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Lesson: Romeo and Juliet play Date: 3 April 2018

Subject: English Grade: 9th

Periods/Blocks: Room:

Special Information: N/A

PA/Common Core State Standards:

● CC.1.2.9–10.A Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the
course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details;
provide an objective summary of the text.

● CC.1.2.9–10.C Apply appropriate strategies to analyze, interpret, and evaluate how an

author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the
points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are
drawn between them.

● CC.1.3.8.C: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama

propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.

● CC.1.3.9–10.C Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text,
interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.

● SWBAT act out a scene from Romeo and Juliet
● SWBAT comprehend the scenes of Romeo and Juliet
● SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of Shakespearean language.

Teaching and Learning Activities:

● Student reenactments of scenes

Materials (include technologies when appropriate):

● Costumes
● Script
● Props
● Rubric

Resources (Any other websites, or digital collaborations to used to get your ideas): N/A

● Students will be graded on a rubric that they will have ahead of time. I will grade the
students on their knowledge of the script and wordage. They will also be graded by their
peers using the same rubric. Students will be graded as a group, and individually. (Peers
= group grade, teacher grade = individual)

Lesson Plan
Procedure Set:

Sharing the Objectives:

● Objectives will be posted in the beginning of class: The objective of this project is to
inspire creativity and help students get a grasp on Shakespearean language, reading and
speaking it.

● Students will have been working on this project for a few class periods prior to
presenting. They will get motivated because I will tell them they get to wear costumes
and get creative on their own adaptation of the scene of their choice. This will allow all
students to engage in something they enjoy and find interesting. (Ie. costume chooser,
director, who plays who, etc.)

● Acting out a scene from the play Romeo and Juliet will help students become more fluent
and comfortable speaking Shakespearean language. It will also help them to be creative
and use their own ideas to make their own version of the scene of their choice.

Prior Knowledge:
● Students will have prior knowledge of the play before acting it out. We will have read the
play as well as watched two adaptations of the play before hand.
● Students will have read the language and have heard it spoken aloud by the teacher, and
by the characters in both film versions.

Teaching the Content:

● Students will get 5 minutes prior to the beginning of presenting to get together with their
groups and get their thoughts in order. (5 min)
● I will get the name of each group and write them on popsicle sticks. (1 min)
● I will randomly pick a stick and that group will present first. This will be done after each
group presents to ensure random order and fairness. (1 min)
● I will pass out the peer rubrics to each student. During each presentation, students will
give their peers a grade (not their own group) (5 min)
● Students will put on the play for their peers. (5-10 minutes per group, 30 minutes total for
each class period that we present)
● Students will hand in their peer-grading rubrics. (5 min)

● After the conclusion of the final presentation (will take 1-2 class periods for all students
to present depending on size of class), students will turn in their rubrics with their peers’

Lesson Plan
grades. We will have a discussion about what they liked/enjoyed about the project, and I
will get feedback on what we could have done differently for this project to improve it.

● For homework, students will write/type one to two pages about their groups’ play. They
will say what scene they chose to act out and state their reasoning behind why they chose
that particular scene. They will also state what grade their think they deserve, and defend
their answer.

“What-if” activity:
● There will not be time for a “what-if” activity due to presentations

Lesson Plan

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