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The definite article THE


The is the same for singular and

plural and for all genders:

- the boy / the boys;

- the girl / the girls;
- the day / the days

1) The is used when the object (or

group of objects) is unique or is
considered to be unique:

- the earth;
- the sea;
- the sky;
- the equator;
- the stars. 3
2) The is used before a noun
which has become definite as a
result of being mentioned a second
time. But when a person or thing is
introduced for the first time, we
use the indefinite article A / AN:

I watched a car as it came up our
road. The car stopped outside our
house and a man got out. The man
was carrying a case in his hand.
With the case in his hand, the man
looked like a salesman.

3) The is used before a noun
made definite by the addition of a
phrase or of a clause:

- The girl in blue;
- The man with the hat;
- The boy that I met;
- The place where I met him.

4) The is used before a noun
which can represent only one
particular thing:

- Ann is in the garden (the garden of
this house);
- Please, pass the wine (the bottle of
wine on our table);
- Look, the postman is arriving (the
one who comes to us every day);
- Enter the car, kids (our car);
- Have you got the newspaper, dad?
(the one we read every day)
5) The is used before superlatives;
before first, second etc.; before

- the first week;

- the best day;
- the only way.

6) The + singular noun can
represent a class of animals or

- The whale is in danger of

becoming extinct;
- The dishwasher has made life
easier for housewives.
But man / mankind, used to
represent the human race, has no

- If oil supplies run out, man may

have to fall back on the horse.

7) The + adjective represents a
class of people:

- the rich; - the poor; - the Spanish;

- the Welsh; - the accused
(person); - the unexpected (thing).

8) The is used before certain proper
names of seas, rivers, islands, chains of
mountains, plural names of countries,

- the Atlantic;
- the Netherlands;
- the Crimea;
- the Sahara.
9) The is used before other proper
names consisting of adjective +
noun or noun + of + noun:

- the National Gallery;

- the Tower of London.

It is also used before names of choirs,
orchestras, pop groups etc.; before
names of newspapers and ships:

- the Beatles;
- the Bach Singers;
- the Philadelphia Orchestra;
- The Times;
- the Titanic.
10) The with names of people has
a very limited use. But the + plural
surname can be used to mean

- the Smiths = Mr and Mrs Smith

(and their children)
Omission of the article THE:

1) The is not used before names of

places (except as shown above), or
before names of people.

2) The is not used before abstract
nouns (except when they are used
in a particular sense):

- All men fear death

- The sudden death of the Prime
Minister left his party without a
3) The is not used after a noun in
the possessive case, or after a
possessive adjective:

- the boy’s uncle;

- It is my book.

4) The is not used before names of

- The Scots have porridge for


5) The is not used before names of

- He plays golf.

6) The is not used before parts of
the body and articles of clothing,
as these normally prefer a
possessive adjective:

- Raise your right hand.

- He took off his coat.

7) The is never used before indefinite
plural nouns. But in the Italian
language this use is possible:

- Women are expected to like babies

(women in general)
- The women are expected to like
babies (it means that we are referring
to a particular group of women).
8) The is not used before nature,
where it means the spirit creating
and animating the world of plants
and animals:

- If you interfere with nature you

will suffer for it.
9) The is not used before the
following nouns (when they are
not preceded or followed by a
descriptive word or phrase):

- home
- bed
- church
- court
- hospital
- prison
- school / college / university
- work
- sea
- town

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