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Argument of Vaccinations

Daisy GonzalezAlanis

Arizona State University



The topic I plan on is on arguing the definition of vaccinations. Infants are not receiving their

recommended vaccinations which puts them at risk for diseases that could have been prevented.

There are many beliefs that vaccines cause autism and other illnesses. Such that it gave rose to

the anti-vaccine movement not only in the U.S. but also throughout the world. Immunizations

affect people all around us and their purpose has been misinterpreted that has led to an ongoing

controversy. It is important for the public to be informed over the purpose of vaccines in order

to refute the misconceptions over them.

Keywords: Immunization, Vaccines, Children, Parents


Argument of Vaccinations Annotated Bibliography

Citation (APA style):

[SciShow]. (2015, February 19). The Science of Anti-Vaccination [Video File] Retrieved


Summary: This is a video in were Hank Green discusses the science behind the anti-vaccination

movement. He explains logic traps and cognitive biases that every human being suffers from that

lead to interpret decisions differently. He goes on to discussing the psychological pitfalls that

causes fewer infants in the U.S to get vaccinated. Hank Green posted the video in order for the

public to get informed on the science behind the anti-vaccine movement. Hank Green wants

parents to vaccinate their children by informing them of the anti-vaccine movement. The video

provides information in a clear and understandable manner for parents to learn from.

Evaluation: This video is convincing because it has the sources listed and are mainly peer-

reviewed articles. The psychological reasoning behind why people are against vaccines is very

interesting. Its has to deal with cognitive bias which means that every individual process and

interprets information differently. This source is useful because it explains why parents are

drawing connections between vaccines and autism through the internet with other parents that

are going through the same situation.

Reflection: After viewing the video, I learned a lot about what autism really is. I learned that that

while the diagnoses of autism are rising, there is still not a lot of evidence on whether the

incidence is increasing as well. In addition, it has to deal with developmental disorders and/or

environmental factor. The controversy begins from not really knowing what causes autism.

Something that caught my attention while watching the video was that parents are way too

concerned about a child getting autism from a vaccine. As I began to analyze the controversy, I

learned that parents that oppose vaccines are being ignorant by basically saying they’ll rather

have a dead child than an alive child with a special condition. It is upsetting to realize that

parents don’t connect the dots and make logical decisions. Even if vaccines cause autism on

some children (even though many studies have refuted the claim), a parent should still not be

against vaccines because vaccines prevent from children dying and with autism children are able

to live a beautiful life and can be a good citizen to society just like everyone else without that


Citation (APA style):

Kennedy, A., LaVail, K., Nowak, G., Basket, M., & Landry, S. (2011). Confidence about

vaccines in the United States: understanding parents’ perceptions. Health affairs, 30(6),


Summary: In this article, the authors investigated parent’s confidence in childhood vaccines.

The authors inform the audience that almost all the parents they surveyed had questions about

the vaccines. In order for parents to achieve a high confidence level in immunizations they will

need to be educated continuously.

Evaluation: This article was very informative since it included many statistics on vaccinations. I

plan to use the percentage (statistics) of parents who had no concerns about childhood vaccines.

This article also states how parents tend to trust the vaccine if it is advised by a health care

professional. This source made it helpful on finding a solution for parents to be confident on

immunizations. I plan on finding methods that allow parents to inform themselves of the benefits

of vaccines. In addition, it would be helpful to note that the benefits of vaccines are outweigh the

side effects of them.

Reflection: I learned that parents are influenced to vaccinate their kids simply because the state

requires them to do so in order to be admitted to a school. Parents who have children in public

school in some states are required to have their children vaccinated and simply do so because

they have no option. It would be very beneficial if parents knew the reasoning behind the state

requiring vaccinations. Even after they vaccinate their children, parents still have questions

regarding them. This study concluded that “high immunization rates are not the same thing as

high confidence in vaccines”. I have learned that there needs to be a solution for the doubtfulness

of vaccines by allowing parents to educate themselves on vaccines in order for them to confident

in them. Having parents that know the science behind vaccines will help them feel more ease

and confident with vaccines. Vaccines are a great science accomplishment and parents need to be

aware of that.

Citation (APA style):

Maglione, M. A., Das, L., Raaen, L., Smith, A., Chari, R., Newberry, S., ... & Gidengil, C.

(2014). Safety of vaccines used for routine immunization of US children: a systematic

review. Pediatrics, 134(2), 325-337

Summary: This is an article in were professionals reviewed the literature on the safety of routine

vaccines that are recommended for children in the U.S. Their findings help ease parent’s fears

regarding vaccines. The authors of the article reviewed all the possible side effects to vaccines

and found some potential side effects likes complications with children with a weak immune

system. The review is a recent source with a lot of valuable and informative information.

Evaluation: This source is convincing because it conducted extensive research to find

associations between vaccines and autism. This source is credible because it is an evidence based

reviewed article from the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The article

provides detailed information and even includes the limitations to the study. It is a very

informative source with an easy to understand format.

Reflection: I learned that vaccines are an extraordinary achievement of the 20th century. Their

purpose is to eliminate certain illness such as chick pox, polio, measles and other infectious

diseases. I learned that immunizations are sometimes associated with some side effects. The

study from this article made it clear that there was evidence that some vaccines are associated

with, “adverse events” such as seizures and complications with children with immunodeficiency.

They also concluded that childhood vaccines do not correlate with leukemia. This study

concluded that there is no association with autism and vaccines. In addition, the side effects

possible to vaccines are minimal compared to the amount of protection that vaccines provide.

Citation (APA style):

Recame, M. A. (2012). The immunization-autism myth debunked. International Journal Of

Childbirth Education, 27(4), 76.

Summary: This article provides detailed background on how the controversial vaccines

movement began. Even though many studies have concluded that vaccines don’t cause autism

there are still fear from vaccines. This is a short article with a lot of good information regarding

the immunization-autism myth. The authors purpose is to inform the public over the controversy.

Evaluation: This source comes from a credible journal. The author who is a member of the

health care system believes it’s important for patients “to be provided with accurate and up to

date knowledge”. This way parents can make an educated decision regarding vaccines. This

source is convincing and can help refute the immunization and autism debate.

Reflection: I learned that parents mainly educate themselves through the media regarding

vaccines. By having parents educate themselves on vaccines through social media and the

internet it causes them to obtain incorrect information and therefore lead to a poor decision.

There needs to be a change on how the public is educated on vaccines. If parents were educated

through accurate and knowledgeable sources that would help make better and informed decision

their child’s health. It is important to raise awareness over the true purpose of vaccines in order

to protect everyone around us and prevent outbreaks that can kill children. Parents need to be

able to trust medical professionals who truly know extensively about the since behind vaccines.

By having a medical professional explain parents everything they need to know about vaccines it

would allow for parents to not gear vaccines.

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