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Teachers Contact Information

Mr. Edwin P. Davis, M.Ed.

Classroom # 357
School work number: (919) 856-7810
Course Objectives:
The Biology course is designed to introduce students to a variety of biological topics and current scientific issues. Students
are encouraged to work collaboratively in groups, to design investigations, formulate hypothesis, collect data, reach
conclusions, and present their findings to their classmates. The content studied in biology provides an opportunity for
students to study topics in medicine, ecology, forensics, biotechnology, and environmental studies. The goal this year is to
prepare students in every aspect of the biology curriculum according to the North Carolina standard course of study,
Essential Common Core Standards, and the EOC test.
Topics covered in this course
1st Semester 2nd Semester
History of Biology Biotechnology
The Scientific Method Evolution
Bio-Chemistry Taxonomy
Cell Structure Viruses
Cellular Processes Bacteria
Photosynthesis Protist
Aerobic & Anaerobic Respiration Invertebrates
Cell Division Vertebrates
DNA, RNA, & Protein Synthesis Plants
Genetics Fungus
Student Supplies
For this course each student will need the following items. Any other materials that you will need to bring to class will be
announced well in advance.
3 ring Binder with tabbed sections for:
• Section a) Homework & class work
• Section b) worksheets & handouts
• Section c) test & quizzes
• Section d) laboratory write-ups
• Section e) journal entries & research papers
1. Writing Utensils: Pencils (Pencils will be sold at 5 cents per pencil)
2. Pens: Blue or Black Pen
3. Colored Pencils

“Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good
for him.” Maya Angelou
1. Entering and leaving the classroom:
All students are expected to be seated and quiet when the bell rings. Since time in this class is very valuable, students may ask to leave
only when you or your group is engaged in independent work and not while I am teaching. Students will be allowed to leave the
classroom in cases of emergency; otherwise you are expected to remain in the classroom until the period or class ends.
2. Absences:
If a student is absence from class, it is the student’s responsibility to determine what they missed and turn the work in within two days
of your return to school. Homework, projects, journal entries or labs submitted after two class days will not be considered late. You
must coordinate with Mr. Davis before you show up to make up a lab or test.
3. Late Home Work:
If a student has proof of an excused absence from class, the student has two class days to turn in the assignment. Excused slips allow
the student two class periods to make up missing work to receive full credit. Otherwise, all students are expected to turn in their work
on time. The consequences of submitting late assignments will result in the highest grade of 50%. Daily homework assignments will
be checked during class time and discussed every day.
4. Electronic Devices:
Students are asked to leave all electronic devices either at home or in their lockers. Any electronic device used in class or ringing during
class will be confiscated and the student’s parent called and asked to come to the school to receive the device from Mr. Davis.
• using or possessing illegal drugs
• Keep your hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself.
• Don’t talk while your teacher is teaching the class
• Do your best and work toward success
• Get to class on time everyday
• Don’t use any lab equipment without the permission of Mr. Davis
• Listen to all instructions regarding health & safety during laboratories
6. Grading:
Courses: Biology
The North Carolina High School Grading Policy for Science classes in 2018. The State of North Carolina now requires all public high
schools to use standardized transcripts and to calculate the grade point average and class rank by a standard method.

A: 90-100 = 4.0
B: 80-89 = 3.0
C: 70-79 = 2.0
D: 60-69 = 1.0
F: < 59 = 0.0
Practice Process Product
Total Point Value = 42 pts. Total Point Values = 258 pts. Total Pint Values = 300 pts.
Homework Assignment = 14 points Laboratories = 23 points Test = 225 points
Class Participation = 14 points Quizzes = 45 points Projects = 50 points
Verbal Reflections = 14 points Notebook Check= 190 points Written Essay = 25 points

Total Semester Point Value = 600 pts.

The following is a table of the typical point value for each assignment that will count toward your total grade. Each
assignment is worth different point value such as notebook checks, quizzes, and test that make up a higher point value of a
student’s grade.
Quizzes: Quizzes are worth 45 points per semester toward a student’s grade. Quizzes can be both announced and
unannounced. Students can expect to receive a quiz once a week.
Test: Tests are worth 75 points toward a student’s grade. Test will be given every two weeks. A Student will be allowed
to rework ONE test per grading period to earn back a maximum one half the points they missed. If a student plans to rework
a test they must notify Mr. Davis on the day after the tests are returned. Test can be reworked before school, during a study
skills class, or after school. The decision to rework a test must be made immediately after the test. A student will not be
allowed to go back later in the quarter to rework a past test. When a student reworks a test, a student may use their notebook
and notes as well as ask Mr. Davis questions, but they cannot receive help or assistance from another student.

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