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Name: Fatma Altenaiji Grade CCSS Math Strand: Unit 11: Fractions
Level: 3 Review of the fractions

CCSS Standards: How fractions can be used to represent numbers and their parts

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

- Students will be able to construct fractions that represent samples by the envelopes activity
- Students will be able to choose the right fraction working in pairs by the worksheet activity
- Students will be able to assess the comparing between fraction by the assessment worksheet


teacher books -

student book(s) -

worksheets/ papers In the Appendix

teacher materials Red pen- worksheet – the envelopes activity

student materials/ Pencils – colors


technology -

other None

Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

word glossary definition image

Numerator The top part of a fraction

Denominator The bottom part of a fraction

Fraction sample draw represent part of whole

Students’ Prior Knowledge: The students know the fraction as numerator is the colored part and
denominator is the whole sample including the colored and non-colored parts

Possible Problems and Misconceptions: problem in the worksheet font or samples

Misconception: The basic fraction worksheet review

Solutions: plan B, activities and worksheets that suits with clear samples and font
Direct the students to look at the sample first, count, then identify the right fraction that present it

Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS: Good Morning girls! How are you? Today we will do a
review of the fraction lessons that we learnt before, Clap your hand for the first group, Good job!

Student communication and use of math language: saying the fraction that represent samples,
engage with the butterfly method and share the teacher their knowledge about it

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): time:

- At the beginning of the class teacher will greet the students. (2 mins) 15
- Then teacher will have 4 envelopes for class groups, teacher will explain that 2 envelopes
include coloring the sample based on the fraction of the question, and the other two envelopes
include constructing the fraction that represent the part of group from the drawing. Students
must get their colors and pencils for the activity (5 mins)
- Students will work in the activity as groups (4 mins)
- Teacher will walk around groups, look how groups answer and reinforce them (4 mins)

Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

- In the core part teacher will distribute the basic fractions worksheet to the class students.
teacher will explain that students must work in the sheet as pairs. Each pair will take 4
questions to answer. The first pairs who answer it right will get a point for their group.
- Teacher will mark for the first pairs, then she will mark for all class students. (15 mins)

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):

- Teacher will review and re-explain the butterfly method for students to compare between
fractions (2 mins)
- Teacher will move to the comparing between fractions assessment, she will distribute a
worksheet with 4 questions. Students will answer it individually (4 mins)
- Teacher will mark the worksheet for students and give sticker (4 mins)

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