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Research Paper Outline: Guide

Intro Idea: Creating a culture that allows men to comment on a woman’s appearance has proven
to result in psychological damage and enforces the “women are weak” stereotype.

Catcalling, is a violation of human rights because it contributes to the denial of the basic social
needs status, fairness, and certainty.

Major sections:
I. Topic sentence for section/ pp 1: Catcalling denies the social need of status
a. Evidence for section/ pp 1: Victims of verbal harassment often feel powerless (cosmo)
b. Evidence for section/ pp 1: Catcalling enforces the idea that women don't have power
over themselves (cosmo)
c. Evidence for section/ pp 1: This issue persists internationally (ssh)
d. Connection all this evidence has to sub-topic/ thesis?: Women are catcalled and
objectified because the harassers desire power over them

II. Topic sentence for section / pp 2: Catcalling denies the social need of fairness
a. Evidence for section/ pp 2: Women make changes in their lives to avoid being catcalled
b. Evidence for section/ pp 2: Inequalities between men and women being verbally harassed
c. Evidence for section/ pp 2: Women being verbally and physically assaulted are not
valued (Cornell)

d. Connection all this evidence has to sub-topic/ thesis?: The safety of women is not valued
over the right for men to say what they think about a woman's appearance

III. Topic sentence for section / pp 3: Catcalling denies the social need of certainty
a. Evidence for section/ pp : Women change outfits, routes, and routines to prevent
catcalling (huff)
b. Evidence for section/ pp : The escalation from verbal assault to rape (yale )
c. Evidence for section/ pp : Women do not feel safe in public/ feel exploited by unknown
men (yale )
d. Connection all this evidence has to sub-topic/ thesis?: Women should feel comfortable
walking the streets alone; but because of how constant catcalling is, we don't .
IV. Topic sentence for counter argument/ pp 4: Although the comments about a woman’s
physical appearance may be stemmed from compliments, they are widely interpreted by women
to be aggressive and terrifying.
a. Evidence for section/ pp : harassment is not a compliment (yale )
b. Evidence for section/ pp: Politely answering and trying to correct behavior may not work
(atlantic) (cosmo)
c. Evidence for section/ pp : Catcalling is innately aggressive and derived from the desire of
power, so it is not a compliment (atlantic) (cosmo)
d. Connection all this evidence has to sub-topic/ thesis?: Women are not objects to admire
and react upon

V. Conclusion Final thoughts about this subject/ summary of ideas

● Catcalling is not a compliment
● Women have a right to feel safe in public spaces

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