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Name : Cindy Fildza Lubis

NIM : 4163312004
Class : Bilingual Mathematic Education 2017

Probability In Genetics

In the science of genetics, Probability / possibility plays an important role. An example in

genetic transfer of genes from parent or parent to gametes. Probability / Possibility is the
occurrence of an event between all events that may occur. And the role of the theory of
probability and the use of binomial formulas is very important also in studying the science of
genetics. The importance of understanding the theory of probability is that since this theory
has much to do with human life, especially in the Biology field, the theoretical relevance of
this possibility is very close. One of the things often associated with probable theories is
genetics such as the transfer of genes from the parent to the gametes, the fertilization of the
egg by the spermatozoa, the reassembling of genes in the zygote so that various events can
occur different combinations. Possibility is a term to indicate uncertainty, meaning anything
that is not certain to happen can be called may happen even if it may or may not happen. The
possibilities are often also called other names such as probabilities, probabilities,
opportunities, and so on. The expectation of an event is not the same for every event and
every time. Therefore the magnitude of the possibility of a different event can be the same
can also be different.
The formation of individual marriage results which can be seen in phenotypical form, is
basically just the possibilities of meeting male gametes and female gametes. The offspring of
a marriage or crosses can not be ascertained, but only by the chance. Accordingly, the role of
theory is probably very important in studying genetics. To evaluate a genetic hypothesis
required a test which can alter the deviations of expected values into probabilities of such
inequalities occurring by chance. This test should also consider the size of the sample and the
number of variables (degrees of freedom).
This test is known as the X2 test (Chi Square Test). In the science of genetics, the possibility
of taking an important role. Theory is likely to be the basis for determining the expected ratio
of different types of genotype crosses. The use of this theory allows us to predict the
likelihood of obtaining a particular outcome of the cross. .
The chi-square method is a way that we can use to compare experimental data obtained from
crosses with expected results based on theoretical hypotheses. In this way a geneticist can
determine a probability value for testing the hypothesis.

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