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(Using Menu Bar and shortcut keys

Purpose is to illustrate the various menu bar icons, their meanings and key board short-cuts
1. New: Use this icon to create a new entry. Alternative navigation: FileNew
2. Find: Use this icon to invoke find (query) screen. The keyboard short cut is F11 key.
3. Save: Use this icon to save the record. Alternative navigation: FileSave or press CTRL + S
4. Switch Responsibility: Use this icon to change the current responsibility. Alternative
navigation: FileSwitch Responsibility
5. Clear Record: Use this icon to clear the current (selected) record. This however does not
delete a record that has already been saved. Alternative navigation: EditClearRecord
6. Delete Record: Use this icon to delete the current (selected) record. Alternative navigation:
7. Help: Use this icon to invoke the “Help” screen. Alternative navigation: HelpWindow

Name: Login Screen


1. This page is used to give login username and Password.

2. You can also reset you password.
3. Specifying Correct user name and password you can enter into the HR_Admin

Name: All Employees Information

In this screen it will display all the Employees Details (in 5tabs like, Personal, Professional,
Office Details, Competency Profile ,Others) containing fields as stated below
1. SrNo 3
2. Emp_Id .
3. Emp_Designation
4. Emp_Department
5. Emp_Shift_Id
6. Emp_Grade
7. Emp_week_Off
8. Emp_Auth_Id
9. Emp_Fname
10. Emp_Mname
11. Emp_Lname
12. Emp_PAddress
13. Emp_PLane
14. Emp_PLandmark
15. Emp_PArea
16. Emp_PCity
17. Emp_PPincode
18. Emp_PState
19. Emp_PPostoffice
20. Emp_AAddress
21. Emp_ALane
22. Emp_ALandmark
23. Emp_AArea
24. Emp_ACity
25. Emp_APincode
26. Emp_AState
27. Emp_APostoffice
28. Emp_DOB
29. Emp_Gender
30. Fathers_Name
31. Emp_MaritialStatus
32. Emp_MainPhoneNo
33. Emp_AltPhoneNo1
34. Emp_AltPhoneNo2
35. Emp_EmailID
36. PF No
37. Max_Qualification
38. Master_ Degree
39. Bachelor_ Degree
40. +2
41. 10th
42. Other Qualifications

Here there will be 2 links for each Employee(editing)

1. Personal Information
2. Professional Details.
3. Competency Profile.
4. Office Details
5. Others

Employee Activity :( Preliminary Steps)

1. Login with Employee Username/ Password.
2. Go to Professional Details.
3. Select Competency Profile.(Optional)



Preliminary Steps:
1. Login with Employee Username/ Password.
2. Leave Details(Current Year Only, Last Year Leave Details summary
is there)
3. Click on Leave of Absence.

Screen: Leave of Absence (screen 3)

Purpose: To create an absence Request


1.Click on Create an Absence Request button to create an absence.

Screen: Create an absence Request & Status of Request Column.
Purpose: To create an absence Request
1. Choose absence Status in the Radio button Absence Status.
2. Select Absence Type, Start Date, End Date and calculate duration in the Absence
Type, Start Date, End Date and Calculate Duration field.
3. Click on Next.

NB: Here a planned Request has been created.

Screen: Leave of Absence: Review (Screen 3)

Purpose: To submit Absence Request.

Verify the Absence details and click on Submit button to submit the Absence Request

1. View the confirmation message that the changes have been submitted for manager
2. Click on Home.
1. Supervisor has checked the Absence request of the employee and approves or rejects
2. Now Employee wants to check whether her request has been approved or not.

Preliminary Steps:
1. Login with Employee Username/ Password.
2. Click on Leave of Absence function.
3. View the Status of Request ‘Approved’ under Status of Request Column.

Supervisor Activity
1. The employee has submitted her Leave of Absence request.
2. Now Supervisor wants to check the request.
Preliminary Steps:
a. Login with Supervisor
b. Select Workflow User Responsibility.
c. Click on Notification.
2. Screen: Notification Page(Screen 4)
3. Purpose: To Approve/Reject Notification
4. Navigation:

View the Leave History (If Needed)(screen 4)
1. Click on Approve Button to Approve the leave.(or you may reject it by clicking on the
Reject button).
2. Click on Logout.
DataBase Designing
SrNo numeric(18, 0) identity(1,1)
EmpId varchar(50) PrimaryKey
FirstName varchar(60)
MiddleName varchar(60)
LastName varchar(60)
UserName varchar(100)
Password nvarchar(50)
FathersName varchar(100)
PresentAddress varchar(100)
PresentLane varchar(100)
PresentLandmark varchar(100)
PresentArea varchar(100)
PresentCity varchar(100)
PresentPincode varchar(20)
PresentState varchar(100)
PresentPO varchar(100)
PermanentAddress varchar(100)
PermanentLane varchar(100)
PermanentLandmark varchar(100)
PermanentArea varchar(100)
PermanentCity varchar(100)
PermanentPincode Varchar(20)
PermanentState Varchar(30)
PermanentPO Varchar(30)
MobileNo varchar(20)
ResNo varchar(20)
EmergencyContactNo varchar(20)
EmergencyContactPerson Varchar(150)
RoleId varchar(100)
DeptId varchar(50) ForeignKey
RPerson varchar(100)
DOB Datetime
DOJ Datetime
ReleivingDate Datetime
BloodGroup Varchar(5)
Gender Varchar(10) Male / Female
MaritalStatus varchar(100) Married / Single / Widowed / Divorcee
EmailID varchar(100)
LockStatus numeric(1, 0)
Rights (ToBeDeleted) varchar(20)
NativePlace Varchar(50)
Nationality Varchar(50)
MotherTongue Varchar(20)
CurrentEmploymentStatus Varchar(20) No / Permanent / Temporary / Probation
ReferenceInfo Varchar(50)
PF No varchar(50)

EmpId Varchar(50) ForeignKey
EmpPhoto Blob

SrNo Numeric(18)identity(1,1)
EmpId Varchar(50) ForeignKey
Degree Varchar(50)
Institute Varchar(50)
Board Varchar(50)
YearOfGraduation Varchar(5)
Grade float(18,2)

SrNo Numeric(18)identity(1,1)
EmpId Varchar(50) ForeignKey
Language Varchar(30)
Speak Varchar(10)
Read Varchar(10)
Write Varchar(10)

SrNo Numeric(18)identity(1,1)
EmpId Varchar(50) ForeignKey
WorkDescription Varchar(50)
OrganisationName Varchar(100)
EmployedFrom Datetime
EmployedTo Datetime
GrossSal Numeric(18)
ReasonForLeaving Varchar(100)

SrNo Numeric(18)identity(1,1)
DesignationID Varchar(50) PrimaryKey
DesignationDesc Varchar(50)

SrNo Numeric(18)identity(1,1)
DeptId Varchar(50) PrimaryKey
DeptDesc Varchar(50)
SrNo Numeric(18)identity(1,1)
LangId Varchar(50) PrimaryKey
LangDesc Varchar(50)

SrNo Numeric(18)identity(1,1)
EmpId Varchar(50) ForeignKey
EffectFrom Datetime
DesignationId Varchar(50) Foreign Key
GrossSal Double

Table No.2 : mst_employee

Fields are listed below :

Emp_Shift_Id varchar(100)
Emp_Grade varchar(50)
Emp_week_Off varchar(100)

Table No.3 : Emp_Absence_Details

Fields are listed below:

Emp_id varchar(50)
Dept_id varchar(50)
Absence_Type varchar(100)
Start_Date Date
End_Date date
No_of_Days Numeric(18,2)
Absence_ Status(Planned/Confirmed) varchar(50)
Status_of_Request varchar(50)
Absence_Reason varchar(100)
Comments varchar(100)

Table No.4 : Emp_Absence_History_Details

Fields are listed below :

Emp_id varchar(50)
Dept_id varchar(50)
Total_Leave_Days Numeric(18,2)
Total_Leave_Days_Avl Numeric(18,2)
Emp_Tot_SL Numeric(18,2)
Emp_Tot_SL_Avl Numeric(18,2)
Emp_Tot_CL Numeric(18,2)
Emp_CL_Avl Numeric(18,2)
Emp_Tot_PL Numeric(18,2)
Emp_PL_Avl Numeric(18,2)
Comments varchar(100)

Table No.5 : mst_ShiftDetails_

Fields are listed below :
Shift_Id varchar(50)
Shift_Desc varchar(100)
Start_Time varchar(100)
End_Time varchar(100)
Shift_Duration varchar(100)

Shift_Desc can be MorningShift_1, Morning shift_2, MorningShift_3, MorningShift4,Evening

Shift,Night Shift.

Table No 6: Emp_Incentive_Calc
Fields are listed below :

EmpId varchar(50)
Emp_Name varchar(100)
No_Orders_Placed Numeric(18,2)
Incentive Numeric(18,2)

Table No 7: Emp_ Attandance_Sheet

Fields are listed below :

EmpId varchar(50)
Emp_Name varchar(100)
Emp_Travel_Mode varchar(50)
Emp_Shift_Id varchar(50)
Date_Attendance date
WeekOff Numeric(18,2)

1. All the Attandance Information will be calculated Manually as informed by Mr.Punit.

2. For each employee there is a week off after 6 working day.

Table No 8: Emp_ Holiday_Sheet

Fields are listed below :

Holiday_Date date
Holiday_Name varchar(50)
Holiday_type varchar(50)

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