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Stadium Environment:
​The Bigger


David Suzuki, a science broadcaster and environmental activist, once made a metaphor
describing the way we treat environmental

and global issues. “Were in a giant car headed towards a brick wall and everyone's arguing over
where they're going to sit.” Or in this case, whether or not we need to buildout a 300 acre , two
billion dollar stadium in Los Angeles.

Angeles for the St.Louis Rams. As a result of

a twenty year process , the NFL has decided kto return to America’s second largest market.



The debate over what team is being moved and what city they're being moved to is what caused
such a delay. Also, whether or not this stadium would be paid for by the public was also a
decision that played a key role in whether there would be a football stadium in LA. There were
three candidates for what team would be moved- the San Diego Chargers, the Oakland Raiders,
and the St.Louis Rams. Ultimately, the former St. Louis Rams chose to relocate to the
developing venue, and it will be sponsored by Rams owner, Stan Kroenke. Also, there was a
choice between the stadium being built in Carson or Inglewood. Due to soil issues in Carson,
Inglewood was chosen to be the site for the new stadium.

The building of this arena can be beneficial in many ways, but it can also have both short term
and long term effects on both the environment of and those living in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is
already a heavily populated city. This project will only add to the air pollution , soil pollution ,
and depletion of natural resources. There are a few problems we must solve before being able to
gain more and lose less in the process of this new sport and entertainment center being built in
Los Angeles.

The Bigger Question

With the NFL stadium moving to the Los Angeles area, bigger concerns have
rose about environmental issues, health problems, traffic congestion , and
pollution in the city. Although the NFL stadium has many pros, for example
an increase in jobs, residents and environmentalists are looking at the bigger
picture. Stadiums can also have a negative impact on the Los Angeles area and
the people that surround it. Knowledgeable of the harmful effects that a
stadium can create, it is imperative that the proper steps are taken to protect
the environment , eliminate health issues, and subdue pollution.

The Evidence



There are two key problems that will directly affect the environment and those who live near the
proposed stadium. The first is pollution- which can cause health problems- is one very important
factor. The type of pollution that takes the biggest toll on individual’s health is air pollution. The
second is the overuse of natural resources for both the construction and the use of this
recreational buildings. These are both issues that have been observed in the environment
surrounding sport stadiums.

Air pollution is the introduction of a substance with harmful effects to the atmosphere. Dust and
debris from the construction of the stadium will add to the presence of potentially harmful
materials. It can have negative effects on the environment. Chemicals and gases produced by the
arena, used to build the stadium, and from vehicles due to increased traffic may also cause
further pollution. Gas can affect the air that we breathe and release sulphur dioxide and
hazardous gasses into the air causing increased temperature droughts . Light pollution can also be
a problem, since sport stadium lights can raise the levels of ozone in the daytime. These types of
pollution can also cause health issues in those who live and/or work in neighboring areas.

It has been found that high-air contamination levels can cause cardiovascular and respiratory
illness, damaged cells in the respiratory system, and added stress to heart and lungs. Long term
exposure can lead to loss of lung capacity, decreased lung function, asthma , bronchitis,
emphysema, and possibly cancer. The Harvard School of Public Health found that exposure to
chemicals emitted into the air is the leading contributor to heart attacks. The Health Effect
Institute found evidence to confirm a link between exposure to air pollution and the worsening of
asthmatic symptoms. For example, the officials in New York City have cited increased traffic
,due to the new Yankee Stadium in Bronx, to an increase in the incidence rate of asthma in
nearby residents, specifically in young children.

The building of this project may result in a decrease in natural resources, mainly water. This can
become a serious problem since California is currently in a drought and other environmental
factors caused by the stadium can also lead to shortage of water. On average, Major Baseball
League ( MLB) stadium uses about 12 million gallons of water annually. Special events, such as
play-off games, require much more water. For example, the 2012 NHL Winter Classic- held in


Philadelphia’s Citizens Bank Park- used 3.5 million gallons of water over a few days. Also,
electricity used for air conditioning, lights etc. can increase the effect of the stadium on the

It's important to take these issues into consideration when constructing this arena because people
want to eliminate health issues and pollution in their city. Pollution is everywhere and in
everything .It's in the trash , the air, the water, the soil, and many other parts of people’s lives.
The rapid growth of world population has been closely accompanied by the rapid increase in all
forms of pollution, especially air and water pollution.In the United States, the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) collects air pollution statistics. It's important to study these statistics
because they show how polluted the air has become in various places around the country,
specifically in congested areas, such as that around a sport center.

The Risk

There are many people with serious health problems, including breathing problems, that the
pollution from the project will affect.Pollution from traffic will have an impact on them as they
go out and continue their daily lives at work, school, or home. Asthma, the most common health
issue related to air pollution in the environment, is a high risk for young children. It is more
common in boys at that younger age than girls. These factors are especially risky for children
since their lungs and respiratory systems are still being developed.

The Bigger Resolution

Bringing the NFL to Los Angeles has brought many questions and concerns. Our main focus is
to try to go green and save us from pollution and try to reduce health problems. Many leagues
have already made efforts to save water, ramp up recycling, and the installation of a wind
turbines, energy-efficient lighting and plumbing, and the use of other renewable and sustainable
energy sources. If the stadium goes green LA will have substantive changes in waste reduction
and material selection, and that is what we need in order to have a clean community and lessen


the effects of pollution and health problems in the environment near the arena. Technology has
been created and advances have been made for this purpose. It is up to the owner of the stadium
and the city of Los Angeles to take these things into consideration for the future.


● Brandt, Andrew. “ On the Long Road to L.A., the Owner’s Followed the Money” Published: Tue. Jan. 12, 2016. Accessed: Wed. Feb. 10, 2016.
● Mayntz, Melissa.” Types of Pollution”. ​​. Accessed: Wed. Feb. 10,
2016 ​
● Grant, Thomas. “Green Monsters: Examining the Environmental Impact of Sport
Stadiums”. Published: Jan. 24, 2014 Accessed: Tue. Feb. 1, 2016.
● “ How Does Pollution Affect Humans?”. ​​. Published: Aug. 6,
2014 Accessed: Fri. Feb 4, 2016
● “Asthma Risk Factors”. ​​. Accessed: Thurs. Mar. 10, 2016.




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