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Contact: H.M.

Julie Fortin
UN Swissindo World Media Office
Fax: 1-847-526-3681

ECUADOR, April 23, 2018 – On Friday, April 6th justice was served in the court of Caluma, Province of Los Rios
Ecuador, as UN Swissindo (UNS) Deputy, Nelson Gustavo Bejarano Rocha and three UNS volunteers from COPLAC
GpDR (Jonathan Joel Abril Lopez, Julio Lino Tomala Contreras, Raul Ezequias Llanos Nunez), represented by lawyer
Pablo Arellano Martinez, were acquitted from a claim of fraud, for purportedly, ‘illegally’ distributing M1 Vouchers
(M1V) to the people of Ecuador. The case was dismissed, based on significant evidence presented, which validates
the M1V that guarantees a lifetime basic income, as part of the comprehensive World Mission of Payments 1-11
(P1-11), to free the world of the debt slavery system. Nelson and his three volunteers were found innocent and the
case was dismissed, by Judge Diego Mauricio Jarrin Velasco.
In October 2017, Deputy Nelson, of COPLAC GpDR, an NGO for the Development of Civil Society of Ecuador, joined
UNS, to volunteer as a Deputy representing the area of Ecuador, with express interest in the socialization and
distribution of the M1V, implementing his new model to partner with Associations, Community Councils,
Foundations… to sponsor the M1V and host events providing print copies of the M1V Global Gift, for their
members and personally manage the expenses of the events internally.
A National Red Alert went up to the police, when a band of people began fraudulently charging from $1 to $200
for the FREE M1V. February 15, 2018, Deputy Nelson was arrested, in the city of Caluma Province of Los Rios, 2
hours from his hometown Guayaquil, in the facilities of the Drivers Union, while presenting the M1V to its
members. None of his Official UNS ID documents were taken into consideration, as his case was based in 3 false
testimonies and in a flagrant offence, accusing Deputy Nelson of Massive fraud, which does not grant bail, with a
charge from 7 to 10 years. Deputy Nelson was transferred to the detention facility of Guaranda, Province of Bolivar
3 hours from Caluma for 30 days, while the investigations were made. He was detained a total of 50 days, during
which time 100 lawyers were interviewed and provided with significant evidence that they all concluded there was
no base for such an extreme charge. They have since acquired further interest in UNS P1-11 and the M1V
programs. Deputy Nelson also received an emergency gall bladder operation that had been detained due to his
The M1 Voucher, which guarantees a lifetime basic income, was released to the people of Indonesia, the
Lighthouse of the World, on May 9, 2017. It was announced that starting August 17, 2017, all citizens, including
TNI, POLRI, PNS (Bank employees etc.), who are an E-KTP (identity card) and M1 Voucher holder, have the right to
register a new customer account at PT. Bank Mandiri TBK, in any of the 34 Republic of Indonesia (RI) provinces.
This Human Rights Mission has been sweeping through the Indonesian provinces. More than 10 million M1
Vouchers have been distributed and are ready for the banks. News has spread around the globe to provide ALL
humanity freedom and shift the financial system into a new paradigm of prosperity, peace and harmony for all
This noble Mission is orchestrated by UN Swissindo’s King of Kings, Royal K.681, H.M. MR. A1.Sino.AS.S”2”.IR.
Soegihartonotonegoro H.W.ST.M1 (aka M1). The M1 Voucher is a remarkable legal (bank) instrument. Payments 1
– 11 (P1-11) is the ONLY World Solution Gift Offer. It is designed to free over 7.5 billion people on 5 continents
(Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia & America) to provide a guaranteed basic income for life to All. In addition, P1-11
will fund humanitarian projects, build the Venus Project (eco-communities) on each continent, launch natural
creativity, restore economic stability and human dignity in an effort to save the Earth and its eco-systems.
The hope of every person for Welfare, equal social justice and sovereignty through UN-SWISSINDO’s Program is in
accordance with the contents of the Grand Acclamation that was publicly announced by M1 on October 16, 2016
at Taman Pandang, in front of the State Palace of Jakarta. The M1 Voucher, as Acceptable Certification, is
acknowledged by the Supreme Court of Indonesia and Non Litigation / Trial SPRIN NO. UN-81704/009 M1.
This Human Obligation M1 Voucher is a legal and lawful binding agreement between three parties – M1 (the
rightful owner and holder of the assets, Exhibits AB), the appointed Bank(s) and the people of the world as the
beneficiaries whom will hold the power attorney – which entitles each recipient, with proper identification, up to 6
million US dollars over a lifetime. This is to be held in trust by the Bank(s) in order to create a basic monthly income
and financial security that will propel humanity from the depths of ‘survival mode’, to live life fully, purchase a
home and vehicle and provide financial security for their families’ lives.
UN Swissindo has made tremendous progress in Indonesia, and now Ecuador, despite the naysayers and
adversaries who wish to maintain the status quo and continue to exploit the people and their Human Rights, in
efforts to control and use humans to create profit /benefit for themselves. The people can see the documentation
and historical records proving the validity of UN Swissindo and M1. The all-important Microfilm Code 99.98 and
the F.L.O are held and under M1’s single authority and stand as the highest legal validation.
M1 Voucher will be processed through selected Infinite ASBLP accounts (audited by the World Bank and verified by
the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs - UN-DESA) as part of the Final Audit of the 884 world banks,
the Committee of 300 - The International Organic Agency-United Nations, (Infinite Statements Audit: and Non-Bank Cash Funds. All
banks that agree to accept this gift offer to release all world debt and process Basic Income for life through the M1
Voucher will receive a percentage (1.5%) for management of all transactions handled for their customers.
The President of Indonesia, the Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), the leaders of the 6 Prime Banks and the
Governments and Bankers of the rest of the 884 world banks are invited to meet with UNS representatives in each
country to prepare these programs for the welfare of the People in accordance with the UNITED NATIONS
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of
himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary
social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability,
widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond their control.
UNS will continue to work with the Governments of Indonesia and the World, undeterred, until Payments 1-11 are
completed, bringing freedom and glorifying all pure beings, beginning with accepting their monthly basic income
as the step forward in experiencing the reality of Heaven on Earth.
For any additional info, and to download YOUR FREE M1 VOUCHER to basic income for life visit the website

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