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ffi It's high time for real-time I

simulation tn the quest for

smarter grids. The Universitg
of Manchester reveals how
its RTDS SMARTLab is at the
cutting edge of research into
smart grid architecture.


The University of Manchester is already conceptualising, developing and integrating,

Facitities home to the largest high-voltage laboratory prototyping and testing a range of power
in a UI( university. It'has been at the systems transmission and distribution
. ParaL[eI processing moduLar design cutting edge of research into electrical networks in a real-time closed-loop
system. power systems for 5o years. Now, as the environment. These include :

industry becomes increasingly complex and o Conventional protection and controls

. Giga transceiver workstation interface intelligent control devices are introduced at schemes for power systems.
IGTWI F) for interconnecting paraLl.eL every level of the system, another facility at Wide-area monitoring for protection and
processing hardware to an externaL the university is helping shape the future. controls, real-time high{evel smart grid
computer workstation interface via The real-time digital simulator (RTDS) at simulation environments for distributed
Ethernet LAN. the power and energy division in the school generation and renewable energy
of electrical and electronics engineering storage hybrid systems.
o Giga transceiver network communication is one of the leading multi-core-processor- Special implementations of digital
interface IGTNET) for protocot emutations based digital simulation and power systems substation automation using the
of process and control bus automation automation test facilities. communication protocols of IEC 5r85o-B-
using standards such as IEC 61850, The lab combines the best of r/9-z process bus architectures.
DNP3, IEEE C37.118,1. Manchester's existing and new capabilities Conventional DNP:/IEC 6o87o-5-
to meet increasing global energy demand 1o4 SCADA interface systems and
. ExternaI time synchronisation interface while minimising the environmental impact IEEE C37.rt9.t PMU synchrophasor
IGTSYNC] for externaI GPS timestep and limiting the cost of future power and performance testing.
synchronisation appLication, a high- energy systems. GPS synchronisation infiastructure
precision, f lexib[e and expandab[e The lab also researches enhanced using IPPS, IRIG-B and IEEE 1588
anatogue and digitaL l/0 GT-interface multifunctional integration of physical power compliance, with full digital simulation
capabiLity. networks with advanced communication design and implementation.
protocols and complex control. o Alongside physical testing, work at the
. GTAI/GTAO/GTDI/GTD0 capabil.ity with It has a "PB5-architecture"-type real- RTDS SMARThUb includes providing
1 2-channeI isotated 1 5-bit analogue and time digital processing platform for. power training.
64-channeI isoLated digitat input/output systems simulation. It also has a track record The RTDS lab will be a key enabler for
interface. in protection and controls automation. expanding and diversifying multifunctional
The RTDS is a technology platform for and multivariable research schemes at
o GlobaLbus hub IGBH] for muLtipte
simutation rack interface capabitity under
common synchronisation timestep for

o lnter-rack communication switch {lRC)

for direct digitaI data communication
between muLtipte simulation racks.

o Afibre-enhanced backplane feature

for reaching microsecond timestep
simulations up to 1.4-2.5ps and a total
of up to 90 nodes per PB5 processor
computing power each operationaI at
1.7GHz for enhanced power network
sotution modetting capacity.

. The faciLity has six RTDS simulator racks

with integrated capacity of 30 PB5 core
processors and f ive modu[ar mutti-tevel
converter IMMC] support units combined
with Manchester's 0micron relay test
benches, merging unit performance test
benches and multiple data acquisition
systems. A f texible and integrated
closed-toop hardware-in-the-toop IH Ll I

simutation and controls automation

facitity for dynamic performance testing
and prototyping of power and energy
transmission and distribution systems
under wide-area protection and controI

NETWORK /30/wnnCr ZOrZ


the University of Manchester, such as the

integration of renewable energy sources, the
optimisation of supply and demand patterns,
and the co-integration of energy-storage
deviceswith socio-economic adaptability.
The lab is already hard at work on a
range of projects including multifunctional 5*' ffi e+
protection and control, multivendor ffin'"-
interoperability and performance testing, ;*

* r i r LililillirLrlr,ilril[ fililiiiiliiilli] irlilillllllll

iiliiriitiilllitiirililllllllliltiillltlillllill rililllillilll
wide-area monitoring, and smart grids in
_'i::, liliiiilfiil[illliiilltiillltlltilllllllillil
distributed generation. rifilllilillt
r lriilIlillliillililillllllllllllllllill
E itiliililflil]Iilifi
The University of Manchester envisions ')

the RTDS lab serving as a hub that offers a I lrllllirillllirill]illllllt,lliliilillllllll

multifunctional, innovative fl exible platform 1 iltiillillfft
for power systems and control automation I
research. It is actively seeking extemal
iilililitilllilililliiilliixllllliiililxlt fiillfitfillt
collaborations, and is already working with I
National Grid, Scottish Power, Siemens and
ABB. Such collaborations will help support Project hightights university research with a multidisciplinary
and engage the development of innovative training environment, enabling researchers
research concepts. MIGRATE (Massive Integration of to develop knowledge in leading power
Power Electronic Devices) is a €r8.4 network research and then to use the
million Horizon zozo project to flnd solu- transferable skills in industrial applications
Current research interests tions to the challenges posed by the increas- for future energy provision.
ing penetration of power electronic devices The proiect: The Manchester RTDS
Testing at the faciLity is currentty focused on: into power systems. The Europe-wide effort PHIL testing platform integration with
o Wide area monitoring, protection and includes 23 partners such as system opera- IED DACs device architecture enables
controL assessment. tors, manufacturers and researchers. closed-loop testing of a microgrid, fault
The proiect: The Manchester RTDS will be location and isolation based on a "point-
Power and energy network topotogies of used to test wide-area monitoring system to-point" communication network bus.
smart grids with innovative concepts. (WAMS) applications for inertia and short The automation can also be designed for
circuit-level monitoring. This will support the automatic topology recognition and self-
IEC 61850-8-1/-9-2 process bus development of advanced system integrity healing microgrid architecture. In this
architectures for digitaI substation protection schemes that will combat wide- project, RTDS PHII simulates the analogue
automation of protection and controI area blackouts, and generate data about the signals used as inputs for driving control
devices. consequences of the increasing penetration signals for IED DACs, and physical latching
of power electronics on power quality, relays are connected to illustrate and
DNP3/IEC 5OB7O-5-1 04 SCADA system stability and system protection. monitor the control assignment results.
communication interface for power Scope of research: Hardware-in-the{oop Scope of research: The Manchester
distribution network modeL[ing and (HIL) testing is the best way to study the RTDS PHIL has an integrated interface
monitoring. performance of prototype methods for capability with multiple IED DACs to control
combating high-impact, low-probability latching relay systems along with DAC
IEEE C37.118.1/ RTDS/GTNET PMU events. The high-fldelity electromagnetic SCADA monitor and control automation.
synchrophasor data streaming and PMU- transient models available allow detailed Speciflcally, it can support the low-carbon
WAM controI and protection with phasor study of the possible interactions and transformation of power networks and
data concentrators. consequences for a
system with high drive future innovations of distributed
penetration of
power electronic devices. generation and smart energy transmission
HVDC for industry-standard mutti- Furthermore, the MMC support unit and distribution networks.
terminaI HVDCiM MC controls system. at Manchester allows these studies to
include VSC HVDC, which with increasing VISOR (Visualisation of Real Time
interconnection of neighbouring systems System Dynamics using Enhanced
and the potential for multi-terminal HVDC Monitoring) is a 87.6 million flagship
networks, will be one of the most signif,cant Network Innovation Competition project led
network technologies of the future. by SP Energy Networks to demonstrate the
flrst WAMS that will encompass the entire
DACfoTDTI/FIP (Distribution Auto- GB power system.
mation Control for Dynamic The prolect is underpinned by a data
Topology Identification and Fault acquisition infrastructure consisting of new
Isolation Process) is Manchester's monitoring units, data centres and dedicated
recent open innovation collaborative servers, all communicating through a new
research proiect and part of the EPSRC high-performance communication link
Centre for Doctoral Training in Power between the three transmission operators in
Networks. It combines the expertise of Scotland and England. The trial is intended


to give the system operator the ability and and industrial partners including ABB, GE
confidence to use the full capacity of the (Alstom Grid), NR Electric and Siemens. The
network when more wind generation leads university will implement the platform and
to more volatile system flows, resulting in invite manufacturers to demonstrate their
greater operating margins to maintain and protection equipment or software tools.
manage network security. A conservative Scope of research: The Manchester RTDS
estimate of annual operational savings is is used to generate substation primary
€4 million. signals for merging units and to create
The WAM system will also give fault events for protection relays. The RTDS
transmission operators a risk-mitigating receives protection and control signals
measure in a
period of uncertainty to from the relays for closed-loop testing.
help safeguard the network against low- The VSATT platform helps utilities assess
probability high-impact events that may vendor interoperability on a station bus
result in partial or widespread system failure. using IEC 6185o-8-r GOOSE and MMS control
The proiect: This groundbreaking WAMS data exchange between bays supplied by
is the result of collaboration between different suppliers. Also, utilities can use
system designers, operators, developers the platform to carry out virtual site testing
and researchers, and will demonstrate for partner vendors, reducing the overall
applications that exploit real-time systems and a representative model of the GB technical and commercial risks associated
synchronised measurements to enhance transmission system. with real site testing. ru
our understanding of system dlmamics and Future scope: Beyond testing, the RTDS
sub-synchronous oscillations. A WAMS will be used to investigate the complex
can therefore reduce operational costs and interactions between the different Future Research
capital expenditure. VISOR is using the technologies controlled by the scheme to
Manchester RTDS to study the performance create an optimised controller that exploits The RTDS faciLities are used in various
of phasor measurement units - which are the unique advantages of each technology. ongoing research initiatives such as:
the predominant sensors in a WAMS - when . Devetopment of IEC 61850, C37.'1 1B
they are exposed to complex power system VSATT (Virtual Site Acceptance and IEC 60870 digitat substation
behaviour. Testing Training) is an E4o5,ooo Ofgem communication protoco[s.
Future scope: As well as this research, the Network Innovation Allowance-funded
Manchester RTDS is seen as an excellent project to develop a multi-vendor testing . DeveLopment of new concepts for WAM
resource for showcasing WAMS applications platform that will demonstrate the design protection/contro L.

to a variety of stakeholders through of reliable, low-maintenance and IEC 6185o-

interactive dissemination events. based digital substation secondary system . lnnovation of new prototypes foTSMART
interfaces to primary plants. tra nsmissio n/d istributio n.
EFCC (Enhanced Frequency Control As a result of outage requirements and
Capability), now called the SMART system access constraints, the current Vatidation of smart grids for Low-carbon
Frequency Control proiect, is designed to replacement rate for protection and control energy storage, distributed generation
save customers €zoo million a year while systems is about 5Yo a year. It would concepts for smart grids, integrated
maintaining system inertia. TheL9.4 million therefore take about 20 years to complete a systems with renewabl.e energy storage,
flagship Network Innovation Competition whole rycle of replacements. However, the and asset management strategies-
proiect led by National Grid is creating a typical asset life for these systems is ro-r5
novel wide area control scheme (WACS) that years, dependent on the system, because Va[idation of mu[ti-terminat HVDC/
can deliver the fast, accurate frequency- of the fast pace of technological
change. UHVDC controL strategies for
control actions that will be essential This makes some of the systems obsolete, transmission/distribution systems.
as we move toward a low-carbon but so technical support, and the products
low-inertia future. themselves, can be in short supply. HVDC wide area control schemes for
It aims to investigate how newer Driven by these challenges, National enhanced power stabiLity and sub-
technologies - such as windfarms, solar Grid has started initiatives to set up a new synchronous resonance reduction of
PV and demand-side response - can play a architecture of substation secondary systems muttipLe-HVDC Links.
larger part in maintaining system frequency. (ASE). This proiect uses the IEC 61850
The proiect: This first-of-a-kind WACS will standard for future digital substation HVDC active power ftow moduLation
combine responses from a range of new implementation, which is low-cost and optimisation for next generation AC
technologies - such as wind turbines, solar quick to implement (compared with building transmission networks.
PV and demand response - to help avoid a a new traditional substation). There is a lot
€z5o million increase in spending on ancillary of interest in developing this technology VSC- HVD C/FACTS integ rated controL
services for frequency control by zozo. It to reduce outage requirements for system schemes for STATCOM,UPFC and TCSC
is the product of
collaboration between commissioning and decommissioning. The compensation controI schemes.
system operators, vendors, manufacturers main objective of the AS3 proiect was to
and researchers. The Manchester RTDS is provide a solution to the life cycle issues of Mu[ti-terminaI VSC-HVDC systems
being used to subject the hardware and substation protection and control assets. controL strategies for offshore windfarm
software developed for the WACS to extensive The proiect: The project is led by National integration.
hardware-in-the-loop testing for small test Grid, which collaborates with the university


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