pro-Tea Party event in Washington, D.C. on August 27, 2010. This is on the day
that Dr. Martin Luther King gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech back in 1963. Beck
wants to believe that his march should be a means to unite the nation among different religious
people, etc. So, it's highly Ecumenical. Beck is a Mormon, so that is interesting to mention.
Mormonism is not Christianity. It was created by the Freemason Joseph Smith. Mormonism teaches
that there are many gods in the world (and that you can become gods and goddesses in the
celestial Kingdom. This is found in Doctrine and Covenants 132:19-20). The OT and NT says that
there is only one God in the Universe: "I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is: ..." Isaiah
45:5 (KJB). Another verse says that: "... there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour;
there is. Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none
else." Isaiah 45:21,22 (KJB). The Book of Mormon is a book that was created by Mormons and it
isn't the New Testament. Mormons teach in 3 separate gods of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. Christianity teaches the believe in one God that manifests himself as 3 distinct persons of the
one Godhead. Beck's religion believes that the God the Father has a body of flesh
and bones like mankind. Beck uses a mixture of a calm demeanor and an angry
persona to get his audience interested in his neo-conservative views. I want to
elaborate on the Mormon connection. See, these con-artists are increasingly going
into the black communities (and other communities of color) to expand their
membership (they already have contacts in the Third World). It‘s like a spiritual
battle since for years, I‘ve studied Mormonism in order to get great arguments in
refuting that false religion. False religion is executed by certain people as a means
of control by the establishment among the common people, so the common people
can lack the revolutionary & spiritual power to resist the Beast system. They can
talk about God all they want, but they utilize God as a cover in a blasphemous way
to promote reactionary thinking & cultural disintegration for the sake of
promoting a supremacist paradigm. You don’t need some cultural bandit. They can
talk about God, but won’t say that the unregulated capitalist system is nefarious
and unfair. That’s the game that the corporatists (who use mainstream
religionists as covert or overt agents) are playing. They don’t give a care for the
poor, etc. If they did, they will call for the radical, economic restructuring of this
country to assist the poor. In this day and age especially, we shouldn’t be
politically correct. We should just tell it like it is. Religious frauds and political
puppets want our souls & natural energy and we won’t give them our souls. You
notice that these deceivers can’t stand a strong man or a strong woman that don’t
back down from them. They use patronize as a control or psychological mechanism
to place false hope upon the people. Yet, we should use our strength and
intellectual maturity to rise up against lies. I‘m old enough not to suck up to
people that won‘t give you respect anyway. The real people will always win in
the end. My eyes are opened. They are not shut.

The wicked system is terroristic, evil, hypocritical, materialistic, and

nefarious. With the Mormon‘s controversial history, a person of color definitely
has no business aligning with that religion of Joseph Smith. I know how they
function including the JWs. These people worship some fake, long haired, cuddly
Christ instead of following the real Lord Jesus Christ. They target you if they
perceive you to be “weak,“ (when you’re not weak), if you’re alone, or if they
think you are so-called “malleable” to their interests. The Mormons, the CNP-
infiltrated so-called Christians, and the Jws won’t speak to you if you’re in a group
typically. Some of these individuals just go into certain communities to fulfill some
religious quota. In fact, aligning with any mainstream religion is like a detriment
toward true spiritual enlightenment. Even if I‘ve got to do legitimate self defense
(not indiscriminately) to defend my liberties as a man, I‘m down for it. You have
no choice, but to fight for your survival in the 21st century. That is why I will work
out and also increase my wisdom about how the world really works. I do respect
any human being that is non-violent for sincere moral or religious reasons. I will
always mention that. You don‘t need to assimilate to a devilish system to prove
You condemn the evil system and promote
your authenticity.
righteousness to prove that you’re awaken. Even Glenn Beck's website shows the
Masonic obelisk of the Washington Monument (that was set up by Freemasons. Freemasons
promote the new order of the ages, which is code for the new world order). Glenn Beck wants to
make known how faith played in the Founding Fathers' life, but many of them were occultists,
Deists, and Masons. Beck gave a speech to the pro-CNP, Ecumenical Liberty University in May 15,
2010. He's an ally of Roman Catholic and CFR member Newt Gingrich. So, Glenn Beck can't be
trusted when Brigham Young believes in people shedding their own blood for the atonement of sin.
This is the repudiation of the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Beck is the one who
disrespected 9/11 victims, called the victims of Hurricane Katrina scum, and called President Barack
Obama a racist. Now, Beck says that he's following in the footsteps of Dr. Martin Luther King when
he's not. He's trying to misrepresent the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. King believed in
opposing Communism, but he wanted a radical redistribution of economic and political power to
help the poor. In 1968, Dr. King said that: "... It didn't cost the nation one penny to
integrate lunch counters" and "[i]t didn't cost the nation one penny to guarantee
the right to vote." However, he concluded that "now, we are dealing with issues
that cannot be solved without the nation spending billions of dollars -- and
undergoing a radical redistribution of economic power." The redistribution of wealth
toward the super rich is commonplace. King wanted land reform. Glenn Beck promoted Ayn Rand
when she was an atheist and an Objectivist. King say this since the super rich have an uneven
amount of wealth and power as it is in the world. Dr. King wanted the oppression against the poor
to stop and desired compensatory programs to fight against the evils of poverty in the world. Dr.
Martin Luther King believed in the guaranteed income policy of a citizen dividend. Dr. Martin Luther
King wanted all human beings to be equal in all places worldwide. Beck says that he wants to
reclaim the civil rights movement, but he doesn't even some known basic facts of the Civil Rights
Movement. Dr. King believed in using Christian theology to promote social transformation of the
environment in our landscape (or social justice. Beck is opposed to social justice explicitly). Dr. King
criticized the economic disparity in America and unregulated capitalism. If Dr. Martin Luther King
was alive today, Glen Beck, the Tea Party movement, and others would be opposed to much of the
views of Dr. King. The First Amendment from the Bill of Rights dictates that Glenn Beck has a right
to his rally (Sarah Palin is to speak there. Beck said he believes it was “divine providence” that the
rally was scheduled on the anniversary of the King speech) and people have the right to disagree
with it. Alveda King and Pastor Stephen Broden are right on many issues like respecting the rights
of the unborn. Yet, even they have been brainwashed by the propaganda of the reactionary and
Mormon Glen Beck. Mormons have had a big discriminatory history against black people for a long
time.Even the Founding Fathers like Beck almost worships believed in using
taxpayer dollars to build infrastructure like canals, manufacturing, and other
tools in America. These spending plans are something that Beck and his ilk
will oppose. Glen Beck does act in accordance of hatred. He called the
President a racist. He called Hurricane Katrina victims scum. He blatantly
disrespected the 9/11 victims‘ families. Beck is a piece of work. Beck is making
unemployed people the scapegoats of their benefits being lost by calling them "un American." This
doesn’t mean that we become Republicans as Alveda King and Broden want.
Yet, Dr. Martin Luther King was right to condemn Communism in his own words:

"...Third, Communism attributes ultimate value to the state. Man is made for the state and not the
state for man. One may object, saying that in Communist theory the state is an "interim reality,"
which will "wither away" when the classless society emerges. True--in theory; but it is also true that,
while it lasts, the state is the end. Man is a means to that end. Man has no inalienable rights. His
only rights are derived from, and conferred by, the state. Under such a system, the fountain of
freedom runs dry. Restricted are man's liberties of press and assembly, his freedom to vote, and his
freedom to listen and to read. Art, religion, education, music, and science come under the gripping
yoke of government control. Man must be a dutiful servant to the omnipotent state.

All of this is contrary, not only to the Christian doctrine of God, but also to the Christian estimate of
man. Christianity insists that man is an end because he is a child of God, made in God's
image. Man is more than a producing animal guided by economic forces; he
is a being of spirit, crowned with glory and honor, endowed with the gift of
freedom. The ultimate weakness of Communism is that it robs man of that quality which makes
him man. Man, says Paul Tillich, is man because he is free. This freedom is expressed through
man's capacity to deliberate, decide, and respond. Under Communism, the individual soul is
shackled by the chains of conformity; his spirit is bound by the manacles of party allegiance. He is
stripped of both conscience and reason. The trouble with Communism is that it has neither a
theology nor a Christology; therefore it emerges with a mixed-up anthropology. Confused about
God, it is also confused about man. In spite of its glowing talk about the welfare of the masses,
Communism's methods and philosophy strip man of his dignity and
worth, leaving him as little more than a depersonalized cog in the ever-
turning wheel of the state.
Clearly, then, all of this is out of harmony with the Christian view of things. We must not fool
ourselves. These systems of thought are too contradictory to be reconciled; they represent
diametrically opposed ways of looking at the world and of transforming it. We should as Christians
pray for the Communist constantly, but never can we, as true Christians, tolerate the philosophy of
Communism...These are days when Christians must evince wise restraint and calm
reasonableness. We must not call everyone a Communist or an appeaser who recognizes that hate
and hysteria are not the final answers to the problems of these turbulent days. We must not engage
in a negative anti-Communism, but rather in a positive thrust for democracy, realizing that our
greatest defense against Communism is to take offensive action in behalf of justice and
righteousness. After our condemnation of the philosophy of Communism has been eloquently
expressed, we must with positive action seek to remove those conditions of poverty, insecurity,
injustice, and racial discrimination which are the fertile soil in which the seed of Communism grows
and develops. Communism thrives only when the doors of opportunity are closed and human
aspirations are stifled. Like the early Christians, we must move into a sometimes hostile world
armed with the revolutionary gospel of Jesus Christ. With this powerful gospel we shall boldly
challenge the status quos and unjust mores and thereby speed the day when "every valley shall be
exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and
the rough places plain: and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed."

Our hard challenge and our sublime opportunity is to bear witness to the spirit of Christ in fashioning
a truly Christian world. If we accept the challenge with devotion and valor, the bell of history will toll
for Communism. and we shall make the world safe for democracy and secure for the people of
Christ. "

-Dr. King's book Strength To Love, pp 97-106.

Glen Beck and Al Sharpton lead competing rallies in Washington, D.C. on the day of Dr. Martin
Luther King speech in 1963 in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Each man brought a message. Glen
Beck's message was about unity and patriotism. Al Sharpton wanted to describe the King legacy in
his own terms. There should be a sense of honor in America. There should be a respect for labor
and the poor too. The mutual truth isn't found in worshipping conservativism nor liberalism. It's the
embrace of the independent spirit of truth, justice, and mutual respect. Even Glen Beck wanted to
apologize for calling President Barack Obama a racist. Beck is wrong to ignore how Dr. Martin
Luther King respected social justice, economic justice, and an opposition to the Vietnam War.
The Glen Beck rally had many sincere people that wanted unity, peace, and reconciliation. Tons of
the people there who are black, white, Asian, Hispanic, etc. legitimately want individual freedom
and a sense of devotion to compassion and love of their fellow man. Yet, Beck's slick goal is to
preach the false gospel of militarism and neo con policies. Glen Beck is a famous FOX News TV
personality. I remember when he was on CNN. I saw some of the march on CNN and C-Span.
There were thousands of people in that location. FOX News and other media outlets have promoted
this march. Glen Beck uses entertainment and mix of half truths in order to gain more audiences to
adhere to his message. Yet, his message is nothing new. It's the same agenda from the aristocrats
filled with austerity, militarism, religious exploitation, and extreme law and order propaganda. Beck
wanted to promote the themes of "Faith, Hope, and Charity." Sarah Palin even spoke there to
promote the military. While Beck hailed King and the civil rights movement Saturday as “people of
faith” who merely believed that “everybody deserves a shot,” earlier this year he used one of his
broadcasts to denounce King as a “radical socialist” and question why a national holiday had been
proclaimed in his honor. Glen Beck don't agree with the economic agenda of the civil rights
movement. Glen Beck didn't offer real concrete proposals in the march. It was a large pep rally.
Murdoch, the Scaife family foundation, and the Koch family fund FreedomWorks and some of the
Tea Party network. Beck doesn't offer radical solutions to decrease unemployment, wage cutting,
etc. but charity begins at home at home. Charity does begins at home, but compassion is more
than just private charity too. We don't need massive cuts in Social Security, the violation of our civil
liberty, the police/military suppressing liberty, and other policies in that nature. We need to rebuild
our infrastructure, get Wall Street accountable for its acts for real, have economic justice, and
promote real individual liberty for all people.

It isn't a secret that both major parties are promoting extreme budget cuts across
America and attack the rights of public employees. States nationwide face extreme
budget deficits. There are billions of dollars in budget deficit issues. Both
Republicans and Democrats propose solutions to the budget crises. They feel
that public workers and those who depend on their services will pay for the crisis. Jerry
Brown is running for Governor for California. He claims to be for labor and unions.
Yet, Brown recently bragged about his anti-union credentials. The San Francisco
Chronicle reported that: "...Jerry Brown said Friday that if elected governor he would
have to "do things that labor doesn't like," including cutting pension benefits for public
employees and asking labor leaders to "put everything on the table" to get California's
bloated budget under control.” Brown said that he voted against pay raises for the state
employees not once, but twice. These are his credentials for handling the budget crisis.
His Republican opponent is a billionaire who is more honest with his anti-public
worker comments. There is the same dynamic in Oregon. Both parties want to target
public workers. John Kitzhaber is a Democrat and he's union backed. He is debated his
Republican opponent on who can mostly take from public employees. He wants cost
saving negotiations or possibly cutting wages and benefits next year. The current NY
Democratic Governor David Paterson has attacked viciously public employees. He
promised that the incoming Governor, regardless of political party will resume the
attack. The current Democratic Governor have made huge cuts in education and
social services in Illinois because of the budget crises. He made huge cuts in
education and social services, while adding a sales tax that disproportional
effects working-class people. These events aren't made by coincidence. They
are real. This is apart of an agenda by Republicans and Democrats in order to use
coded language to cut benefits under the guise of confronting state budget deficits.
Education and social services are de-funded now. The Governor of Indiana Mitch
Daniels want racial cuts in state government, while doing nothing to allow Wall Street
to be held accountable. They hate public workers, but love public greed. They want to
reduce wages and benefits of public employees, but want money to enrich the military
industrial complex. Mitch used brute force instead of negotiations in Indiana to harm
the power of unions. These are corporate ideals. Unions are being attacked, so that
wages and benefits for all working people can be lowered. This is how corporations
plan to survive the recession and maintain the highest profitability possible. The good
news is that the labor movement is fighting back. They are working with communities
to defend their rights. Some want the taxing of the rich and other pro-working
solutions including mass demonstrations in order to have solutions. Others desire an
infrastructure policies and investments in research to build up America. Some
Democrats are following in the lead of anti-union forces by acting pro-labor. Then,
when they get into Congress they betray them by calling for more radical budget cuts.
So, cutting jobs and living standards are evil and should be fought against. If you try to
immediately balance the budget now, it's almost impossible since there is little revenue
and capital investment now. Balancing the budget should be a long term solution.

This doesn’t mean that we become Republicans as many of them shown what they
think of us as. One example is how one Louisiana is going into the streets to offer
black people chicken wings and a limo ride for their vote. This person is running for
the mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana. These liars can’t hold it in anymore. They are coming
out of the closet with their hatred more and more (like Mark Williams writing a racist
satirical letter or Laura using the N word). The good news is people like me are more
than willing to refute them and use self defense if necessary to defend our rights as
human beings. So, the bigotry of many Republicans is commonplace.

America has many parts that exist as a police state. It's found in September 24, 2010 that
Jason Ditz reported on He wrote that: "...the FBI is confirming that this
morning they began a number of raids against the homes of antiwar activists in Illinois,
Minneapolis, Michigan, and North Carolina, claiming that they are ‘seeking evidence
relating to activities concerning the material support of terrorism." Homeland Security
Secretary Janet Napolitano said on September 10th: "...The old view that ‘if we fight the
terrorists abroad, we won’t have to fight them here’ is just that – the old view.” The new
view, Napolitano said, is “to counter violent extremism right here at home.” This means
that she wants to target domestic people under the guise of violent extremism. "Violent
extremism" is a term used by police state proponents in order to mean whatever the
government wants it to mean in order to crush dissent (that is viewed "unfavorable" in the
eyes of the government). The morning's FBI's foray in the homes of American citizens of
conscience is a disgrace. This means that antiwar activists (in the eyes of some means the
"material support of terrorism") is equated to Vietnam era anti-war protesters with giving
material support to communism. The anti-war activist Mick Kelly's home was raided. FBI
raids in this fashion harass and intimidate people who organize war protests. Kelly is no
threat to America, some in the FBI believe that he is. The FBI's own words show that the
federal police agency and the judges who signed the warrants don't care if antiwar
protesters innocently exercise their Constitutional rights. To the feds, they are unpatriotic
people giving material support to terrorism. "Material support" is another of these
undefined police state terms. To some in the government, if you don’t' believe in the
government's lies and want to protest against unjust policies, the government could declare
you an enemy (protesting against evil isn't treason. It's an expression of our civil liberties).
Real terrorists aren't people like Kelly. Kelly will probably not go into jail. Yet, the FBI
finds emails and promote terrorism paranoia constantly. The Bush and Obama regimes have
anti-liberty policies that are approved by corrupt federal judges. Protesters who have been
compromised by fake terrorist groups can be called "enemy combatants" and sent off into
Eygpt, Poland, etc. (to be tortured until confession is forthcoming). Every critic of the U.S.
government are not some terrorist. Many Republicans and neo cons will agree with an
Iranian war if it comes, while complain that their Social Security was cut in the interest of
war (or they could lack Medicare when wars in Central Asia continue). The neo-cons
support the corrupt Oligarical government instead of the Constitution. They view civil
liberties with disdain and believe in the slander that civil liberties will encourage criminals
plus terrorists. The U.S. mainstream media is highly monopolistic, while the independent
media is more diverse. Political witch hunts are nothing new and it's still going on today
(now it's against Muslims and other minority communities). As the Nazi leader Joseph
Goebbels said, “think of the press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play.”
The police state in America used 9/11 as a pretext to control us further. We have to be
educate, so all of us won't be gullible to the ways of the world. Jingoistic patriotism and
ignorance are vices. As another Nazi leader Herman Goering said, “ The people can always
be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce
the peace-makers for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger.” This is
what some people in the Bush and Obama regimes have done. They have used the attacks
in Pakistan as an excuse to harm dissent in this country. People have the right to disagree
with this evil.

I don't agree with the Tea party on every issue (like I don‘t accept the privatization
of everything in society, I don‘t believe in the militarization of society, I
don‘t believe in the Patriot Act, etc.), but even I know that the Homeland Security
have gone overboard on many occasions. Back in November, the Pennsylvania Homeland
Security shown a bulletin saying that 2 Tea Party rallies against illegal immigration might
attract 'white nationalists.' This report was presented by the Israeli company called the
Institute of Terrorism Research and Response. Karen Kiefer is a Tea party activist from
Scottsdale. She told the Pittsburgh Tribune Review that this is one of the more bizarre things
that she has ever heard. There are $103,000 in taxpayers' money to compile lists like this.
Wayne Madsen talk about the involvement of the Israeli company in an effort by
Pennsylvania's Homeland Security to spy on activists that are exercising their First
Amendment rights. One entity paid a Philadelphia based nonprofit $125,000 to compile a list
of activists as part of the state Homeland Security’s federally mandated mission to protect
public infrastructure. Pittsburgh officials have refused to comment on the role ITRR played in
tracking and sabotaging activist groups that planned to protest the 2009 G20 summit in their
city. The company was in fact not a non-profit and is based in Israel. Regardless of the
error by Kurt Nimmo, the NAACP just portray the Tea Party as having the need to
condemn racist elements in the Tea party Movement. The NAACP didn’t even
collectively describe the entire Tea Party Movement as composed of a bunch of
bigots. Nimmo forgot that some (not all of course) elements of the Tea party are indeed
racist. There is evidence of this like signs comparing President Barack Obama to a
witchdoctor, the use of slurs on signs, and the bigotry shown by individual protesters. The
resolution followed accusations by the Congressional Black Caucus that anti-Obamacare
protesters had spit on Rep. Emanuel Cleaver and hurled racist slurs at the Caucus. This
accusation is controversial. Cleaver said a Tea Party protester did not spit on him
intentionally. “All I’m saying is we all have to defuse it, and I think it is not in my best interest
or in the best interest of this nation to stoke it,” he said on March 30 during a Fox News
interview. The Southern Poverty Law Center and others in the corporate media view the Tea
party as collectively racist, which I don't agree with. Mark Potok of the SPLC believe that the
Tea Party movement is: "...shot through with rich veins of radical ideas, conspiracy theories
and racism.” The corporate media routinely uses SPLC literature and features Potok as an
“expert” on the “radical right.” Potok needs to realize that exposing people who call for
the new world order, making known the dangers of fluoride, and opposing the
evils of corporate policies aren't theories. These are 100 percent unadulterated
facts. Potok is a big liar. George Soros and his agents have created a website to
track the Tea Party movement. We can disagree with reactionary rhetoric, but we
should not support a Left Gatekeeper like George Soros. Soros is a CIA member, a
Bilderberger, and bailed out George W. Bush‘s oil business venture over 10 years
ago. Meghan McCain said that young people are turned off by the innate racism of the Tea
Party. I don't agree the Tea Party is collectively racist, but some of their ideologies are those
that I don't agree with at all. On Friday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said
that the DHS report issued last April is now “ancient history.” Napolitano was asked about the
“right-wing extremism” report during a lunch hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. The
DHS report didn't mention the Tea party movement. What it did mention was the
demonization of military veterans, pro-life groups, 2nd Amendment activists, and others as
equivalent to domestic terrorists. That is slander. The report also claims white supremacist
and “lone wolves” pose the most significant domestic terrorist threat. Lone wolves have done
great contributions in world history. The old tactic of slandering every lone wolf is an
excuse to crush individual freedom and the innate rejection of obtuse conformity.
It’s as simple as that. So, the DHS is all about lies and propaganda.

*The reports are saying that one out of every seven Americans are in or below the poverty
line. That's a serious problem. The economic collapse is real. There is a shift in society
and foreclosures are still high. People have left homes and some are homeless. The 1 in 7
figure is from 2009. The elite sucked the wealth from the middle class and especially from
the poor. Finally, the middle class should wake up and not just talk about the middle class,
but the poor as well. They or the global elite certainly didn't care about the middle class and
the corporatists blatantly hate the poor. That is why they promote a regressive tax system all
of the time. Both parties aren't doing enough to solve the problem. The Democrats blame
Bush for all of the poverty. Yet, they have some responsibility in it as well with Glass
Steagall Act repeal not just the Republicans. Some of them want to expand programs for
the poor and have a safety net. I have no problem with this if it's done in a legitimate
fashion. Yet, long term, you should decrease the amount of people in poverty or in food
stamps (which is made up of 40 million Americans now). A long term solution is public
works programs to get people to work in jobs. The Republicans don't talk about any real
solutions except tax cuts and private sector programs. Yet, the private sector now is
hoarding wealth and isn't spending much money to help the economy. Some of them mock
the 99ers when they have been unemployed and need some benefits to assist them.
Numerous Republicans lack much economic compassion and some of them don't care
about workers. They allow the Democrats to gain votes from the poor by default. So, a
short term and long term solution are in order to solve this financial problem. You have to
have a safety net and you need long term infrastructure (including a jobs creation) system in
place. The economic is still in bad shape. There are 14.3 percent of Americans in
poverty. In 2009, 4 million more Americans are poor. The poverty rate is increasing
fast. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development mention that the
U.S. poverty rate is now the 3rd worst among developing nations.
Glen Beck's march has been evaluated by many quarters. Much of the march was done
to promote militarism of course. Many speeches occurred there. Beck tried to act in the
fashion of a charismatic preacher to express his message. He wants America to turn back to
God. He believes that America has been wandering in darkness. Glen Beck and others gave
speeches on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Rabbi Daniel Lapin spoke. He is a strong critic of
liberal Judaism. Some link him to the former lobbyist and criminal convicted felon Jack Abramoff.
Lapin said that the Torah promoted lower taxes, decreased regulation, and pro-traditional family
policies. That's ironic since I don't see the Torah promoting corruption of labor wages or obscene
speculation. Beck still claims that his march wasn't about politics. Beck claimed that Native
Americans on stage with him were descendants of the Native American people that met with the
Pilgrims. In Mormon theology, Native Americans are heavily called the Lost tribes of Israel, so Beck
used them in a slick reference. Glen Beck wants to tie us to militarism. He tries to invoke Dr. King
as a means to get more African Americans to support the wicked wars on the battlefields. King was
against war on moral grounds since it depleted much needed resources from domestic programs.
Also, the Vietnam War had a high percentage of minorities causalities in proportion to minority
populations. Warmongers like Sarah Palin and Glen Beck aren't truly in cynic with Dr.
Martin Luther King's anti-war agenda. Other puppets spewing austerity
propaganda include Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz,
Andrew Beitbart, and other people. It’s a disgrace that a liar and a bigot pro-Tea
Party agent Carl Paladino is the race, but this is the time that we live in. The
racists are coming more out of the closet. These people may say that they are
mad, but they should be mad at economic exploitation done by Wall Street. These
people are deceivers and con-artists. People like Hannity, FOX, etc. use agitation
to divert attention from real issues (like some insurance companies wanting to
restrict health care coverage to children even those with preexisting conditions.
About 50,000 children in California and about 800,000 children can be effected
nationwide. These companies are trying to exploit loopholes in the new health care
law. The new health care law though not perfect deals with preventative care and
other components. These reactionaries are getting bold [for their agenda is all
about deregulation, cutting services, ending numerous labor rights &
protections, etc.], but we are bolder to confront their duplicity and nepotism).
The GOP needs to realize that 18th century tactics don’t work to solve 21st century
problems. Some of these puppets actually think that they are free when they are
not. Evidence is all around that we have civil liberties issues. Some of them desire the
Fairness Doctrine to violate the First Amendment rights of Americans.

The Left gatekeepers ironically like Bill Maher and his ilk (including Stewart and
Colbert) promote the neo con agenda to the Left and they constantly bash the 9/11
Truth Movement. Maher is the one in private would argue with a black woman and
call her ghetto, etc. like a hypocrite. Now, Sumner Redstone is one media kingpin. He
uses the so-called "progressive" tag team of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to turn
the supposed left 180 degrees from positions they held during the previous
administration. Jon Stewart and even Stephen Colbert are known propagandists for
the President. Stewart played the MEMRI TV video that demonize Palestinians and
Stephen Colbert sucked to the globalist Joe Biden in an interview. Stewart's story
about the South Park episode psy-op involving Revolution Muslim which turns out to
be run by a “converted” Jewish ex-settler from the West Bank. Stephen tried to
rebrand the Afghan occupation after President Barack Obama took office and he tried
to ambush Rod Blagojevich. The neo cons like Bill Kristol, Ari Fleischer, John
Bolton, Douglas Feith, Thomas Friedman, Tom Ridge, and John Yoo are given
more respect by Jon Stewart than Rod Blagojevich (who was accused to
threaten the Bank of America only if they didn't live up to the conditions of the
banker bailout bill). Stewart is calling for the Million Moderates March in his
mind to bring sanity to the political discourse. He believes that only fringe
people get attention in America. Yet, centrism is nothing more than code for
neoliberalism, the DLC corporate fiscal ideology (in Washington consensus).
Stewart spoke with Bill Clinton. Jon Stewart even criticized people who called
George W. Bush a war criminal when he was with his policies (like promoting
cluster bombs, D.U. poisoning, and illegal plus immoral wars). Even Greenwald
exposed how Stewart. George W. Bush have lied, promoted false documents like
Niger yellow Cake, done rendition, promoted secret prisons, backed CIA
mercenary death squads, etc. “After years of disclosures by government
investigations, media accounts and reports from human rights organizations, there is
no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has committed
war crimes,” Taguba wrote. “The only question that remains to be answered is
whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account.” Jon
Stewart can't whitewash history at all. You can't be moderate to evil. You be hot
or cold against evil. Stephen Colbert recently testified on Capitol Hill to promote
the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill in using satire. People were offended
since he used satire to promote globalization. The truth is that there are many jobs
that young Americans can do, but you have to have some sense of compassion toward
immigrants. Some accuse the Ag Jobs Bill this committee is discussing is an effort
supported by big US agriculture and other major corporations. Immigration should be
reformed, so cheap labor can't be imported to America stripping American jobs in the
process (also, immigrants here should have a pathway to citizenship with
punishment). The testimony of Dr. Carol Swain from Vanderbilt University, a labor
rights expert and activist of over 20 years, wants jobs as well. She used to be
considered a hero on the left when she was railing against the injustices of the Bush
administration but now that the Obama/Clinton neo-liberal regime has taken office.

You don’t go around and use weapons to kill poor people in the Middle East and Central Asia
including Pakistan and claim this is great. It’s barbarism. People starving half to death worldwide
and these wicked people want to promote GM, radical population control, and forced sterilization.
That’s a disgrace. You can’t support such devilish system. The good news is that while we are here
on this Earth, we can help people and fight for the truth. Also, just because many people
disagree with me, doesn’t mean that I’m naïve about what I think. The skeptics
don’t deter me. Criticism doesn’t make me afraid and life is much more valuable
than a sham deception. I have every right to present my opinions on issues and I
have every right to not scapegoat immigrants, to believe in the sanctity of human
life, and call for justice among all of the human race. I’m more militant in my
life and I’m older now. I always believe in love. Love doesn’t just mean mutual
respect. It also means confronting injustice and fighting against evil. I believe in
romance. Romance is one of the greatest and enjoyable parts of life. It can make a
person‘s soul and spirits lift up. Romance and love are different than lust. Real
love is a feeling where you develop a genuine concern for another human being.
The era we now is a combination of technological advancement, but the same
social/political issues were confronted then still confront us today. Me personally, I
will fight for my rights and my pursuit of happiness. Vitally, we should think for
ourselves without unilaterally adhering to what others may tell us. In the 21st
century, ground up solutions and independent solutions are making some
difference in solving educational, economic, or any other political problem in
America. In the final analysis, we have the responsibility to improve ourselves.
Also, hope and optimism is apart of my mindset. I embrace hope.

I still have my humor and I still have joy to contribute

magnificently in advancing the human race.
By Timothy

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