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Keerthi Swetha

Audience Feedback DPS

In questionnaire the peers mentioned they’re favorite genre, 46.2% of people said
they like hip hop and 38.5% people said they like folks, the majority of like hip hop
and they can connect with this magazine because in this DPS artist will be talking
about his genre he singing. New upcoming artist the DPS will be inspiration and
everyone want to know what another artist thinking and how there planning their

I asked how many people read music magazine there are 23.% people said they
read music magazine and another people said ‘NO’ 69.2% and ‘MAYBE’ 7.7%. This
DPS is target to the 23.1 people. One peer mentioned they like to read billboard
music magazine. Ages of peers 19-21 (38.5%) and 16-18 (30.8%) the main target of
the magazine is these peers because their in adult teenagers and most of the people
in that age they like to listen good music and want to know about the artist, they try
to get inspiration from them. Peers gender 69.2% is female and mela 30.8% mostly
female like to read magazine and in this about male artist and it will definitely
appeal to the upcoming artists.

A peer asked the DPS is want to be little personal so that they can know about the
artist why he’s singing some songs and when he start singing, I asked the artist
these question I also asked him when he’s going drop his single very soon so that
will be give some curiosity for audience and they will listen to his song, it kind of
promoting his song. We talk about this first song he wrote about his ex girlfriend. In
Keerthi Swetha

this DPS everyone can connect with him because we talk about his goals and aim.
Heading he said “I’ll his ego” that will attract the audience to read page and for the
colour scheme I gave black ,white and red to match with the photo in most of music
magazine they use red, white and black to keep the letters bold and bright, I started
the article saying how nice person he is and slowly talked about his career, goals
personal life, when he started writing his first song, and some famous artist when I
talk about another famous artist definitely their fans will read this DPS. This article
will publish in manchester area because he live in manchester and people in the
surrounding will like this DPS. Strandfirst “I motivate myself” he said this will give
audience he’s hard working person and the page numbers are in the bottom of the
page for bleeding he mentioned “ I’m a really really hard working person” the reader
will know how hard working person. The byline in the top right handside and I did
with different font and I used red colour for font and I used photo of him singing in the
stage and looking at the audience, he’s interacting with audience and enjoy his

Overall, in this magazine we talked about his personal life and his goals in career
how much he like another big artist how the inspira him in writing or sing song.
Teenager and upcoming artist will like this magazine because they can directly
connect with him from this DPS, the magazine also publishing in the place he live so
it will be more related. This DPS is appeal to target audience and even for all type of

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